Returning a value from code string

2006-01-27 Thread Kirk McDonald
Say I have a database containing chunks of Python code. I already have a 
way to easily load, edit, and save them. What is slightly baffling to me 
is how I can effectively pass this code some arguments, run it, and 
somehow get a return value.

(Acutally, in the process of writing this post, I figured out a pretty 
good way of doing it. Here's the rest of my post and the solution I came 
up with. Enjoy my thought process!)

Right now I'm thinking of just defining a standard function name, and 
using that as the entry/exit point for the DB-stored code. Is this 
reasonable? Is there some more Pythonic way?

I'll probably compile the code and store the bytecode to the database 
(in addition to the plain text) for faster execution time, as well. It 
shouldn't care whether the stored code is a string or a code object.

What if a stored chunk of code doesn't need to return anything? It would 
be more convenient to just execute the code without the standard 
function. Also, it'd be nice to wrap this in a class:

# module
class Codeobj:
 def __init__(self, code=None):
 if code: self.code = code
 else: self.code = ""

 def __call__(self, args=None, **kwargs):
 # We can pass in a name/value dictionary
 if args: kwargs.update(args)
 exec self.code
 # We don't need a standard function if we're not returning
 # anything
 if locals().has_key('std_func_name'):
 return std_func_name(**kwargs)

if __name__ == "__main__":
 # Load code from the DB
 double = """\
def std_func_name(n):
 return n*2"""

 addthree = """\
def std_func_name(n):
 return n+3"""

 noreturn = "print 'arg = %s' % kwargs['arg']"

 a = Codeobj(double)
 b = Codeobj(addthree)
 c = Codeobj(noreturn)

 # Calling with name/value dictionary
 print a(args={'n':5})
 # Calling with specific named argument
 print b(n=4)

$ python
arg = foo

If I wanted to simplify the 'noreturn' example (well, if there were more 
lines of code this might make it simpler), I could have defined it like 

 noreturn = """\
print 'arg = %s' % arg"""

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Returning a value from code string

2006-01-27 Thread Kirk McDonald
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 20:33:53 -0800, Kirk McDonald wrote:
>> Say I have a database containing chunks of Python code. I already 
>> have a way to easily load, edit, and save them.
> Why?

I am implementing an Everything Engine-like system (see
and in Python. (The original is in Perl, and by all
accounts is some pretty ugly code.) The Everything idiom is that
everything in the engine is a 'node.' A node is a discrete unit that can
be loaded from and saved to the database. A node can be asked to display
itself in the page, it has an owner (and users are themselves nodes),
and so on.

One kind of node is a Superdoc, which is a document that mixes HTML with
code. (I have simply implemented these as mod_python PSP documents,
which is all hunky-dory.) Superdocs comprise essentially all of the
important bits of the site. Another kind of node (I'm still deciding
whether to call them Codenodes or Opcodes or maybe Pynodes) is a chunk
of code that can be asked to run itself, and which can be edited, on the 
fly, from within the website. Thus, one can both alter the functionality 
of the site, and add functionality, from the site itself (so long as you 
have the user permissions to do so).

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Returning a value from code string

2006-01-28 Thread Kirk McDonald
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> executing the code in a custom namespace is a lot cleaner:
> ns = {}
> ns["os"] = os # insert "preimported" values
> ns["app"] = app # insert "preloaded" objects
> exec self.code in ns
> try:
> func = ns["std_func_name"]
> except KeyError:
> pass
> else:
> func(**kwargs)
> instead of using a standard function, you can let the code
> objects talk to the application via a preloaded object or an
> interface module.  e.g. instead of
> def std_func_name(app, args):
> app.something()
> your code object could simply become
> app.something()

These code objects should all return an instance of a certain class (or 
one of its descendants). In another branch of this topic, I described 
roughly what this is for. So, without going into too much detail, I'll 
just repeat that this is for a website backend. Whenever an HTML form is 
submitted, a hidden "op" element (short for operation) in the form is 
checked. This value will send the rest of the form data on to the code 
object it represents. (If you've read my other post: These code objects 
are nodes, the value for the "op" element is the ID number of one of 
them, or possibly one of a few mnemonics for some of the more important 

So, taking another swipe at it with your suggestions:

def __call__(self, args=None, **kwargs):
 ns = {}
 ns["args"] = args
 ns["retval"] = None
 exec self.code in ns
 func = ns["std_func_name"]
 except KeyError:
 return ns["retval"]
 # Already passed kwargs into the namespace
 return func()

Then, a code object can either return a value by using whatever happens 
to be in 'retval' when it's done executing, or by defining a 
'std_func_name' function and using its return value.

So the interface for these Codenodes needs to be able to accept 
arguments as a name/value dictionary corresponding to the elements in 
the HTML form (the 'args' argument in my example above). This dictionary 
is passed on to the code object. The kwargs are a few important 
variables (not supplied by the form) that all Codenodes need to know, 
such as the current user and maybe a database cursor.

Each Codenode knows how to deal with the input from its associated form. 
(Or forms! There is, for example, a generalized "commit" Codenode that 
knows how to update the state of *any* node if a form follows a certain 
template.) When it is done, it needs to then return whichever node 
should be displayed next. If the operation being attempted violates the 
user's permissions, it might return the "access denied" node. (Actually, 
in that case it will raise an AccessDenied exception and expect 
something down the line to deal with it, so I can define what the 
"access denied" node is in a central place, but you get the idea.) If 
the operation resulted in a new node being created, it might return the 
new node. &c.

Sorry if I tend to ramble, heh. :-)

-Kirk McDonald

Re: MYSql, CGI web page search code not working

2006-01-28 Thread Kirk McDonald
Fred wrote:
> No matter what I type in the form text box (or even if I leave it
> blank) I get all the records.

Try this:

print "Content-Type: text/html\n"
import MySQLdb
import cgi

db=MySQLdb.connect(host = 'localhost', db = 'phone')
cursor.execute("Select * from phone where name=%s order by name", (name,))

result = cursor.fetchall()
for record in result:
 print ''
 print record[0]
 print '--'
 print record[1]
 print '--'
 print record[2]
 print '--'
 print record[3]
 print ''

(Assuming the name of your text field is "name".)

Re: MYSql, CGI web page search code not working

2006-01-28 Thread Kirk McDonald
Fred wrote:
> Yeah, I already tried that (except you have a , after name.
> Your code produces the same error:
>  NameError: name 'name' is not defined
> I know I am close!! Just missing some small thing...

Oh, duh. I forgot something:

print "Content-Type: text/html\n"
import MySQLdb
import cgi

form = cgi.FieldStorage()

db=MySQLdb.connect(host = 'localhost', db = 'phone')
cursor.execute("Select * from phone where name=%s order by name",

result = cursor.fetchall()
for record in result:
 print ''
 print record[0]
 print '--'
 print record[1]
 print '--'
 print record[2]
 print '--'
 print record[3]
 print ''

The comma is intentional: the MySQLdb wants the argument(s) as a tuple.

Re: Returning a value from code string

2006-01-28 Thread Kirk McDonald
Max wrote:
> Kirk McDonald wrote:
>> Another kind of node (I'm still deciding
>> whether to call them Codenodes or Opcodes or maybe Pynodes) is a chunk
>> of code that can be asked to run itself, and which can be edited, on 
>> the fly, from within the website. Thus, one can both alter the 
>> functionality of the site, and add functionality, from the site itself 
>> (so long as you have the user permissions to do so).
> As Steven said, "U R pwn3d". 1f you d0n't sp3a|< l33t (if you don't 
> speak leet), that means you are screaming "hack me, use me to launch 
> attacks on other computers, and than attack my computer". Unless you 
> have some revolutionary ideas in code-security analysis. In which case 
> you can a lot more money than from implementing Everything2 in python.
> --Max

Heavens! Normal users can't edit code! They won't even see it! I'm not a 
*total* moron. The only thing users will be able to enter is some 
simplified HTML. This is a convenience feature for the (trusted) admins 
of the site. There are some simple permission features built into the 
API. Every database-altering API call takes the current user as an 
argument, and if they're not allowed, it tells them to get bent.

Everything2 does this more or less the same way, and they've had few 
issues in the seven or so years they've been operating.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: MYSql, CGI web page search code not working

2006-01-28 Thread Kirk McDonald
Fred wrote:
> OK one more... how would I do a "LIKE" instead of a = in this code?
>  cursor.execute("Select * from phone where name=%s order by name",
>  (form['name'].value,))
> Right off I think:
>  cursor.execute("Select * from phone where name like %%s% order by
> name",
>  (form['name'].value,))
> But it blows up...

This should work:

cursor.execute("Select * from phone where name like %s order by name",

-Kirk McDonald

Re: MYSql, CGI web page search code not working

2006-01-28 Thread Kirk McDonald
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 10:14:44 -0800, Kirk McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
>>The comma is intentional: the MySQLdb wants the argument(s) as a tuple.
>   The DB-API wants tuples... But my last perusal of the MySQLdb Python
> code showed that it would work with naked singletons...

Ah! So it does. However, I still pass 'em as a tuple as a matter of 
course, since it's documented that way. *shrug* (Also, it saves that 
many keystrokes if I need to add arguments.)

-Kirk McDonald

Re: String Manipulation Help!

2006-01-28 Thread Kirk McDonald
Dave wrote:
> OK, I'm stumped.
> I'm trying to find newline characters (\n, specifically) that are NOT
> in comments.
> So, for example (where "<-" = a newline character):
> ==
> 1: <-
> 2: /*<-
> 3: --<-
> 4: comment<-
> 5: --<-
> 6: */<-
> 7: <-
> 9: <-
> ==


Well, I'm sure there is some regex that'll do it, but here's a stupid 
iterative solution:

def newlines(s):
 nl = []
 inComment = False
 for i in xrange(len(s)):
 if s[i:i+2] == '/*':
 inComment = True
 if s[i:i+2] == '*/':
 inComment = False
 if inComment: continue
 if s[i] == '\n':
 return tuple(nl)

Your example returns:
(0, 64, 65, 80, 81)

This probably isn't as fast as a regex, but at least it works.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Decoupling the version of the file from the name of the module.

2006-01-28 Thread Kirk McDonald
> I'm a newbie experimenting with Python. I want to incrementally develop
> a module called 'circle'. The problem is now that the file name is used
> for two purposes. To keep track of the version number and as the name
> for the module. So when I develop the first version of my file I have
> to call it The name of the module then automatically
> becomes circle_a. But when I develop the next increment and call my
> file the module name changes as well.
> Basically I want to decouple the version of my file from the name of
> the module.
> Is there a *simple* way out of this dilemma.

I would recommend just naming the file, and defining something 
like a variable named __version__ or maybe __revision__ at the top of 
the module. Then you can, I don't know, back up your old versions to 
other filenames or something.

Or, if you really want to do this right, you could install Subversion. :-)

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Decoupling the version of the file from the name of the module.

2006-01-28 Thread Kirk McDonald
> Now suppose I have make a new version with __version__ = 1.1. What
> shall I call this file and (I don't want to overwrite the old file if I
> need to go back to it) how do I import it from the shell. Your advice
> sounds nice, but I would appreciate if you could give me (or point me
> to) a simple example.
> Thanks

Before you make a new version, rename to, e.g.,, 
and then create the new version as Then you can access the 
new version just like you accessed the old. If you make yet another new 
version, then rename the current as, and lather, 
  rinse, repeat.

However, I'd still look into a version control system like Subversion. 
It can do all of this for you.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Returning a value from code string

2006-01-29 Thread Kirk McDonald
Peter Hansen wrote:
> In the specific case in question, Kirk's first post gave little or no 
> hint about how much he knew about security issues and, by asking "why?", 
> with a single word Steven hoped to learn enough to say things like "oh, 
> there's a package designed to do that which you can just plug in" or 
> "oh, it's clear you are totally new to issues of network security and 
> are about to put your foot right in it, so here's some background to 
> save you from yourself", or whatever...

Heh heh. For what it's worth, I did have a perfectly good reason for 
trying to do what might otherwise be a suicidally insane idea. On the 
other hand, I've been re-evaluating my needs, and I'll probably be 
hardcoding the more important bits of code that I was going to store in 
the database (in that pulling these things from the database whenever I 
need to use them is remarkably slow compared to letting mod_python cache 
them, and these particular functions are unlikely to ever change). If I 
do need a way to have dynamic code in the database, I've added a thing 
that just reflects POST data back to the database-stored PSP document in 
which the form was found (if the form wants it to), letting the PSP 
document deal with it. That should be adequate.

In short, I learned something about exec and namespaces that I'm not 
actually going to use. Hooray!

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Storing lines from a text file

2006-01-29 Thread Kirk McDonald
> so this:
> a, b, c, d, e =f.readlines()
> ..this will put the first line in a, second in b, etc? How do I
> accomplish this when I'm not sure how many lines there are going to be
> every time? Thanks.

With a list:

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Storing lines from a text file

2006-01-29 Thread Kirk McDonald
> With what kind of list? I don't see how I can do it with a list unless
> I create one indefinate list and use the objects in the indefinate list
> for the names of  the lists to hold the lines of text. Is that how you
> are suggesting that I do it?

You're thinking too hard. Say you want to read in all the lines from the 
file object f and just print them out one at a time:

lines = f.getlines()
for line in lines:
     print line


-Kirk McDonald

Re: Storing lines from a text file

2006-01-29 Thread Kirk McDonald
> I keep getting an error when I try to use what you said Mr. McDonald. I
> think I've  got something wrong, but take a look if you can.
> log = open('C:\log_0.txt')
> lines = log.getlines()
> for line in lines:
>  print line
> When I debug it the error I get is the following:
>AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'getlines'

D'oh! That's because the method is readlines(). Stupid brain:

log = open('C:\log_0.txt')
lines = log.readlines()
for line in lines:
 print line

-Kirk McDonald

URL Character Decoding

2006-01-29 Thread Kirk McDonald
If you have a link such as, e.g.:

Main menu!

The space will be translated to the character code '%20' when you later 
retrieve the GET data. Not knowing if there was a library function that 
would convert these back to their actual characters, I've written the 

import re

def sub_func(m):
 return chr(int([1:], 16))

def parse_title(title):
 p = re.compile(r'%[0-9][0-9]')
 return re.sub(p, sub_func, title)

(I know I could probably use a lambda function instead of sub_func, but 
I come to Python via C++ and am still not entirely used to them. This is 
clearer to me, at least.)

I guess what I'm asking is: Is there a library function (in Python or 
mod_python) that knows how to do this? Or, failing that, is there a 
different regex I could use to get rid of the substitution function?

-Kirk McDonald

Re: URL Character Decoding

2006-01-29 Thread Kirk McDonald
Kirk McDonald wrote:
> If you have a link such as, e.g.:
> Main menu!
> The space will be translated to the character code '%20' when you later 
> retrieve the GET data. Not knowing if there was a library function that 
> would convert these back to their actual characters, I've written the 
> following:
> import re
> def sub_func(m):
> return chr(int([1:], 16))
> def parse_title(title):
> p = re.compile(r'%[0-9][0-9]')
> return re.sub(p, sub_func, title)
> (I know I could probably use a lambda function instead of sub_func, but 
> I come to Python via C++ and am still not entirely used to them. This is 
> clearer to me, at least.)
> I guess what I'm asking is: Is there a library function (in Python or 
> mod_python) that knows how to do this? Or, failing that, is there a 
> different regex I could use to get rid of the substitution function?
> -Kirk McDonald

Actually, I just noticed this doesn't really work at all. The URL 
character codes are in hex, so not only does the regex not match what it 
should, but sub_func fails miserably. See why I wanted a library function?

-Kirk McDonald

Re: URL Character Decoding

2006-01-29 Thread Kirk McDonald
Kirk McDonald wrote:
> Actually, I just noticed this doesn't really work at all. The URL 
> character codes are in hex, so not only does the regex not match what it 
> should, but sub_func fails miserably. See why I wanted a library function?
> -Kirk McDonald

Not to keep talking to myself, but looks like sub_func works fine, and 
the regex just needs to be r'%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]'. But even so.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: URL Character Decoding

2006-01-29 Thread Kirk McDonald
Paul McGuire wrote:
> "Kirk McDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>If you have a link such as, e.g.:
>>Main menu!
>>The space will be translated to the character code '%20' when you later
>>retrieve the GET data.
>>I guess what I'm asking is: Is there a library function (in Python or
>>mod_python) that knows how to do this? Or, failing that, is there a
>>different regex I could use to get rid of the substitution function?
>>-Kirk McDonald
>>>>import urllib
>>>>urllib.quote(" Menu")
> ''
> ' Menu'

Perfect! Thanks.

-Kirk McDonald

Introspection with classes

2006-01-31 Thread Kirk McDonald
Me again! Same project as before, if you're playing along at home.

The Everything Engine model (which I am blatantly copying in my project) 
is that everything in the engine is a 'node,' and that every node can be 
stored to and read from the database. Since this is the backend for a 
website, minimizing hits on the database is a worthy goal. Thus, it is 
paramount that reading in any given subclass of the base 'Node' class 
take (optimally) one query. (A simple, yet fairly simple-minded design 
-- and my first stab at the problem -- would be to have each subclass 
read in its own data after calling its parent's -- or parents'! -- read 
method(s). This has the disadvantage of cluttering a lot of code with 
database queries and making it quite difficult to create new subclasses.)

Here's a rough sketch of what I'm doing at the moment. I've invested 
enough time into it at this point that I've totally lost track of 
whether it's a good idea, and I would please like someone to tell me.

Every node has certain attributes. In this outline, let's say these are 
the node's unique id number, its title, and the id number of its owner.

class Node:
 dbInfo = { 'title': ['node', 'title',""]
'owner_id' : ['node', 'owner_id', None] }

 def __init__(self):

 def default(self):
 self.node_id = None
 for k, v in self.dbInfo.items():
 setattr(self, k, v[2])

 def read(self, db, node_id):
 # construct a database query from the table/column info in
 # dbInfo

 def commit(self, db):
 # write the current values to the db

 def insert(self, db):
 # insert a new node using the current values

 def nuke(self, db):
 # remove the node from the db, then:

So, simple enough. (The real version has signifigantly more stuff going 
on, as well as a permission system, but I have elided these for the sake 
of clarity.) By doing that dance with dbInfo, I can easily subclass Node.

Say we want a new node that holds some text. We just need to add a new 
attribute like so:

class Document(Node):
 dbInfo = {}
 dbInfo['content'] = ['docs', 'text', ""]

... and that's it. That's the whole Document class. (Well, the real 
version has a render method that takes the content, parses it in 
interesting ways, and writes it to the client, but that's simple, too.) 
The shortness of this class is why this strikes me as a good idea.

The other advantage is I can make use of multiple inheritance. First, 
say we have a class that just holds a dictionary:

class DictNode(Node):
 dbInfo = {}
 dbInfo['stuff'] = ['dictnode', 'dict', {}]

(Assume a mechanism is provided to automatically pickle the dictionary, 
which there is.)

Now say I want a nodetype that's just a document with a dictionary 
attached. This is almost exactly how the User class is implemented: the 
document holds the user's "homenode," which is just a brief bio or 
whatever the user wants to put in there, and the dictionary holds the 
user's settings. They snap together like Legos. It looks just like this:

class User(Document, DictNode):
 dbInfo = {}

If the User class wanted its own attributes (say, a password), they 
would just get added to the end.

This is my third stab at the problem (the first was mentioned above, the 
second was basically the same as this but dbInfo was an instance 
variable instead of a class variable which, uh, was sort of dumb).

Coming from C++, I'm still wrapping my brain around Python's 
introspection abilties. Can I generalize this more? Am I missing some 
idiom or language feature that would benefit me? Where's my time machine?

-Kirk McDonald

Re: OO conventions

2006-02-01 Thread Kirk McDonald
Daniel Nogradi wrote:
> I'm relatively new to object oriented programming, so get confused
> about its usage once in a while. Suppose there is a class Image that
> has a number of methods, rotate, open, verify, read, close, etc. Then
> to use this class my natural guess would be to have something like
> image = Image( )
> "myfile.jpg" )
> image.rotate( )
> image.close( )
> But now it turns out that the PIL module uses this as
> image = "myfile.jpg" )
> image.verify( )
> image.rotate( )
> image.close( )
> Perhaps the real Image class of PIL doesn't have these methods
> exactly, but doesn't matter, my point is the way it works. Is it
> normal that instead of first creating an instance of a class, it
> starts right away with one its methods? I of course understand that
> the PIL people simply made a choice that their module works this way,
> period, but I'm just wondering if it wouldn't have been more "logical"
> to do it along the way of my first example.
> I guess it's just a matter of convention or how the programmer feels
> like, but there are no conventions of this type? Which would be more
> pythonic? Or I shouldn't worry and it's totally up to the developer?

If I were coding a class like that, I'd probably do it like this:

image = Image("myfile.jpg")

And, in addition, there would be an method. In the above, 
__init__ just calls it on its own when the filename is specified.

(Though, of course, I'm not at all familiar with the PIL module; there 
might be more stuff going on behind the scenes with the way they do it.)

-Kirk McDonald

Re: cgi - secure sessions

2006-02-01 Thread Kirk McDonald
> Hey,
> I was just wondering if / how would it be possible to create secure
> sessions for a website using Python CGI... I thought of using cookies,
> and things looked promising for a while; I could login through a form
> which pointed to a cgi script which created sent the user cookies, but
> I found that when a script to detect the cookies was run through a
> server side include line in the html, it couldn't get any cookies, but
> it would work fine when run directly through the browser (which is
> useless to me).
> If anybody could help with this it would be great. Python is the only
> programming language that I'm relatively comfortable in at the moment,
> so using the usual PHP or Javascript just isn't an option for me
> unfortunately.
> GazaM

For what it's worth, mod_python supports sessions:

I've been playing with them recently, and they seem to work. :-)

-Kirk McDonald

Re: cgi - secure sessions

2006-02-01 Thread Kirk McDonald
GazaM wrote:
> What I have is a cgi script run through a server
> side include line in the html, which looks for the session cookie, if
> it is present will say 'logged in as "user"' and if the cookie isn't
> there will display a login form. Now, the big showstopper here is that,
> because session cookies are stored in http headers sent by the client
> (afaik) the cgi script can't get any, because the http headers are
> passed onto the html file and any cgi scripts inside don't get
> anything... is there a workaround possible? 

Python has a built-in Cookie module:

It may simplify matters.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: nDimensional sparse histogram in python.

2006-02-01 Thread Kirk McDonald
KraftDiner wrote:
> The dictionary is sorted by the point key.
> Is there a way to sort the dictionary by the value?
> Seems to me this goes against the purpose of a dictionary but
> thats what I need to do..

Well, it's probably not all that efficient, but it is simple code:

sortedList = [(v, k) for k, v in self.histo.items()]

Should do it...

-Kirk McDonald

Re: nDimensional sparse histogram in python.

2006-02-01 Thread Kirk McDonald
KraftDiner wrote:
> Ok so this is nice.. Just one thing.. When you try to get a value from
> a dictionary
> and it isn't found in the dictionary things go bad...
> Take this for example:
> class histogram(object):
>   def __init__(self):
>   self.histo = {}
>   def update(self, point):
>   if self.histo.get(point) != None:
>   self.histo[point] = self.histo[point] + 1
>   else:
>   self.histo[point] = 1
>   def get(self, point):
>   return self.histo[point]
> hist = histogram()
> hist.update((0,0,0))
> hist.update((0,0,1))
> hist.update((0,0,1))
> hist.get((0,0,0))
> hist.get((0,0,1))
> hist.get((0,0,2))
> spews out this error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 21, in ?
> hist.get((0,0,2))
>   File "", line 12, in get
> return self.histo[point]
> KeyError: (0, 0, 2)

Try this:

class histogram(object):
def __init__(self):
self.histo = {}

def update(self, point):
self.histo[point] = self.histo.get(point, 0) + 1

    def get(self, point):
return self.histo.get(point, 0)

dict.get's default return value is your friend.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: nDimensional sparse histogram in python.

2006-02-01 Thread Kirk McDonald
KraftDiner wrote:
> Many thanks everyone.
> One last quick question...
> The dictionary, I believe, is sorted by the key.
> Is there a way to sort it by the value?
> Say I wanted to put out a list of the frequency sorted by highest to
> lowest?

The dictionary itself is actually unordered; a C++ std::map this ain't. 
To sort its elements, you need to build a list of the items and sort 
that, e.g.:

items = [(v, k) for k, v in self.histo.items()]

This will give you a list of (value, key) tuples sorted by value.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Automatic class attribute

2006-02-03 Thread Kirk McDonald
Franck PEREZ wrote:
> Hello all,
> Considering the following code :
> class C(object):
>...: observers = []
>...: @classmethod
>...: def showObservers(cls):
>...: print cls.observers
> class D1(C):
>...: observers = [] #could it be moved in C ?
> class D2(C):
>...: observers = [] #could it be moved in C ?
> I want each child class of C to have it's own "observers" class attribute.
> The code I provided works... but I'd like to avoid typing "observers =
> []" in each child class.
> Is it possible to define something in C which would basically mean :
> "for each child class, automatically bind a new list attribute called
> observers" ?
> Are metaclasses a way ? Is it possible to avoid them ?
> Thanks a lot,
> Franck

By an astounding coincidence, I was just working on a similar problem. 
Metaclasses can do this, no problem:

class M(type):
 def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
 cls.observers = []

 def showObservers(cls):
 print cls.observers

class C(object):
 __metaclass__ = M

class D1(C): pass
class D2(C): pass

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Global variables, Classes, inheritance

2006-02-03 Thread Kirk McDonald
DaveM wrote:
> Although I've programmed for fun - on and off - since the mid 70's, I'm
> definitely an OO (and specifically Python) beginner. 
> My first question is about global variables. Are they, as I'm starting to
> suspect, a sin against God or just best avoided? Having got my current
> application working using them, I'm not sure whether I want to refactor it,
> but equally, I'd like to write the best code I can.

Python globals are actually remarkably safe, at least compared to some 
other languages. The key is that, when you import a module, its globals 
stay in its namespace. I've got nothing against them.

> Secondly (and this is related),  if you have multiple instances of the same
> class, but need them all to have access to a dictionary created at run-time,
> is there a class way to this without calling the creation method multiple
> times? The best thought I've come up with is for the class instance to check
> its name and only if it's the first one do the dictionary creation, but I
> haven't tried it yet.

A class attribute would do this easily:

class Foo(object):
 d = {}

a = Foo()
b = Foo()
Foo.d = { 'a' : 'apple' }
print a.d
print b.d

That will print out {'a':'apple'} twice.

> My third difficulty is with variables in a class. What's the difference
> between the following?:
> class Foo:
> i = 12345
> ...

i is a class attribute. It is bound to the class (which is, itself, an 
object). You can access i both from the class itself as well as from an 
instance of the class, i.e., Foo.i and Foo().i will both work.

> class Foo:
> self.i = 12345
> ...

This does not work. There is no name 'self' bound to class Foo.

> class Foo:
> def __init__(self):
> self.i = 12345
> ...

This binds the name 'i' to all instances of class Foo; if this were C++, 
we'd call self.i a member variable.

> class Foo:
> def __init(self):
> i = 12345
> ...

(You forgot the trailing __, but whatever. :-) This binds the name 'i' 
to the local namespace of the __init__ function. It is just like any 
other local variable in a function.

Namespaces in Python are really great. It is worth reading up on 
globals() and locals() if you don't get them yet.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: python's library support

2006-02-03 Thread Kirk McDonald
Sean wrote:
> I am a newbie in python, and I have a feeling that python provides less
> library support than perl  This seems a big discussion
> topic.
> I want to know if there is extensive algorithm library support in
> python. I know there is a pretty neat module in perl to implement graph
> theory. Is there a graph theory module in python?
> Thanks,

Python's standard library is actually quite extensive; it's one of the 
language's greatest strengths:

However, it is perhaps true that it is lacking in the raw algorithm 
department. On the subject of graphs, a quick Google search brings up 
this nice-looking library:

For computationally intensive array manipulation, there's always good 
ol' numarray:

The standard library can do quite a lot, and if it fails you, there's 
more than likely a third-party library available.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: UnboundMethodType and MethodType

2006-02-07 Thread Kirk McDonald
Schüle Daniel wrote:
> Hello all,
>  >>> class Q:
> ... def bar(self):
> ... pass
> ...
>  >>> import types
>  >>> types.UnboundMethodType is types.MethodType
> True
>  >>>
>  >>> type(
>  >>>
>  >>> q = Q()
>  >>> type(
>  >>>
>  >>> type( is types.UnboundMethodType
> True
>  >>>
> >
>  >>>
> I think is not very consistent
> notice is bounded although type(
> says it's types.UnboundedMethodType
> what do you think?
> Regard, Daniel

I think it's perfectly consistent:

 >>> class B(object):
... def bar(self): pass

 >>> type(

 >>> b = B()
 >>> type(

 >>> id(
 >>> id(

It's the same function, whether it's bound or not. Thus, it should 
always have the same type. It's simply called in different ways. You can 
just as easily say:




-Kirk McDonald

Re: UnboundMethodType and MethodType

2006-02-08 Thread Kirk McDonald
Scott David Daniels wrote:
> To elaborate on this, once 'id' is called, you drop the reference.
> This allows quite surprising things like:
>  >>> id(7**8) == id(8**7)
> True
>  >>> a, b = 7**8, 8**7
>  >>> id(a) == id(b) # this time there are other references to a and b
> False
> If you wanted to test the original code for identity match:
>  >>> is B().bar
> False
> is the appropriate test (the 'is' test holds the identities through
> the comparison).
> By the by, this is tricky stuff, nobody should expect to understand
> it thoroughly without both study and testing.
> --Scott David Daniels

You know what? That makes perfect sense. Thank you.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: calculating on matrix indices

2006-02-17 Thread Kirk McDonald
Brian Blais wrote:
> Hello,
> In my attempt to learn python, migrating from matlab, I have the 
> following problem. Here is what I want to do, (with the wrong syntax):
> from numpy import *
> t=arange(0,20,.1)
> x=zeros(len(t),'f')
> idx=(t>5)
> tau=5
> x[idx]=exp(-t[idx]/tau)  # <---this line is wrong (gives a TypeError)
> #--
> what is the best way to replace the wrong line with something that 
> works: replace all of the values of x at the indices idx with 
> exp(-t/tau) for values of t at indices idx?
> I do this all the time in matlab scripts, but I don't know that the 
> pythonic preferred method is.
> thanks,
> bb

You're specifying the type of x but not of t. You need to change the 
line where you assign t to:

t = arange(0, 20, .1, 'f')

I'm not sure why it doesn't figure that own on its own (since it 
obviously does hold floats), but this does cause it to work.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: embedding python in HTML

2006-02-17 Thread Kirk McDonald
John Salerno wrote:
> bruno at modulix wrote:
>> You've got to understand that Python is *not* a 'ServerPage' language
>> (-> php, asp, jsp etc) in itself. Your server can now run python, fine,
>> but *how* ? CGI ? FastCGI ? mod_python ? other ? (hint: it's probably
>> just plain old CGI...)
> So does that mean I need to have something further on the server? Or is 
> this something I can do on my end? How do I find out what I need?

If you really want to use Python as a server page language, mod_python 
has support for Python Server Pages via its PSP handler:

Python Server Pages:

PSP handler:

This of course means your server needs to have mod_python installed and 
configured. (Consult your server administrator.) However, I've always 
found PSP to be somewhat fiddly, and mixing any serious code with the 
HTML text is hardly pretty.

A more common (and bare-metal) approach is CGI. In CGI, a request for a 
page runs a script, the output of which is the HTML page. I think this 
only requires that the server has Python installed, which you have said 
is the case. Python has signifigant standard library support for writing 

You should examine Python's standard cgi module:
That page also has some nice examples to get you started.

And maybe its Cookie module, if you ever feel like messing with cookies:

Slightly less bare-metal is using mod_python directly (rather than via 
its PSP module). This is probably preferable to plain CGI if mod_python 
is available, as it caches scripts as long as they are not changed. This 
is faster than reading them off the disk every time. By and large, 
mod_python's API replaces (or at least wraps) the standard library's CGI 
support if you go this route. Again, this is only available if your 
server has mod_python installed, which may or may not be the case.

Re: 2-dimensional data structures

2006-02-18 Thread Kirk McDonald
anthonyberet wrote:
> Thanks for the advice (to everyone in the thread).
> I think I will go with nested lists.
> However, I am running into a conceptual problem.
> My approach will be firstly to remove all the impossible digits for a 
> square by searching the row and column for other occurances.
> However, I wondering how to approach the search of the nine regions of 
> the grid. I am thinking of producing another nested list, again 9x9 to 
> store the contents of each region, and to update this after each pass 
> through -and update of- the main grid (row and column).
> I am not sure how to most efficiently identify which region any given 
> square on the grid is actually in - any thoughts, for those that have 
> done this? - I don't want a massive list of IF conditionals if I can 
> avoid it.

When I wrote my Sudoku solver (a terribly inefficient and naive 
recursive algorithm that I originally wrote in C++ and was the first 
thing I ever wrote in Python), I used numarray. It allows 
two-dimensional slicing:

def inBlock(x, y, val):
 blockX = x/size * size
 blockY = y/size * size

 return val in sudoku[blockX:blockX+size, blockY:blockY+size]

'size' in this example is a global variable equal to the size of the 
puzzle, so 3 for a normal puzzle. 'sudoku' is a global two-dimensional 
array simply holding the values in the puzzle.

(There are any number of things in this can be improved, such as using 
the // floor division operator rather than /, not using global 
variables, and so on. What can I say? It was a straight conversion from 
C++. I hardly knew what "Pythonic" meant.)

-Kirk McDonald

Re: setting file permissions on a web server

2006-04-30 Thread Kirk McDonald
Daniel Nogradi wrote:
> I have next to zero experience with windows but as far as I know
> windows doesn't have file permissions at all (anyone, please correct
> me if I'm wrong :)) so in windows land it doesn't make any sense to
> "change file permissions". Even if it has some sort of a notion of
> file permissions I wouldn't know how that gets translated into unix.

This is getting a little off-topic, I admit, but the NT-derived versions 
of Windows do indeed have file permissions. The Windows-equivalent of 
chmod (and chown) is cacls ("Change Access Control Lists"):

In essence, each file has an owner and a list of other users and groups, 
who may each have "Full control" (meaning they can change permissions), 
read-only, write-only, read-write, or no access.

Windows 95 and its descendants don't have permissions any more than DOS 
does. (Except with respect to Windows network file-sharing.)

(Heh, I checked just before posting this and someone beat me to it. 
Here's my post anyway.) :-)

-Kirk McDonald

TypeCheck vs IsInstance in C API

2006-05-29 Thread Kirk McDonald
I'm examining the C API, and I have a question.

There are two functions that appear to do nearly same thing, and I just 
want to be certain I'm not missing something. First is PyObject_IsInstance:

int PyObject_IsInstance(PyObject *inst, PyObject *cls);
Returns 1 if inst is an instance of the class cls or a subclass of cls, 
or 0 if not...

Second is PyObject_TypeCheck:

int PyObject_TypeCheck(PyObject *o, PyTypeObject *type);
Return true if the object o is of type type or a subtype of type...

Now, I can see that IsInstance can take a tuple as the second argument 
and check the type of the first argument against every item in the 
tuple. I also see that TypeCheck was added in version 2.2. Why was it 
added? Its functionality already seems covered by IsInstance. Is it a 
new-style vs. old-style class thing?

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Question on try/except

2006-08-07 Thread Kirk McDonald
Dan wrote:
> While perusing in the standard library, I came upon this snippet 
> of code in the _compile() function definition:
> try:
> p = sre_compile.compile(pattern, flags)
> except error, v:
> raise error, v # invalid expression
> Is there some particular use in catching an exception and immediately 
> re-raising it?  Why catch it at all?
> /Dan

All I can think of is that it changes the traceback to point to the 
re-raise and not the original raise.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: what is the keyword "is" for?

2006-08-15 Thread Kirk McDonald
daniel wrote:
> I'm so confused by the keyword "is" and "==" equal sign, it seems they
> could be exchanged in some contexts, but not in others, what's the
> difference between them in terms of comparation?
> thanks...
> daniel

  'is' compares object identity. == compares values.

 >>> a = [1, 2, 3]
 >>> b = [1, 2, 3]
 >>> a is b
 >>> a == b

In this example, a and b refer to two separate lists that happen to hold 
the same values. Thus, 'is' returns False, and == returns True. On the 
other hand:

 >>> c = d = [4, 5, 6]
 >>> c is d
 >>> c == d

Here, c and d refer to the same list. Therefore, 'is' returns true (they 
both refer to the same object), as does == (an object is always equal to 
itself, unless you overload the equality check in a weird way).

The distinction can easily be seen if we try to mutate these lists:

 >>> a.append(4)
 >>> a is b
 >>> a == b
 >>> c.append(7)
 >>> c is d
 >>> c == d

When we mutate a, b is not affected. They are two different lists, and 
changing 'a' makes it so they are no longer equal.

When we mutate c, d IS affected; they refer to the same list.

You can easily confuse yourself if you ever talk about applying 'is' to 
(for example) integers. Python may re-use certain small integers when 
you might not expect it to; this is done in the interests of efficiency. 
If you only compare the /values/ of numbers (with ==), then you will 
never notice this.

 >>> a = 1
 >>> b = 1
 >>> c = 100
 >>> d = 100
 >>> a is b
 >>> c is d

-Kirk McDonald

API functions not working as expected

2006-06-15 Thread Kirk McDonald
... for reasons that are obvious in retrospect. Specifically, I am 
talking about the PyNumber_InPlace* family of functions. For example, 
the docs for InPlaceAdd say:

PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceAdd(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2)
 Return value: New reference.
 Returns the result of adding o1 and o2, or NULL on failure. The 
operation is done in-place when o1 supports it. This is the equivalent 
of the Python statement "o1 += o2".

But, of course, numbers are immutable. None of them support in-place 
addition. This is not the same as o1 += o2, as o1 is not actually 
changed when using this function.

Am I missing something here? Is there, in fact, no point to these 
InPlace* functions?

-Kirk McDonald

Turning a callback function into a generator

2006-07-02 Thread Kirk McDonald
Let's say I have a function that takes a callback function as a 
parameter, and uses it to describe an iteration:

def func(callback):
 for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:

For the sake of argument, assume the iteration is something more 
interesting than this which relies on the callback mechanism. The 
function is an existing interface, and I cannot change it.

I want to somehow, in some way, provide an iteration interface to this 
function. Thoughts?

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Turning a callback function into a generator

2006-07-03 Thread Kirk McDonald
> Peter Otten wrote:
>>Kirk McDonald wrote:
>>>Let's say I have a function that takes a callback function as a
>>>parameter, and uses it to describe an iteration:
>>>def func(callback):
>>> for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
>>> callback(i)
> Which object is immutable? the callback or the function?  If its the
> callback then
> def func(callback):
>for i in numbers:
>   yield callback(i)
> If the function is immutable, then its a bit harder.  The callback has
> to be able to do the processing.  You can't use an iterator here
> because call stack gets in the way.  You could store the information
> being passed to the callback in a list, then iterate over the list
> afterwards.  Or you could have the callback be able to handle all of
> the work at once.
> What do you intend to use this for?  Python has a lot of options and
> you may not be using the best one for the problem

It is the function that is immutable.

I am writing a library for the D programming language that is not 
totally unlike Boost.Python:

It is still in the fairly early stages, although the basic function and 
class wrapping do work.

This particular functionality is required to wrap D's basic iteration 
protocol, the opApply function:

opApply works using a callback, as described. Because D does not (yet) 
have anything like Python's "yield", wrapping it with Python's iteration 
interface is turning out to be dreadfully annoying.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Turning a callback function into a generator

2006-07-03 Thread Kirk McDonald
Alex Martelli wrote:
> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> Kirk McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I want to somehow, in some way, provide an iteration interface to this
>>>function. Thoughts?
>>Run it in a separate thread/process?
> Sounds best to me.  Specifically, given (e.g.) something like the OP's
> def func(callback):
>  for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
>  callback(i)
> we might have a wrapper such as:
> import thread
> import Queue
> def wrap_cb_into_gen(func):
> q = Queue.Queue(1)   # maximum size of 1
> def callback(item):
> q.put(item)
> all_done_sentinel = object()
> def thread_skeleton():
> func(callback)
> q.put(all_done_sentinel)
> thread.start_new_thread(thread_skeleton, ())
> while True:
> item = q.get()
> if item is all_done_sentinel: break
> yield item
> Of course, there are lighter-weight options than a length-1 Queue for
> the purpose of synchronizing these two threads, but I always tend to
> prefer Queue (for its simplicity, generality, solidity) to other
> synchronization structures and architectures, unless there is some very
> strong reason to do otherwise in a specific case.  Also, I normally use
> module threading rather than the lower-level module thread -- here,
> clearly, either one will do just fine.
> Alex

Threads are probably a weak point of mine. I have little experience with 
them, and so I am inclined to paranoia while using them. What 
implications does this have for "func"? In my case, it is a function in 
an extension module. Does it have to be thread safe? If it isn't, what 
limitations does this impose on the use of this wrapper?

All that aside, I read the previous threads but it took until just now 
to understand how this works. :-) I'll probably have a go at 
implementing this in D, as that will be more convenient for the library...

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Augument assignment versus regular assignment

2006-07-07 Thread Kirk McDonald
nagy wrote:
> I do the following. First create lists x,y,z. Then add an element to x
> using the augumented assignment operator. This causes all the other
> lists to be changed also.
> But if I use the assignment x=x+[4] instead of using the augumented
> assignment, the y and z lists do not change.
> Why is that?
> This does not happen when I work with integer data type for example, as
> shown below.
> Thanks for your help
> Nagy

In this example, the '[]' creates a new list object. x, y, and z are all 
set to reference that object.


This does an "in-place" operation on that list, modifying (or 
"mutating") the object directly.


> [2]
> [2]
> [2]

This creates a new list that is the concatenation of the list created 
above (the list [2]) with a new list (the list [4]). This brand new list 
is bound to the name 'x'. The names 'y' and 'z' are left unchanged. That 
is, they still point to the original list.

> [2, 4]
> [2]
> [2]

This binds the names 'a' and 'b' to the integer object 4.

> 4

This attempts to mutate the integer object 4, by adding 2 to it. 
However, numbers in Python are immutable, and so the in-place operation 
fails. Thus, it creates a new integer object equal to 6 (actually, 
CPython keeps a cache of certain smaller integer objects and reuses 
them, but this does not matter in practice). This new integer object is 
bound to the name 'a'. The name 'b' remains bound to the original 4 object.

> 6
> 4

Re: Augument assignment versus regular assignment

2006-07-08 Thread Kirk McDonald
nagy wrote:
> Thanks, Kirk.
> I considered the += as only a shorthand notation for the assignment
> operator.
> Since for lists + is simply a concatetation, I am not sure it x=x+[2]
> is creating a brand
> new list. Could you refer me to any documentation on this?

"An augmented assignment expression like x += 1 can be rewritten as x = 
x + 1 to achieve a similar, but not exactly equal effect. In the 
augmented version, x is only evaluated once. Also, when possible, the 
actual operation is performed in-place, meaning that rather than 
creating a new object and assigning that to the target, the old object 
is modified instead."

This behavior is only logical. Consider:

 >>> x = [2]
 >>> y = x + [4]

After these operations, we have two lists: x (the list [2]) and y (the 
list [2, 4]). This is because the expression "x + [4]" creates a new 
list. We then bind this new list to the name 'y', and leave the name 'x' 

If we then say this:

 >>> x = x + [6]

We are doing much the same operation. We are creating a new list (the 
list [2, 6]), and binding it to the name 'x'. The list [2], previously 
bound to 'x', is no longer bound to anything, so Python frees it.

The augmented assignment, as I went over previously, attempts to modify 
the list object directly. Any names bound to the object (or any other 
objects that reference the object) will see the changes.

-Kirk McDonald

Re: Augument assignment versus regular assignment

2006-07-08 Thread Kirk McDonald
Frank Millman wrote:
> nagy wrote:
>>Thanks, Kirk.
>>I considered the += as only a shorthand notation for the assignment
>>Since for lists + is simply a concatetation, I am not sure it x=x+[2]
>>is creating a brand
>>new list. Could you refer me to any documentation on this?
> My habit is to check the id.
x = [1,2]
> -1209327188
x += [4]
> [1,2,4]
> -1209327188
x = x + [6]
> [1,2,4,6]
> -1209334664
> So it looks as if x +=  [] modifies the list in place, while x = x + []
> creates a new list.
> I am not sure if this is 100% guaranteed,

It is. This is true for any mutable type.

> as I have noticed in the past
> that id's can be reused under certain circumstances. Perhaps one of the
> resident gurus can comment.