[issue3073] Cookie.Morsel breaks in parsing cookie values with whitespace

2008-06-10 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

New submission from Lawrence Oluyede [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

It seems the Cookie module has an odd behavior with whitespaces.
According to http://wp.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie#Cookie_attributes the 'Expires'
attribute of the cookie should have this format:


and this is recognized by all the browsers. The oddity comes when I try
to load or create a cookie with that attribute:

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Apr 21 2008, 11:12:42) 
[GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 from Cookie import SimpleCookie
 cookies = SimpleCookie()
 cookies.load('foo=baz; expires=Sat, 10-Jun-1978 09:41:04 GMT')
SimpleCookie: foo='baz'
 cookies.load('foo=baz; expires=2008-06-10T09:44:45.963024')

It really seems the parser breaks on whitespaces.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 67901
nosy: rhymes
severity: normal
status: open
title: Cookie.Morsel breaks in parsing cookie values with whitespace
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: A lib to build query string...

2007-10-27 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 Is anybody knows about a function that can build query string from 
 parameter list? I very need that!



Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: What Data is Available With a Pickled Object Over a Socket?

2007-10-19 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
milan_sanremo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've read the library entry for pickle a couple of times, and I'm
 still not
 sure what data is maintained when an item is pickled and sent over a

I would not do that if I were you:

Unless you don't care about security

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Cross platform way of finding number of processors on a machine?

2007-10-08 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Nicholas Bastin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is really bad on linux.  You really want to parse /proc/cpuinfo
 because HT 'cpus' are almost useless, and can be bad in situations
 where you try to treat them as general purpose cpus.

I'm not the author of the library. I think you should address these bug
reports elsewhere...

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Override 'and' and 'or'

2007-10-07 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Dekker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to override 'and' and/or 'or'? I cannot find a special
 method for it... __and__ and __rand__ and __or__ and __ror__ are for
 binary manipulation... any proposals?

If you want to customize the truth value testing you have to implement

 __nonzero__(   self)
Called to implement truth value testing, and the built-in operation
bool(); should return False or True, or their integer equivalents 0 or
1. When this method is not defined, __len__() is called, if it is
defined (see below). If a class defines neither __len__() nor
__nonzero__(), all its instances are considered true.

Keep in mind the relation between __len__ and __nonzero__

ps. why you need to customize such a thing?

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Cross platform way of finding number of processors on a machine?

2007-10-06 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 Is there a way to find the number of processors on a machine (on linux/
 windows/macos/cygwin) using python code (using the same code/cross
 platform code)?

From processing http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/processing/0.34 :

def cpuCount():
Returns the number of CPUs in the system
if sys.platform == 'win32':
num = int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'])
except (ValueError, KeyError):
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
num = int(os.popen('sysctl -n hw.ncpu').read())
except ValueError:
num = os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN')
except (ValueError, OSError, AttributeError):

if num = 1:
return num
raise NotImplementedError

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-06 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Thomas Wittek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At least, you missed Turbo Gears :)
 For me, it feels more integrated than Pylons.

Yeah, so integrated that the next version will be based upon Pylons ;-)

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Cross platform way of finding number of processors on a machine?

2007-10-06 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From the experiments I've done with pprocess [1], pretending that a
 hyperthreading virtual CPU is as good as a real CPU (or CPU core)
 tends to be counter-productive: the performance benefits in moving
 from the utilisation of one to two virtual CPUs are virtually non-

We came the same conclusion at work. One of my colleagues has a machine
with HyperThreading and he noticed no real performance increase with the
processing library altough on my machine (which is a dual Core 2 Duo)
the performance boost was definitely there :-)

The good side of this is hyperthreading with parallel processes is like
using a mono-CPU machine so we don't have to take into account it like
if it was an entirely different kind of architecture.

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-06 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Jorge Godoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is good, since a lot of good things from Pylons will work with TG and a
 lot of good TG things will remain (and possibly be compatible with Pylons).
 If you take a better look at the next version, you'll also see that the
 major concern was with WSGI support and reinventing / rewriting the wheel
 (what TG developers don't want to do all the time).

Not reinventing the wheel just don't feel as a universal dogma to me. I
developed quite a bit with Django and I was glad they started from
scratch. On the paper reusing different and existing projects is great
but not always is good or done the right way. Anyway I don't know TG at
all so I'm speaking in a figurative way.

We (Michele, myself and our colleagues) have a series of stuff we need
to stick to so the choosing of a web framework ain't that easy. Most of
the frameworks are a vision of the author of how to do things from
scratch but a framework (by definition an evolution of a library) is not
always meant to be used when the scratch is far from your starting

I'd like to read some commenting of Michele's thoughts, they would be
really useful.


Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-06 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any respectable comparison of Python web frameworks should
 include evaluation of at least Django and TG.  Or at least give
 good reason why the comparison excludes them.

I think you didn't read the foreword of the comparison. That is by no
means a comprehensive comparison and is not meant to be one. Is a series
of thoughts about the frameworks we already tried (we don't have to
decide today) and the ones we experimented with. Django is not
completely off the radar because I used it extensively this year but the
company has certain requirements and the full stackness of Django is not
really one of our needs.

 Zope is also missing, but I'm not sure Zope qualifies so much as
 a framework, but as an answer to the question If Emacs were a
 Python web environment, what would it look like?

Zope2/Plone2 is the one framework they are running away from :-)
More KISS less over engineering, that's the mantra.

 Django's built-in templating system is one of those things you
 either love or you hate.  Fortunately, if you're a hater, you can
 mindlessly swap it out for your template system of choice with
 minimal fuss.

I really, really like Django (and its community and the competence of
the developers) and I think it deserves what it has gained and more but
we are not here to decide who's the best (there's always no best).

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: A question about subprocess

2007-10-03 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 How can I do it with the subprocess?

You can't. Subprocess is a library to spawn new processes on the local
machine. If you want to handle external machines you need something like
parallel python: http://www.parallelpython.com/

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: newb: Question regarding custom exception

2007-09-23 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
crybaby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why you specify type and name of the exception in your custom

It's up to you, if you're interested in the actual exception object you
catch it, otherwise not.

Take a look at this:

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
On Sep 3, 10:48 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to Python and have recieved this error message when trying to
 instantiate an object from a class from another file within the same
 directory and wondered what I have done wrong.

 I have a Step.py class:
 class Step(object)
 def __init__(self, sName):
 Initialise a new Step instance
 self.sName = sName
 self.depSteps = []
 self.remDepSteps = []
 self.isCompleted = 0

 Then I have created a new file within the same directory called

 import Step
 a  = Step(magn)

 The following however generates the error
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File main.py, line 3, in ?
 a  = Step(magn)
 TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

This is because when you issue import Step you're actually importing
the Step _module_, not the Step class inside the module.

You can do this in at least two ways:

import Step
a = Step.Step(magn) # access the Step class inside Step module


from Step import Step # insert in the current namespace the Step class
a = Step(magn)

 If anyone could help point me in the right direction, how to fix this
 problem it would be much appreciated.



Re: Gmane's been quiet ...

2007-08-29 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Posting that were made to mailing lists via gmane?

That, I do not know

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Gmane's been quiet ...

2007-08-28 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ... so I was wondering if it's just me who hasn't seen any postings today?

I think so, through my usenet server I saw the usual lot of postings

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: New UI Toolkit

2007-08-26 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Gerdus van Zyl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please reply and let your thoughts be known. Is there a need for a new
 GUI library for python?

I think there's no real point in answering this question. You developed
a new toolkit because, I'm guessing, you are not fully satisfied by the
current ones. In my personal opinion there's no *need* for another
toolkit but there is *room* for one, two, hundreds of new toolkits.
That's what freedom is for.


Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: How to call module functions inside class instance functions?

2007-08-18 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
beginner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have encountered a small problems.  How to call module functions
 inside class instance functions? For example,  calling func1 in func2
 resulted in a compiling error.
 my module here
 def func1():
  print hello
 class MyClass:
def func2():
  #how can I call func1 here.
  func1() #results in an error

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % cat t.py
def func1():
print hello

class MyClass:
def func2():
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % python -c import t

As you can see there no compiling error, because the syntax is correct,
you'll eventually get a runtime error like this:

 import t
 c = t.MyClass()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: func2() takes no arguments (1 given)

That's because you left out the self argument in the definition of
func2(). This version is correct:

def func1():
print hello

class MyClass(object):
def func2(self):

c = MyClass()

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % python tcorrect.py


Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: How to make a module function visible only inside the module?

2007-08-18 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
beginner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any equivalent version of C's static function in Python. I
 know I can make a class function private by starting a function name
 with two underscores, but it does not work with module functions.

The trick for the name mangling does not work at module level. Anyway,
if you read the PEP 8 [1] you can correctly write your code following a
well known coding standard. A function like this:

def _f():

is meant to be private, you can also state it in the function's
docstring to be more clear, if you want, but it's not necessary

 For exmaple, __func1 is still visible outside the module.

Yes, and _f() will also be. There's no such thing as enforcing
encapsulation in Python, even the __method() trick can be easily
bypassed if you have to.

1 - http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/


Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: how to pass a custom object to re.search?

2007-08-17 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 Is it possible to make what I want (to pass a custom object to

Try to implement __str__() for your object and provide a string
representation for it.


Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: how to pass a custom object to re.search?

2007-08-17 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 and I'm also curious to know if it is possible to do that... :-)

Only if re.search() doesn't check for the type of the argument, which it
seems it does. 

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: How to say $a=$b-{A} ||={} in Python?

2007-08-16 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
beginner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd like to do the following in more succint code:
 if k in b:

b.setdefault(k, a)

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: All names in the current module

2007-08-15 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can I get a list with all classes defined in the current module?
 Thank you!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % cat  t.py
class A: pass

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54869, Apr 18 2007, 22:08:04) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import t
 print dir(t)
['A', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__']

Now you have the list of names. To find out if they are actual classes
or not you can do this:

 import inspect
 for member in dir(t):
... print member, inspect.isclass(getattr(t, member))
A True
__builtins__ False
__doc__ False
__file__ False
__name__ False


Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: All names in the current module

2007-08-15 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Fabio Z Tessitore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 to get names' list you can simply call globals()

Not strictly true. globals() returns the current's scope global vars. If
you import a module in the current scope globals() won't display the
names inside it.

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Simple python iteration question

2007-08-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do I do this?

for i, item in enumerate(l):
print i, item

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: make images with python

2007-08-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
stefano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need make some images using python but i'm lost :P


Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: verify whether str is still callable in Python 2.5.1

2007-08-13 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Ge Chunyuan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Once use ActivePython latest version for Python 2.5.1.
 I happened to find function str is not callable, but it is available
 for Python 2.5.
 Can anybody give some comments about it?

I don't really understand what your asking. str is a callable, it has
always been AFAIK, since it's a type constructor, like int()

In [1]: callable(str)
Out[1]: True

In [2]: str()
Out[2]: ''

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: retrieving ATOM/FSS feeds

2007-08-13 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
   I'm using feedparser library to parser ATOM/RSS feeds. However, I don't
 get the entire post! but only summaries! How do I retrieve the entire feed?
 I believe that the parser library should have support for doing that or the
 specification should detail how it can be done? Or should I simply get the
 feed link and do HTML scraping?

If the content producer doesn't provide the full article via RSS/ATOM
there's no way you can get it from there. Search for full content feeds
if any, otherwise get the article URL and feed it to BeautifulSoup to
scrape the content.

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: retrieving ATOM/FSS feeds

2007-08-13 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 For the same feed (where the content producer doesn't provide the full
 article!) I was able to see the complete post in other RSS aggregators (like
 Blam). I wanted to know how they were able to collect the feed!

Perhaps in the feed itself there's the link for the full content feed.

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: check if var is dict

2007-08-13 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Astan Chee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a variable, I want to check if it is a dictionary or a string.
 Is there any better way to do this than I've done. How I did it is by
 doing a .items() and catching a AttributeError that it raises if its not
 a dictionary.
 How do i properly do it?

One way is:

In [6]: isinstance(d, dict)
Out[6]: True

In [7]: isinstance(ciao, basestring)
Out[7]: True

This way you won't catch custom classes implementing dict or basestring
protocols. In order to do that you can check if it implements the
right methods or treat the object as a dict or a string. It depends on
what you're trying to achieve.

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: chmod g+ Equivalent

2007-08-13 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
milan_sanremo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've read the documentation on os.chmod() and can implement all the
 standard commands, but what is the syntax for the equivalent of chmod g
 + to set the group id?

chmod() [1] takes as the second parameter a bitwise or-ed combination of
a series of values. If you look at chmod's man page (man 2 chmod on
the shell) you can see the following values for the group id (I have OSX
so the actual value may be different on your OS):

   #define S_IRWXG 070/* RWX mask for group */
   #define S_IRGRP 040/* R for group */
   #define S_IWGRP 020/* W for group */
   #define S_IXGRP 010/* X for group */

So you just have to OR them to accomplish your goal.  

1 - http://docs.python.org/lib/os-file-dir.html#l2h-2677

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: chmod g+ Equivalent

2007-08-13 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
milan_sanremo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I understand that for setting the standard rwx permissions, but how do
 these affect the ability to change the setgid bit?  Under Solaris you
 cannot do it from the command line in absolute mode, so perhaps it is
 not possible in python
 I'm trying to get the equivalent of 'chmod g+' not something like
 'chmod 755'.

Sorry, I think I misunderstood the request. Isn't #define S_ISGID
0002000 what you're asking for?

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: get wikipedia source failed (urrlib2)

2007-08-07 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 This source works fine for other site. the problem is in wikipedia. is
 someone now any solution for this problem?

Wikipedia, AFAIK, bans requests without a User Agent.

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: help with flexible decorators

2007-08-06 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
james_027 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While the enhance decorator work with functions of 1 argument, how do
 I make it to work with more than one arguments.

Using *args. Something like this:

def enhance(f):
def _new(*args):
return f(*args) + 1
return _new

def f(*args):
return sum(args)

In [22]: f(6)
Out[22]: 7

In [23]: f(6, 4)
Out[23]: 11

In [24]: f(6, 4, 10)
Out[24]: 21

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: simple string backspace question

2007-07-31 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
  print text
 Should this character \b (backspace) in this text return this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % python  Python
2.5.1 (r251:54869, Apr 18 2007, 22:08:04) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 print text

What system are u using?

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: simple string backspace question

2007-07-31 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 If you mean on operating system then unfortunately Windows XP.

I don't know for sure but maybe it doesn't support all ASCII escapes

Why do you care about \b anyway :-) ?

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Detecting __future__ features

2007-07-30 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any general mechanism? 

I'd just use the expected future feature and if the result is not what I
expect (or Python raises any kind of exception, like using a keyword not
present) I'd think I'm in the past :-)

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Copy List

2007-07-18 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Joe Riopel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am pretty new to python but this works:
  list_one = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
  list_two = [i for i in list_one]
  print list_two
 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

 list_two = list_one[:]


 list_two = list(list_one)

are better :D

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: best SOAP module

2007-07-18 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Sells, Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to talk to a vendor side via SOAP,  Googling is overwhelming and many
 hits seem to point to older attempts.
 Can someone tell me which SOAP module is recommended.  I'm using Python 2.4.

Try soaplib: http://trac.optio.webfactional.com/

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Dynamic method

2007-07-16 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I agree that in general the solution explained by Alex and you is better.
 They are not better - they are correct.

Another way is to use the 'types' module:

In [1]: class T(object):
   ...: pass

In [2]: t = T()

In [3]: import types

In [5]: types.MethodType?
Type:   type
Base Class: type 'type'
String Form:type 'instancemethod'
Namespace:  Interactive
instancemethod(function, instance, class)

Create an instance method object.

In [10]: m = types.MethodType(lambda self: 3, t, T)

In [11]: t.m = m

In [12]: t.m()
Out[12]: 3

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Discover instance variables

2007-07-16 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The list keeps only the types explicitely enumerated. Other types are
 excluded, as well as names starting with _. Another criterion would be
 `not attr.startswith('_') and not callable(getattr(obj,attr))`

Why not:

In [1]: class Foo(object):
   ...: a = 3

In [2]: import inspect

In [4]: inspect.getmembers(Foo())
[('__class__', class '__main__.Foo'),
 ('__delattr__', method-wrapper '__delattr__' of Foo object at
 ('__dict__', {}),
 ('__doc__', None),
  method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of Foo object at 0x12bf350),
 ('__hash__', method-wrapper '__hash__' of Foo object at 0x12bf350),
 ('__init__', method-wrapper '__init__' of Foo object at 0x12bf350),
 ('__module__', '__main__'),
 ('__new__', built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x307860),
 ('__reduce__', built-in method __reduce__ of Foo object at
 ('__reduce_ex__', built-in method __reduce_ex__ of Foo object at
 ('__repr__', method-wrapper '__repr__' of Foo object at 0x12bf350),
 ('__setattr__', method-wrapper '__setattr__' of Foo object at
 ('__str__', method-wrapper '__str__' of Foo object at 0x12bf350),
 ('__weakref__', None),
 ('a', 3)]

and then filter out __xyz__ methods?

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: __unicode__ method for exception object

2007-07-08 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Your terminal has been detected as using the 'ascii' encoding, so
 while that's true no attempt to output non-ASCII characters will work.
 You'll need to change whatever settings are on your terminal emulator
 so that it is using an encoding (such as 'utf-8') which can display
 the characters you want.

AFAIK that's not a terminal problem. I have a UTF-8 terminal and the
problem is still there. 

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: problem with pickle

2007-07-07 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 this is what the python interpreter returns on giving the basic
 pickle.dump(x,f) where x is a tuple and f is a file object
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: name 'pickle' is not defined
 kindly elucidate what's wrong

You should import the module in the local namespace before using it:

 import pickle

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Timing a python program run

2007-07-07 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there some way to do this in python on a mac os x from the terminal
 window? Or whatever?

You can use:

% time script.py

from the command line of the terminal

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: glob.glob standardization

2007-06-27 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
billiejoex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't you think it would be more convenient for glob.glob to return
 file names only in any case, like os.listdir do?

AFAIK it's a wanted behavior. The doc says:

Notice how any leading components of the path are preserved.

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

[ANN] Pinder 0.6.0

2007-04-08 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

Pinder http://dev.oluyede.org/pinder/ is a straightforward API to
interface with Campfire http://www.campfirenow.com, the web chat
application from 37Signals.

The 0.6.0 version of Pinder has been released.

Here what's new:

- Campfire objects now have rooms() and rooms_names() methods to get
the list of the associated room objects and the names of all the rooms

- Campfire objects also have find_or_create_room_by_name(), an
helper method which combine find_room_by_name() and create_room()
- The whole library has been updated to httlibp2 0.3.0

- A proper user agent is sent during the requests

- Room objects now have guest_access_enabled() to know if the guests
can enter that room

- The support for transcripts has been added throughout the library.
See the changelog for details.

You can install the latest release with:

$ easy_install pinder


download it from here: http://dev.oluyede.org/download/pinder/

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Prevent Modification of Script?

2007-04-05 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 Just throw out the .py files and let it run on the .pyc's alone.

Which are very easily decompilable. :-)

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: How can I get the content of a web site using http library

2007-03-30 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

 Look into urlopen's data parameter.

I add also this tutorial to the plate:

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: Question about extending tuple

2007-03-28 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
abcd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wanted to extend tuple but ran into a problem.  Here is what I
 thought would work

I think you should take a look at this to do it properly from the Python

Look for NamedTuple

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: ZSI, SOAP and .NET web services - problem

2007-03-22 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Jaroslaw Zabiello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why nobody wants to add SOAP to standard Python library? XML-RPC was added
 and it works without any problems.

I think because SOAP is kinda crappy :-)

Did you try soaplib? http://trac.optio.webfactional.com/

I've never used it (nor SOAP in a while) but seems promising

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Re: read a web page using python

2007-03-17 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 Kindly, could you someone tell me how to read a page(any web site)
 using Python, what method to be used ?

import urllib2
res = urllib2.urlopen(url)
page = res.read()

See: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml

Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

ANN: pinder 0.5.0

2007-03-07 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

Pinder is a straightforward API to interface with Campfire http://
www.campfirenow.com, the web chat application from 37Signals.

Pinder allows you to create rooms, delete them, speak from a remote
client and more. For example:

 room = campfire.find_room_by_name('Jonz Room')
 print room.users()


 print campfire.users()
set([u'Alice', u'Bob'])

which gets the list of the users talking in each room of the


will send the message to the chat room so you can speak too.

There's more like creating and deleting rooms, toggling guest access,
locking the room etc.

See the usage documentation http://dev.oluyede.org/pinder/doc.html
and the API documentation http://dev.oluyede.org/pinder/api/ for

You can install the latest release with:

$ easy_install pinder


download from here: http://dev.oluyede.org/download/pinder/

This is the first public release.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Sending Dictionary via Network

2006-10-25 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would recommend against using pickle if you're going to push it over
 a network - there are signifigant dangers in unpickling anything

I confirm: http://jcalderone.livejournal.com/15864.html

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Where I can find

2006-10-15 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 Where I can find this files(modules):
 fcntl,FCNTL,tty,termios, TERMIOS

import fcntl
import tty
import termios

for start :-)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: HOST - Assembla Inc. Breakout - Copyright Violation by Mr. Andy Singleton

2006-10-06 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 and once more: this topic _is_ appropriate for a python / ruby / java
 really very important (if you don't look to much at the subject but the
 message contents).

I really don't understand why your public announcement should be in
topic in this newsgroup.

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: What value should be passed to make a function use the default argument value?

2006-10-03 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
LaundroMat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What value do I have to pass to f() if I want it to evaluate var to 1?
 I know that f() will return 2, but what if I absolutely want to pass a
 value to f()? None doesn't seem to work..

I don't know if I understand correctly here but:

def f(v=1):
return v * 2

f() returns 2
f(1) returns 2 too

v = 1
f(v) returns 2 too

What do you mean?

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: ctypes question about call by reference

2006-09-24 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Oliver Andrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - ExceptionType is an enum
 - MagickWand is somewhat strange, but so far it works fine without any
 type mangling.
 How would I wrap this thing using ctypes? Can anybody help me with that?

First thing first: you have to identify how ExceptionType and MagickWand
are composed of. Then you can start wrapping them following the
instructions in the tutorial:

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: ctypes question about call by reference

2006-09-24 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Oliver Andrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, what I learned so far from the documentation, which I already
 have read more then once today, is that there is no example for an
 enum in this situation. But looking at pygame-sdl and another project,
 it looks like the enum is just an c_int or c_long.

The documentation explains how to build an enum to pass to a function:

See the first sentence.

class ExceptionType(Union):
_fields_ = [list_of_tuples]

 Is it at all possbile to use a struct without defining it with ctypes?

If you want to use it you have to define it somewhere...

 Is it okay, to just use the int which is returned by default? Most of
 my library works with that configuration, so I thought it is working.

I see your functions returns a char * so I don't understand what are
you saying here...

 Based on this, can you give me some more hints?

It's not really clear :-)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: newbie IronPython compiled scripts speed question

2006-09-24 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
dtlog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I searched the faqs at python.org and didn't find an answer:
 does using IronPython, instead of CPython, and compiling the
 scripts into native windows executables (I heard IronPython
 can do that) result in faster execution times?

I don't know what you heard but IronPython generates IL code which
happens to be the bytecode of the CLR (the runtime of .NET). So you are
not generating native stuff but a PE executable wrapping the .NET
stuff in it. See:

It seems IronPython being faster than CPython 2.4 in some tests but I
can't say anything about that because I haven't seen that tests :-)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: what's new missing

2006-09-23 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
David Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's New document for Python 2.5?
 pretends to hold it, but the links are corrupt.

It's without /dev/

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: new string method in 2.5 (partition)

2006-09-19 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

 What's the difference between this and string.split?

('http', '://', 'www.python.org')
['http', 'www.python.org']

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: How to get a Fix to an Abandoned Project?

2006-09-19 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Gregory Piñero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Otherwise any other advice is welcome.  Should I just post
 the code somewhere else, etc?

Maybe you can fork and maintain it somewhere else...

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Webbrowser written totally in Python

2006-09-17 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Franz Steinhaeusler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is there any (GUI) webbrowser written completly in Python?

AFAIK Grail is the only attempt but it's _very_ old:

Made in Python, Tkinter and supports HTML 2.0 (3.2 partially)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Looking for a python IDE

2006-09-16 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 Any suggestions?

Maybe BlackAdder

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Tor Erik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've developed an application were I've used Tkinter for the GUI.
 When I ran the GUI in another thread than the main, it kept locking

That's because Tkinter is not thread safe AFAIK.

 I experienced similar problems with Twisted.

Neither Twisted is thread-aware. It uses thread for a couple of things
(twisted.row and address resolution). You can call stuff in a separate
thread with deferToThread or callInThread but avoid threads is best. 

 But could anyone tell me why running these in a thread other than the
 main one doesn't work?

Because neither Twisted nor Tkinter are meant to work with threads.

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Tor Erik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you have two event-based frameworks, both needing to run in the main
 thread, such as Tkinter and Twisted, you have a problem

Twisted supports Tkinter:

It's better to use GUI with a real reactor available like GTK2 anyway...

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Bjoern Schliessmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 What's not real about Tkinter's?

It's not a custom reactor as GTK's AFAIK

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: How to build extensions on Windows?

2006-09-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That, of course, assumes that there is a VS 2007 release
 sufficiently before Python 2.6.

I just spoke with an MVP for .NET (so nothing official obviously) and he
told me the next VS version will ship after Windows Vista for sure and
that (he mentioned the actual alpha status of the available components)
will be likely in the second half of the year or maybe later. 

Anyway after the release of Vista we will all know something more I


Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: python threading

2006-09-13 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 can someone give me a good threading tutorial


Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Help with ctypes pointer return values

2006-09-08 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 Does anyone have a good idea how I should define recordList so that I
 can retrieve the record pointers?


Maybe I misunderstood tough...

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: How to build extensions on Windows?

2006-09-07 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Kevin D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Then there is Mike Fletcher's web page 
 (http://www.vrplumber.com/programming/mstoolkit/) that describes in 
 detail how to build extensions, but most of the links to external 
 software are no longer valid.  I think it's safe to say that I am 
 completely lost, as there appears to be no authoritative, up-to-date 
 description on how to make this work.

I managed to set up a compilation toolchain in Windows following that
tutorial so what's your problem?

I installed MS .NET 1.1 and its SDK, the Platform SDK for Windows 2003
sever and the mstoolkit (you have to borrow it from somewhere because
it's not available anymore)
Then I hacked distutils and all worked well.

The only issue is to find the MS Toolkit 2003...

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: [ANN] IronPython 1.0 released today!

2006-09-07 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Felipe Almeida Lessa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does IronPython runs Twisted?

I really don't think so. They don't have many needed modules, like
select :-)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: How to build extensions on Windows?

2006-09-07 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Kevin D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So in other words, what you're saying is that the only issue I have 
 left is the exact issue that I described in my initial post that you 
 claimed isn't a problem...  Great!  I guess I'l get right down to work
 compiling that extension now.

What I mean is that you have to find a way to get the toolkit. I don't
think MS will sue you if you borrow the compiler from a friend or
download it. Otherwise you can try with MingW I guess...

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: How to build extensions on Windows?

2006-09-07 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't know about MinGW, but you can get the Microsoft compilers by
 installing Visual C++ 2005 Express.  I'm guessing the old toolkit is
 deprecated.  While you must register each Visual Studio Express module
 that you download, I don't think the actual command-line tools are
 Why not try it out and let us know how it goes?
 (Visual Studio 2005 Express:

Because you can't use it to distribute extensions. Python is compiled
against the 2003 version and distutils will simply don't let you compile
with the 2005 version. If you manage to hack distutils to use the 2005
anyway it won't work for sure outside your home box.

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: [ANN] IronPython 1.0 released today!

2006-09-07 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So? IronPython has a select module although it doesn't seem to be complete
 yet. The IronPython mailing list has discussions about getting CherryPy to
 run, and it sounds as though it isn't quite there yet, but it is getting

I don't think my answer is wrong. He asked if Twisted runs on IronPython
and as a matter of fact it doesn't. Everything can happen in the future

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: threading support in python

2006-09-05 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Sandra-24 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh I'm aware of that, but it's not what I'm looking for. Mod_mono just
 lets you run ASP.NET on Apache. I'd much rather use Python :) Now if
 there was a way to run IronPython on Apache I'd be interested.

Take a look here:
and this thread:

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: threading support in python

2006-09-05 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Lawrence Oluyede [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Take a look here:
 and this thread:

Also this: http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/ipaspnet.asp

Google is you friend! :-)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Pros/Cons of Turbogears/Rails?

2006-08-31 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Christophe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Google doesn't find YARM and so, YARM does not exist. Care to provide an
 URL or something?

it's YARV - http://www.atdot.net/yarv/

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: newbie question about import tools

2006-08-20 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

 do i need to download tools.pyc ?

Python doesn't have any tools module builtin. So, what tool is?

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: opposite of import

2006-08-03 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

 I am new to python. I wanted to know if there is an opposite of import

What do you mean? What are you trying to accomplish?

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: New Martelli Nutshell Out

2006-07-19 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
BartlebyScrivener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My preordered copy of Python In A Nutshell just arrived from Amazon.
 Looking forward.

Me too :-)
Mine has been shipped yesterday.

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: EuroPython 2006 and Py3.0

2006-07-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 These are just some ideas. Whether they fit into python or not I will
 leave to the developers.

I'm not a Python pro. but:

 1) Literal slices, in a sense we already have these, but they are
limited to indexing. You can't do something like fun(::). May
be this means the notation used now has to be adapted.

I don't see the use case for this.

 2) Iterable slices. Allow (provided the slice notation stays:)
   for i in (1:10):
to do the same as:
   for i in xrange(1,10):
   This will allow to get rid of both range and xrange. Xrange
   is totally unnecessary and range(a,b) becomes list(a:b).

-1. First: you have to introduce new syntax for an old thing. Second:
you overload the meaning of slicing and the slice operator and so on.
range is perfectly integrated and the right tool for the job. There's no
need to introduce new syntax to iterate over a range of integers.

 4) Introduce Top and Bottom objects, which will allways
compare greater/smaller to other objects. Make them
the default values for the start and stop values of
 5) Give slices a  and | operator.
 7) Give slices the possibility to include the stop value.
My first idea here was that the notation of slices
was adapted, so that what is a:b now would become
a:|b. A slice to include the b would then be a::b.
You could even have a slice that didn't include the
a but included the b like:  a|:b
Now I expect a lot of resitance here, so it this
seems not feasable, just drop it.
 6) Is this is all asked too much, make slice at least

Why do you need power slices?

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: EuroPython 2006 and Py3.0

2006-07-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a tree class, a tree acts like a dictionary, but when you
 iterate over it, it always iterates over the keys in order. This
 makes it usefull to iterate over a slice. So it would be usefull
 if methods like keys, values and items could take a slice as
 an argument and use the same notation for it. Something like
   for k, v in t.items('a':'b'):
 Which would iterate over all items where the key starts with
 an 'a'. 

I keep thinking that means changing the meaning of slice

  -1. First: you have to introduce new syntax for an old thing.
 That syntax already exists, it just is only available as an

Slicing and indexing is inside square brackets. (start:stop) seems
confusing to me. And I seriously doubt that Guido or someone on his
behalf will go through introducing another syntax for something that can
be already done in one way. I came to Python because of it's clean
syntax and I've always tought one good way to do one thing is better
than Perlish style. That's why I don't like powering up slice objects to
do that.

 Range as it is, is going to disappear. Last time I read the
 python 3000 Pep range would get the functionality of xrange
 and xrange would disappear, and those who want a list will
 have to do: list(range(a,b))

Yep but generators are better to iterate. list(range_object) is less
common than for i in range_object AFAIK

 Need is such a strong word. In the end we don't need python, but
 it seems very usefull to have it around. I understand that should this
 be introduced it could make people uneasy, but I also think it
 could be very usefull.

I'm not the person in charge to make decisions about Python syntax,
power and limitations but I really don't see a useful use case to have a
slice++. Even decorators (that few people really understand) have a lot
of use cases more than slice++

 Because it would have made things a lot of easier for me in
 a number of cases. I have a table class that is like a
 list but can start at any index, it sure would have been
 easier to write with some of the possibilities above. I
 though to just write my own slice class, but slice is not
 subclassable, and when I just wrote my own from scratch,
 with a start, stop and step attribute I got an error that
 it wasn't an integer so couldn't be used as an index.
 So much for duck taping.

I understand. So maybe asking for subclassable slices is better :-)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: EuroPython 2006 and Py3.0

2006-07-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
A.M. Kuchling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If Python 3000 turns into a let's-try-all-sorts-of-goofy-new-ideas
 language, at least some of those ideas will turn out to have been
 mistakes, and then we'll need a Python 3000++ to clean things up.

And I also think we will lose some developers in the community. Python
is good because is flexible and it's tight to the need of people who
write code for passion, work and educational purposes (that's another
meaning of multiple purposes language). If Python turns to be only an
educational language... it will definitely fail.

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Accessors in Python (getters and setters)

2006-07-10 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
mystilleef [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is the Pythonic way of implementing getters and setters.

Using public members and turning them into properties when needed

 people say the use of accessors is not Pythonic. But why? 

Because there's no need to have them everywhere

 But now my code base is expanding and I'm beginning to appreciate the
 wisdom behind them. I welcome example code and illustrations.

Search for python property

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Is there a Python __LINE__ ?

2006-07-06 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Rolf Wester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is there a Python aquivalent to the C __LINE__?

I found this in the archives:

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Controlling Windows Media Player from Python

2006-07-03 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Jeffrey Barish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way to interact with Windows Media Player from Python?  I would
 like to be able to do things like tell WMP to play a given sound file or to
 ask WMP for metadata about a sound file.

Take a look at pywinauto, I attended the today talk at EP2006 and seemed
really cool. http://pywinauto.pbwiki.com

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: mmap as a sequence behavior

2006-06-29 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Scott David Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That is sequence behavior.  The convention of -1 for last, -2 for 
 second-to-last, ... is done before it gets to your C code.  I suspect
 if you don't define a __len__ method, you'd suppress this.

I defined a __len__ method but I get the index plain without any kind
of conversion before entering the method

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: mmap as a sequence behavior

2006-06-29 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Lawrence Oluyede [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What am I missing from the C API?

Found. I edit abstract.c placing some printf here and there and
discovered PyObject_GetItem is always called and in turn it call
PySequence_GetItem so is there my index is translated.

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

mmap as a sequence behavior

2006-06-28 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
While wrapping mmap indexing/sequence emulation I noticed something

The source code of this oddity is:

static PyObject *
mmap_item(mmap_object *self, Py_ssize_t i)
if (i  0 || (size_t)i = self-size) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, mmap index out of range);
return NULL;
return PyString_FromStringAndSize(self-data + i, 1);

located in mmapmodule.c

What's got my attention was the fact that passing -1 from Python does
not trigger the exception but is changed to the last positive and valid
index. Let's make an example:

import mmap
f = open(foo, w+)
m = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 6)
print m[-1] # == 'f'

I expect this raise IndexError as reading the C source code but it
behaves exactly like sequence types in Python. That's fair to me but I
don't get *where* my index is translated.

If I print the 'i' variable in the C source code before the if statement
I get len(ourmap) - 1 instead of -1

What am I missing from the C API?

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Python on intel osx

2006-06-23 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
John Lockwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone please suggest the most suitable python  for mac osx 10.4.6
 Finding the right installs doesn't seem quite as cut and dried as it is for
 linux or windows.

open google, type python osx and go to the _second_ result.
It's http://pythonmac.org/packages/ 

 I'm also looking for numeric and pyopengl.

I compiled Numeric manually and it worked fine. Dunno about pyopengl

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Is it possible to split a class definition?

2006-06-21 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

 Is it possible to split a Class definition over two or more text files?
 (if so, how:)

There's no partial types like in .NET 2.0 but since Python is dynamic
you can add members at runtime :-)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Why list.sort() don't return the list reference instead of None?

2006-05-08 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

 I want to ask why the designer of Python do so?

I'm not a Python core developer nor a designer but I've always known that
sort() is a in-place sort and since the list is a mutable object it mutates the
list sending the sort() message. If you want to get back a sorted iterable
use... sorted :)

L = [3, 1, 2]
ls = sorted(L)

now ls is your list, sorted.

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Why list.sort() don't return the list reference instead of None?

2006-05-08 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

 However, I wonder why L.sort() don't return the reference L, the
 performance of return L and None may be the same. 

It's not the same. sort() does not return anything.


I've just explained to you and so the others: by default operations on mutable
objects are in place.

s = abc

does return another string. String are immutable references.

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Davy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Does Python support robust regular expression like Perl?

Yep, Python regular expression is robust. Have a look at the Regex Howto:
http://www.amk.ca/python/howto/regex/ and the re module:

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Upgrading and modules

2006-04-16 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Brian Elmegaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I don't it includes every possible module, e.g., py2exe, ctypes,
 mysqldb, wxpython...

Right but since Python doesn't have a full-integrated central packaging
(despite the ongoing Pypi project and Eby's efforts in setuptools) you have to
do it manually :)

How many modules do you really use? It's a matter of minutes. 

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Should I learn Python instead?

2006-04-16 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
fyleow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'm a student/hobbyist programmer interested in creating a web project.

I'm a student too and I've done a little Python web related stuff long ago.

  It's nothing too complicated, I would like to get data from an RSS
 feed and store that into a database.  I want my website to get the
 information from the database and display parts of it depending on the
 criteria I set.

That's a really easy thing to do. You're lucky because thanks to Mark Pilgrim
we have one of the best RSS/Atom parsing libraries out there:

It's quite simple:

1 - you parse the feed
2 - you take the data
3 - you display them in your html page with one of the python frameworks

 I just finished an OO programming class in Java and I thought it would
 be a good idea to do this in C# since ASP.NET makes web applications
 easier than using Java (that's what I've heard anyway).  

It's quite right. ASP.NET is easier than JSP and J2EE stuff but Python is
better to me :)

 I thought it
 would be easy to pick up since the language syntax is very similar but
 I'm getting overwhelmed by the massive class library.  MSDN docs are
 very good and thorough but the language just seems a little unwieldy
 and too verbose.

Yeah they like in that way. A 4+ class library and gigatons of
documents. All is verbose in their static world: documents, books, languages :(

 This is how to access an RSS feed and create an XML document to
 manipulate it.

I know the author of the RSS.NET library and I used it in the past, it can save
you some machinery. But why get a bad language with a good library instead of a
wonderful library and a very good language :) ?

 Is Python easier than C#?  

IMHO yes.

 someone show how to access an XML document on the web and have it ready
 to be manipulated for comparison?  Any other advice for a newbie?

Start with the examples on the feedparser homepage. Then choose a framework
(Turbogears? CherryPy?) and then it's a matter of _minutes_ to have a HTML page
filled with your data.

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: white space in expressions and argument lists

2006-03-02 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 1 + 2  or   1+2

 func(1,2) or func(1, 2)

I prefer and use 1 + 2 and func(1, 2)
I don't do whitespaces only in argument defaults like


Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Anyone can freely use whatever he wants but the light at the end
of the tunnel for most of his problems is Python

Re: PythonWin: any way to delete all objects without exiting and without doing it with del?

2006-03-01 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

 In PythonWin, is there any way to bulk-delete all objects without using
 del object for each, and without having to exit out of PythonWin?

PythonWin is just an IDE. For what reason you have to delete all objects by
yourself? Garbage collector is there for that :)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Anyone can freely use whatever he wants but the light at the end
of the tunnel for most of his problems is Python

Re: SyntaxError: can't assign to a function call

2006-02-26 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 f() += [4]
 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call

It's obvious that that line gives you a syntax error. += is the increment
operator overloaded for strings and lists and so on. It changes the lhs in
place appending the rhs. In this case the rhs is a function call so... how the
compiler knows how to assign to a function call?

Do the things easily:

- x = f()
- x += [4]


Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Anyone can freely use whatever he wants but the light at the end
of the tunnel for most of his problems is Python

Re: PyAtom, a Python module for creating Atom syndication feeds

2006-02-23 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Steve R. Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I intend to donate this to the Python Software Foundation, so I have
 released it under the terms of the Academic Free License 2.1.

 You can download it from here:


 The file includes a readme.txt file with a few notes, and pyatom.py.

Very interesting, I was looking forward to something like that in the past and
found atomixlib but it has heavy dependencies. Yours seems nicer. Anyway, you
don't follow PEP 8 guidelines and AFAIK a module must be widespread and used by
the community before can be accepted in the Python core. The same happened with
Lundh's ElementTree

Good job :)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Anyone can freely use whatever he wants but the light at the end
of the tunnel for most of his problems is Python

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