Re: My personal candidate for QOTW (was: Python interpreter in Basic or a Python-2-Basic translator.)

2005-05-01 Thread Lee Cullens

From: Leif Biberg Kristensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 1, 2005 2:13:43 PM EDT
Subject: Re: My personal candidate for QOTW (was: Python interpreter in Basic or a Python-2-Basic translator.)

Cameron Laird skrev:

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Engineer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The security 'droids have decided that since the MS Office Suite is a
"standard" application then software written in MS Office VBA must be
"safe."  Any other development environments (such as Java, Perl,

This is clear evidence supporting the theory that being in charge of
security and being able to think have no significant correlation.

And, yes: +1 QOTW from me, too.
Leif Biberg Kristensen

I see it every day.  The "hangers-on" have too much invested in the MS quagmire to consider anything else.  It's a political thing, and yes yet another example of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave."  For example, a major financial institution offers their active trader application on Windows only, citing "security" considerations.  Stamping the MS Office Suite and VBA a standard is reminiscent of HR department policy - of course you know what floats to the top in corporate (as well as government) ranks.  

QOTW? Only for lack of anything more original (no disrespect intended :~)

Lee C
"God save us from those that would save us"  -- my grandmother c1945  

PS: Though I stick with mostly Unix anymore, I do know there are "software engineers" valiantly employing Python (in their toolbag) in the MS environment.  

Re: MRO problems with diamond inheritance?

2005-05-01 Thread Lee Cullens
Michele Simionato:

>> M.E.Farmer:
>> Your answer lies somewhere in this page ;)
> Yes, when it refers to
> (section Bad Method Resolution Orders).
> In short, it is a feature, not a bug.

I wanted to thank you Michele for for supplying this very informative 
link (and your work on the piece).

I'm just getting into Python and have been "lurking" on this list.  I 
have not yet gotten into a real world problem that involved nontrivial 
MRO, but recognized (as in intuitive suspicion) that such could be a 
concern in a complex class pattern design.  One of those things that 
keeps nagging when addressing other issues.  Now I can compartmentalize 
it and make better progress :~)

Thanks again,
Lee C


RE: Regular Expression tools?

2005-05-03 Thread Lee Cullens
Been here before, but can't remember what I used and anyway that was a 
PC platform.

So, if you use a Regular Expression tool (PCRE standard) for Python 
programming and your development platform is Mac OS X, would you please 
help narrow down the search for me.  All I seem to be finding are other 
platforms and/or not standalone.

Lee C


Re: Regular Expression tools?

2005-05-04 Thread Lee Cullens
Tim Henderson:
> I am not quite sure what you want. However if you are looking for
> Python's regular expression module it is the re module. Just go to
> interactive help and view the api for it.

Thanks Tim,

I found RegexPlor - not as full as I was thinking of, but it does the 

Lee C


Re: Regular Expression tools?

2005-05-04 Thread Lee Cullens

From: "Terje Johan Abrahamsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 4, 2005 6:49:14 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Regular Expression tools?

This is what you are looking for.

I've seen that and it looks great, but I don't have the Trolltech Qt application framework.
" Kodos utilizes the PyQt library for it's interface and will run on any platform that Trolltech's Qt application framework is available on (Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac)."  

From: Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 4, 2005 7:43:43 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Regular Expression tools?

Lee Cullens wrote:
Been here before, but can't remember what I used and anyway that was a PC platform.
So, if you use a Regular Expression tool (PCRE standard) for Python programming and your development platform is Mac OS X, would you please help narrow down the search for me.  All I seem to be finding are other platforms and/or not standalone.

Maybe you are looking for RegexPlor:


Yes, I found that - not quite as full as I was thinking of, but it gets the job done for now.

Thanks all,
Lee C

RE: An example in point 2

2005-05-15 Thread Lee Cullens
    From:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Subject:     RE:  An example in point 2    Date:     May 15, 2005 8:35:01 PM EDT    To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]I guess Python is just a cover for this list.  Since the holly rollers can post whatever they want, now the survivalists are chiming in also.  Yet Python content with some harmless vernacular gets kicked.   No point in feeding the idiots that post this garbage so maybe we (as in interested in Python) should start sending it all to you.From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: May 15, 2005 7:33:38 PM EDTTo: python-list@python.orgSubject: The world is really unstable these days..We've got a lot to deal with these days. Terrorism, Recession, An example in point.  You let the holly rollers clutter up the list, but this little test message gets blocked.  Very inconsiderate and inconsistent of you.  If you can block this then you can block all the holly roller garbage.      From:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Subject:     Re: Jesus said, "..."    Date:     May 15, 2005 1:52:43 PM EDT    To:       python-list@python.orgThe annoying thing about this junk mail is if one receives just a digest (otherwise the junk mail filter cans it).  Funny how one perfectly innocent word can hold up a post for review, but this sort of thing gets through every timeLee C--

RE: Python Interest Group Query

2005-05-16 Thread Lee Cullens
Python Interest Group Query

I'm aware of the Boston PIG, a smaller one in Amherst and have been  
told that there is possibly a PIG in Manchester, NH.

Basically I'm trying to find out if there are any, or any interest in  
(or even any other Python users at all :~)) in a PIG in the northern  
NE corridor (Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine).

I'm a recent Mac and Python convert working at some multimedia
software development, and retired from a software engineering
career.  I live in western NH and back in the late 80's commuted to
Boston and NY, so I'm not very keen on such anymore :~)

Thank you,
Lee C

OO re-factoring (was Pythonese/Efficiency/Generalese critique [on Tutor])

2005-06-07 Thread Lee Cullens
In my original post I noted my recent exposure to Python and put up a  
little utility to my iDisk asking for a Pythonese/Efficiency/ 
Generalese critique.

Javier, Kent and Liam were gracious enough to offer comments, which  
were greatly appreciated.  To follow through with the learning  
exercise, I incorporated their comments (at least the ones there were  
no conflicting opinions on :~) and put up the new version as:

I was thinking of extending the learning exercise by re-factoring it  
as an OO approach, since it would contain a minimum altered method.   
Being new to OOP also though, I'm confusing myself with how that  
would be best accomplished.  My thinking is that class/subclass  
method instances would replace the recursive functions approach, but  
have as yet not formed the coding in my mind.

I've read a lot on OOP, but seem to have a problem with the practical  
use of such in this utility.  I'm undoubtedly creating a mountain of  
an ant hill in my mind, so any thoughts would be appreciated.

Lee C


Re: OO re-factoring (was Pythonese/Efficiency/Generalese critique [on Tutor])

2005-06-08 Thread Lee Cullens
ThanThanks for the reply Dan,Yes, my take was flawed, and a number of individuals on the Tutor list pointed me in the right direction.  Thanks again,Lee CFrom: Dan Sommers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 8, 2005 8:22:39 AM EDTTo: python-list@python.orgSubject: Re: OO re-factoring (was Pythonese/Efficiency/Generalese critique [on Tutor])On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 00:52:06 -0400,Lee Cullens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ... My thinking is that class/subclass method instances would replacethe recursive functions approach, but have as yet not formed thecoding in my mind. I don't remember the original post, but methods and recursion are *not*mutually exclusive (e.g., an Integer class with a factorial method, or abinary tree class whose nodes are also binary trees).Regards,Dan-- Dan Sommers<>--

Re: OO re-factoring (was Pythonese/Efficiency/Generalese critique [on Tutor])

2005-06-08 Thread Lee Cullens
Thanks for the comment Dan,Yes, that much I'm aware of.  I just thought I'd refactor my little utility in an OO approach as an exercise.  What I've learned so far is that my non-OO approach is in this situation very efficient, succinct and non-duplicative.  Except for avoiding multiple argument passing (globals not even considered ;') there seems little to be gained.  Even so, one learns best by doing and I'm gaining a better understanding of OOP (and where to apply such).  The oak trees are hard on this old head though :~)Thanks again,Lee COn Jun 8, 2005, at 11:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Subject: Re: OO re-factoring (was Pythonese/Efficiency/Generalese critique [on Tutor])   Dan Sommers wrote:  I don't remember the original post, but methods and recursion are *not* mutually exclusive (e.g., an Integer class with a factorial method, or a binary tree class whose nodes are also binary trees).  Also, don't think that you have to make everything OO. OO isn't necessarily better than non-OO. It's a means to an end, not an end in itself.  --  Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, University of Canterbury,     Christchurch, New Zealand --