Answers to homework questions [WAS]: Re: Python homework

2017-12-14 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

Hi Roger,

On 13/12/17 23:31, ROGER GRAYDON CHRISTMAN wrote:

On Wed, Dec 13, 2017, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:

On 05/12/17 06:33, nick martinez2 via Python-list wrote:
I have a question on my homework. 


For this kind of problem I think the collections module [1] can be very
useful. In this case in particular have a look at the Counter package ;)


A nice answer at face value, and for general questions, but
perhaps not the best given the subject line and the first sentence
in the OP's note.


When I teach my course, I have no desire to have
all my students turn into cargo cultists.

At least this particular student did post his intended solution,
instead of outright begging for code.  And most of the responses
I see did attempt to work within the perceived constraints
regarding what language tools the student was expected to use.

I see your point as a teacher, but after all this *is* a Python mailing 
list and not a python-homework-support mailing list.

Plus, the OP had already received various good answers specifically 
helping them solve the problem along the lines of his proposed code, so 
I guessed hinting to a standard library module which is interesting and 
potentially relevant in this case might be useful to both the OP and 
other people on the ML while enriching the discussion ;-)


Re: Python homework

2017-12-13 Thread Lorenzo Sutton


On 05/12/17 06:33, nick martinez2 via Python-list wrote:

I have a question on my homework. My homework is to write a program in which
the computer simulates the rolling of a die 50 times and then prints
(i). the most frequent side of the die (ii). the average die value of all

For this kind of problem I think the collections module [1] can be very 
useful. In this case in particular have a look at the Counter package ;)



I wrote the program so it says the most frequent number out of all the

rolls for example (12,4,6,14,10,4) and will print out "14" instead of 4 like I
need. This is what I have so far:
import random

def rollDie(number):
 rolls = [0] * 6
 for i in range(0, number):
 rolls[roll - 1] += 1
 return rolls

if __name__ == "__main__":
 result = rollDie(50)
 print (result)


Re: How to reduce the DRY violation in this code

2016-09-28 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 27/09/2016 17:49, Steve D'Aprano wrote:

I have a class that takes a bunch of optional arguments. They're all
optional, with default values of various types. For simplicity, let's say
some are ints and some are floats:

class Spam:
def __init__(self, bashful=10.0, doc=20.0, dopey=30.0,
 grumpy=40, happy=50, sleepy=60, sneezy=70):
# the usual assign arguments to attributes dance...
self.bashful = bashful
self.doc = doc
# etc.

I also have an alternative constructor that will be called with string

May I ask: do you really need to add this method? Can't you ensure that 
the data passed during initialisation is already of the right type (i.e. 
can you convert to float/ints externally)? If now why?


It converts the strings to the appropriate type, then calls the

real constructor, which calls __init__. Again, I want the arguments to be
optional, which means providing default values:

def from_strings(cls, bashful='10.0', doc='20.0', dopey='30.0',
 grumpy='40', happy='50', sleepy='60', sneezy='70'):
bashful = float(bashful)
doc = float(doc)
dopey = float(dopey)
grumpy = int(grumpy)
happy = int(happy)
sleepy = int(sleepy)
sneezy = int(sneezy)
return cls(bashful, doc, dopey, grumpy, happy, sleepy, sneezy)

That's a pretty ugly DRY violation. Imagine that I change the default value
for bashful from 10.0 to (let's say) 99. I have to touch the code in three
places (to say nothing of unit tests):

- modify the default value in __init__
- modify the stringified default value in from_strings
- change the conversion function from float to int in from_strings

Not to mention that each parameter is named seven times.

How can I improve this code to reduce the number of times I have to repeat


Re: python parsing suggestion

2016-05-30 Thread Lorenzo Sutton


On 30/05/2016 09:34, Ganesh Pal wrote:

Hi ,

Trying to extract the '1,1,114688:8192' pattern form the below output.

'3aae5d0-1: Parent Block for 1,1,19169280:8192 (block 1,1,114688:8192)
magic 0xdeaff2fe mark_cookie
0x\ngpal-3aae5d0-1: super.status
3super.cookie  390781895\ngpal-3aae5d0-1:
 cg_xth  0

What parts of the string (i any) can we assume to always be the same?

1.  Is parsing with  stdout.strip().split('\n')[0].split()[6][:-1]
sufficient do I need to add extra check ? it looks fine for me though.

2.  Better ways to achieve the same output  we need to parse is a string

3. Is'(\d+),(\d+),(\d+):(\d+)', parent_block) needed ?  I
added as an extra check ,any ideas on the same




Re: The irony

2016-05-11 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 10/05/2016 20:03, DFS wrote:

"There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."

"Explicit is better than implicit."

What is your use case and scenario? :-)

Maybe it's better to write a function to automatise this so that if 
instead of "line 1\n ..." you want "banana 1~banana 2~ " etc. you can 
simply change parameters?

That said join and list comprehensions would also come to mind, but not 
sure how "obvious" that is...


sSQL =  "line 1\n"
sSQL += "line 2\n"
sSQL += "line 3"
sSQL = ("line 1\n"
"line 2\n"
"line 3")
sSQL = "\n".join([
 "line 1",
 "line 2",
 "line 3",
sSQL =  """line 1
line 2
line 3"""
sSQL = """\
line 1
line 2
line 3"""
sSQL = "line 1\n" \
   "line 2\n" \
   "line 3"

Which is the "one obvious way" to do it?

I liked:

sSQL =  "line 1\n"
sSQL += "line 2\n"
sSQL += "line 3"

but it's frowned upon in PEP8.


Re: Tk alternative to askopenfilename and askdirectory?

2015-12-16 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 16/12/2015 14:18, Ulli Horlacher wrote:

Is there an alternative to Tk's askopenfilename() and askdirectory()?

I want to select a files and directories within one widget, but
askopenfilename() let me only select files and askdirectory() let me only
select directories.

I guess it would help if you could provide some information on your use 
case and what you want to achieve ;)


Re: Question about math.pi is mutable

2015-11-06 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 06/11/2015 13:30, Bartc wrote:

On 06/11/2015 02:33, wrote:

Hello, python-list guys:

 I am a newbie of python from Beijing. China.
 I have a question about "math.pi".
 As you can see in the attachment, why i can modify "math.pi"?
 (in "mathmodule.c" "pi" is a "static const double")

Python isn't C.

Your attachment isn't visible, but it can be demonstrated easily:

import math


print (math.pi)

In Python, presumably 'pi' is just another variable, and variables can
be written to.

(Perhaps math.pi would be better off as a function.)

Still nothing stops you from doing:

math.sin = 0

If you really want to?

Re: Detection of a specific sound

2015-11-02 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 26/10/15 01:17, Montana Burr wrote:

I'm looking for a library that will allow Python to listen for the
shriek of a smoke alarm. Once it detects this shriek, it is to notify
someone. Ideally, specificity can be adjusted for the user's
environment. For example, I expect to need moderate specificity as I
live in a quiet neighborhood, but an apartment dweller might need more.

I'm thinking of recording a smoke alarm and having the program try to
find the recorded sound in the stream from the microphone.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

It would really be helpful if you could explain the (hardware) setting 
in more detail.
When you say "Python to listen" I assume you mean a microphone connected 
to a computer where your python programme will be running.

How many smoke allarms and in what radius should be detected? Or is it 
only a specific one?

This could range from a simple programme triggered by an amplitude 
change (e.g. a piezo attached to the single alarm in question) to a 
complex audio fingerprinting one...


Re: Python, convert an integer into an index?

2015-09-24 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 23/09/2015 17:32, Denis McMahon wrote:

On Tue, 22 Sep 2015 14:43:55 -0700, Chris Roberts wrote:

results = 134523  #(Integer)

This appears to be an integer expressed (presumably) in base 10 with 6

results = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3]   #(INDEX)

This appears to be a python list of 7 elements, with the first and the
the third through seventh elements corresponding to the first and the
second through sixth most significant digits respectively of the
previously discussed integer.

I can't actually see any direct method of creating the list given from
the number given.

However, if I understand the intent of the question you meant to ask, you
might find that the following code does something interesting:

x = 9876543210
y = []

while x > 0:
 y.append(x % 10)
 x = int(x / 10)

y = list(reversed(y))
print y

I like the math approach even if the pythonic list string is quicker...

One 'math' way would also be (avoiding the list reverse, but need to 
import math):

>>> import math
>>> result = 1234567
>>> digits = int(math.log10(result) + 1)
>>> y = []
>>> for x in range(digits, 0, -1):
number = result % (10 ** x) / (10 **(x-1))

>>> y
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Python 3 windows installer problem [WAS: Re: an installing problem]

2015-09-23 Thread Lorenzo Sutton


Not too familiar with the 'new' Python 3 installer on windows.. but

On 23/09/2015 13:37, Narges Asadi wrote:

I’ve encountered a problem when I wanted to install Python 3.5.
I  sent you the log file. Please help me to fix the problem.

From the log:

[0F4C:1110][2015-09-23T14:54:17]e000: Error 0x80072ee7: Failed to send 
request to URL:, trying to 
process HTTP status code anyway.

which seems to be reachable now... so maybe a network problem when you 
were installing??

Look here about installing without downloading, it might be helpful.

This bug report might also be relevant:

Hope this helps.

Re: Pyarmor, guard your python scripts

2015-09-18 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 18/09/2015 13:41, Jondy Zhao wrote:

In reality, when we leave the house, we lock the door, even the lock could
not make sure the safe of our property. It's just make it difficult.
It's same in the software world. Someone need the lock in both of the world.

I think you meant "in the *proprietary* software world".

This discussion on the topic, and in particular this answer, on 
Stackoverflow are quite inspiring:



Re: XML Binding

2015-09-04 Thread Lorenzo Sutton


On 03/09/2015 21:54, Burak Arslan wrote:


On 09/03/15 19:54, Palpandi wrote:

Hi All,

Is there any module available in python standard library for XML binding? If 
not, any other suggestions.

lxml is the right xml library to use. You can use lxml's objectify or Spyne.

I second lxml..


Which is good for parsing large file?

How large is large?

I have used lxml (coupled with pygtk) with very good results on XML 
files up to around 250Mb.


Re: global and loop control variable

2015-07-23 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 23/07/2015 12:24, candide wrote:

Now, global declaration has another restriction, as PLR explains:

Names listed in a global statement must not be defined as formal parameters
or in a for loop control target,

What I understand is that the following is a must-not-code:

# ---
def f():
 global i
 for i in range(1,3):

# ---

But, the later code executes silently without any warning:


So my question is: what is the restriction about global as loop control 
variable the docs is referring to?

I think for situations like this one?

# ---
def f():
global temperature
for temperature in range(1,3):
print In f temperature is:, temperature

temperature = 500
print temperature is now, temperature
printtemperature is now:, temperature
# temperature is now broken
if temperature = 100:
print Launching rocket
# this never happens
print temperature too high! Aborting launch.
 # ---

Re: global and loop control variable

2015-07-23 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 23/07/2015 14:31, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Thu, 23 Jul 2015 09:20 pm, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:

On 23/07/2015 12:24, candide wrote:

Now, global declaration has another restriction, as PLR explains:


Names listed in a global statement must not be defined as formal
parameters or in a for loop control target,

What I understand is that the following is a must-not-code:

def f():
  global i
  for i in range(1,3):


So my question is: what is the restriction about global as loop control
variable the docs is referring to?

You are correct. The above example is exactly the restriction mentions. The
very next paragraph in the docs says:

CPython implementation detail: The current implementation does not enforce
the two restrictions, but programs should not abuse this freedom, as future
implementations may enforce them or silently change the meaning of the

In other words, the behaviour of global loop variables is not guaranteed,
and you should not use it even if the compiler/interpreter fails to raise a
syntax error.

I think for situations like this one?

def f():
  global temperature
  for temperature in range(1,3):
  print In f temperature is:, temperature

There's no meaningful difference between the example Candide gave (for i in
range) and the example you give (for temperature in range). They both use a
global for the loop variable. Only the names differ.

Of course... it was just to highlight that it could be potentially, 
especially if your programme is going to launch a rocket - eventually 
(see my entire code example) :-)
