Looking a device up in the Running Object Table

2006-02-25 Thread Lunchtimemama
I'm looking to disable Windows autoplay for a particular device.
There's a registry key
that will turn off autoplay for listed devices, but one must provide
the device's CLSID as it appears in the ROT.

I use the wmi module (http://tgolden.sc.sabren.com/python/wmi.html) to
discover the device's GUID, but I don't know enough about COM to look
it up in the ROT. Is there a difference between the GUID and the CLSID
in the ROT, or am I just not using the registry correctly?



Re: Problem overriding sys.excepthook

2006-01-02 Thread Lunchtimemama
Try/except sounds like the way to go. Thanks.


Re: Problem overriding sys.excepthook

2006-01-02 Thread Lunchtimemama
Thank you for a fine explanation Pat, that clears things up very
nicely. I have one remaining question which I imagine amounts to taste.
What is the superior method of exception handling:

A) To, as you suggest above, import the code as a module from within a
program with special exception handling code.


B) To pipe sys.stderr to a file and keep the OS on the lookout for a
non-zero errorlevel (via a batch file or some such) and then launch
another Python script to further handle the error output.

My goal is to upload error reports to a server. My criteria for
preference are first performance and second conformance with Python
style. Any overwhelming opinion or alternative solution? Thanks again.


Re: Problem overriding sys.excepthook

2006-01-01 Thread Lunchtimemama
Forgive my ignorance, but I'm not quite sure what you mean. I tried
importing the traceback module at the beginning of the script, but that
didn't make a difference. Could you provide example code to illustrate
your comment? Thanks.



Problem overriding sys.excepthook

2006-01-01 Thread Lunchtimemama
Yo all, I'm getting into Python for the first time and I'm really
having a blast. I've hit a bit of a snag and was wondering if someone
could lend some insight. Here be the code:

import sys
def myexcepthook(type, value, tb):
  import traceback
  rawreport = traceback.format_exception(type, value, tb)
  report = '\n'.join(rawreport)
  errorlog = open('error.log','a')
  errorlog.write(('%s\n' + '-'*30 + '\n\n') % report)
sys.excepthook = myexcepthook

Now here's the trouble: if I enter that line-by-line into the
interpreter in interactive mode, the custom exception hook will handle
all exceptions, but if I put that in a script that I run from the
shell, it only catches some exceptions. For example, it would catch an
undefined name, like if I just put:


into the program above, the override would work. But if I made a
syntactical error, like:

1 = spam

then it would fall to the standard sys.excepthook. Is there some lazy
evaluation that I don't know about? I'm on Windows, if that makes a
difference. Thank for the help.

