Tracking down memory leaks?

2006-02-12 Thread MKoool
I have an application with one function called compute, which given a
filename, goes through that file and performs various statistical
analyses.  It uses arrays extensively and loops alot.  it prints the
results of it's statistical significance tests to standard out.  Since
the compute function returns and I think no variables of global scope
are being used, I would think that when it does, all memory returns
back to the operating system.

Instead, what I see is that every iteration uses several megs more.
For example, python uses 52 megs when starting out, it goes through
several iterations and I'm suddenly using more than 500 megs of ram.

Does anyone have any pointers on how to figure out what I'm doing



Re: Tracking down memory leaks?

2006-02-12 Thread MKoool
 How big is the file you are reading in? If it is (say) 400 MB, then it is
 hardly surprising that you will be using 500MB of RAM. If the file is 25K,
 that's another story.

Actually, I am downloading the matrix data from a file on a server on
the net using urllib2, and then I am running several basic stats on it
using some functions that i get from matplotlib.  Most are statistical
functions I run on standard vectors, such as standard deviation, mean,
median, etc.  I do then loop through various matrix items, and then
based on a set of criteria, I attempt to perform a sort of linear
regression model using a few loops on the vectors.

 How are you storing your data while you are processing it? I'd be looking
 for hidden duplicates.

I am storing basically everything as a set of vectors.  For example, I
would have one vector for my X-axis, time.  The other variables are the
number of units sold and the total aggregate revenue from selling all

I am wondering if it's actually urllib2 that is messing me up.  It
could be matplotlib as well, although I doubt it since I do not use
matplotlib unless the statistical significance test I produce indicates
a high level of strength (very rare), indicating to me that the company
has a winning product.


Array construction from object members

2005-12-31 Thread MKoool
Hi everyone,

I am doing several operations on lists and I am wondering if python has
anything built in to get every member of several objects that are in an
array, for example, if i have a class like the following:

class myClass:
   a = 0.0

And lets say I populate the a element in an array of objects of
myClass.  If I want to retrieve all items in this and perhaps give it
to a mean function, I would need to make a loop now:

mySimpleArray = []
for i in range(0,len(myArray)):

There must be some more efficient way to do this, can someone point me
to the right direction so that I can review some documentation and get
things a little more efficient?



Best library for basic stats

2005-12-29 Thread MKoool
Is there any decent library for basic stats?  I am just looking for the
basics, like quartiles, median, standard deviation, mean, min, max,
regression, etc.

I was going to use SciPy, but I use Python 2.4, and it seems to be
supported primarily for 2.3...

What other statistical packages have any level of public support at
this point?



Filtering out non-readable characters

2005-07-15 Thread MKoool
I have a file with binary and ascii characters in it.  I massage the
data and convert it to a more readable format, however it still comes
up with some binary characters mixed in.  I'd like to write something
to just replace all non-printable characters with '' (I want to delete
non-printable characters).

I am having trouble figuring out an easy python way to do this... is
the easiest way to just write some regular expression that does
something like replace [^\p] with ''?

Or is it better to go through every character and do ord(character),
check the ascii values?

What's the easiest way to do something like this?



stdout and stderr showing output only after script is done

2005-05-29 Thread MKoool
I just installed python 2.4 for windows.  I was using the cygwin
version previously, but wanted to use the official python 2.4 release
to install a module that reads off some registry entries.

After installing, I did what I normally do, ssh to my local windows
machine, and run the python script I wrote.  The script takes about 30
seconds to complete and gives me incremental output.  I ran it, and it
seems to be buffering standard input and  output.  It ran my whole
script and showed me all the output of stderr and stdout only after the
whole script was done.  For example, my script can sometimes take like
10 minutes to finish, so I print out 1% complete, 2% complete and
so on.  Now it shows me nothing, and at the end, it just tells me 1%
complete, 2% complete... 100% complete all in one shot.

Can I change this behavior somehow?



Re: stdout and stderr showing output only after script is done

2005-05-29 Thread MKoool
sorry, i'm an idoit who just found that i should use the -u option, my


Re: stdout and stderr showing output only after script is done

2005-05-29 Thread MKoool
sorry i meant i installed python version 2.4.1, thanks

MKoool wrote:
 I just installed python 2.4 for windows.  I was using the cygwin
 version previously, but wanted to use the official python 2.4 release
 to install a module that reads off some registry entries.

 After installing, I did what I normally do, ssh to my local windows
 machine, and run the python script I wrote.  The script takes about 30
 seconds to complete and gives me incremental output.  I ran it, and it
 seems to be buffering standard input and  output.  It ran my whole
 script and showed me all the output of stderr and stdout only after the
 whole script was done.  For example, my script can sometimes take like
 10 minutes to finish, so I print out 1% complete, 2% complete and
 so on.  Now it shows me nothing, and at the end, it just tells me 1%
 complete, 2% complete... 100% complete all in one shot.
 Can I change this behavior somehow?
