Re: Probably simple syntax error

2007-07-01 Thread Mark Peters
 **weights_array(randomizing_counter) = small_randomized_int

 The starred line is the one getting the error message: SyntaxError:
 can't assign to function call

 Now, I do understand what this means. I'm trying to assign to a
 function instead of the value that the function should create. But
 since when is weights_array or small_randomizing_int a function? Both
 are being declared in the code on their first usage. This one has got
 me stumped, maybe you guys can help me out with it?

Using parens () indicates a function call.

I suspect things will work much better using square brackets [].

Square brackets indicate the index into a sequence (like a list)


Re: Error message if there is a space in the source directory

2007-06-02 Thread Mark Peters
 When using a source like this on line 5:

 source = [r'C:\test\test 2\\']

 which has a space in the title, the program will not work.

Try wrapping that argument in double quotes when you build the command


Re: regex question

2007-01-08 Thread Mark Peters
 is there any way i would be successful then, in using raw string inside
 my makeRE() function?

Why do you think you even need a raw string?

Just build and return the string 'a|b|c' (NOTE: DON'T add the quotes to
the string)


Re: regex question

2007-01-08 Thread Mark Peters
 yes, i suppose you are right.  i can't think of a reason i would NEED a
 raw string in this situation.
It looks from your code that you are trying to remove all occurances of
one string from the other.  a simple regex way would be to use re.sub()

 import re
 a = abc
 b = debcabbde
 re.sub([ + a + ],,b)


Re: TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

2006-12-20 Thread Mark Peters
 # Begin going through the loop
 Townshp =
 while Townshps !=:
 #Set the output name to be the same as input
 outName = outputPath + / + Townshp + land + .img
 Output_table = outputPath + / + Townshp + table + .dbf
 #For each extract by Mask
 gp.ExtractbyMask_sa (raster, Townshp, outName)
 #For each tabluate area
 gp.TabulateArea_sa (Townshp, RITOWN5K_, outName, VALUE,
 Output_table, 98.425)
 Townshp =

Warning: I know nothing about the Python ArcGIS stuff.

The first thing that jumps out at me is your while condition.  You are
testing Townshps when it seems from the code that you should be
testing Townshp.  However, the typical Python way to iterate through
a list for be to use a for loop.
Perhaps replace the while statement with:
for Townshp in Townshps:
and remove the Townshp = lines

If that doesn't do it, please post the entire traceback message that
you are seeing (copy and paste it) and it should tell us a lot more
about your error.


Re: 6 Pick Bet Grouping

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Peters
 The totalizator system allows us to merge or group these four bets as

 5 + 7 / 3 / 11 / 7 + 14 / 1 / 9 - $50  ($200 total)
I'm still trying to get my head around what you're trying to do, but
here's some code:

data = [5 / 3 / 11 / 7 / 1 / 9  - $50,
7 / 3 / 11 / 7 / 1 / 9  - $50,
5 / 3 / 11 / 14 / 1 / 9  - $50,
7 / 3 / 11 / 14 / 1 / 9  - $50]

pick6 = [{},{},{},{},{},{}]

for line in data:
amount = int(line.split(-)[1].strip().lstrip($))
runners = [int(s) for s in line.split(-)[0].split(/)]
for x,r in enumerate(runners):
qty,amt = pick6[x].get(r,(0,0))
qty += 1
amt += amount
pick6[x][r] = (qty,amt)

for place in range(6):
print For position ,place
for runner in sorted(pick6[place].keys()):
bets = pick6[place][runner][0]
betamt = pick6[place][runner][1]
print   Runner,runner,has,bets,bets for $,betamt

For position  0
Runner 5 has 2 bets for $ 100
Runner 7 has 2 bets for $ 100
For position  1
Runner 3 has 4 bets for $ 200
For position  2
Runner 11 has 4 bets for $ 200
For position  3
Runner 7 has 2 bets for $ 100
Runner 14 has 2 bets for $ 100
For position  4
Runner 1 has 4 bets for $ 200
For position  5
Runner 9 has 4 bets for $ 200

Is that anywhere close?


Re: basic python questions

2006-11-18 Thread Mark Peters

 dict = {}

As a general rule you should avoid variable names which shadow built in
types (list, dict, etc.).  This can cause unexpected behavior later on.

Also, variable names should be more descriptive of their contents.

Try word_dict or some such variant


Re: Unicode/ascii encoding nightmare

2006-11-06 Thread Mark Peters
 The string below is the encoding of the norwegian word fødselsdag.

  s = 'f\xc3\x83\xc2\xb8dselsdag'

I'm not sure which encoding method you used to get the string above.
Here's the result of my playing with the string in IDLE:

 u1 = u'fødselsdag'
 s1 = u1.encode('utf-8')
 u2 = s1.decode('utf-8')
 print u2


Re: python html rendering

2006-10-03 Thread Mark Peters
 Hi, Im looking for a way to display some python code
 in html: with correct indentation, possibly syntax hiliting, dealing
 correctly with multi-line comment, and... generating valid html code if
 the python code itself deals with html (hence manipulates tag litterals.
 Thanks for your help!

I haven't used it, but these seem promising:

Hope it helps.


Re: Spliting a string on non alpha characters

2006-09-23 Thread Mark Peters
 I'm relatively new to python but I already noticed that many lines of
 python code can be simplified to a oneliner by some clever coder. As
 the topics says, I'm trying to split lines like this :

 'foo bar- blah/hm.lala' - [foo, bar, blah, hm, lala]

 'foobbbar.. xyz' - [foo, bbbar, xyz]

 obviously a for loop catching just chars could do the trick, but I'm
 looking for a more elegant way. Anyone can help?

A simple regular expression would work:
 import re
 s = 'foo bar- blah/hm.lala'
['foo', 'bar', 'blah', 'hm', 'lala']


Re: Simple regex with whitespaces

2006-09-10 Thread Mark Peters
   Which of course does not work. I cannot express the fact: sentence
 have 0 or 1 whitespace, separation of group have two or more

 Any suggestion ? Thanks a bunch !
How about this:

 import re
 s = 'hello world   how are you'
['', 'hello world', 'how are you']


Re: (easy question) Find and replace multiple items

2006-08-08 Thread Mark Peters

ds4ff1z wrote:
 Hello, i'm looking to find and replace multiple characters in a text
 file (test1). I have a bunch of random numbers and i want to replace
 each number with a letter (such as replace a 7 with an f  and 6 with a
 d). I would like a suggestion on an a way to do this.  Thanks

how about:

 import string
 text1 = foo bar 12 spam joe876
 table = string.maketrans(0123456789,uydnwkdfpx)
'foo bar yd spam joepfd'

Mark Peters


Re: Built-in Exceptions - How to Find Out Possible Errno's

2006-07-05 Thread Mark Peters
 I did find this but it doesn't have numbers and I can't tell if it's
 even what I'm looking for:

Error number picked at random:

 import errno
 print errno.errorcode.keys()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
1, 10004, 10009, 10013, 10014, 10022, 10024, 10035, 10036, 10037,
10038, 10039, 10040, 10041, 10042, 10043, 10044, 10045, 10046, 10047,
10048, 10049, 10050, 10051, 10052, 10053, 10054, 10055, 10056, 10057,
10058, 10059, 10060, 10061, 10062, 10063, 10064, 10065, 10066, 10067,
10068, 10069, 10070, 10071, 10091, 10092, 10093, 10101]
 print errno.errorcode[10]


 import os
 print os.strerror(10)
No child processes

Hope this helps,
Mark Peters


Re: Built-in Exceptions - How to Find Out Possible Errno's

2006-07-05 Thread Mark Peters

Gregory Piñero wrote:
 Thanks Mark, that does help, but what is this errno module?  I mean,
 does it apply to OSError or to IOError or both?
 My guess is that the IOError will return the underlying operating
system error, but that's just a guess (and no time to dig for the
answer right now)



Re: Built-in Exceptions - How to Find Out Possible Errno's

2006-07-05 Thread Mark Peters
A quick test:

f = open(foo,r)
except IOError, error:
print errno.errorcode[error.errno]


It looks to me like your if statement should be as simple as:

if error.errno == errno.ENOENT:
print os.strerror(error.errno)

