[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2022-03-11 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Just a note, that an (updated) version of the auto-generated API reference has 
been "officially" added to TkDocs ... see https://tkdocs.com/pyref/

Few more things I'd like to do with it in the short term, but it's a decent 
starting point. Let me know if you have further suggestions.


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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-09-12 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Would like to throw an idea out for feedback regarding the API reference.

I've done some preliminary work auto-generating documentation via widget 
introspection. It's missing a lot, has many bugs, but is far enough along to 
give a sense of what this approach could offer.  

Temporary snapshot is at https://tkdocs.com/tmp-pyref/ (you may need to 
force-refresh if your browser cached the site's stylesheet). Note that 
generating .rst files this way shouldn't be much of a stretch so as to fully 
integrate into the official Python docs.



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[issue7057] tkinter doc: more 3.x updates

2021-08-24 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

yes this should be closed.. with latest doc updates, most of these are no 
longer at all relevant

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-23 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Łukasz, thank you very much for your help with getting these changes merged in!

I hope others will chime in with suggestions and/or edits to the newer or 
substantially revised sections. There is most definitely lots of room for 

One specific request... does anyone have solid recommendations for other 
resources (including books, paid video courses, etc.) that extensively cover 
Tkinter and use current best practices (grid, ttk, etc.)? This would be for the 
"see also" section. While I think the two free tutorial/reference resources on 
tkdocs.com make the most sense, I'm a bit queasy about the self-promotion 
optics of also highlighting Modern Tkinter as prominently as it is now in the 
books section.

That still leaves the "handy reference" section to deal with, which currently 
consists of a mish-mash of material. When I have a chance, I'll work on a PR 
with a list of classes and common methods (but not arguments or explanations) 
as suggested before. While the pieces that were already merged in were probably 
low on the controversy scale, it's still unclear what the right way forward is 
with the actual reference part and I expect some more discussion on that.


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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-19 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +26306
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/27842

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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-19 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +26304
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/27840

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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-19 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +26303
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/27839

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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-19 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +26302
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/27838

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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-19 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +26300
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/27836

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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-19 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +26299
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/27835

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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-17 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Łukasz, I've got a bunch of individual branches for each of those sections. 
What I posted the link to was a merge of all of them just for overview 
purposes, but the PR's will be created from the individual branches. I can 
start creating those now or wait a bit, whatever is easiest workflow-wise.


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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-16 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

I would most definitely echo the concern about the massive size of such a 
project as well as future maintainability. I don't know anyone who would be 
able to do such a thing on a volunteer basis, and I think it would be highly 
unlikely that anyone would step up to pay someone to do it. 

I imagine we all agree that we would love to have such a complete reference, 
but I have a hard time seeing how it's even remotely feasible.

As the effort supporting Tcl/Tk core development is fairly small, and most of 
the people involved are far more interested in the Tcl side of things rather 
than Tk, the odds of huge changes on the Tk front are small, beyond keeping it 
working, fixing bugs, and the odd little isolated burst of new stuff once in a 

Based on previous history with that community, I think you can safely assume 
any licensing issues won't be an impediment to whatever needs to be done on 
this end, though I'm sure there are details to sort out.


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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-15 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Here's a very rough work-in-progress snapshot:

This includes:

1. Changes I'd mentioned to the intro, external resources, modules, architecture

2. Rewrite of the 'life preserver' mini-tutorial section using a very different 

3. A start on the reference section (replacing the random bits that were there 
with a categorized, but detail-free list of classes and common methods).

Anyone have any big picture thoughts at this point?


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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-12 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

nosy: +lukasz.langa, terry.reedy

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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-12 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Here are my broad suggestions for improvement (each of these would turn into a 
separate PR). Thoughts for/against each?

1. 'See also' section: use this to guide people to what they need. update to 
point out challenge of finding material given age etc., clearer what to use 
each resource for, update as needed (e.g. later editions of books)

2. Tkinter modules section: add ttk up front (i.e. usually use tkinter and 
tkinter.ttk), fill in a couple missing ones, move import/Tk() to later section 
(example or ref)

3. Architecture (was recently added). Merge in (and improve) material from how 
Tk and Tkinter are related, drop Tix from here

4. Replace life preserver with:

4a. Updated hello world example: use ttk and grid, explain each call

4b. How to introspect (figure out commands, arguments, and options... some of 
this is e.g. now in the reference section) so when don't have exact docs on 
something can figure out how to find answers

4c. Bridge from Tcl/Tk documentation: rewrite of 'quick look' and 'mapping' 
sections, more a list of how key concepts are realized in Tkinter, such as 
widget hierarchy. Less example based, more factual/reference oriented. 

5. 'Handy reference' section: drop most of what's there now, replace with lists 
of classes (e.g. widgets), general methods available on all widgets (grid, 
bind, winfo*, etc.),  organized into categories. Likely without (most) 
arguments or options, or descriptions. There have been a few starts on this 
including the PR that Mason did here.


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[issue42560] Improve Tkinter Documentation

2021-08-11 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

I was having a peek at the main tkinter doc page again and would like to take a 
broader crack at it. I think most of what is there now (life 
preserver/reference) needs to be substantially reworked or trimmed.

I think exhaustive description of all methods etc. is unrealistic given the 
magnitude of the job and variation between versions, but it seems reasonable 
that the doc page would help identify what tkinter API to use, how to find out 
what it's parameters and options are (interactively), and if needed how to 
figure out the corresponding Tcl command so things can be looked up in the 
Tcl/Tk docs and in general map from Tcl to Python.

Ultimately, if the tkinter docs can get people started and point them to the 
right places to learn more (including things like the TkDocs tutorial or 
Shipman ref, the Tcl/Tk man pages) I'd call it a win. Right now it's a big 
muddle, and one that too easily becomes out-of-date.

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue33479] Document tkinter and threads

2021-08-10 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +26200
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/27717

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[issue44243] tkinter button colors on Mac

2021-05-27 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Let it go. Changing the Python docs to a behaviour that isn't guaranteed by the 
underlying library is a virtual guarantee that a later version of Tk (or even 
the way the API it uses behaves on another version of macOS) will have some 
other (unrelated) modifications that change the current behaviour to something 


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[issue43504] Site linked in docs, effbot.org, down

2021-05-13 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

I'd argue for removing the links altogether, given the material is very 
outdated and from what I recall anything that was there is better covered now 
by TkDocs, Shipman, or other resources.


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[issue14111] IDLE Debugger should handle interrupts

2020-12-04 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Terry, I agree that Ctrl-C should act just as an interrupt when the debugger is 
active. I also agree that a way to interrupt the debugger through the user 
interface is needed (in the revised UI, there's an explicit 'stop' button for 


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[issue33962] IDLE: use ttk.spinbox with configdialog

2020-10-25 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Just as a side note for Terry and anyone else testing on macOS... the recent 
updates in Tk have smoothed out many of the appearance issues for the classic 
widgets. See the attached screen shot tkversions.png comparing 8.6.9 with the 
current trunk of the Tk repo. Notice things like the background color around 
the optionmenu aren't as jarring on the newer Tk versions.

Having said that, I'll likely stick with the older ones for development 
purposes, just because the blemishes with the classic widgets and other things 
are so much more noticeable! 

Incidentally, if you've got several versions of Tcl/Tk on your system, you can 
use /usr/bin/install_name_tool to point the Tkinter shared library at the one 
you want to use. Use like "install_name_tool -change OLD NEW file", e.g.:
install_name_tool -change /Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.6/Tk 

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49540/tkversions.png

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[issue33962] IDLE: use ttk.spinbox with configdialog

2020-10-25 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Whoops, sorry... there's a "readonly" state flag that disables direct editing 
of the entry (like with combobox) and just allows manipulation of the arrows. 
I've updated the PR to set that. I've also changed it so that the contents of 
the entry part isn't selected whenever the arrows are used (agreed, it looks 
ugly). Please give it a try and let me know.

p.s. I just checked, the entry's width configuration option works. You just 
have to remove the "fill=X" when the widget is packed. FWIW, I kept the 
previous layout to keep the patch as minimal as possible, under the assumption 
that other layout changes (here, on in general) were planned.


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[issue33962] IDLE: use ttk.spinbox with configdialog

2020-10-24 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21872
stage: test needed -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22954

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[issue17942] IDLE Debugger: Improve GUI

2020-10-24 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.8, Python 3.9 -Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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[issue17942] IDLE Debugger: Improve GUI

2020-10-24 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

have updated/cleaned up the previous patch, and there's a new PR. i realize 
this is unfortunately a somewhat monolithic change which might make reviewing 
it a bit tough...


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[issue17942] IDLE Debugger: Improve GUI

2020-10-24 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +21864
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22947

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[issue33987] IDLE: use ttk.Frame for ttk widgets

2020-10-24 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +21861
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22943

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[issue33987] IDLE: use ttk.Frame for ttk widgets

2020-10-24 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +21860
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22942

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[issue33987] IDLE: use ttk.Frame for ttk widgets

2020-10-24 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +21859
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22941

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[issue41434] IDLE: Option to warn user on "Run Module" if file is not Python source

2020-10-23 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

I like Terry's idea of providing a better error message than just "invalid 
syntax" when we run something that likely isn't a Python file. There doesn't 
seem to be any great danger in trying to run any file that would justify a 
warning beforehand.

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue33051] IDLE: Create new tab for editor options in configdialog

2020-10-23 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue34976] IDLE: Replace the search dialog with a search bar

2020-10-23 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Tal, I gave it a try, I think this is great. For "simple" searches (i.e. what 
people do most of the time), a search bar is a lot less klunky than bringing up 
a dialog.  

Patch seems to work well, would just need a cosmetic update (ttk widgets etc.).

Things may get a bit complex for users if too many things are stuck in there, 
and you run out of space real quick when you have a fairly narrow window. 

My suggestion would be to keep it to just a simple search without options, and 
keep the rest (search with options, replace) in a separate unified dialog that 
merges the current "Search Dialog" and "Replace Dialog". A button ("...") in 
the search bar to open that dialog would make for a nice transition between the 
search bar and the dialog.

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue27477] IDLE: Switch search dialogs to ttk widgets, and other refinement

2020-10-22 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Just noting that the current search dialogs (and others) do not have a 
ttk.Frame directly inside the toplevel which encloses all other widgets. They 
therefore still display the mismatched backgrounds on macOS.

Given that, should #33987 be reopened? The patches seem to change the existing 
frames to the ttk equivalent, but don't add the new intervening frame.


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[issue28694] tkinter interface to fontchooser

2020-09-19 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

I've put together the first cut of a wrapper that tries to smooth over some of 
the non-essential differences in implementation details across platforms, while 
still respecting essential platform conventions. It also works around a few 
bugs I discovered along the way.

It includes the wrapper class itself, a minimal demo, a more realistic demo, 
and the notes about current behaviour of the underlying Tk widget on different 

Current snapshot is at 

Obviously, this borrows hugely from previous snapshots by Lance and Elisha. 

If you get a chance to try it out, would appreciate feedback if this is on the 
right track or not.


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[issue28694] tkinter interface to fontchooser

2020-09-19 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

For future reference, if anyone is wondering why the font chooser is so 
complicated to use in a way that makes sense across platforms, here is its 
current behaviour...

>From the manual:
 - configure -font is the font currently shown or font shown when dialog is 
initially shown (neither guaranteed on all platforms)
 - implementation-dependent which actions result in callback being called and 
event being sent

 - modal; show blocks until dismissed, cannot interact with other windows
 - ok/cancel
 - apply button added if a command option is specified
 - with command (apply button present)
 - if apply: callback generated with font currently set in dialog, event 
generated [configure -font is NOT updated]
 - if ok: callback generated with font in dialog, dialog closed, event 
generated, configure -font not updated
 - if no command (no apply button)
 - on ok, get event, configure -font not updated (correct, since dialog not 
 - fontchange event not generated if option is set in code

 - not modal; show returns immediately, can interact with other windows
 - ok/cancel
 - apply button added if a command option is specified
 - with command (apply button present):
 - if apply: callback generated with font currently set in dialog, event 
generated [configure -font is NOT updated)
 - if ok: callback generated with font in dialog, dialog closed; no event, 
configure -font NOT updated
 - with no command (no apply button):
 - no event generated, configure -font NOT updated
 - fontchnaged event generated if option is set in code, configure -font updated
 - configure -font never updated by user interaction
 - conclusion: need to set command, hold onto current value returned

 - no ok/cancel buttons, works like a palette
 - non-modal; show returns immediately, can interact with other windows
 - BUG:can appear when tk first loaded (sometimes..)
- happens when left open on previous launches and program exited abnormally 
e.g. ctl-C in terminal
- ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.tcltk.wish.savedState/windows.plist 
still holds font chooser
- if so, -visible initially is false, but is true after idle... no 
intervening <> event
- will segfault if set options e.g. font
- workaround: hide on startup
 - fontchange event generated on every change in dialog, configure -font 
updated to font in dialog
 - fontchange event generated when option set in code, configure -font updated 
to font in dialog
 - command callback (if specified) invoked on every change from user (not in 
code), configure -font updated


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[issue28694] tkinter interface to fontchooser

2020-09-15 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Elaine, I was just having a look at this the other day too! I agree, this is 
definitely worth some effort to get done.

To be honest, I'm not a fan of the vwait solution to force the dialog to be 
modal. It doesn't actually make it modal (i.e. you can still do stuff in other 
windows). Moreover, the Mac version (which is native, so couldn't easily be 
made modal via Tkinter) has a very different design than on other platforms. It 
doesn't have "ok", "apply", "cancel" buttons or similar. It's designed to just 
hang around. 

When the font dialog was originally proposed for Tk (see http://tip.tcl.tk/324) 
they'd tried a modal API first and found it unworkable.

In light of that, my preference for the official wrapper would be to mirror the 
underlying API, as per what Lance's version first tried, using a callback 
mechanism to return results. Most importantly, it would eliminate the 
assumption that there's always a way to make it modal. Documentation would be 
key. Mind you, there's no official docs for the other dialogs. I can guarantee 
it would be well-documented with an example on TkDocs anyway!

If there aren't any strong objections, I'm able to have a go at modifying 
Lance's version over the next week or so. I've got Mac, Windows, and Linux 
environments to test everything out. 

Question... I assume the official wrapper needs checks to ensure fontchooser is 
available (i.e. 8.6 or greater). If not, should the wrapper just error out? 
Would providing an alternative implementation for Tk < 8.6 be something that 
would be done in an external module, or might that be something that 
could/should be included in the official library?


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[issue28694] tkinter interface to fontchooser

2020-09-11 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue39107] Upgrade tcl/tk to 8.6.10 (Windows and maxOS)

2020-09-10 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue37149] link to John Shipman's Tkinter 8.5 documentation fails: website no longer available

2020-09-10 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +21249
stage: needs patch -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22188

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[issue37149] link to John Shipman's Tkinter 8.5 documentation fails: website no longer available

2020-08-27 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

I've posted a copy at https://tkdocs.com/shipman/

I've lightly modified it to add a site header and explanation of where the 
material comes from and caveats about age to each page, and have removed or 
crossed out dead links, requests for feedback, etc.

I agree with Terry's assessment of the copyright issues. While I don't expect 
anyone with a valid claim to contact me about the mirrored copy, I'd be happy 
to address any concerns if they do arise.

If this all seems okay, I would very greatly appreciate if someone could update 
the links in the Python documentation for all the relevant branches and 
shepherd that through the approval process.


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[issue37149] link to John Shipman's Tkinter 8.5 documentation fails: website no longer available

2020-08-26 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Hello, also (very) late to this party. 

If this would be useful, and unless anyone has any objections, I'd be open to 
hosting a copy of John's material on tkdocs.com. I'd add a header to each page 
explaining it's an unmaintained archive with all the usual caveats. 

That would at least provide a stable place to link to.


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[issue33963] IDLE macosx: add tests.

2018-06-28 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

assignee:  -> terry.reedy
components: +IDLE
nosy: +markroseman

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[issue33987] need ttk.Frame inside Toplevel(s)

2018-06-27 Thread Mark Roseman

New submission from Mark Roseman :

When adding a bunch of ttk widgets into a toplevel window, there needs to be an 
intervening ttk.Frame to ensure the background of the widgets matches the 
overall background.

The reason is the 'toplevel' is part of the classic tk widgets and not ttk, so 
it isn't guaranteed to have the same background. In practice, the only platform 
where the toplevel and ttk.Frame have different backgrounds is macOS. Check out 
topframe.png for an example, top is without the intervening ttk.Frame, bottom 
adds it in.

(Adding bug mainly so we have a place to store a concrete example of what this 
looks like)

assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
files: topframe.png
messages: 320646
nosy: markroseman, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: need ttk.Frame inside Toplevel(s)
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47655/topframe.png

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[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2018-06-27 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +7590

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[issue17496] OS X test for Tk availability in runtktests.py doesn't work

2018-06-26 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Just to note, this remains a PITA. To run gui tests on macOS from a terminal 
window seems to require commenting out the SetFrontProcess() call. A better 
replacement is needed as noted in the previous discussion, as well this call 
was deprecated in OS X 10.9 (though has not yet been removed as of this 

In the interim, is there a precedent for adding another command line option to 
the 'test' module, e.g. '--forcemacgui' so that people who want to can run 
those tests from a clean checkout?

nosy: +markroseman
versions: +Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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[issue33962] IDLE: use ttk.spinbox

2018-06-26 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

For now, using a (likely very minimal) subset of commands/options common to 
both classic and ttk spinbox versions in IDLE sounds good. 

I was originally thinking stick with "-textvariable" for setting (which works 
on both) but I like your idea of adding "set" to a tk.spinbox subclass.


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[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2018-06-25 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Given the difference between the old and new (ttk) spinbox, especially on 
macOS, I'd like to incorporate it into IDLE when available. See screenshot 
spinbox.png, noting white border around old one.

Terry, can we add a spinbox wrapper to IDLE for the time being? If so, would 
you prefer it done as its own (very little) module? Or is there any value to 
adding a module to hold various small UI wrappers and convenience procs?

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47652/spinbox.png

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[issue33924] In IDLE menudefs, change 'windows' to 'window'

2018-06-25 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +7526

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[issue33479] Document tkinter and threads

2018-05-31 Thread Mark Roseman

Change by Mark Roseman :

pull_requests: +6913

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[issue33479] Document tkinter and threads

2018-05-30 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

I've made some changes to what Ivan started, which you can find here: 

The first two commits are minor updates/improvements not really related to 
threading, and I suspect are uncontroversial. 

The last commit rewrites the thread model section. The main focus is on how 
things work in practice, and to eliminate what I previously referred to as 
"fighting" between the two models. 

It explains how Python and Tcl differ on threads, the mappings between threads 
and interpreters, etc.

It plays down the comparison to other GUI toolkit event models. It still 
highlights the difference for people familiar with them. It doesn't try to 
teach both models for those who don't know either (which includes those who may 
not have done much if any GUI programming) since that is extraneous to their 
present needs. It talks simply about why event handlers blocking is a bad 
thing. It avoids what I think are unnecessary details about Tcl in this context.

There is then an area for special cases that highlight the various actual 
trouble spots when it comes to threads, what can cause them, and how to avoid 

I hope this covers the real issues without overly complicating things. Any 


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[issue33479] Document tkinter and threads

2018-05-29 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman  added the comment:

Ivan, thanks for making a good first pass of this. The thread section still 
feels a lot like 'fighting' with the model. Do you mind if I take a crack at 
it? Won't get to it for a few days, but in case you have any stuff you're in 
the middle of. 

I should clarify too that Tk apps almost universally do use a blocking event 
loop (i.e. 'vwait forever' at the end of a script). Application-level event 
handlers are supposed to respond quickly so control goes back to the event loop.

It's when control doesn't return there that things like the 'update idletasks' 
hacks are needed. In practice, I've noticed that's what seems to trip people up 
when they first start, as they try to emulate the flow of their non-GUI code, 
which frequently blocks. Far better that the program is restructured so that 
the event handler completes quickly. It's actually worse than it looks, because 
you can end up having nested event loops if you start randomly throwing this 
stuff in. That's conceptually hard for most people and a good source of bugs.


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[issue33479] Document tkinter and threads

2018-05-15 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman <m...@markroseman.com> added the comment:

Hi Ivan, thanks for your detailed response. The approach you're suggesting 
("Since the sole offender is their threading model, the way is to show them how 
it's defective and work towards improving it.") is in the end not something I 
think is workable. 

Some historical context. Ousterhout had some specific ideas about how Tcl/Tk 
should be used, and that was well-reflected in his early control of the code 
base. He was certainly outspoken against threads. The main argument is that 
they're complicated if you don't know what you're doing, which included the 
"non-professional programmers" he considered the core audience. Enumerating how 
threads were used at the time, most of the uses could be handled (more simply) 
in other ways, such as event-driven and non-blocking timers and I/O (so what 
people today would refer to as the "node.js event model"). Threads (or separate 
communicating processes) were for long-running computations, things he always 
envisioned happening in C code (written by more "professional programmers"), 
not Tcl. His idea of how Tcl and C development would be split didn't match 
reality given faster machines, more memory, etc.

The second thing is that Tcl had multiple interpreters baked in pretty much 
from the beginning at the C level and exposed fairly early on (1996?) at the 
Tcl level, akin to PEP 554. Code isolation and resource management were the key 
motivators, but of course others followed. Creating and using Tcl interpreters 
was quick, lightweight (fast startup, low memory overhead, etc.) and easy. So 
in other words, the notion of multiple interpreters in Tcl vs. Python is 
completely different. I had one large application I built around that time that 
often ended up with hundreds of interpreters running.

Which brings me to threads and how they were added to the language. Your guess 
("My guess for the decision is it was the easiest way to migrate the code 
base") is incorrect. The idea of "one thread/one interpreter" was just not seen 
as a restriction, and was a very natural extension of what had come before. It 
fit the use cases well (AOLserver was another good example) and was still very 
understandable from the user level. Contrast with Python's GIL, etc. 

With that all said, there would be very little motivation to change the Tcl/Tk 
side to allow multiple threads to access one interpreter, because in terms of 
the API and programming model that Tcl/Tk advertises, it's simply not a 
problem. Keep in mind, the people working on the Tcl/Tk core are very smart 
programmers, know threads very well, etc., so it's not an issue of "they should 
know better" or "it's old." In other words, "show them how it's defective" is a 

The other, more practical matter in pushing for changes in the Tcl/Tk core, is 
that there are a fairly small number of people working on it, very part-time. 
Almost all of them are most interested in the Tcl side, not Tk. Changes made in 
Tk most often amount to bug fixes because someone's running into something in 
their own work. Expecting large-scale changes to happen to Tk without some way 
to get dedicated new resources put into it is not realistic.

A final matter on the practical side. As you've carefully noted, certain Tcl/Tk 
calls now happen to work when called from different threads. Consider those a 
side-effect of present implementation, not a guarantee. Future core changes 
could change what can be called from different threads, making the situation 
better or worse. From the Tcl/Tk perspective, this is not a problem, and would 
not be caught by any testing, etc. Even if it were, it likely wouldn't be 
fixed. It would be considered an "abuse" of their API (I think correctly).

My suggestion, given the philosophical and practical mismatch, is that Tkinter 
move towards operating as if the API Tk provides is inviolate. In other words, 
all calls into a Tcl interpreter happen from the same thread that created the 
Tcl interpreter. Tkinter acts as a bridge between Python and Tcl/Tk. It should 
present an API to Python programs compatible with the Python threading model. 
It's Tkinter's responsibility to map that onto Tcl/Tk's single threaded API 
through whatever internal mechanism is necessary (i.e. pass everything to main 
thread, block caller thread until get response, etc.)

I'd go so far as to suggest that all the Tkapp 'call' code (i.e. every place 
that Tkinter calls Tcl_Eval) check what thread it's in, and issue a warning or 
error (at least for testing purposes) if it's being called from the "wrong" 
thread. Having this available in the near future would help people who are 
debugging what are fairly inexplicable problems now. 

The approach of making Tkinter responsible also has the advantage of dealing 
with far more Tcl/Tk versions an

[issue33479] Document tkinter and threads

2018-05-14 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman <m...@markroseman.com> added the comment:

This seems very complicated. The official line on threads for Tk has always 
been to make all Tk calls from one thread, which is at least predictable and 
comprehensible. Is there any reason for Tkinter to suggest anything different?

This ignores the compilation issue of course. FYI, the Tcl core group will 
probably eliminate the possibility of doing non-threaded builds in the future, 
though with backwards compatibility issues, that's neither here nor there.

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2017-08-07 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Cheryl, regarding the spinbox, as per 
http://www.tkdocs.com/tutorial/morewidgets.html#spinbox, the ttk version 
appeared in Tk 8.5.9, which might explain it's absence in tkinter.

A wrapper isn't too hard to do of course... e.g. 


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[issue9262] IDLE: Use tabbed shell and edit windows

2017-07-15 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

The ttk Notebook wouldn't be appropriate as it doesn't scale beyond a small 
(generally fixed) number of tabs, and is missing UI to easily add/delete tabs. 
There's some discussion of this in earlier comments here.


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[issue17942] IDLE Debugger: Improve GUI

2017-06-27 Thread Mark Roseman

Changes by Mark Roseman <m...@markroseman.com>:

pull_requests: +2510

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[issue24813] Redesign Help => About IDLE, make it non-modal

2017-06-27 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

FYI, just added a trivial pull request to change the tagline in the about 
dialog to 'integrated development and learning environment'. It's showing up as 
from python-dev as I hadn't (yet) added my github name to my bpo prefs. Got to 
start somewhere!


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[issue17942] IDLE Debugger: Improve GUI

2017-05-22 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Please go ahead with any of the patches I submitted earlier, credit is 
absolutely not an issue.


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[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-08-17 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Justin, as you say, I think your patch is entirely reasonable as an interim 
step, as eventually doing a broader improvement on the preferences dialog as 
suggested in #24781 makes sense. 

My reworked version used Combobox in similar ways; I think we can safely do 
away with the wrapper class and just use the ttk widget directly in the dialog 
(as the widget already handles the dynamic changes to the list, which the old 
tk_optionMenu didn't)


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[issue27621] Finish IDLE Query dialog appearance and behavior.

2016-08-05 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Looks great Terry - thanks. Only nit is that test_click_help_source fails on 
Mac, courtesy a leading 'file://' added in the last few lines of path_ok


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[issue15786] IDLE code completion window can hang or misbehave with mouse

2016-08-05 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

I've done some playing around... not quite there yet, but I think much closer.

First, I assume the 'freeze' on Mac is not a hard freeze, but where the text 
window is not responding to events, but if you switch to another app and back, 
it works again?

Second, right now (assuming I've got the latest), if you click on the listbox 
it goes away immediately, due to it being included in HIDE_SEQUENCES (meaning 
ButtonPress generates <> which calls the routine to 
hide the autocomplete window. Which obscures any double click event etc. 

Third, and I think this is the key to this, is that all of the event_add, 
event_delete, bind, and unbind are not calling Tkinter routines directly, but 
are going through the multicall module (which allows an event to fire more than 
one binding). When we call hide_window, we're doing several event_delete and 
unbind  calls in multicall to undo the bindings we had set up before. Which 
should leave us back where we started, with the text widget bindings still 
firing when events come in.

So then is it an issue of the events not coming in (indicating a bug in Tkinter 
or how we're calling it), or multicall not correctly dispatching to the text 

Stick a print() call in multicall.py:_ComplexBinder:__create_handler:handler 
and you'll see the events are being generated by Tk, but multicall isn't 
dispatching them.

When I get a chance again, I can see about digging into multicall to verify if 
it is doing something wrong.

I'll also raise a meta-issue, and that is that using a multicall-like wrapper 
approach may not necessarily be the best approach to doing the multiple 
dispatch. Adding a new (Tk widget) class to the text widget (via the 'bindtags' 
command) and then attaching bindings to that class would I suspect be simpler.

And finally, one simplification for the autocomplete window class... the 
listbox generates a <> virtual event every time its selection 
changes, so you don't need to bind against all the clicks, arrow keys, etc.

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue27621] Finish IDLE Query dialog appearance and behavior.

2016-08-03 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Thanks Terry! I'd be good if you want to put a width back on the buttons, but 
I'd suggest "width=6" rather than using 8 as it was before.


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[issue27477] IDLE: Switch search dialogs to ttk widgets, and other refinement

2016-08-01 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Have attached search.diff, which does an initial bit of cosmetics: adds inner 
frame with spacing, tweaks a couple labels, and for Mac and X11, puts the 
command buttons at the bottom of the dialog rather than on the right (where 
they remain on Windows).

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43968/search.diff

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[issue27621] Finish IDLE Query dialog appearance and behavior.

2016-08-01 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

I've attached query.patch, which does the cosmetic and layout changes, and adds 
a couple Mac-specific things. I've added the inline error message widget but 
don't use it yet (as this will involve changes to the subclasses and the tests, 
given errors will show up when the dialog is running, not after).

Given I'm a bit rusty at this, would appreciate if someone could check this out 
and make sure I did things correctly. :-)

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43966/query.patch

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[issue27621] Finish IDLE Query dialog appearance and behavior.

2016-07-31 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Just to follow up, both Windows and Linux the 'correct' behaviour seems to be 
that space or return activates the button with the current focus. Mac behaves 
differently in that return key always activates default button even if focus is 
on another button (and normally on Mac, buttons don't get focus).

I'll put together a patch that cleans up the layout and does the error label in 
dialog thing.


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[issue27621] Finish IDLE Query dialog appearance and behavior.

2016-07-31 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Serhiy, the tk_dialog has been superseded by tk_messageBox, and does not 
reflect current platform standards.  I just tried tk_messageBox on the Mac, 
which always activates the default button if you press 'return', even if 
another button has the focus. I expect Windows and X11 are different, and will 
check that out when I get a chance.


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[issue27477] IDLE: Switch dialogs to ttk widgets.

2016-07-29 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Great start. Needs to have a ttk.Frame directly inside the toplevel window to 
avoid whitespace showing around grey widgets (like in query dialog shot). 

I'd also like to see the spacing adjusted (all platforms) and button positions 
changed on Mac to go at the bottom, as per 

Open to a patch that does that?

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue27621] Finish IDLE Query dialog appearance and behavior.

2016-07-29 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Terry, thanks for the TkDocs correction.

As you'll note from the attached dlgonmac.png, there's a bit of tweaking needed 
with regard to geometry management etc. to get the background right.

Now that ttk is ok (so to speak), would you be open to some patches that fix 
this up, a bit more akin to what you see in the 'query dialog' subsection if 
you scroll down a bit in http://www.tkdocs.com/tutorial/idle.html#idledialogs

Separately, would you be open to a patch changing things to use the "inline" 
error handling illustrated on the goto line dialog on that page (i.e. showing 
error message in query dialog in red vs. popping up an alert)?

Older code for that can be found here btw: 

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43940/dlgonmac.png

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[issue27621] incorrectly works in IDLE Query dialogs

2016-07-27 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Side note that on Mac OS X, buttons normally don't get the focus, so that this 
isn't an issue. Well except that buttons are getting the focus here. :-)  

Also since we're reinventing the wheel, please note that alternative keyboard 
shortcuts (e.g. command-period) don't work, and there isn't a default button 
set for the dialog which there should be. 

Interestingly, you can change things in System Preferences -> Keyboard -> 
Shortcuts so that buttons can get the focus via tabbing through the interface. 
If this is enabled and you tab to the Cancel button and his Return, it should 
still be treated as if you hit the Okay button on Mac. Hitting space while 
focus is on the Cancel button does treat it as if you clicked on Cancel.

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue27024] IDLE shutdown glitch when started by import

2016-06-12 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

tried this patch on 3.6 as per terry's previous msg; still getting same error 
in idle test suite on os x

nosy: +markroseman

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Modernizing IDLE

2015-11-06 Thread Mark Roseman
Wanted to pass along a case study of some work being done to improve the look 
and feel of IDLE. This is a work-in-progress, gradually being integrated into 
the Python codebase. Given that, it's a great opportunity to get involved, 
provide some feedback, and make it even better!


As you can tell from the URL, it's part of a broader tutorial on modernizing 
the appearance of Tkinter based programs.


[issue25507] IDLE: user code 'import tkinter; tkinter.font' should fail

2015-10-29 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

This (restructuring/refactoring to minimize the subprocess imports) does 
definitely sound like the right approach. There will be other benefits to 
breaking up PyShell a bit too..


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[issue8231] Unable to run IDLE without write-access to home directory

2015-10-29 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Better, but alas still not quite. On further investigation, the issue is that a 
new instance of idleConf is instantiated in the subprocess, which then calls 
mkdtemp() returning a different name. You can see this by doing 'restart shell' 
and noting that it will hit the warning you added in GetUserCfgDir.

There are multiple places that the subprocess does access preferences, so just 
eliminating them is probably not the right way to go.

I'd probably recommend that the user prefs dir be communicated to the 
subprocess somehow. Two suggestions are via adding a command line parameter 
where we launch the subprocess (build_subprocess_arglist), or have the 
subprocess get it via 'remotecall' when it starts up (perhaps in 
MyHandler.handle). Either way this would then need to be communicated to 
idleConf so it uses that directory.

Would there be a preference and/or any other alternatives?


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[issue25514] better startup error messages in IDLE when stdlib modules shadowed

2015-10-29 Thread Mark Roseman

New submission from Mark Roseman:

When we create e.g. string.py that shadows a stdlib module needed by IDLE, it 
would be nice if a better error message could be shown, pointing to that cause.

Original message:

lac at smartwheels:~/junk$ echo "print ('hello there')" >string.py
lac at smartwheels:~/junk$ idle-python3.5
hello there
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/idlelib/run.py", line 10, in 
from idlelib import CallTips
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/idlelib/CallTips.py", line 16, in 
from idlelib.HyperParser import HyperParser
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/idlelib/HyperParser.py", line 14, in 
_ASCII_ID_CHARS = frozenset(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_")
AttributeError: module 'string' has no attribute 'ascii_letters'

IDLE then produces a popup that says:

IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection.  Either IDLE can't stat a subprocess 
por personal firewall software is blocking the connection. 

I think that life would be a whole lot easier for people if instead we got
a message:

Warning: local file /u/lac/junk/string.py shadows module named string in the 
Standard Library

I think that it is python exec that would have to do this -- though of
course the popup could also warn about shadowing in general, instead of
sending people on wild goose chases over their firewalls.


Laura, I think what you want should actually be more-or-less doable in IDLE.

The main routine that starts IDLE should be able to detect if it starts 
correctly (something unlikely to happen if a significant stdlib module is 
shadowed), watch for an attribute error of that form and try to determine if 
shadowing is the cause, and if so, reissue a saner error message.

The subprocess/firewall error is occurring because the ‘string’ problem in your 
example isn’t being hit right away so a few startup things already are 
happening. The point where we’re showing that error (as a result of a timeout) 
should be able to check as per the above that IDLE was able to start alright, 
and if not, change or ignore the timeout error.

There’ll probably be some cases (depending on exactly what gets shadowed) that 
may be difficult to get to work, but it should be able to handle most things.

See full thread starting at 

components: IDLE
messages: 253693
nosy: kbk, markroseman, roger.serwy, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: better startup error messages in IDLE when stdlib modules shadowed
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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[issue8231] Unable to run IDLE without write-access to home directory

2015-10-28 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Checked on Linux and Mac - doesn't work correctly. mkdtemp() returns a 
different name every time it's called, and GetUserCfgDir() is called in three 
places, meaning we end up with three different tmp directories (which on quick 
examination didn't all get cleaned up at end).

I'd suggest changing it so that GetUserCfgDir() caches its result and returns 
the cached version on subsequent calls. Running out the door so don't have time 
to try this myself right now...


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[issue24765] Move .idlerc to %APPDATA%\IDLE on Windows

2015-10-28 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Further to Terry's backwards compatibility issues (also discussed in #8231).

Storing things in the "correct" location (%APPDATA% on Windows, and Application 
Support on OS X) would presumably be the "right" thing to do if backwards 
compatibility weren't an issue.  

If "APPDATA" is the "correct" place, and "HOME" is what we've been using now, 
consider a solution like this:

- check if prefs exist in APPDATA; if so, use that
- check if prefs exist in HOME; if so, use that
- if neither, create prefs in APPDATA

This handles the common cases of existing user upgrading to new scheme (things 
stay stored in old location), new user upgrading to newer versions in future 
(things go in new place), but fails on the case of user starts with new version 
and then later uses an older version (results in two separate preferences, one 
used by newer versions, one used by older).

I think it's a legitimate question as to whether that latter case is common 
enough or problematic enough to worry about it (given "fails" doesn't break 

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue8231] Unable to run IDLE without write-access to home directory

2015-10-28 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Just a note that the 'store things in APPDATA' is issue #24765


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[issue8231] Unable to run IDLE without write-access to home directory

2015-10-27 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Can I suggest that this issue continues to be about IDLE not being able to 
write its preferences directory/files due to permissions, and we create a new 
issue for the fact that IDLE is storing it in the wrong place under Windows?


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[issue25244] Idle: refine right-click behavior

2015-10-22 Thread Mark Roseman

Changes by Mark Roseman <m...@markroseman.com>:

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue24782] Merge 'configure extensions' into main IDLE config dialog

2015-10-21 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

The extra width appears to be coming from the canvas inside 
VerticalScrolledFrame; the canvas gets the default size and the frame adjusts 
to fit its contents (the canvas and the scrollbar). If you really want to 
reduce the size, add a "-width" option where that canvas is being created.


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[issue25254] Idle: debugger source line highlighting fails again

2015-10-12 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

FYI, the new debugger UI has an option to only show highlights in already open 
files (i.e. don't open new ones)


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[issue24782] Merge 'configure extensions' into main IDLE config dialog

2015-10-12 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

No, I don't, sorry.  If it will be quick for you to do, no problem, otherwise 
I'd be happy to put it together.


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[issue24782] Merge 'configure extensions' into main IDLE config dialog

2015-10-12 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Patch against head to change extensions dialog to a pane of main config dialog.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file40761/mergeext.patch

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[issue24782] Merge 'configure extensions' into main IDLE config dialog

2015-10-12 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Same patch against 2.7

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file40762/mergeext27.cfg

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[issue25313] IDLE: gracefully handle themes (or keysets, or ...) not present

2015-10-06 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Okay, that's reasonable enough for me.  :-) I'd still be for nuking the warning 
so that nothing gets displayed unless you go looking in online help.


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[issue14576] IDLE: inconsistent use of HOMEDRIVE, HOMEPATH, and USERPROFILE on Windows

2015-10-06 Thread Mark Roseman

Changes by Mark Roseman <m...@markroseman.com>:

nosy: +markroseman

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[issue22726] Idle: add help to config dialogs

2015-10-06 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

I'm not against online help, but I feel that what's there wouldn't be helpful 
to someone using IDLE. 

Once this would be extended to per-tab, what are the problem areas that people 
really need help with?  Also keeping in mind we're going to be replacing this 
dialog (at least for people with tk > 8.4) in the not too distant future.


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[issue25313] IDLE: gracefully handle themes (or keysets, or ...) not present

2015-10-04 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

I see the 3.4.4 is not an immediate concern, so that's good.

FYI, I get the (multiple) error messages on console consistently on Mac, but it 
probably depends how it was launched. Agree the code for future versions should 
do a better job to detect the theme isn't present and switch back to a default 
theme rather than just puking out error messages as it tries to get each 
element of the non-existent theme. :-)

I still think the approach I took may be viable. It doesn't require changes to 
old versions, and relies on the fact that a user theme with the same name as a 
default theme is effectively hidden by the default theme. 

If a 'new' theme is selected, it's always written out to config-highlight, so 
it will be present for older versions (not errors and the internal default 
colors). Given that, I need help understanding what the 'name' vs. 'name2' etc. 
solution gives us?

(Not being able to write .idlerc wouldn't be an issue, because then you 
wouldn't be able to write out the change to say that is the theme to use 

The only drawback I see is that a user running a previous version can customize 
IDLE Dark and those changes would not appear when using a newer versions of 
IDLE that had IDLE Dark as a default.

This would negatively affect only those users who change to IDLE Dark, actually 
modify the theme, and switch back and forth between versions of IDLE. The 
consequences of this occurring are only that the changes don't show up. In 
other words, I feel this affects a very tiny number of people, in a relatively 
minor way.

The existing warning on choosing themes will be encountered by anyone who might 
switch themes in the new version, and particularly for the non-hardcore, would 
be at the least surprising if not confusing or alarming. I think it's safe to 
assume that far more people try existing themes vs. create custom themes and 
use multiple versions of IDLE.

Given the very minor consequences and how few people it would affect, vs. how 
many people would encounter that warning and the impression it would leave, 
this seems a case of I'd rather be unobtrusive and 98+% correct then obtrusive 
and 100% correct. 

If it were my product, there's no question I'd drop the warning under those 
circumstances, and if it were a choice between including the warning or not 
including a new theme, I'd personally choose to not include the new theme. 

Anyway, it seems we have time to think more about this...


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[issue25313] IDLE: gracefully handle themes (or keysets, or ...) not present

2015-10-04 Thread Mark Roseman

New submission from Mark Roseman:

As a follow-on to #24820, when a particular theme is selected in the 
configuration files, but that theme is not available, IDLE will print out a 
bunch of warning messages on console. That can occur for example when using a 
newer built-in theme in an older version before that theme was added, or if the 
user highlight config file was modified or removed.

IDLE should be smart enough to recognize that and switch to a default theme, 
without dumping out console error messages. May alert user to that case with an 
appropriate error message, e.g. theme xyz not found, using default.

The current workaround in #24820 (when a newer theme is chosen in a new 
version, explain it may not work in older version but explain how it could be 
made to) is unfortunately necessary unless a more clever solution for this 
backwards compatibility issue can be found.

Would apply to keysets, etc. in the same was as themes.

components: IDLE
messages: 252278
nosy: kbk, markroseman, roger.serwy, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: IDLE: gracefully handle themes (or keysets, or ...) not present
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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[issue25313] IDLE: gracefully handle themes (or keysets, or ...) not present

2015-10-04 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Actually, I think we may be able to get away without the warning message when 
you select a 'new' theme, and still maintain backwards compatibility.

For 'new' themes (i.e. IDLE Dark and any more builtins we add in the future), 
we write the theme out to the user configuration file, keeping the same name, 
and perhaps adding an extra field, i.e. 'builtin=1', so that we can recognize 
it in newer versions, along with a comment if possible.

The existing code looks up theme names by checking if its in the default list, 
and if not, looks in the user list. For older versions without IDLE Dark, it 
will then find it in the user list.

Besides writing out the theme to user config file, the only other change that 
would be needed in the code is to modify GetSectionList so that when it's 
looking in a user config file, it doesn't include sections that either have the 
builtin=1 from above, or just have the same name as things in the default file.


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[issue24820] IDLE themes for light on dark

2015-10-04 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

FYI, the change multiple backgrounds thing is in my working version for the new 
dialog. Added new issue #25313 to remind us that the warning message is 
something we'd love to get rid of in the future and as quickly as possible make 
it unnecessary if we add more new themes and/or new features in themes.


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[issue25313] IDLE: gracefully handle themes (or keysets, or ...) not present

2015-10-04 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Patch write-new-defaults.patch attached so that we write 'newer' default themes 
to config-highlight.cfg if selected, and ignore them if we already have a 
default by that name.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file40674/write-new-defaults.patch

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[issue24820] IDLE themes for light on dark

2015-09-30 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Hi Marc, you're correct that is an error in the theme. To correct it, change 
the setting for 'break-background' to be something like #22. Thanks!


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[issue24820] IDLE themes for light on dark

2015-09-30 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Attached a patch to the current config dialog to add breakpoint to the window, 
and have updated the same thing in my newer dialog.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file40635/breakpoint-prefs.patch

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[issue25254] Idle: debugger source line highlighting fails again

2015-09-30 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Was the 'source' checkbox in the debugger checked?


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[issue25224] Replace Idle's README.txt with annotated file list

2015-09-30 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Good start... would have been very helpful for me a couple of months back!

Have attached a patch to your patch, breaking the main implementation into a 
few categories, and fixing a few typos.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file40629/README2.diff

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[issue15663] Investigate providing Tcl/Tk 8.6 with OS X installers

2015-09-30 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Thanks Ned. 

A couple of things. First, you probably know about this, but for future 
reference in case it might be useful, the install_name_tool lets you point a 
shared library at a different dependent shared library than the one it was 
originally compiled to link against (see end of 
http://www.tkdocs.com/tutorial/fonts.html). This can be sometimes helpful in 
resolving compatibility issues. 

Secondly, we may want to consider adding something post-install (in IDLE?) 
where it would detect at least simpler cases of greatly out-of-date Tcl/Tk and 
offer to download and install a new one. If it were in IDLE, this would have 
the advantage of not affecting everyone who installs Python, but only (a subset 
of) those who would benefit. Plus, not being a "you must decide now" like an 
installer, it could be deferred if people weren't sure. And it would offer to 
provide a bit more active assistance rather than only "go read a web page".


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[issue15663] Investigate providing Tcl/Tk 8.5 with OS X installers

2015-09-29 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Ned, is there anything that I might be able to help with here? While I'm not a 
Mac installer guru, it doesn't look like we'd need anything too fancy here.

Installing an 8.6 variant (via the frameworks approach I mentioned in my 
previous message) would seem to have a less likely chance of stomping on things 
than previously, and hopefully shorten the time we have to live with 8.4 and 
buggy 8.5 releases.


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[issue16023] IDLE freezes on ^5 or ^6 (Un-)Tabify Region with OS X Cocoa Tk 8.5

2015-09-29 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Just tried and it seemed to work ok for me. I'm guessing it'll be a particular 
Tk version. Noting the timeline on the original bug report and subsequent 
comments, that was right when Tk 8.5 switched from Carbon to Cocoa, so it was 
probably something that got shaken out in later versions.


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[issue25198] Idle: improve idle.html help viewer.

2015-09-27 Thread Mark Roseman

Mark Roseman added the comment:

Good catch about yview for text widgets!


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