[issue2853] *** glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption

2008-05-14 Thread Michael Lang

New submission from Michael Lang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


i am trying to solve some problems we encounter, when locking files on a
NFS Storage using fcntl.
since this is a security related problem i just add some pseudo code
here that was used to create the problem

fh = os.open('filename')
fcntl.lockf(fh, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
fhw = os.fdopen(fh)
fcntl.lockf(fh, fcntl.LOCK_UN)

when using threads, it's possible to create following problems when
using a Solaris (openSolaris) NFS server:

*** glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (!prev):
0x1bdbfb20 ***
=== Backtrace: =
=== Memory map: 
0040-00401000 r-xp  fd:01 845448   
0060-00601000 rw-p  fd:01 845448   
1bd4d000-1bdd rw-p 1bd4d000 00:00 0
4000-40001000 ---p 4000 00:00 0
40001000-40a01000 rw-p 40001000 00:00 0
40a01000-40a02000 ---p 40a01000 00:00 0
40a02000-41402000 rw-p 40a02000 00:00 0
41402000-41403000 ---p 41402000 00:00 0
41403000-41e03000 rw-p 41403000 00:00 0
41e03000-41e04000 ---p 41e03000 00:00 0
41e04000-42804000 rw-p 41e04000 00:00 0
42804000-42805000 ---p 42804000 00:00 0
42805000-43205000 rw-p 42805000 00:00 0
43205000-43206000 ---p 43205000 00:00 0
43206000-43c06000 rw-p 43206000 00:00 0
43c06000-43c07000 ---p 43c06000 00:00 0
43c07000-44607000 rw-p 43c07000 00:00 0
44607000-44608000 ---p 44607000 00:00 0
44608000-45008000 rw-p 44608000 00:00 0
45008000-45009000 ---p 45008000 00:00 0
45009000-45a09000 rw-p 45009000 00:00 0
45a09000-45a0a000 ---p 45a09000 00:00 0
45a0a000-4640a000 rw-p 45a0a000 00:00 0
32b040-32b041a000 r-xp  fd:00 127400   
32b0619000-32b061a000 r--p 00019000 fd:00 127400   
32b061a000-32b061b000 rw-p 0001a000 fd:00 127400   
32b080-32b0946000 r-xp  fd:00 127417   
32b0946000-32b0b46000 ---p 00146000 fd:00 127417   
32b0b46000-32b0b4a000 r--p 00146000 fd:00 127417   
32b0b4a000-32b0b4b000 rw-p 0014a000 fd:00 127417   
32b0b4b000-32b0b5 rw-p 32b0b4b000 00:00 0
32b0c0-32b0c82000 r-xp  fd:00 127423   
32b0c82000-32b0e81000 ---p 00082000 fd:00 127423   
32b0e81000-32b0e82000 r--p 00081000 fd:00 127423   
32b0e82000-32b0e83000 rw-p 00082000 fd:00 127423   
32b100-32b1002000 r-xp  fd:00 127455   
32b1002000-32b1202000 ---p 2000 fd:00 127455   
32b1202000-32b1203000 r--p 2000 fd:00 127455   
32b1203000-32b1204000 rw-p 3000 fd:00 127455   
32b140-32b1415000 r-xp  fd:00 127463   
32b1415000-32b1614000 ---p 00015000 fd:00 127463   
32b1614000-32b1615000 r--p 00014000 fd:00 127463   
32b1615000-32b1616000 rw-p 00015000 fd:00 127463   
32b1616000-32b161a000 rw-p 32b1616000 00:00 0
32b640-32b640d000 r-xp  fd:00 127465   
32b640d000-32b660d000 ---p d000 fd:00 127465   
 /lib64/libgcc_s-4.1.2-2Segmentation fault

python imported modules/functions
from threading import Thread
import fcntl
from time import asctime, localtime, sleep
from os import open as oopen
from os import fdopen
import sys

is this a python bug ? or am i doing something wrong ... the real code
will be available to troubleshoot the problem on request

 import sys
'2.4.3 (#1, Mar 14 2007, 19:01:42

Postgres COPY Command with python 2.3 pg

2005-02-15 Thread Michael Lang
Hi to all,

can some one point me to the correct way, how to use PostgreSQLs COPY feature
from within python ?

What i want to do is:

 start transaction
  drop current tablecontens
  copy new content from STDIN  # file need more privileged user rights
 commit transaction

using psql it works fine, but i dont know how to get it working in python.
Ive already made the calls but the changes never apper, and no error.
my suggestion was, that db.query(input|input|input) doesnt work as STDIN for
the Database, and i tryed db.putline() but no success.

Kind regards for any help
Michael Lang


Re: Postgres COPY Command with python 2.3 pg

2005-02-15 Thread Michael Lang
On 2005-02-15, @(none)  wrote:
 Michael Lang wrote:
 using psql it works fine, but i dont know how to get it working in python.
 Ive already made the calls but the changes never apper, and no error.

 Which Postgres module are you using? I had the exct same problem when I 
 first started using pyPgSQL, until I figured out that I needed to do:

  db = PgSQL.connect(DSN)
  db.autocommit = 1
  con = db.cursor()


im using PostgreSQL RPM from Fedora Core3 
$ rpm -q postgresql-python

code looks like
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Oct 26 2004, 16:42:40)
[GCC 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import pg
 db = pg.DB('bind9', '', 5432, None, None, 'named', None)
['_DB__args', '_DB__attnames', '_DB__pkeys', '__doc__', '__init__', 
'__module__', '_do_debug', 'clear', 'close', 'db', 'debug', 'delete', 
'endcopy', 'fileno', 'get', 'get_attnames', 'get_databases', 'get_tables', 
'getline', 'getlo', 'getnotify', 'insert', 'inserttable', 'locreate', 
'loimport', 'pkey', 'putline', 'query', 'reopen', 'reset', 'source', 
'transaction', 'update']

so theres no cursor i could try like your code does ... 
thanks for your response ...

 In my code.

Re: Basic file operation questions

2005-02-03 Thread Michael . Lang
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter Nuttall wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 11:47:41PM -0500, Caleb Hattingh wrote:
 Hi Alex
 Assuming you have a file called data.txt:
 f = open('data.txt','r')
 lines = f.readlines()
 for line in lines:
 print line

 Can you not write this:
 f=open(data.txt, r)
 for line in f.readlines():
   #do stuff to line

sure you can 

f = open(data.txt, rb)
while [ 1 ]:
line = f.readlines()
if not line:break
line = somethingelse ...
