[ANN] PhreeqPy 0.2 released

2013-01-24 Thread Dr. Mike Mueller
A new PhreeqPy version has been released.

Its available at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/phreeqpy/0.2.0
Documentation can be found at http://www.phreeqpy.com

What is PhreeqPy?
PhreeqPy provides Python tools for PHREEQC [1], a comprehensive software
for hydro-geo-chemical modeling. PhreeqPy includes a ctypes-based wrapper
for IPhreeqc [2] and is especially useful for coupling PHREEQC with
transport codes and automated parameter studies. It runs with Python 2.6,
2.7 and 3.3 as well as PyPy on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

What's new in this version?

* More IPhreeqc functions
* Support for Mac OS X
* Error handling turning IPhreeqc errors into Python exceptions
* Python 3 compatibility - tested with Python 3.3
* More documentation

[1] http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled/phreeqc/index.html
[2] ftp://brrftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/charlton/iphreeqc/IPhreeqc.pdf

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Django training for beginners and advanced

2012-10-11 Thread Dr. Mike Mueller
Six Days of Django Training

There are still a couple of places in our Django courses
next week.

If you would like to get up to speed with Django, this course is for you:
October 15-17, 2012 (Leipzig, Germany) Introduction to Django [1]

If you already have solid Django knowledge or would like to continue
after the introductory training, you should consider this course:
October 18-20, 2012 (Leipzig, Germany) Advanced Django [2]

Feel free to ask me about it.

BTW, all courses are also available as in-house training.


[1] http://www.python-academy.com/courses/django_course_introduction.html
[2] http://www.python-academy.com/courses/django_course_advanced.html

Our next courses:

15.10.-17.10.2012 (Leipzig) Introduction to Django (English)
18.10.-20.10.2012 (Leipzig) Advanced Django (English)
27.10.2012 (Leipzig) SQLAlchemy (English)
28.10.2012 (Leipzig) Camelot (English)
12.-14.11.2012 (Antwerp, Belgium) Python for Programmers (English)
15.11.2012 (Antwerp, Belgium) SQLAlchemy (English)
16.11.2012 (Antwerp, Belgium) Camelot (English)
10.12.-12.12.2012 (Leipzig) Python für Programmierer (German)
13.12.-15.12.2012 (Leipzig) Python für Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure (German)
25.01.-27.01.2013 (Leipzig) Advanced Python (English)
28.01.-30.01.2013 (Leipzig) High-Performance Computation with Python (English)
one day each (can be booked separately)
- Optimizing of Python Programs
- Python Extensions with Other Languages
- Fast Code with the Cython Compiler
31.01.-01.02.2013 (Leipzig) High Performance XML with Python (English)
04.03.-08.03.2013 (Chicago, USA) Python for Scientists and Engineers (English)
15.04.-17.04.2013 (Leipzig) Python für Programmierer (German)
18.04.-20.04.2013 (Leipzig) Python für Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure (German)
10.06.-12.06.2013 (Leipzig) Python for Scientists and Engineers (English)
13.06.2013 (Leipzig) Fast Code with the Cython Compiler (English)
14.06.2013 (Leipzig) Fast NumPy Processing with Cython (English)

More information at http://www.python-academy.com

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Leipzig Python User Group - Meeting, May 9 2006, 8:00pm

2006-05-05 Thread Mike Mueller
Leipzig Python User Group

Next Meeting Tuesday, May 9 2006

We will meet on April 9 at 8:00 pm at the 
training center of Python Academy in Leipzig, 
Germany (http://www.python-academy.com/center/find.html).

Ralf Muschall will talk about Tkinter, the GUI 
toolkit that comes with a Python standard installation.

Food and soft drinks are provided. Please send a short confirmation
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so we can prepare appropriately.

Everybody who uses Python, plans to do so or is 
interested in learning more about the language is encouraged to participate.

While the meeting language will be mainly German, 
English speakers are very welcome. We will 
provide English interpretation if needed.

Current information about the meetings can always be found at

Leipzig Python User Group

Stammtisch am 09.05.2006

Wir treffen uns am 09.05.2006 um 20:00 Uhr wieder im
im Schulungszentrum der Python Academy in Leipzig 

Diesmal wird Ralf Muschall über die Anwendung von 
Tkinter, der Bibliothek für grafische 
Nutzeroberflächen, die in der 
Standard-Python-Installation enthalten ist, sprechen.

Für das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt.
Wir bitten um kurze Anmeldung per e-mail an: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

An den Treffen der Python Anwendergruppe kann 
jeder teilnehmen, der Interesse an Python hat, 
die Sprache bereits nutzt oder nutzen möchte.

Die Arbeitssprachen des Treffens ist Deutsch. 
Englisch sprechende Python-Enthusiasten sind 
trotzdem herzlich eingeladen. Wir übersetzen gern.

Aktuelle Informationen zu den Treffen sind immer unter
zu finden.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Leipzig Python User Group - Meeting, March 16 2006, 8:00pm

2006-03-10 Thread Mike Mueller
Leipzig Python User Group

Second Meeting Thursday, March 16 2006

We will meet on March 16 at 8:00pm at the training center of Python 
Academy, Zur Schule 20, 04158 Leipzig; Germany (How to get there: 

The Leipzig Python User Group, or LE-Snakes, was founded at our first 
meeting in February. We will meet regularly every second Tuesday of 
the month.  Since this date will be the second to the last day of 
CeBIT (14.03.2006) we decided to postpone the date for two days.

Food and soft drinks are provided. Please send a short confirmation
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so we can prepare appropriately.

Stefan Schwarzer will talk about the application of CherryPy 
(http://www.cherrypy.org) sprechen. Quote from the CherryPy-Homepage: 
CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented web development framework.

Everybody who uses Python, plans to do so or is interested in 
learning more about the language is encouraged to participate.

While the meeting language will be mainly German, English speakers 
are very welcome. We will provide English interpretation if needed.

Current information about the meetings can always be found at


Support the Python Software Foundation: