Re: ctypes & allocated memory

2020-06-07 Thread Miki Tebeka

> But the problem is that by specifying the type as ctypes.c_char_p,
> ctypes will hide that pointer from you and return a Python object
> instead.  I'm not sure how ctypes is doing it under the hood, but I
> suspect ctypes is doing it's own strdup of the string on conversion, and
> managing that memory, but the original pointer ends up being lost and
> leaking memory.
Yes, the problem with my code I posted is that resource.getrusage report the 
Python allocated memory. Once I've changed to 
psutil.Process().memory_info().rss I see the memory leak. The code now looks 

strdup.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
free =
free.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
for _ in range(n):
o = strdup(data)
s = ctypes.string_at(o).decode('utf-8')

This seems to fix the leak.


Re: ctypes & allocated memory

2020-06-07 Thread Miki Tebeka

> Does ctypes, when using restype, frees allocated memory?
> For example, will the memory allocated by "strdup" be freed after the "del" 
> statement? If not, how can I free it?

I've tried the following program and I'm more confused now :) Can anyone 
explain the output?

import ctypes
import gc
import resource

def mem_usage():
return resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss

libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('')
strdup = libc.strdup
strdup.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
strdup.restype = ctypes.c_char_p

size = 1 << 20
print(f'size: {size:,}')
data = b'x' * size  # 1MB

mb = mem_usage()
print(f'memory before: {mb:,}')

n = 1000
print(f'n: {n:,}')
for _ in range(n):

ma = mem_usage()
diff = ma - mb
print(f'memory after: {ma:,}')
print(f'diff: {diff:,}')
print(f'diff/size: {diff/size:.2f}')

Which prints
size: 1,048,576
memory before: 21,556
n: 1,000
memory after: 1,035,180
diff: 1,013,624
diff/size: 0.97

ctypes & allocated memory

2020-06-07 Thread Miki Tebeka

Does ctypes, when using restype, frees allocated memory?

For example, will the memory allocated by "strdup" be freed after the "del" 
statement? If not, how can I free it?

import ctypes

libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('')
strdup = libc.strdup
strdup.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
strdup.restype = ctypes.c_char_p

out = strdup(b'hello').decode('utf-8')
print(out)  # hello
del out


Re: Shared library missing from wheel (custom build)

2020-06-06 Thread Miki Tebeka
Changed to self.get_ext_full_path( and it works now.

Shared library missing from wheel (custom build)

2020-06-06 Thread Miki Tebeka

I'm playing around with generating extension moudle to Python in Go. This is 
for a blog post - not production ready.

The Go code is compiled to a shared library and the Python module is using 
ctypes to call the Go code in the shared library. I know it's know a classic 
extension module with PyModule_Create and friends, but that's for later... 

The is defined as
from subprocess import call

from setuptools import Extension, setup
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext

class build_go_ext(build_ext):
def build_extension(self, ext):
ext_path = self.get_ext_filename(
cmd = ['go', 'build', '-buildmode=c-shared', '-o', ext_path]
cmd += ext.sources
out = call(cmd)
if out != 0:
raise RuntimeError('Go build failed')

Extension('_checksig', ['checksig.go', 'export.go'])
cmdclass={'build_ext': build_go_ext},

When I run "python bdist_wheel", I see that that is being built. But when I look at the 
content of dist/checksig-0.1.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl it's not there.

What am I missing?

You can view the whole (WIP) project at


Re: Division issue with 3.8.2 on AIX 7.1

2020-06-03 Thread Miki Tebeka
> Anyone know where can I look in the Python source code to investigate
> this?
Probably around

Re: [ANN] Python Brain Teasers Book is Out

2020-05-05 Thread Miki Tebeka

> Would be grateful if you could post it to python-authors also:
Done. Though list seems very dormant.


[ANN] Python Brain Teasers Book is Out

2020-05-04 Thread Miki Tebeka
Hi All,

I'm excited that my book "Python Brain Teasers: 30 brain teasers to tickle your 
mind and help become a better developer." is out.

You can grab is from (PDF & ePUB). Let me know how many 
teasers did you get right.

If you're curious, a sample of the book, including the forward by Raymond 
Hettinger is at

Stay curious, keep hacking,

Re: What is the correct interpreter

2020-03-04 Thread Miki Tebeka

> Where is the correct interpreter?
> I have installed python several times
> Pycharm all ways selects
> C:\ProgramFiles\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2019.3.3\bin\pycharm64.exe
This is the PyCharm executable, not the Python one. See
 on how to configure the interpreter.

> But when I run a simple code it objects to the interpreter???
I order to help we'll need more information. What is the code you're trying to 
run and what is the error?

Happy hacking,

Re: Connection refused when tryign to run bottle/flask web framweworks

2018-08-19 Thread Miki Tebeka
If you're trying to access the machine from another machine, you need to change 
the host to ''. 'localhost' is the internal interface.

On Sunday, August 19, 2018 at 10:36:25 PM UTC+3, Νίκος wrote:
> Hello,
> i just installed bottle and flask web frameworks in my CentOS environment but 
> i canno get it working even with the simpleste xample. The coonection is 
> refused always.
> from bottle import route, run, template
> @route('/hello/')
> def index(name):
> return template('Hello {{name}}!', name=name)
> run(host='localhost', port=8080)
> Any ideas as to why i cannot access it?
> I dont have sme firewall blocking the ports 8080 or 5000.
> Thank you.


PyCon Israel 2018 CFP is Open

2018-03-11 Thread Miki Tebeka

PyCon Israel 2018 call for papers is open, submit a talk today, another three 
tomorrow :)

See more at

All the best,

Re: I have anaconda, but Pycharm can't find it

2017-11-27 Thread nospam . Miki Tebeka
You need to set the Python interpreter for the project to be the Anaconda one.

On Monday, November 27, 2017 at 1:56:58 AM UTC+2, C W wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am a first time PyCharm user. I have Python 3 and Anaconda installed.
> They work together on Sublime Text, but not on Pycharm.
> Pycharm tells me it cannot find modules numpy, matplotlib, etc.
> What should I do? I tried to set the interpreter environment, and a few
> other options, none seem to work.
> This is the typical solution, but it does not work
> Thanks,
> -Mike


Re: I have anaconda, but Pycharm can't find it

2017-11-26 Thread Miki Tebeka
You need to set the Python interpreter for the project to be the Anaconda one. 

On Monday, November 27, 2017 at 1:56:58 AM UTC+2, C W wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am a first time PyCharm user. I have Python 3 and Anaconda installed.
> They work together on Sublime Text, but not on Pycharm.
> Pycharm tells me it cannot find modules numpy, matplotlib, etc.
> What should I do? I tried to set the interpreter environment, and a few
> other options, none seem to work.
> This is the typical solution, but it does not work
> Thanks,
> -Mike


[ANN] Nuclio: A scalable, open source, real-time processing platform

2017-10-24 Thread Miki Tebeka

Just wanted to share a project I'm working on. It a super fast serverless that 
support Python handlers as well.

Check out more at
Code at

Happy hacking,

Re: Unable to apply stop words in Pandas dataframe

2017-06-26 Thread Miki Tebeka
Can you show us some of the code you tried?

On Monday, June 26, 2017 at 10:19:46 AM UTC+3, Bhaskar Dhariyal wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I have a dataset which I want to make model trainable. I ahve been trying to 
> do some thing for past 2-3 days. 
> Actually I wanted to clean 'desc' and 'keywords' column from the dataset. I 
> am using NLTK to vectorize, than remove stopwords & alpha numeric values and 
> do stemming. Moreover desc column also contain NULL values. But the solution 
> I reached was on 2D list, to which I was not able to convert single pandas 
> series, so that I could change change it word vector. 
> Please tell me hoe to do this using Pandas, I searched lot in stackoverflow 
> also but no results.
> Link to dataset:
> Thanks in advance
> Bhaskar


[ANN] Second PyCon Israel June 11-14, 2017

2017-04-30 Thread Miki Tebeka
Hi All,

The second PyCon Israel will take place June 11-14, 2017.
* 11 June Django girls workshop at Red Hat Israel offices in Raanana
* 12-13 June PyCon Israel main event at Wohl center
* 14 June PyCon Israel workshops and sprints

We still have some sponsorship spots available, great recruiting and branding 
opportunity. Also the general session CFP is still open.


See you there,
The PyCon Israel Team

Re: Python3, column names from array - numpy or pandas

2016-12-14 Thread Miki Tebeka
You can do this with pandas:

import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO

io = StringIO('''\

df = pd.read_csv(io, sep='\s+', index_col='id')
val = df.apply(lambda row: ' '.join(df.columns[row==1]), axis=1)

Google for "boolean indexing" to see what's going on :)

Re: pymssql

2016-09-09 Thread Miki Tebeka
> for row in cus:
> NameError: name 'budget_code' is not defined
You'll need to use a DictCursor to be able to access rows by name and not 
position (which IMO is the preferred way).

cus = conn.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
cus.execute("SELECT * FROM glbud ") 
for row in cus:

Re: Guys, can you please share me some sites where we can practice python programs for beginners and Intermediate.

2016-06-22 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 2:03:28 PM UTC+3, Pushpanth Gundepalli wrote:
> Guys, can you please share me some sites where we can practice python 
> programs for beginners and Intermediate.

IMO you can do that at

Re: hourly weather forecast data

2016-04-12 Thread Miki Tebeka

> Is there a way to get hourly weather forecast data (temperature,
> chance of precipitation) from the command line in Debian Linux?
If you Google for "weather API" you'll find several sites who give programmatic 
access to weather data. 

[ANN] First PyCon Israel (May 2,3)

2016-03-09 Thread Miki Tebeka

The first PyCon Israel is happening! It's taking place on May 2-3, 2016, will 
be attended by hundreds of Pythonistas, and is sponsored by major international 
and local companies that use Python as part of their daily work.

CFP is open, please head over to to see more details.

See you there,

Re: I can not install matplotlib, numpy, scipy, and pandas.

2016-01-06 Thread Miki Tebeka

> When I enter into the command window "pip install matplotlib", it reads this
> below (this is not the full version of it): 
> ...
Installing scientific packages can be a pain. I recommend you take a look at

Re: Newbie XML problem

2015-12-21 Thread Miki Tebeka

> config = {id: 1, canvas: (3840, 1024), comment: "a comment",
>  {id: 4, gate: 3, (0,0, 1280, 1024)},   
>  {id: 5, gate: 2, (1280, 0, 2560, 1024)},
>  {id: 6, gate: 1, (2560, 0, 3840, 1024)}}
This is not valid Python. Are you trying to have a list of dicts?

> I have started to use this code - but this is beginning to feel very 
> non-elegant; not the cool Python code I usually see...
ElementTree supports XPATH, using this and some list comprehension you do 
things a little more easily. For example:

cfg = root.find('config[@id="B"]')
for panel in cfg.findall('panel'):
panels.append([{elem.tag: elem.text} for elem in panel])

You'll need to do some parsing for the coordinates and handle canvas and 
comments separately.

Re: compiling matplotlib in virtual env

2015-10-01 Thread Miki Tebeka
> I been trying to compile matplotlib in a python3.4 virtual env using 
> pip version 1.7 on Fedora 22. I am in about 3 weeks learning python 
> and Django so I am not clear on the error response to:
> ...
>   File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/distutils/", line 343, in _cmp
> if self.version < other.version:
> TypeError: unorderable types: str() < int()
Looks like a bug in distuils (which is a package used by pip). Maybe you can 
upgrade to a newer version of distutils? (pip3 install -U distutils) and try 

As a side note, I find using conda to install scipy related packages a much 
easier way.

Re: numpy

2015-09-11 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 1:11:59 PM UTC+3, 
> hi:
> I have to use numpy package. My python runs on my embedded arm 
> device. So, how do i cross compile numpy?
conda has support for ARM -

BTW: I suggest you write a better subject next time, almost missed this one :)

Re: Who uses IDLE -- please answer if you ever do, know, or teach

2015-08-05 Thread Miki Tebeka

> 0. Classes where Idle is used:
> Where?
At client site. Mostly big companies.

> Level?
>From beginner to advanced.

> Idle users:
> 1. Are you
> grade school (1=12)?
> undergraduate (Freshman-Senior)?
> post-graduate (from whatever)?

> 2. Are you
> beginner (1st class, maybe 2nd depending on intensity of first)?
> post-beginner?
> 3. With respect to programming, are you
> amateur (unpaid)
> professional (paid for programming)

Re: Time saving tips for Pythonists

2015-06-20 Thread Miki Tebeka
> What are your best time saving tips when programming Python?
* Use the REPL. Write small chunks of code and test them as you go
* Know what's available in the standard library (sets, Counter, deque ...)
* Learn how to pick good packages from PyPI (community, last commit ...)
* import this

Re: Problem with PyPI login

2015-06-17 Thread Miki Tebeka
> >The forums at (which is 
> >linked from "PyPI Support") seems pretty deserted. What is the right 
> >location for these kind of issues?

> That is one place.


Problem with PyPI login

2015-06-17 Thread Miki Tebeka

After confirming email I can't login to PyPI with the password and when trying 
to rest I get: user "Cyberint" is unknwon to me. However when trying to 
re-register it says the user is already there.

The forums at (which is linked 
from "PyPI Support") seems pretty deserted. What is the right location for 
these kind of issues?


Re: Flask Post returning error

2015-05-18 Thread Miki Tebeka
> If anyone may kindly suggest what is the error I am doing. 
It's close to impossible to know without seeing the server side code.

Re: Did became huge and slow?

2015-03-10 Thread Miki Tebeka
Thanks Chris, I was hitting the wrong URL by mistake.
Didn't think an extra / will make all that difference :)

On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 2:12:13 PM UTC+2, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Steven D'Aprano
>  wrote:
> > Miki Tebeka wrote:
> >
> >> Greetings,
> >>
> >> $ time curl -I
> >> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> >> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 10:24:30 GMT
> >> ...
> >> Content-Length: 9870689
> >> curl -I  0.02s user 0.00s system 2% cpu
> >> 12.271 total $
> >>
> >> Note the long time (for comparison hitting takes 0.209 total)
> >> and the size (Content-Length).
> >>
> >> Anything gone wrong or am I missing something?
> >
> > I don't know. Am *I* missing something? What makes you think this is a
> > problem?
> >
> > You're downloading via https, which has more overhead than http. There's a
> > certificate that needs to be checked, the content can't be cached, and
> > there's the cost of encryption.
> Those costs don't factor in here; the content-length is what the
> server announces as the number of bytes of oncoming payload.
> > Do you have some reason for thinking that the content-length should not be
> > 9870689 bytes? Should it be less or more?
> >
> > Have you tried opening the URL in your browser?
> I just tried it now, and it's comparable in a browser. 9MB is a lot
> for a landing page, and while I don't have a specific record, I have a
> vague recollection that it wasn't quite this big before (which would
> mean that the landing page was paginated instead of having the entire
> list right there).
> Oh wait. What I was remembering was without
> the extra pathing on it. And yes, that page _is_ short and fast. So
> that's an appropriate landing page.
> To the OP: You're downloading the entire list of packages, which is
> why it's taking so long.
> ChrisA


Did became huge and slow?

2015-03-10 Thread Miki Tebeka

$ time curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 10:24:30 GMT
Content-Length: 9870689
curl -I  0.02s user 0.00s system 2% cpu 
12.271 total

Note the long time (for comparison hitting takes 0.209 total) and 
the size (Content-Length).

Anything gone wrong or am I missing something?


Re: List of "python -m" tools

2015-01-16 Thread Miki Tebeka
Thanks for all the answers!

List of "python -m" tools

2015-01-11 Thread Miki Tebeka

I've compiled a list of "python -m" tools at

Did I miss something? What are your favorite "python -m" tools?


Re: Need Help

2014-12-02 Thread Miki Tebeka

> I'm a beginner of python, I just want your help.
We'll gladly do it, however you need to invest some time and write better 
questions :) See

> How can I get the Failure values from the Console in to a txt or a csv file?
We need more information. What is the test suite you're using? How are you 
running the tests? Example output ...

All the best,

Re: Recommended hosting

2014-10-03 Thread Miki Tebeka

> I'd like to build a web site for myself, essentially a "vanity" web site to 
> show off whatever web development skills I have, and perhaps do some 
> blogging. I'm a Python developer, so I'd like to develop the site with the 
> following stack:
> web applications written with Python and Flask, running as uwsgi 
> applications. These would support dynamic HTML where needed, but mostly it 
> would provide REST API's.
IIRC you can use Flask with AppEngine (static content will be handled by 
AppEngine and not nginx).

It's free for small-ish sites and removes a lot of operations headache.

All the best,

Re: Error from import DataReader

2014-10-02 Thread Miki Tebeka

> I am trying to run this snippet of code.
> from import DataReader
> ...
> I keep getting this error.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python27\", line 1, in 
> from import DataReader
> ImportError: No module named

* Do you have pandas installed? (Does "import pandas" work?)
* If it is installed, what version do you have? ( "print(pandas.__version__")


Re: "Fuzzy" Counter?

2014-09-26 Thread Miki Tebeka

On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 5:57:15 PM UTC+3, Ian wrote:
> Then your result depends on the order of your input, which is usually
> not a good thing.
As stated in previous reply - I'm OK with that.

> Why would you need to determine the *number* of bins in advance? You
> just need to determine where they start and stop. If for example your
> epsilon is 0.5, you could determine the bins to be at [-0.5, 0.5);
> [0.5, 1.5); [1.5, 2.5); ad infinitum. Then for each actual value you
> encounter, you could calculate the appropriate bin, creating it first
> if it doesn't already exist.
I see what you mean. I thought you mean histogram like bins where you usually 
state the number of bins in advance.

Re: "Fuzzy" Counter?

2014-09-23 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Tuesday, September 23, 2014 7:33:06 PM UTC+3, Rob Gaddi wrote:

> While you're at it, think
> long and hard about that definition of fuzziness.  If you can make it
> closer to the concept of histogram "bins" you'll get much better
> performance.  
The problem for me here is that I can't determine the number of bins in 
advance. I'd like to get frequencies. I guess every "new" (don't have any 
previous equal item) can be a bin.

> TL;DR you need to think very hard about your problem definition and
> what you want to happen before you actually try to implement this.
Always a good advice :) I'm actually implementing algorithm for someone else 
(in the bio world where I know very little about).

Re: "Fuzzy" Counter?

2014-09-23 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Tuesday, September 23, 2014 4:37:10 PM UTC+3, Peter Otten wrote:
> x eq y 
> y eq z
> not (x eq z)
> where eq is the test given above -- should x, y, and z land in the same bin?
Yeah, I know the counting depends on the order of items. But I'm OK with that.

"Fuzzy" Counter?

2014-09-23 Thread Miki Tebeka

Before I start writing my own. Is there something like collections.Counter 
(fore frequencies) that does "fuzzy" matching?

Meaning x is considered equal to y if abs(x - y) < epsilon. (x, y and my case 
will be numpy.array).


Re: Load a CSV with different row lengths

2014-07-29 Thread Miki Tebeka

> I should've mentioned that I want to import my csv as a data frame or numpy 
> array or as a table.
If you know the max length of a row, then you can do something like:
def gen_rows(stream, max_length):
for row in csv.reader(stream):
yield row + ([None] * (max_length - len(line))

max_length = 10
with open('data.csv') as fo:
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(gen_rows(fo, max_length))


Re: NameError: name 'requests' is not defined ?

2014-07-27 Thread Miki Tebeka

> there is only one line in .
> import requests  
> ...
> >>> import mydown
> >>> requests.get(url)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
> NameError: name 'requests' is not defined
You need to call mydown.requests, but I think you're missing the point of 
modules and imports. I suggest you go over


Re: How to install data analysis pandas toolkit?

2014-07-23 Thread Miki Tebeka

> >>> import pandas as pd
> No module named numpy
I find the most painless way of installing the Python scientific stack is using 


Re: Installing Python 2.6.2 on Ubuntu 12.1

2014-07-21 Thread Miki Tebeka

> The installation went through successfully, however I
> noticed that some of the _*.so files did not get built under
> lib/python2.6/lib-dynload/ folder (eg , which is likely the reason
> why my setuptools install failed due to the error:
I believe you need the developer libraries for that (including the C header 
files). IIRC "sudo apt-get build-dep python" should install all the required 


Re: Create flowcharts from Python

2014-06-17 Thread Miki Tebeka

> Is there a library for Python that can easily create flowcharts using a 
> simple API?
Maybe ?

Re: pyflakes best practices?

2014-06-04 Thread Miki Tebeka

> So, what's the best practice here?  How do people deal with the false 
> positives?  Is there some way to annotate the source code to tell 
> pyflakes to ignore something?
We use flake8 (pyflakes + pep8) as pre step for the tests. We fail the tests on 
any output from flake8.

flake8 supports ignoring certain lines by appending a comment starting with # 


Re: daemon thread cleanup approach

2014-05-28 Thread Miki Tebeka

> Ok, so I have an issue with cleaning up threads upon a unexpected exit. 
What do you mean by "unexpected exit"? Uncaught exception? SIGTERM? ...

> Using atexit doesn't work because it's called after the daemon threads are 
> killed.
I don't follow. Who is killing the daemon threads?

> ...
> It it possible that this will cause the program to hang in any case? 
If due to a bug in the cleanup thread it hangs - the program will hang as well.

All the best,

Re: [RELEASED] Python 2.7.7 release candidate 1

2014-05-19 Thread Miki Tebeka
> (If you don't know what the strop
> module is, go ahead and forget it now.)
+1 QOTW :)

Re: Running programs on mobile phones

2014-04-22 Thread Miki Tebeka
> I have seen by chance a number of years ago a book on Python programming
> for running on mobile phones (of a certain producer only). What is the
> current state of the art in that? Could someone kindly give a few good
> literature references? Thanks in advance.
I'm not an expert, but take a look at

Re: [OT] Testing and credentials best practices?

2014-04-21 Thread Miki Tebeka
>> How do you deal with tests (both on dev machine and Jenkins) that need 
>> credentials (such as AWS keys)?.
> I've done several of these. Another option that may work in some
> contexts is to mock the test altogether;
Thanks, but mocking is last resort for me, it reduces the value of testing 
greatly and has the burden of catching up with the mocked service.

[OT] Testing and credentials best practices?

2014-04-20 Thread Miki Tebeka

How do you deal with tests (both on dev machine and Jenkins) that need 
credentials (such as AWS keys)?. I know of the following methods:

1. Test user with known (stored in source control) limited credentials
2. ~/.secrets (or any other known location) RC file which is not in source 
3. Credentials service (such as ZooKeeper) accessed only from VPN
4. Credentials pre user encrypted (gpg) and stored in source control

What method are you using? Are there any best practices in the subject?


[ann] pypi2u - Get notified on new version of packages

2014-04-17 Thread Miki Tebeka
Greetings, is a simple service that notifies you on new 
versions of packages you're interested in.

You can view the code, fill bugs and suggest ideas at

Hope you find it useful,

Re: Python IM server

2014-03-31 Thread Miki Tebeka
>   I want to develop a instant message server, simply has user and group 
> entity.
> Is there any better existing open-source one?
> Thus I can download and have a look.
You can take a look at Twisted Words 

Re: system wide mutex

2014-02-10 Thread Miki Tebeka
IIRC creating a directory is atomic in most environments.

On Sunday, February 9, 2014 2:39:51 AM UTC-8, Asaf Las wrote:
> Hi 
> Which one is most recommended to use for mutex alike locking to 
> achieve atomic access to single resource:
> - fcntl.lockf
> - with O_SHLOCK and O_EXLOCK 
> -
> -
> - any other ?
> Thanks 
> /Asaf


Re: generator slides review

2014-02-02 Thread Miki Tebeka
> Thank you that's nicer, but ifiilterfalse is not in Python 3 (could
> use filter of course).
It was renamed to filterfalse -

Re: generator slides review

2014-02-01 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Saturday, February 1, 2014 6:12:28 AM UTC-8, andrea crotti wrote:
> I'm giving a talk tomorrow @Fosdem about generators/iterators/iterables..
> The slides are here (forgive the strange Chinese characters):
> and the code I'm using is:
> and the tests:
> If anyone has any feedback or want to point out I'm saying something
> stupid I'd love to hear it before tomorrow (or also later I might give
> this talk again).
> Thanks

My 2 cents:

slide 4:
[i*2 for i in range(10)]

slide 9:
while True:
it = next(g)
except StopIteration:

slide 21:
from itertools import count, ifilterfalse

def divided_by(p):
return lambda n: n % p == 0

def primes():
nums = count(2)
while True:
p = next(nums)
yield p
nums = ifilterfalse(divided_by(p), nums)

Another resource you can point to is

Good luck.

Re: Help me to print to screen as well as log

2013-11-23 Thread Miki Tebeka
> I want that print "hello" should appear on screen as well as get saved in a 
> log file.
> How can I accomplish this?
There are many ways to do this, here's one:

class MultiWriter(object):
def __init__(self, *writers):
self.writers = writers
self.isatty = False

def write(self, data):
for writer in self.writers:

def flush(self):
for writer in self.writers:

out = open('/tmp/log.txt', 'a')
import sys
sys.stdout = MultiWriter(sys.stdout, out)

IMO you're better with the logging package, see for more 

Re: Suggest an open-source issue tracker, with github integration and kanban boards?

2013-11-20 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 6:36:56 AM UTC-8, Alec Taylor wrote:
> Anyway, here is the link:
I thought you wanted a Python bases solution.

Re: Suggest an open-source issue tracker, with github integration and kanban boards?

2013-11-16 Thread Miki Tebeka
> Can you recommend an open source project (or two) written in Python;
> which covers multi project + sub project issue tracking linked across
> github repositories?
Don't know if it covers all what you need, but is 
written in Python, and has many, many plugins.

Re: RELEASED: Python 2.6.9 final

2013-10-29 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 10:48:58 AM UTC-7, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> So too has my latest stint as Python Release Manager.  Over the 19 years I
> have been involved with Python,
Thanks Barry for all the hard work.

Re: Which DLL did fail to load

2013-08-26 Thread Miki Tebeka
>  Wouldn't it  
> better to add a feature to Python to write the name of DLL which load 
> has been failed?

If you start Python with the -v (verbose) flag, you can see all the calls to 

Re: [argparse] mutually exclusive group with 2 sets of options

2013-08-05 Thread Miki Tebeka
> Is it possible with argparse to have this syntax for a script?
> my-script (-a -b VALUE-B | -c -d VALUE-D)
> I would like to do this with the argparse module.
You can probably do something similar using sub commands 

Re: Imports (in Py3), please help a novice

2013-06-16 Thread Miki Tebeka
> Is there an import / distutils tutorial out there?  I'm looking for it, but 
> perhaps one of you already knows where to find it.  Thanks!
Did you have a look at

Another thing to do is to look at what other packages on PyPi are doing. 

Re: Any speech to text conversation python library for Linux and mac box

2013-06-13 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:59:44 PM UTC-7, Ranjith Kumar wrote:
> I'm looking for speech to text conversation python library for linux and mac 
Not a Python library, but maybe you can work with

Re: python call golang

2013-05-10 Thread Miki Tebeka

> Now! I have written a python script . I want to call a golang script in 
> python script.
> Who can give me some advices?
See and

Re: distributing a binary package

2013-05-07 Thread Miki Tebeka
> I already have the .so files compiled. ?

Re: distributing a binary package

2013-05-06 Thread Miki Tebeka
> Basically, I'd like to know how to create a proper script

Re: Using SciPy in application

2013-04-24 Thread Miki Tebeka
> I want to use spline interpolation function from SciPy in an application and 
> at the same time, I don't want the end user to have to install SciPy 
> separately.
You can pack you application with py2exe, pyinstaller ... and then they won't 
even need to install Python.

Another option (which is not always possible) is to make you application a web 
site and then only you need to install SciPy on the server.

Re: Encoding NaN in JSON

2013-04-19 Thread Miki Tebeka
> > You understand that this will result in a chunk of text that is not JSON?
> I think he means something like this:
>  >>> json.dumps([float('nan')])
> '["N/A"]'
That's exactly what I mean :)

Re: Encoding NaN in JSON

2013-04-17 Thread Miki Tebeka
> yes, there is: subclass+extend the JSON-encoder, see pydoc json.
Please read the original post before answering. What you suggested does not 
work since NaN is of float type.

Re: Encoding NaN in JSON

2013-04-17 Thread Miki Tebeka
> >>> I'm trying to find a way to have json emit float('NaN') as 'N/A'.
> Easiest way is probably to transform your object before you try to write
Yeah, that's what I ended up doing. Wondered if there's a better way ...


Re: Encoding NaN in JSON

2013-04-17 Thread Miki Tebeka
>> I'm trying to find a way to have json emit float('NaN') as 'N/A'.
> No.  There is no way to represent NaN in JSON.  It's simply not part of the
> specification.
I know that. I'm trying to emit the *string* 'N/A' for every NaN.

Encoding NaN in JSON

2013-04-16 Thread Miki Tebeka

I'm trying to find a way to have json emit float('NaN') as 'N/A'.
I can't seem to find a way since NaN is a float, which means overriding 
"default" won't help.

Any simple way to do this?


Re: [ANNC] pynguin-0.14 python turtle graphics application

2013-04-13 Thread Miki Tebeka
> Pynguin is a python-based turtle graphics application.
I wonder why Pynguin does not get more traction in the teaching sector. Looks 
ideal for teaching kids.

Re: CSV to matrix array

2013-04-12 Thread Miki Tebeka

> I have a CSV file with 20 rows and 12 columns and I need to store it as a 
> matrix.
If you can use pandas, the pandas.read_csv is what you want.

Re: Newbie to python. Very newbie question

2013-04-07 Thread Miki Tebeka
>   I can't even read that mess... three nested lambda?
I have to say this and other answers in this thread seem not that friendly to 
The OP said it's a newbie question, we should be more welcoming to newcomers.

Re: Newbie to python. Very newbie question

2013-04-07 Thread Miki Tebeka
> I am a newbie to python
Welcome! I hope you'll do great things with Python.

> and am trying to write a program that does a
> sum of squares of numbers whose squares are odd.

> For example, for x from 1 to 100, it generates 165 as an output (sum
> of 1,9,25,49,81)
I don't follow, you seem to be missing a lot of numbers. For example 3^2 = 9 
which is odd as well.

> Here is the code I have
> print reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, filter(lambda x: x%2, map(lambda x:
> x*x, xrange
> (10**6 = sum(x*x for x in xrange(1, 10**6, 2))

print X = Y is a syntax error. Why do you need the 2'nd part.
In general, we're moving to list/generator comperhension over map/filter.
Something like:
print(sum(x*x for x in xrange(10**6) if (x*x)%2))


Re: How to find bad row with db api executemany()?

2013-03-30 Thread Miki Tebeka
> I can catch the exception, but don't see any way to tell which row caused the 
> problem.  Is this information obtainable, short of retrying each row one by 
> one?
One way to debug this is to wrap the iterable passed to executemany with one 
that remembers the last line. Something like:

class LastIterator(object):
def __init__(self, coll): = iter(coll)
self.last = None

def __iter__(self):
return self

def next(self):
self.last = next(
return self.last

  li = ListIterator(items)
   cursor.executemany(sql, li)
  except SQLError, e:
   print('Error: {}, row was {}'.format(e, li.last))

Re: No errors displayed but i blank scren nstead.

2013-03-28 Thread Miki Tebeka
> Fianlly my cgi .py script doesnt produce any more errors, i think i ahve 
> correct them but it present a blank screen
> Any idea why?
Please post the code to the script, otherwise we can't help you.

Re: Binary for numpy 1.7.0 with Python 2.7.3

2013-03-21 Thread Miki Tebeka
> I'm trying to update to both 2.7.3 and Numpy 1.7.0.
Updating Python is from

If you're on 64bit windows, see

Re: Top 10 python features

2013-03-17 Thread Miki Tebeka
> I would like to know what are the top 10 most important features (on your 
> opinion) in python.
You're in luck :) Raymond Hettinger just gave "Python is Awesome" keynote at 
PyCon. You can view the slides at, video will 
follow - not sure when.

Re: itertools.filterfalse - what is it good for

2013-03-09 Thread Miki Tebeka

> can anybody point out a situation where you really need 
> itertools.filterfalse() ?
Sometimes you get the predicate as a parameter to another function. This way if 
you want to filter out things you can easily do it. Other language (such as 
Clojure) have a "complement" function that removes the need of filterfalse.

For example (Python 3):
def percent_spam(is_spam, documents):
n_spam = sum(1 for _ in filter(is_spam, documents))
n_ham = sum(1 for _ in filterfalse(is_spam, documents))
return float(n_spam) / (n_ham + n_spam)

Re: Is there a graphical GUI builder?

2013-02-19 Thread Miki Tebeka
> I'm wondering if there's a utility for Python to build GUIs.
IIRC the Qt builder can generate Python code.

Re: The best, friendly and easy use Python Editor.

2013-01-25 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:34:45 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> On Thursday, January 24, 2013 9:43:31 AM UTC, Hazard Seventyfour wrote:
> > for all senior can you suggest me the best, friendly and easy use with nice 
> > GUI editor for me, and have many a good features such as auto complete/auto 
> > correct.
> I personally like Eclipse as I use it for most of my projects (not only 
> Python) so I use Eclipse + PyDev plug-in for Python.
Aptana is doing a great job bundling Eclipse + PyDev (+ other goodies).

Re: How to get the selected text of the webpage in chrome through python ?

2013-01-08 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Monday, January 7, 2013 8:20:28 PM UTC-8, iMath wrote:
> How to get the selected text of the webpage in chrome through python ?

You can probably use selenium to do that.

Re: Newbee question about running a script

2013-01-06 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Sunday, January 6, 2013 8:03:43 AM UTC-8, marc.assin wrote:
> I wonder how I could specify a parameter on the command line from
> within the interpreter.
Guido wrote some advice a while back -

Import your module and call its main.

The other way is to execute in another process:
from subprocess import check_call
import sys
check_call([sys.executable, '', 'arg1', 'arg2'])

Re: Newbie problem with Python pandas

2013-01-06 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Sunday, January 6, 2013 5:57:17 AM UTC-8, RueTheDay wrote:
> I am getting the following error when running on Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 
> 12.04:
> >>
> AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'str'
I would *guess* that  you have an older version of pandas on your Linux machine.
Try "print(pd.__version__)" to see which version you have.

Also, trying asking over at!forum/pydata which is more 
dedicated to pandas.

Re: compile python 3.3 with bz2 support

2012-12-22 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:27:54 PM UTC-8, Isml wrote:
>     I want to compile python 3.3 with bz2 support on RedHat 5.5 but fail to 
> do that. Here is how I do it:
>     1. download bzip2 and compile it(make、make -f Makefile_libbz2_so、make 
> install)
Why can't you use yum? (yum install libbz2-dev)

>     [root@localhost Python-3.3.0]# python3 -c "import bz2"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.3/", line 21, in 
>     from _bz2 import BZ2Compressor, BZ2Decompressor
> ImportError: No module named '_bz2'
IMO it's a linker problem. If libbz2.zo is in /usr/local/lib then try
LB_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib python3 -c 'import bz2'

If this work, you can add /usr/local/lib to the linker by doing:
echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/

Having said that, if the yum way work - do it.

> By the way, RedHat 5.5 has a built-in python 2.4.3. Would it be a problem?
I don't think so. I have multiple version of Python on RedHat systems.

Re: Build and runtime dependencies

2012-12-20 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:11:45 PM UTC-8, Jack Silver wrote:
> I have two Linux From Scratch machine.
> Hence, I do not need to install all those libraries on the client machine. 
> Right ?
It depends on what the client needs. For example if you use zlib compression in 
the protocol, you'll need this in the client as well to uncompress.

I suggest you use the exact same Python builds on both machines, it'll save you 
some headache in the future.

Re: [newbie] plotting pairs of data

2012-12-19 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 6:38:30 AM UTC-8, Thomas Bach wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 05:47:30AM -0800, hugocoolens wrote:
> > ['0.0364771 0.55569', '0.132688 0.808496', '0.232877 0.832833',
> > '0.332702 0.849128', '0.432695 0.862158']
> xs = [ float(x) for x, _ in map(str.split, l) ]
> ys = [ float(y) for _, y in map(str.split, l) ]
Let's play golf :)
xs, ys = zip(*(map(float, s.split()) for s in l))

Re: Help with unittest2

2012-12-13 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Thursday, December 13, 2012 7:03:27 AM UTC-8, Daniel Laird wrote: 
> I do am import unittest2 as unittest
> NameError: global name 'assertListEqual' is not defined
According to the docs 
 assertListEqual and friends was added in 2.7.

You can use assertEuqal, or if you don't care about order 
assertEqual(sorted(a), sorted(b)).

Re: Running a Python app on a remote server and displaying the output files

2012-12-09 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Saturday, December 8, 2012 12:22:35 PM UTC-8, Jason Hsu wrote:
> 1. How do I run my Python script in Google App Engine and make the output 
> results.csv file publicly available? 
might work as well.

Re: Cosine Similarity

2012-12-06 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:15:53 PM UTC-8, wrote:
> I am looking for some example of implementing Cosine similarity in python. I 
> searched for hours but could not help much. NLTK seems to have a module but 
> did not find examples. 
Should be easy with numpy:
import numpy as np

def cos(v1, v2):
   return, v2) / (np.sqrt(, v1)) * np.sqrt(, 


Re: mini browser with python

2012-12-05 Thread Miki Tebeka
> In other words I need a mini, simple browser; 
> something I can build that will open, read and 
> display a saved html file.
If you want to view the "raw" HTML, use any editor.
If you want to view the rendered HTML (like in a browser), you can point your 
favorite browser to a local file or use something like Qt+Webkit.

Re: Remote server: running a Python script and making *.csv files publicly available

2012-12-05 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Wednesday, December 5, 2012 11:14:42 AM UTC-8, Jason Hsu wrote:
> make the *.csv files publicly available to read.

> Can this be done on Heroku?  I've gone through the tutorial, but it seems to 
> be geared towards people who want to create a whole web site.
See one option -

> If Heroku isn't the solution for me, what are the alternatives?  I tried 
> Google App Engine, but it requires Python 2.5 and won't work with 2.7.
AppEngine does support Python 2.7, see

Re: Help "joining" two files delimited with pipe character ("|")

2012-12-05 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Wednesday, December 5, 2012 9:57:31 AM UTC-8, Daniel Doo wrote:
> I am new to Python.  Is there a method to “join” two pipe delimited files 
> using a unique key that appears in both files? 
Have a look at Panda's concat 
( It also have utilities 
to read delimited files into DataFrame.

Re: Python Cluster

2012-12-04 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Tuesday, December 4, 2012 11:04:15 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> >>> cl = HierarchicalClustering(data, lambda x,y: abs(x-y))
> but now I want to visualize it if any one suggest how may I use 
> visualization(like matplotlib or pyplot etc.) to see the data?
One option is to use a scatter plot with different color per cluster. See the 
many examples in


Re: how to pass "echo t | " input to subprocess.check_output() method

2012-11-28 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 4:38:35 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> Thanks.. Creating two subprocesses worked for me. I did the code as below,
Glad it worked.

Re: "non central" package management

2012-11-28 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:45:56 PM UTC-8, Roy Smith wrote:
> In the future, the plan is to build a complete fresh virtualenv for 
> every deployment.  But we're not there yet.
Maybe a repository of virtualenvs, then when deploying you can see if there's 
one the matches what you need and use it. Otherwise create a new one.

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