On Feb 17, 3:22 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am VB6 programmer and wants to start new programming language but i
> am unable to deciced.
> i have read about Python, Ruby and Visual C++. but i want to go
> through with GUI based programming language like VB.net
> so will you please guide me which GUI based language has worth with
> complete OOPS Characteristics
> will wait for the answer
> hope to have a right direction from you Programmer
> Regards
> Iftikhar

There is no other GUI based programming language like VB. That's
because there is no such thing as a GUI based programming language. If
you want to learn a real general purpose programming language try
learning python. If you are only interested in making GUI's for
windows applications, better stick with VB or any of the other .NET


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