Re: Newbie: returning dynamicly built lists (using win32com)

2006-06-06 Thread Nick Smallbone
I'm afraid I don't have a Windows machine to test on, but..

Ransom wrote:
 I get an error like:
 [win32com.gen_py.Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library.Range instance at

This isn't an error. This is a list with one element, where the element
apparently represents a range of Excel cells. So by using that element
you can do things like changing the formatting of the cell, as well as
finding out what data is in there.

It looks like you might need to use excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(32,
6).Value to get the contents of cell (32, 6). (It depends on what Excel
calls it, of course, so if it's not that have a look at Excel's VBA
documentation to see if it mentions anything.)



Re: __getattr__ and functions that don't exist

2006-05-25 Thread Nick Smallbone
Erik Johnson wrote:
 Maybe I just don't know the right special function, but what I am wanting to
 do is write something akin to a __getattr__ function so that when you try to
 call an object method that doesn't exist, it get's intercepted *along with
 it's argument*, in the same manner as __getattr__ intercepts attributes
 references for attributes that don't exist.

 This doesn't quite work:

  class Foo:
 ...   def __getattr__(self, att_name, *args):
 ... print %s%s % (att_name, str(tuple(*args)))
  f = Foo()

The problem is that the call to happens in two stages: the
interpreter calls getattr(f, foo) to get a function, and then it
calls that function. When __getattr__ is called, you can't tell what
the parameters of the function call will be, or even if it'll be called
at all - someone could have run print

Instead, you can make __getattr__ return a function. Then *that*
function will be called as, and you can print out its arguments

class Foo:
def __getattr__(self, attr):
def intercepted(*args):
print %s%s % (attr, args)
return intercepted


Re: C-API: A beginner's problem

2006-03-19 Thread Nick Smallbone
Duncan Booth wrote:
 Heikki Salo wrote:

  And closer look tells that the code should not even compile. Is the
  code cut  pasted directly? Line list[i] = item; tries to assign a
  pointer to an int-array, which should not compile. There are other
  similar oddities.

 ... such as the declaration of list at a point in the code which is not
 permitted in C, and using a non constant value for the length (which is
 also not allowed).

They are allowed in C99, according to GCC's manual.


Re: About IDLE?

2006-03-09 Thread Nick Smallbone
Sybren Stuvel wrote:
 Dr. Pastor enlightened us with:
  When I select Run Module in the Edit window, I got only
  two  after the RESTART line.
  I expected to see the output of several commands!

 You never gave it any commands that print output.

 I suggest reading the Python tutorial.

To be more specific, when you type in an expression at the Python
prompt, it will evaluate it and then print it (if it doesn't evaluate
to None). In a module it doesn't do that, as then you'd have all sorts
of things printed out modules were imported.


Re: About IDLE?

2006-03-09 Thread Nick Smallbone
Dr. Pastor wrote:
 Any reply?

ahem. three replies, when i counted:


Re: How to force creation of a .pyc?

2006-02-22 Thread Nick Smallbone
mrstephengross wrote:
 I would like to distribute a python program, but only in .pyc form (so
 that people cannot simply look at my code). Is there a way to do this?
 I've read up a little on the logic by which python creates .pyc's, and
 it sounds like python requires the main executed program to be in .py
 format. Any ideas?

If your main program is in, you could perhaps launch it with
python -c import main, or make another file which just does import
main. Then you could keep just the .pycs/.pyos.

But it's possible for a determined user to recover a lot of information
about the source code. For example, if I write

def foo(a):
   for i in range(a):
  print i


  2   0 SETUP_LOOP  25 (to 28)
  3 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (range)
  6 LOAD_FAST0 (a)
   13 FOR_ITER11 (to 27)
 16 STORE_FAST   1 (i)

  3  19 LOAD_FAST1 (i)
   28 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

where 0..12 makes an iterator for range(a), 16..19 updates i and 22..23
prints it out. It would be possible to turn it into equivalent source
code. Decompyle (from
can even do that.


Re: Clarity: GIL, processes and CPUs etc

2006-02-15 Thread Nick Smallbone
 I have been reading many of the posting on the GIL and impact on
 threading etc.
 I have found is confusing and would welcome some clarity on this.

 I understand that embedding the interpreter in a C/C++ application
 limits it to one CPU.
 If the application is multi-threaded (system threads) in will not use
 additional CPUs as the interpreter is tied to one CPU courtesy of the
 True or False?

As I understand it, the interpreter needs the GIL held in order to run.
That means that you can only run Python code on one CPU at once, but
plain C/C++ code can be multithreaded.

 I understand that forking or running multiple process instances of the
 above application would make use of multiple CPUs. This is because each
 process would have its own interpreter and GIL that is independent of
 any other process.
 True or False?

I suppose it would, yes. But this is just like running multiple copies
of Python, in that you won't be able to use PyObject *s from one
instance in another directly, so the multiple processes would have to
communicate by sockets or IPC or some other way.


Re: func(*params)

2005-11-18 Thread Nick Smallbone
David Duerrenmatt wrote:
 Hi there

 For some reasons, I've to use Python 1.5.2 and am looking for a workaround:

 In newer Python versions, I can call a function this way:

 func = some_function

I think the apply function is what you want:

apply(object[, args[, kwargs]]) - value

Call a callable object with positional arguments taken from the tuple
args, and keyword arguments taken from the optional dictionary kwargs.
Note that classes are callable, as are instances with a __call__()

Deprecated since release 2.3. Instead, use the extended call syntax:
function(*args, **keywords).


ANN: PySizer 0.1

2005-11-14 Thread Nick Smallbone
I'd like to announce the first release of PySizer, a memory usage
profiler for Python code.
PySizer was written as part of Google's Summer of Code.

The source, documentation and so on are at
The current release is at
The code is kept in a Subversion repository at

The idea is to take a snapshot of memory use at some time, and then
use the functions of the profiler to find information about it.


* You can make a snapshot of all reachable objects at a given time,
  organised as a tree (well, a graph, since there are cycles).

* For any given object, you can find out how much space it takes up,
  what objects it references and so on.

  With a patched version of Python, you can also find out what stack of
  function calls created an object, and what objects were created by
  each stack of calls.

* You can collect objects into groups. For example, you can group each
  object according to the module it appears to come from. Then you can
  treat each module as a single object.

* You can filter objects, find the amount of space used by instances of
  each type, find objects which appeared from one snapshot to the next,
  find the biggest objects/types/groups, and so on.


The main one is Python 2.4 - I will port it to 2.3 soon.

Bugs, suggestions, comments, problems, anything else

You can contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would love to know if
you find a use for it, too.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: PySizer 0.1

2005-11-14 Thread Nick Smallbone
Claudio Grondi wrote:

 A small hint about the Web-site:
 At least to me, the links to the documentation as e.g.
 are broken (no big thing, because the distro has it anyway).

Oops. That should be fixed now.


ANN: PySizer 0.1

2005-11-13 Thread Nick Smallbone
I'd like to announce the first release of PySizer, a memory usage
profiler for Python code.
PySizer was written as part of Google's Summer of Code.

The source, documentation and so on are at
The current release is at
The code is kept in a Subversion repository at

The idea is to take a snapshot of memory use at some time, and then
use the functions of the profiler to find information about it.


* You can make a snapshot of all reachable objects at a given time,
  organised as a tree (well, a graph, since there are cycles).

* For any given object, you can find out how much space it takes up,
  what objects it references and so on.

  With a patched version of Python, you can also find out what stack of
  function calls created an object, and what objects were created by
  each stack of calls.

* You can collect objects into groups. For example, you can group each
  object according to the module it appears to come from. Then you can
  treat each module as a single object.

* You can filter objects, find the amount of space used by instances of
  each type, find objects which appeared from one snapshot to the next,
  find the biggest objects/types/groups, and so on.


The main one is Python 2.4 - I will port it to 2.3 soon.

Bugs, suggestions, comments, problems, anything else

You can contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would love to know if
you find a use for it, too.
