[issue43949] binascii.Error raised in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2021-05-06 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

> I am using Magic Winmail Server2.4(build 0530) as a SMTP server, which 
> appears dont support initial_response, so I set initial_response_ok=False and 
> got this Error. currently I catch this error and ignore it to evade program 
> failed, it works fine. Is there better way to fix this problem?

I suggest either of:

(1) Contacting the makers of the software, to force Base64-encoding for "334 " 
replies, or

(2) If the text following "334 " is customizable, Base64-encode them yourself, 
then use the base64-encoded text as the customized "334 " response.


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[issue43949] binascii.Error raised in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2021-05-06 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

A stronger case is the "Formal Syntax" on 
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4954#page-13 :

>   continue-req= "334" SP [base64] CRLF
> ;; Intermediate response to the AUTH
> ;; command.
> ;; This non-terminal complies with
> ;; syntax defined by Reply-line [SMTP].

Nothing else besides base64 is allowed; after "334 " it MUST be either  
or .


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[issue43949] binascii.Error raised in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2021-05-06 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

Technically, that is not the fault of smtplib.SMTP

The standard for SMTP AUTH specifies that characters following "334 " MUST be 
Base64 encoded.

See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4954#page-4 , 3rd paragraph:

> A server challenge is sent as a 334 reply with the text part
> containing the [BASE64] encoded string supplied by the SASL
> mechanism.  This challenge MUST NOT contain any text other
> than the BASE64 encoded challenge.

Servers that send non-BASE64-encoded text after "334 " IMO is violating the 

nosy: +pepoluan

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[issue27820] Possible bug in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2021-03-09 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

Hi Senthil,

You're right, it does need a guard. According to my knowledge there is no AUTH 
mechanism that will send more than 3 challenges; they should fail afterwards 
with 535 or similar. Servers that don't do that should be considered 

So I've pushed a commit to the GH PR that limits the challenge to 5 times, 
after which it will raise SMTPException. This will protect users of 
smtplib.SMTP from being trapped by a buggy/broken server.



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[issue27820] Possible bug in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2021-02-25 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

PR available on GitHub and it's already more than one month since the PR was 
submitted, so I'm pinging this issue.


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[issue39232] asyncio crashes when tearing down the proactor event loop

2021-01-29 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Change by Pandu E POLUAN :

nosy: +pepoluan

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[issue41868] SMTPLIB integrate or provide option to use "logging"

2021-01-11 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

Will patching smtplib.SMTP._print_debug do?

You can subclass from smtplib.SMTP this way:

class MySMTPClient(smtplib.SMTP):
def __init__(self, *args, logger=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.logger = logger
def _print_debug(self, *args):
if self.logger:
self.logger.debug(" ".join(args))

nosy: +pepoluan

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[issue27820] Possible bug in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2021-01-11 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Change by Pandu E POLUAN :

components: +Tests

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27820] Possible bug in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2021-01-05 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Change by Pandu E POLUAN :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22948
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/24118

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[issue42498] smtplib is glitchy after receive server code 500

2021-01-05 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

The "problem" is that smtplib.SMTP does the following, in essence:

1. Open connection to server
2. Send EHLO
3. Read server response

The PROXY injection causes a response from the server, but the response gets 
"cached" in the incoming TCP buffer. The injection script likely does not 
consume this buffer, resulting in Step 3 above reading this "cached" response. 

So from the point of view of smtplib.SMTP, the "503" message arrives _after_ 
EHLO is sent, while in actuality the "503" arrives before EHLO is sent.

I suggest rewriting the port forwarding script so that it consumes the response 
from the server first before transferring to smtplib.SMTP

nosy: +pepoluan

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[issue27820] Possible bug in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2021-01-04 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

Okay, I finally figured out what's wrong.

This piece of code in `test_smtplib.py`:

if self.smtp_state == self.AUTH:
line = self._emptystring.join(self.received_lines)
print('Data:', repr(line), file=smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM)
self.received_lines = []
except ResponseException as e:
self.smtp_state = self.COMMAND
self.push('%s %s' % (e.smtp_code, e.smtp_error))

The last "return" is over-indented.


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[issue27820] Possible bug in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2020-12-31 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

I tried adding the code below to test_smtplib.py:

def testAUTH_LOGIN_initial_response_notok(self):
self.serv.add_feature("AUTH LOGIN")
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost',
resp = smtp.login(sim_auth[0], sim_auth[1], initial_response_ok=False)
self.assertEqual(resp, (235, b'Authentication Succeeded'))

and I ended up with:

ERROR: testAUTH_LOGIN_initial_response_notok (test.test_smtplib.SMTPSimTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pepoluan/projects/cpython/Lib/test/test_smtplib.py", line 1065, 
in testAUTH_LOGIN_initial_response_notok
resp = smtp.login(sim_auth[0], sim_auth[1], initial_response_ok=False)
  File "/home/pepoluan/projects/cpython/Lib/smtplib.py", line 738, in login
raise last_exception
  File "/home/pepoluan/projects/cpython/Lib/smtplib.py", line 727, in login
(code, resp) = self.auth(
  File "/home/pepoluan/projects/cpython/Lib/smtplib.py", line 650, in auth
raise SMTPAuthenticationError(code, resp)
smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: (451, b'Internal confusion')



Python tracker 
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[issue27820] Possible bug in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2020-12-30 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

I tried creating a PR, but for the life of me I couldn't wrap my head around 
how testAUTH_LOGIN is being performed (it's in Lib/test/test_smtplib.py)

All I know is, the test doesn't AT ALL test for situations where 
initial_response_ok=False. ALL tests are done with initial_response_ok=True.

There needs to be a whole set of additions to test_smtplib.py


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[issue27820] Possible bug in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2020-12-13 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

This issue is still a bug for Python 3.6 and Python 3.8

I haven't checked on Python 3.7 and Python 3.9

versions: +Python 3.6, Python 3.8

Python tracker 
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[issue27820] Possible bug in smtplib when initial_response_ok=False

2020-12-13 Thread Pandu E POLUAN

Pandu E POLUAN  added the comment:

Hi, I'm one of the maintainers of aio-libs/aiosmtpd.

This issue also bit me when trying to write unit tests for aio-libs/aiosmtpd 
AUTH implementation

But I partially disagree with Dario D'Amico's changes, specifically the 
suggested change in the auth_login() method.

According to draft-murchison-sasl-login-00.txt [1], the two challenges sent by 
the server SHOULD be ignored. The example in that document uses 
b"VXNlciBOYW1lAA==" and b"UGFzc3dvcmQA" (b64 of b"User Name\x00" and 
b"Password\x00", respectively), and this is what we have implemented in 

Furthermore, the same document never indicated that username may be sent along 
with "AUTH LOGIN", so we haven't implemented that in aio-libs/aiosmtpd.

So rather than hardcoding the challenges to b"Username:" and b"Password:", a 
compliant SMTP client must instead _count_ the number of challenges it received.

I propose the following changes instead:

def auth(self, mechanism, authobject, *, initial_response_ok=True):
... snip ...
if initial_response is not None:
response = encode_base64(initial_response.encode('ascii'), eol='')
(code, resp) = self.docmd("AUTH", mechanism + " " + response)
self._challenge_count = 1
(code, resp) = self.docmd("AUTH", mechanism)
self._challenge_count = 0
# If server responds with a challenge, send the response.
while code == 334:
self._challenge_count += 1
challenge = base64.decodebytes(resp)
... snip ...

... snip ...

def auth_login(self, challenge=None):
""" Authobject to use with LOGIN authentication. Requires self.user and
self.password to be set."""
if challenge is None or self._challenge_count < 2:
return self.user
return self.password

[1] https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-murchison-sasl-login-00.txt

nosy: +pepoluan

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