Re: How to round trip python and sqlite dates

2013-11-16 Thread Paul Simon
Mark Lawrence wrote in message
 All the references regarding the subject that I can find, e.g.,
 talk about creating a table in memory using the timestamp type from the 
 Python layer.  I can't see how to use that for a file on disk, so after a 
 bit of RTFM I came up with this.

 import sqlite3
 from datetime import datetime, date

 def datetime2date(datetimestr):
 return datetime.strptime(datetimestr, '%Y-%m-%d')

 sqlite3.register_converter('DATETIME', datetime2date)

 db = sqlite3.connect(r'C:\Users\Mark\Cash\Data\test.sqlite', 
 c = db.cursor()
 c.execute('delete from temp')
 row = 'DWP ESA', date(2013,11,18), 'Every two weeks', 143.4, date.max
 c.execute('insert into temp values (?,?,?,?,?)', row)
 c.execute('select * from temp')
 row = c.fetchone()
 nextdate = row[1]
 print(nextdate, type(nextdate))

 Run it and

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Users\Mark\MyPython\, line 13, in module
 c.execute('select * from temp')
   File C:\Users\Mark\MyPython\, line 7, in datetime2date
 return datetime.strptime(datetimestr, '%Y-%m-%d')
 TypeError: must be str, not bytes

 However if I comment out the register_converter line this output is 

 2013-11-18 class 'str'

 Further digging in the sqlite3 file I found references to 
 convert_date and convert_timestamp, but putting print statements in them 
 and they didn't appear to be called.

 So how do I achieve the round trip that I'd like, or do I simply cut my 
 loses and use strptime on the string that I can see returned?

 Note that I won't be checking replies, if any, for several hours as it's 
 now 02:15 GMT and I'm heading back to bed.

 Python is the second best programming language in the world.
 But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

 Mark Lawrence

Just a quicky, but I believe you don't have to register the datetime or 
timestamp converter as it is already implicit in the python to sql 
adaptation.This should handle the round trip conversion for you.  I use 
some similar code but it's late here now.



Re: Retrieving possible list for use in a subsequent INSERT

2013-11-01 Thread Paul Simon
 form.  Yes, there will be duplicated data.  Sometimes
de-normalizing a schema may make things simpler and easier to use for
someone not used to database work.  I would also use a many to many table
being familiar with normal forms but it is not a neccessity.

Paul Simon


Re: Retrieving possible list for use in a subsequent INSERT

2013-11-01 Thread Paul Simon

Nick the Gr33k wrote in message 
  1/11/2013 7:07 ??, ?/? Paul Simon ??:

 If you have a list of values of the same type, but different values,
 you need a new table with a foreign key to the table it relates to.
 This is a relational database question.  You can read more here:

 I already answered to that in my previous post, this answer was Joel's 
 there was no need to retype it since i i saw it and responded to it.

Perhaps you misunderstood my response to Joel's comment.  You don't need a 
many to many table as he said above in your quote.  That's required for a 
normal form but isn't necessary.  Denormalize the many to many form, have 
duplicated data in your only table if that works for you.  Storage is cheap 
and its easier to create sql stsatements, too.

Paul Simon 


Re: Making ETL from Access 97 to Access 2003

2013-04-15 Thread Paul Simon

rusi wrote in message
On Apr 15, 5:27 pm, Steeve wrote:

 I need to take data from 5 differents (but similar) database in MS Access 
 97 and merge them into one MS Access 2003 database.

Not sure what this had to do with python.
You could write out the five as csvs and then read in those csvs.
This is assuming that access 2003 cannot read in access 97. [Seems a
bit surprising though]

 Is some packages exist to do this task?

Have you seen ?

If  there are indices and especially linked primary and foreign keys its 
much more complicated than that.  One has to delve into Access container 
structures etc.  As far as I know it has to be done from Access.

Paul Simon 


Re: Making ETL from Access 97 to Access 2003

2013-04-15 Thread Paul Simon

rusi wrote in message
Its hard to distinguish what you are saying from what I said because
you've lost the quotes.

On Apr 15, 9:01 pm, Paul Simon wrote:
 rusi wrote in message
 On Apr 15, 5:27 pm, Steeve wrote:


  I need to take data from 5 differents (but similar) database in MS 
  97 and merge them into one MS Access 2003 database.

 Not sure what this had to do with python.
 You could write out the five as csvs and then read in those csvs.
 This is assuming that access 2003 cannot read in access 97. [Seems a
 bit surprising though]

  Is some packages exist to do this task?

 Have you seen

 If there are indices and especially linked primary and foreign keys its
 much more complicated than that. One has to delve into Access container
 structures etc. As far as I know it has to be done from Access.

I assume you are saying this for my csv suggestion?
Yes of course. I gave this as the last resort if direct import and
other such attempts dont work out.

Could you please append your comments instead of splitting them?
Let me try to be clearer.  If one only wants to merge tables, csv will 
work fine, exporting them from Access.
Reconstucting keys and relationships can be done with some difficulty 
using Access' container model.  See the Developer's Handbook by Getz, 
Litwin and Gilbert.

Paul Simon 


Re: Numpy outlier removal

2013-01-06 Thread Paul Simon

Steven D'Aprano wrote in message 
 On Sun, 06 Jan 2013 19:44:08 +, Joseph L. Casale wrote:

 I have a dataset that consists of a dict with text descriptions and
 values that are integers. If required, I collect the values into a list
 and create a numpy array running it through a simple routine:

 data[abs(data - mean(data))  m * std(data)]

 where m is the number of std deviations to include.

 I'm not sure that this approach is statistically robust. No, let me be
 even more assertive: I'm sure that this approach is NOT statistically
 robust, and may be scientifically dubious.

 The above assumes your data is normally distributed. How sure are you
 that this is actually the case?

 For normally distributed data:

 Since both the mean and std calculations as effected by the presence of
 outliers, your test for what counts as an outlier will miss outliers for
 data from a normal distribution. For small N (sample size), it may be
 mathematically impossible for any data point to be greater than m*SD from
 the mean. For example, with N=5, no data point can be more than 1.789*SD
 from the mean. So for N=5, m=1 may throw away good data, and m=2 will
 fail to find any outliers no matter how outrageous they are.

 For large N, you will expect to find significant numbers of data points
 more than m*SD from the mean. With N=10, and m=3, you will expect to
 throw away 270 perfectly good data points simply because they are out on
 the tails of the distribution.

 Worse, if the data is not in fact from a normal distribution, all bets
 are off. You may be keeping obvious outliers; or more often, your test
 will be throwing away perfectly good data that it misidentifies as

 In other words: this approach for detecting outliers is nothing more than
 a very rough, and very bad, heuristic, and should be avoided.

 Identifying outliers is fraught with problems even for experts. For
 example, the ozone hole over the Antarctic was ignored for many years
 because the software being used to analyse it misidentified the data as

 The best general advice I have seen is:

 Never automatically remove outliers except for values that are physically
 impossible (e.g. baby's weight is 95kg, test score of 31 out of 20),
 unless you have good, solid, physical reasons for justifying removal of
 outliers. Other than that, manually remove outliers with care, or not at
 all, and if you do so, always report your results twice, once with all
 the data, and once with supposed outliers removed.

 You can read up more about outlier detection, and the difficulties
 thereof, here:

If you suspect that the data may not be normal you might look at exploratory 
data analysis, see Tukey.  It's descriptive rather than analytic, treats 
outliers respectfully, uses median rather than mean, and is very visual. 
Wherever I analyzed data both gaussian and with EDA, EDA always won.



Re: serial module

2012-05-18 Thread Paul Simon
Sounds like you may be using this on a Windows machine.  If the code is 
functional, it is best practice to close the port first before openiing it. 
If due to an error, usually not syntax, the port will stay stuck open until 
the program is closed and reopened.  I have used the Python serial port 
( with good results.

Paul Simon

Ron Eggler wrote in message 

 I'm trying to connect to a serial port and always get the error
 serial.serialutil.SerialException: Port is already open. whcih is 
 I have no serial port open yet, my code looks like this:
 import time
 import serial

 # configure the serial connections (the parameters differs on the device
 # you are connecting to)
 ser = serial.Serial(

 Why do I get this error?

 Thank you,

 --- Posted via news:// - Complaints to --- 


Re: Data acquisition

2011-10-25 Thread Paul Simon
spintronic wrote in message
 Dear friends,

 I have a trouble with understanding the following. I have a very short
 script (shown below) which works fine if I run step by step (or line
 by line) in Python shell (type the first line/command - press Enter,
 etc.). I can get all numbers (actually, there are no numbers but a
 long string, but this is not a problem) I need from a device:


 However, when I start very the same list of commands as a script, it
 gives me the following, which is certainly wrong:

 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...]

 Any ideas? Why there is a difference when I run the script or do it
 command by command?

 from visa import *

 mw = instrument(GPIB0::20::INSTR, timeout = None)

 mw.write(CALC1:DATA? FDATA)

 print a
 (That is really all!)

 PS In this case I use Python Enthought for Windows, but I am not an
 expert in Windows (I work usually in Linux but now I need to run this
 data acquisition under Windows).

I'm almost certain that there is a turnaround timing issue that is causing 
the problem.  These are common problems in data aquisition systems.  The 
simplest solution is to loop and wait for end of line from the sending end 
and if necessary put in a time delay.  After receiving the data, check the 
received data for correct format, correct first and last characters, and if 
possible, check sum.  I've worked through this problem with rs-485 data 
collection systems where there is no hand shaking and would not be surprised 
to expect the same even with rs-232.

Paul Simon 


Re: tkinter problem

2009-07-10 Thread Paul Simon

David Smith wrote in message 
 Paul Simon wrote:
 Peter Otten wrote in message
 Paul Simon wrote:

 Chris Rebert wrote in message
 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Paul wrote:
 I have the tkinter problem and need some assistance to straighten it
 From the web page; I tested as 
 1 and cannot import _tkinter. I do not have that file on my 
 do have in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/lib-tk. as well as the
 directories /usr/lib/tk8.5 and /usr/lib/tcl8.5.
 This python stuff is great, but the documentation frequently
 feels like it is just a bit out of my grasp. I realize that all of 
 is free but I understand the instructions on the web page to repair 
 to the
 point of confusion. I'm not an expert. How do I modify my python
 configuration? Is there a file that needs to be edited? Which
 do I use? Make? or python build and python install?
 Thanks. I appreciate your help.
 - How did you install Python?
 - What Linux distro are you using?

 Im using Mandriva 2008.1.  I have to tell you honestly that I'm not 
 exactly how I installed Python.  Originally I had installed 2.5 from 
 but 2.6 was not available for my distro (2008.1) in RPM.  I downloaded
 something from and installed.  Not sure if it was tarball or
 zip file.
 Zip or tar doesn't matter, you are installing from source.

 Python has to find the necessary include files for tcl/tk. These are in
 separate packages that you have to install before you invoke Python's
 configure script.

 I don't know what they are called on your system -- look for tk-dev.rpm,
 tcl-dev.rpm or similar.

 You may run into the same problem with other modules like readline.


 Thank you Peter.  I understand what you are saying but don't know how to 
 it.  Although I installed from source, I followed a cookbook recipe.
 Could you tell me what files to execute, where they might be, and file
 arguments?  I'm just ignorant, not stupid. ;-).


 Just install the tkinter package from the Mandriva Linux Control
 Center's Software Management system.  I just did it, doing a search for
 tkinter brought it right up.  All done.


Thanks to all for your patient help.  I have made some progress, but still 
no success.  I installed Active Tcl-8.5.7 and corrected the PATH 
accordingly.  However I still get a missing message on building Python. 
Failed to find the necessary bits (!) to build these modules:

_tkinter (among others)
To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for teh 
module's name.

Not sure what bits are, euphemism?  but am about to wipe the disk and 
reinstall linux, etc.



Re: tkinter problem

2009-07-09 Thread Paul Simon

Peter Otten wrote in message 
 Paul Simon wrote:

 Chris Rebert wrote in message
 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Paul wrote:
 I have the tkinter problem and need some assistance to straighten it
 From the web page; I tested as in
 1 and cannot import _tkinter. I do not have that file on my computer,
 do have in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/lib-tk. as well as the
 directories /usr/lib/tk8.5 and /usr/lib/tcl8.5.
 This python stuff is great, but the documentation frequently
 feels like it is just a bit out of my grasp. I realize that all of this
 is free but I understand the instructions on the web page to repair only
 to the
 point of confusion. I'm not an expert. How do I modify my python
 configuration? Is there a file that needs to be edited? Which
 do I use? Make? or python build and python install?
 Thanks. I appreciate your help.

 - How did you install Python?
 - What Linux distro are you using?

 Im using Mandriva 2008.1.  I have to tell you honestly that I'm not sure
 exactly how I installed Python.  Originally I had installed 2.5 from RPM
 but 2.6 was not available for my distro (2008.1) in RPM.  I downloaded
 something from and installed.  Not sure if it was tarball or
 zip file.

 Zip or tar doesn't matter, you are installing from source.

 Python has to find the necessary include files for tcl/tk. These are in
 separate packages that you have to install before you invoke Python's
 configure script.

 I don't know what they are called on your system -- look for tk-dev.rpm,
 tcl-dev.rpm or similar.

 You may run into the same problem with other modules like readline.


Thank you Peter.  I understand what you are saying but don't know how to do 
it.  Although I installed from source, I followed a cookbook recipe. 
Could you tell me what files to execute, where they might be, and file 
arguments?  I'm just ignorant, not stupid. ;-).



tkinter problem

2009-07-08 Thread Paul Simon
I have the tkinter problem and need some assistance to straighten it out.
From the web page; I tested as in step
1 and cannot import _tkinter. I do not have that file on my computer, but
do have in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/lib-tk. as well as the
directories /usr/lib/tk8.5 and /usr/lib/tcl8.5.
This  python stuff is great, but the documentation frequently
feels like it is just a bit out of my grasp. I realize that all of this is
free but I understand the instructions on the web page to repair only to the
point of confusion. I'm not an expert. How do I modify my python
configuration? Is there a file that needs to be edited? Which file
do I use? Make? or python build and python install?
Thanks. I appreciate your help.
Paul Simon 


Re: tkinter problem

2009-07-08 Thread Paul Simon

Chris Rebert wrote in message
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Paul wrote:
 I have the tkinter problem and need some assistance to straighten it 
 From the web page; I tested as in 
 1 and cannot import _tkinter. I do not have that file on my computer, 
 do have in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/lib-tk. as well as the
 directories /usr/lib/tk8.5 and /usr/lib/tcl8.5.
 This python stuff is great, but the documentation frequently
 feels like it is just a bit out of my grasp. I realize that all of this is
 free but I understand the instructions on the web page to repair only to 
 point of confusion. I'm not an expert. How do I modify my python
 configuration? Is there a file that needs to be edited? Which 
 do I use? Make? or python build and python install?
 Thanks. I appreciate your help.

- How did you install Python?
- What Linux distro are you using?

Im using Mandriva 2008.1.  I have to tell you honestly that I'm not sure
exactly how I installed Python.  Originally I had installed 2.5 from RPM but
2.6 was not available for my distro (2008.1) in RPM.  I downloaded something
from and installed.  Not sure if it was tarball or zip file.



problem installing python 2.6.2 from tarball

2009-07-01 Thread Paul Simon
I have just finished going through the usual ./configure, make, etc. and now 
have a load of stuff in my home directory that I think doesn't belong there. 
Apparently I did the installation from my home directory (linux) and have a 
directory  in my home directory Python2.6.2 with subdirectories like 
build, Demo, Doc, Include, Lib, etc.  There are many files under 
/usr/bin/local/  which appear to be duplicates.

This looks like a mess to me and would like some help to sort this out.

Paul Simon 


Re: Graphical library - charts

2009-06-22 Thread Paul Simon
I suggest you look at matplotlib.  It's a bit of a learning curve but will 
do whatever you need.  I have a similar requirement and found that gnuplot 
did not work for me.  The plots are impressive.

Paul Simon wrote in message 

 I have thousends of files with logs from monitoring system. Each file
 has some important data (numbers). I'd like to create charts using those
 numbers. Could you please suggest library which will allow creating
 such charts ? The preferred chart is line chart.

 Besides is there any library which allow me to zoom in/out of such chart ?
 Sometimes I need to create chart using long-term data (a few months) but
 then observe a minutes - it would be good to not create another short-term
 chart but just zoom-in.

 Those files are on one unix server and the charts will be displayed on
 another unix server so the X-Window protocol is going to be used.

 Any suggestions ?

 Best regards
