Animate 3D Surface

2009-06-27 Thread Philip Gröger
is there a way to animate a 3D surface in python using matplotlib 0.98 /
mayavi 3 (i have the python(xy) suite for windows) or vpython?

In *vpython* I tried to adjust the included demo. But
didnt find a way to delete the old surface. I just add more...

In *matplotlib* I heard that the 3d features are discontinued in 0.91 (or
something like that)

And in *mayavi* I played around with surf() but with the
surf(fkt(z0,0)).mlab_source.set command the picture won't update + show (the
demo file in the documentation didnt work as well).

I know there are vpython and mayavi mailing lists, but I didn't get an
answer from them.
I just hope someone of you can give me some construct which will work.
Maybe I am just using the wrong methods.

thanks alot!!

- Philip

Animate Surface / Clear Scene (vpython)

2009-06-24 Thread Philip Gröger
Hi there!
I just found a nice vpython example program on how to create surfaces (its
one of the standard examples if you download vpython ... called
faces_heightfield - just search for that).

Is there a way to animate this surface?
All my attempts resulted in creating just another surface without deleting
the old one.
Or is there a clear scene from all objects command?

If animating such a surface in vpython is too complicated / slow / etc ... I
have to try mayavi. But I already know vpython ;)

thanks alot

Create 3D Surface / Contour (with vpython?)

2009-06-17 Thread Philip Gröger
How can I create a 3D surface (or something like the picture on the FAQ page ) with python [or vpython]. Didnt
find anything in the Documentation under graph
Basically like a contourf diagram in 3D ( I think you
know what I mean.

Reason: I want to simulate waves in a square basin. Hope I dont need to use
hundrets of little spheres (in case of vpython) for the surface ;)

Thanks alot

- Philip

Create multiple variables (with a loop?)

2009-06-05 Thread Philip Gröger
I need to create multiple variables (lets say 10x10x10 positions of atoms).
Is it possible to create them through a loop with some kind of indexing like
atom000, atom001, etc?
Or is this a very bad idea?

Thing is ... i want to create a grid of atoms in vpython and then calculate
the forces for each of them (to their neighbours). Don't know how else I
could do that. Maybe a huuuge matrix?

Thx for your help!
- Philip