Cpython optimization

2009-10-22 Thread Qrees

As my Master's dissertation I chose Cpython optimization. That's why
i'd like to ask what are your suggestions what can be optimized. Well,
I know that quite a lot. I've downloaded the source code (I plan to
work on Cpython 2.6 and I've downloaded 2.6.3 release). By looking at
the code I've found comment's like this can be optimized by... etc.
but maybe you guide me what should I concentrate on in my work?

I've 6-7 month  for this and If I create something decent I can
publish it.

Thank you in advance for any help

Re: Cpython optimization

2009-10-21 Thread Qrees
 If you don't know yet, you could find interesting this project:


I know about this project. I'll have a look at it, but I'd like to
create something of my own.

 They too are trying to improve CPython speed.

 If you are thinking of language variations  that trade some flexiblity
 for speed, you might be interested in Cython:


I was thinking about sacrificing some flexibility of Python and thank
you for pointing me to this project. I didn't about it.

 As a simple and plain python user, I would value a version of cython that
 can be used to built faster executables out of almost-python code (that
 is python code with a few additional restructions). Maybe using typing
 inference to avoid declaring explicitely the variable types.

 Another interesting place to go is pypy :http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/
 pypy/doc/ . They too have developed a restriced version of python
 (RPython, I think) which should be faster than CPython. They don't work
 with CPython code base, but could give you ideas on what are the
 bottlenecks of python as a language.


I'd like to hear a word from developers, what they think about
this :).

BTW: My seminar deals with object oriented programming.