Re: Does py2app improves speed?

2011-11-24 Thread Ricardo Mansilla
Well, that's sad... I think Im gonna end getting back to C++ for This.  But 
anyway, thanks a lot for the quick answer... 

Re: Does py2app improves speed?

2011-11-24 Thread Ricardo Mansilla
Most of méthods for improving the speed are related to efficient memory 
management and using specific structures for a specific tasks... But i have 
already optimized my code (which is very short actually) following all these 
rules and it is very slow yet. 
Do you think there is another way to do This? Probably i'm missing something 

On 24/11/2011, at 07:38, Dave Angel wrote:

 On 11/24/2011 08:26 AM, Ricardo Mansilla wrote:
 Well, that's sad... I think Im gonna end getting back to C++ for This.  But 
 anyway, thanks a lot for the quick answer...
 Just because Py2app doesn't improve speed doesn't mean there aren't other 
 ways to gain speed, while still using the Python language for all or most of 
 the app. There have been lots of threads on the topic.

Does py2app improves speed?

2011-11-23 Thread Ricardo Mansilla
Hi everyone..
My question is exactly as in the subject of This Mail. 
I have made a Python  script which is to slow and i have heard (and common 
sense also suggest) that if you use some libraries to frozen the script the 
performance improves substantially. So I need to know; is This a myth or it is 
a fact?
Thanks in advance for your time. 

Tweepy: Invalid arguments at function call (tweepy.Stream())

2011-10-31 Thread Ricardo Mansilla
Hi i'm trying to fetch realtime data from twitter using tweepy.Stream().
So I have tried the following...
After successfully authenticate using oauth:

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(...) (it works fine, i have my access_token.key
and secret)

i did:
streaming_api = tweepy.streaming.Stream(auth, CustomStreamListener(),
streaming_api = tweepy.streaming.Stream(auth, CustomStreamListener(),

none of this works, it keeps giving me the same error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File , line 1, in
streaming_api = tweepy.streaming.Stream(auth, CustomStreamListener(),
TypeError: *init*() takes at least 4 arguments (4 given)

then i have searched for the parameters of the function:

but i thought this login and pass was the authentication method using in
the basic authentication not in the oauth case.
Now i'm really confused, a little help please?

pd: As you can see, i'm trying to get realtime data from twitter (and make
some further NLP with it), i have chose tweepy because the
dev.twitter.compage recommended it, but if you have any other
suggestion for doing this,
it will be welcomed

Re: Tweepy: Invalid arguments at function call (tweepy.Stream()) (Terry Reedy)

2011-10-31 Thread Ricardo Mansilla
Thanks a lot for your answer. I'm using python 2.7.2 and tweetpy 1.7

Help on package tweepy:

tweepy - Tweepy Twitter API library



and probably that is the problem, the link that you gave me refers to the
1.2 version page...
Anyway, i already have their IRC direction and i think it would be easier
to find support there.
Thanks again.

Ricardo Mansilla

ps: sometimes i get lazy about writing the whole link to a precise
direction which lacks of importance in my point; please, don't judge me for
my exquisite way of keep the attention in the correct place... :)

Re: Motion Tracking with Python

2011-09-30 Thread Ricardo Mansilla
On Thursday 29 September 2011 21:16:52 you wrote:
 I have a neat Python project I'd like to share. It does real-time motion
 tracking, using the Python bindings to the OpenCV library:
 There is a YouTube video showing the script in action.
 It's especially neat because my daughter and I worked together on this
 project. We used it to track her two pet gerbils, as part of her science
 fair project. She wrote her own (separate) Python script to read the
 motion tracking log files, compute distance and velocity, and then
 export those values in a CSV file. Like I say on the web page: I’m
 convinced that Python is the best language currently available for
 teaching kids how to program.
 I also use Python professionally, and it's worked out great every time.
 There's no job Python can't handle.
 Derek Simkowiak

Hi, this is awesome!!
 I'm currently working in something similar, but I am having problems with 
getting data from the CCD (basically i don't know how to do it :), can you 
give me a tip for doing this? Or explain how you did it please?
I not a newbie at python but not as experienced as evidently you are.
Thanks a lot in advance.

(...)Also, since that same law states that any system able to prove its 
consistency to itself must be inconsistent; any mind that believes it can 
prove its own sanity is, therefore, insane.(...) 
Kurt Gödel. 

Re: Python-list Digest, Vol 96, Issue 137

2011-09-24 Thread Ricardo Mansilla
On Saturday 24 September 2011 01:48:29 you wrote:
 Ricardo wrote:
  Hi everyone
  I'm trying to use the cgi library to create a python script and loading
  it from a web page. I have already done the necessary imports, and the
  default commands to receive data from html are written too. The final
  version is something like this:
  import subprocess
  import cgi
  import cgitb
  input = cgi.FieldStorage()
  …. my code (do something with input)….
  #printing the response
  print Content-Type: text/html
  print TITLEMy title:/TITLE
  print /HEAD
  print BODY
  print ….. bla bla …
  print %s%theoutput
  print /BODY
  Besides, my call from my index.html is like this:
   form action=/scripts/ method=post
input name=inid type=text size=20 class=input /br/br/

  input type=submit value=accept  class=button/
  well, the thing is that when i do the call from the browser:
  put the data and click on the accept button
  I only get the as a plain test by response (the script
  printed on my browser). I have already changed the permissions for I have checked the import cgi,cgitb in the python shell
  (i am using v2.7) and they work fine. So, i don't know what it is going
  wrong here.
  A little help please… any idea?
 Is your webserver configured to allow cgi scripts? In the scripts
 directory? For Apache see
 Python also comes with a CGI Server. A quick-and-dirty setup goes like
 $ cat cgi-bin/
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import cgi
 import cgitb
 input = cgi.FieldStorage()
 print Content-Type: text/html
 print TITLEMy title:/TITLE
 print /HEAD
 print BODY
 print Hello world
 print /BODY
 $ chmod a+x cgi-bin/
 $ python -m CGIHTTPServer
 Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
 If you then point your browser to http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/
 you should see
 Hello world
 in the browser and (something like)
 localhost - - [24/Sep/2011 08:41:27] GET /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.1 200
 in the shell. Note that the script must be in cgi-bin (or htbin) unless you
 start the server with a custom script that modifies
 CGIHTTPRequestHandler.cgi_directories accordingly.

Thanks a lot, for your answer. Yes, i can run scripts from /cgi-bin/. Actually 
I follow you example and it works really well. I didn't know at all about this 
CGI server. 
I am doing the hole thing over python now, it's nice. 
Thanks again.

(...)Also, since that same law states that any system able to prove its 
consistency to itself must be inconsistent; any mind that believes it can 
prove its own sanity is, therefore, insane.(...) 
Kurt Gödel. 