Re: Rappresenting infinite

2007-06-27 Thread Rob De Almeida
On Jun 27, 6:41 am, andrea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to have a useful rappresentation of infinite, is there
 already something??

from numpy import inf


Re: What was that web interaction library called again?

2007-06-22 Thread Rob De Almeida
On Jun 22, 11:19 am, Harald Korneliussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I remember I came across a python library that made it radically
 simple to interact with web sites, connecting to gmail and logging in
 with four or five lines, for example. I thought, that's interesting,
 I must look into it sometime. Now there's this child I know who asked
 me about programming, especially programs that could do things like
 this, how difficult it was, and so on. I mentioned how I though Python
 was a good intro to programming, and there was a library which was
 perfect for what he wanted.



Re: WSGI with mod_python (was: Python, WSGI, legacy web application)

2006-11-23 Thread Rob De Almeida
Ben Finney wrote:
 I was under the impression that WSGI in mod_python was a rather kludgy
 way to do WSGI, but I don't know what the alternatives are. CGI?
 Python http server (e.g. CherryPy)? Something else?

You can use FastCGI or SCGI too, with Apache, lighttpd or Cherokee. I
have a short description of different ways to run a WSGI app here:

Though it's focused on a specific WSGI app I wrote it uses Paste
Deploy, so you can generalize it easily.



Re: Dictionaries

2006-10-18 Thread Rob De Almeida
Lad wrote:
 Let's suppose I have

 will make
 {'c': 2, 'd': 2}

 and I would need
 {'c': 3, 'd': 2}

 (because `c` is 1 in `a` dictionary and `c` is 2 in `b` dictionary, so

 How can be done that?

dict([(k, a.get(k, 0) + b.get(k,0)) for k in set(a.keys() + b.keys())])


Re: What value should be passed to make a function use the default argument value?

2006-10-03 Thread Rob De Almeida
LaundroMat wrote:
 Suppose I have this function:

 def f(var=1):
 return var*2

 What value do I have to pass to f() if I want it to evaluate var to 1?
 I know that f() will return 2, but what if I absolutely want to pass a
 value to f()? None doesn't seem to work..

If you *absolutely* want to pass a value and you don't know the default
value (otherwise you could just pass it):

 import inspect
 v = inspect.getargspec(f)[3][0] # first default value


Compile AST to bytecode?

2006-09-19 Thread Rob De Almeida

I would like to compile an AST to bytecode, so I can eval it later. I
tried using parse.compileast, but it fails:

 import compiler, parser
 ast = compiler.parse(42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
TypeError: compilest() argument 1 must be, not instance

Any hints?



Re: Compile AST to bytecode?

2006-09-19 Thread Rob De Almeida
Duncan Booth wrote:
  I would like to compile an AST to bytecode, so I can eval it later.
 I'm not sure there are any properly documented functions for converting an
 AST to a code object, so your best bet may be to examine what a
 pycodegen class like Expression or Module actually does.

Thanks, Duncan. It worked perfectly. :-)

For arbitrary nodes I just had to wrap them inside an Expression node:

 ast = compiler.ast.Expression(node)
 ast.filename = 'dummy'
 c = compiler.pycodegen.ExpressionCodeGenerator(ast)
 obj = eval(c.getCode(), scope)



Re: ancestor class' __init__ doesn't call other methods

2006-09-15 Thread Rob De Almeida
Luis P. Mendes wrote:
 Method a() is not called.  Why is this?  What is the best option to
 solve this? Have Cotacoes returning values and not to be an ancestor
 class of CruzaEmas?

It works for me, after rearranging your code a little bit:

class Ema:

class Sistema:
def __init__(self, par):
cruza_ema = CruzaEmas(par)

class Cotacoes:
def __init__(self, par):
print par: , par
def a(self):
print ff

class CruzaEmas(Ema, Cotacoes):
def __init__(self, par):
Cotacoes.__init__(self, par)

s = Sistema(par)



Re: Where to find fpconst?

2006-09-04 Thread Rob De Almeida
 Anybody know where I can find fpconst?

I uploaded the lastest copy I could find to the Cheese Shop

I'm not affiliated in any way with fpconst, btw.

