Re: Development time vs. runtime performance (was: Fibonacci series recursion error)

2011-05-08 Thread Robert Brown

Teemu Likonen writes:
 * 2011-05-08T12:59:02Z * Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Sun, 08 May 2011 01:44:13 -0400, Robert Brown wrote:
 Python requires me to rewrite the slow bits of my program in C to get
 good performance.

 Python doesn't require you to re-write anything in C. If you want to
 make a different trade-off (faster runtime, slower development time)
 then you use a language that has made the appropriate trade-off.

 I believe that Robert Brown wanted to imply that Common Lisp is quite
 optimal on both sides. It supports dynamic interactive development and
 yet it has implementations with very efficient compilers. The trade-off
 is not necessarily between the two.

Yes, exactly.  Sometimes I don't know in advance which parts of my
Python program will run too slowly or take too much memory.  I only find
out after the code is written, when it fails to run fast enough or
doesn't fit in my computer's 32-bit address space.  Then the slow parts
get recoded in C.  Common Lisp supports a larger performance range.  A
developer can write slow code quickly or faster code by giving the
compiler more information, which requires more developer time.

 But of course development time is a nicely vague concept. Depending on
 the argument it can include just the features of language and
 implementation. Other times it could include all the available resources
 such as documentation, library archives and community mailing lists. All
 these can reduce development time.

This is definitely true.  The total time to complete any task always
depends on tons of factors outside of the programming language.  The
ecosystem is important ... How much code can I avoid writing myself?


Re: Fibonacci series recursion error

2011-05-07 Thread Robert Brown

Steven D'Aprano writes:
 If you value runtime efficiency over development time, sure. There are
 plenty of languages which have made that decision: Pascal, C, Java,
 Lisp, Forth, and many more.

I don't understand why you place Lisp and Forth in the same category as
Pascal, C, and Java.  Lisp and Forth generally have highly interactive
development environments, while the other languages generally require an
edit, compile, run it again debugging cycle.  Lisp in particular does a
better job than Python in optimizing developer time.  I can change class
definitions interactively without restarting my program.  I can add type
declarations to a single function and recompile it without restarting my
program.  Python requires me to rewrite the slow bits of my program in C
to get good performance.  Why is that an efficient use of developer


Re: python simply not scaleable enough for google?

2009-11-14 Thread Robert Brown

Vincent Manis writes:
 The false statement you made is that `... Python *the language* is specified
 in a way that makes executing Python programs quickly very very difficult.
 I refuted it by citing several systems that implement languages with
 semantics similar to those of Python, and do so efficiently.

The semantic details matter.  Please read Willem's reply to your post.  It
contains a long list of specific differences between Python (CPython) language
semantics and Common Lisp language semantics that cause Python performance to

 OK, let me try this again. My assertion is that with some combination of
 JITting, reorganization of the Python runtime, and optional static
 declarations, Python can be made acceptably fast, which I define as program
 runtimes on the same order of magnitude as those of the same programs in C
 (Java and other languages have established a similar goal). I am not pushing
 optional declarations, as it's worth seeing what we can get out of
 JITting. If you wish to refute this assertion, citing behavior in CPython or
 another implementation is not enough. You have to show that the stated
 feature *cannot* be made to run in an acceptable time.

It's hard to refute your assertion.  You're claiming that some future
hypothetical Python implementation will have excellent performance via a JIT.
On top of that you say that you're willing to change the definition of the
Python language, say by adding type declarations, if an implementation with a
JIT doesn't pan out.  If you change the Python language to address the
semantic problems Willem lists in his post and also add optional type
declarations, then Python becomes closer to Common Lisp, which we know can be
executed efficiently, within the same ballpark as C and Java.


Re: python simply not scaleable enough for google?

2009-11-13 Thread Robert Brown
Vincent Manis writes:

 On 2009-11-11, at 14:31, Alain Ketterlin wrote:
 I'm having some trouble understanding this thread. My comments aren't
 directed at Terry's or Alain's comments, but at the thread overall.

 1. The statement `Python is slow' doesn't make any sense to me. Python is a
 programming language; it is implementations that have speed or lack thereof.

This is generally true, but Python *the language* is specified in a way that
makes executing Python programs quickly very very difficult.  I'm tempted to
say it's impossible, but great strides have been made recently with JITs, so
we'll see.

 2. A skilled programmer could build an implementation that compiled Python
 code into Common Lisp or Scheme code, and then used a high-performance
 Common Lisp compiler such as SBCL, or a high-performance Scheme compiler
 such as Chez Scheme, to produce quite fast code ...

A skilled programmer has done this for Common Lisp.  The CLPython
implementation converts Python souce code to Common Lisp code at read time,
which is then is compiled.  With SBCL you get native machine code for every
Python expression.

If you want to know why Python *the language* is slow, look at the Lisp code
CLPython generates and at the code implementing the run time.  Simple
operations end up being very expensive.  Does the object on the left side of a
comparison implement compare?  No, then does the right side implement it?  No,
then try something else 

I'm sure someone can come up with a faster Python implementation, but it will
have to be very clever.

 This whole approach would be a bad idea, because the compile times would be
 dreadful, but I use this example as an existence proof that Python
 implementations can generate reasonably efficient executable programs.

The compile times are fine, not dreadful.  Give it a try.

 3. It is certainly true that CPython doesn't scale up to environments where
 there are a significant number of processors with shared memory.

Even on one processor, CPython has problems.

I last seriously used CPython to analyze OCRed books.  The code read in the
OCR results for one book at a time, which included the position of every word
on every page.  My books were long, 2000 pages, and dense and I was constantly
fighting address space limitations and CPython slowness related to memory
usage.  I had to resort to packing and unpacking data into Python integers in
order to fit all the OCR data into RAM.


Re: python simply not scaleable enough for google?

2009-11-13 Thread Robert Brown

Vincent Manis writes:
 My point in the earlier post about translating Python into Common Lisp or
 Scheme was essentially saying `look, there's more than 30 years experience
 building high-performance implementations of Lisp languages, and Python
 isn't really that different from Lisp, so we ought to be able to do it too'.

Common Lisp and Scheme were designed by people who wanted to write complicated
systems on machines with a tiny fraction of the horsepower of current
workstations.  They were carefully designed to be compiled efficiently, which
is not the case with Python.  There really is a difference here.  Python the
language has features that make fast implementations extremely difficult.


Re: python simply not scaleable enough for google?

2009-11-13 Thread Robert Brown

J Kenneth King writes:

 mcherm writes:
 I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the reasons why Python
 is slow. Most of the slowness does NOT come from poor implementations: the
 CPython implementation is extremely well-optimized; the Jython and Iron
 Python implementations use best-in-the-world JIT runtimes. Most of the
 speed issues come from fundamental features of the LANGUAGE itself, mostly
 ways in which it is highly dynamic.

 -- Michael Chermside

 You might be right for the wrong reasons in a way.  Python isn't slow
 because it's a dynamic language.  All the lookups you're citing are highly
 optimized hash lookups.  It executes really fast.

Sorry, but Michael is right for the right reason.  Python the *language* is
slow because it's too dynamic.  All those hash table lookups are unnecessary
in some other dynamic languages and they slow down Python.  A fast
implementation is going to have to be very clever about memoizing method
lookups and invalidating assumptions when methods are dynamically redefined.

 As an implementation though, the sky really is the limit and Python is
 only getting started.

Yes, but Python is starting in the basement.


Re: python simply not scaleable enough for google?

2009-11-13 Thread Robert Brown

Vincent Manis writes:

 On 2009-11-13, at 17:42, Robert Brown wrote, quoting me: 

 ... Python *the language* is specified in a way that
 makes executing Python programs quickly very very difficult.  

 That is untrue. I have mentioned before that optional declarations integrate
 well with dynamic languages. Apart from CL and Scheme, which I have
 mentioned several times, you might check out Strongtalk (typed Smalltalk),
 and Dylan, which was designed for high-performance compilation, though to my
 knowledge no Dylan compilers ever really achieved it.

You are not making an argument, just mentioning random facts.  You claim I've
made a false statement, then talk about optional type declarations, which
Python doesn't have.  Then you mention Smalltalk and Dylan.  What's your
point?  To prove me wrong you have to demonstrate that it's not very difficult
to produce a high performance Python system, given current Python semantics.

 I'm tempted to say it's impossible, but great strides have been made
 recently with JITs, so we'll see.

 If you want to know why Python *the language* is slow, look at the Lisp
 code CLPython generates and at the code implementing the run time.  Simple
 operations end up being very expensive.  Does the object on the left side
 of a comparison implement compare?  No, then does the right side implement
 it?  No, then try something else 

 I've never looked at CLPython. Did it use a method cache (see Peter
 Deutsch's paper on Smalltalk performance in the unfortunately out-of-print
 `Smalltalk-80: Bits of History, Words of Advice'? That technique is 30 years
 old now.

Please look at CLPython.  The complexity of some Python operations will make
you weep.  CLPython uses Common Lisp's CLOS method dispatch in various places,
so yes, those method lookups are definitely cached.

Method lookup is just the tip if the iceburg.  How about comparison?  Here are
some comments from CLPython's implementation of compare.  There's a lot going
on.  It's complex and SLOW.

   ;; This function is used in comparisons like , =, ==.
   ;; The CPython logic is a bit complicated; hopefully the following
   ;; is a correct translation.

   ;; If the class is equal and it defines __cmp__, use that.

   ;; The rich comparison operations __lt__, __eq__, __gt__ are
   ;; now called before __cmp__ is called.
   ;; Normally, we take these methods of X.  However, if class(Y)
   ;; is a subclass of class(X), the first look at Y's magic
   ;; methods.  This allows the subclass to override its parent's
   ;; comparison operations.
   ;; It is assumed that the subclass overrides all of
   ;; __{eq,lt,gt}__. For example, if sub.__eq__ is not defined,
   ;; first super.__eq__ is called, and after that __sub__.__lt__
   ;; (or super.__lt__).
   ;; object.c - try_rich_compare_bool(v,w,op) / try_rich_compare(v,w,op)

   ;; Try each `meth'; if the outcome it True, return `res-value'.

   ;; So the rich comparison operations didn't lead to a result.
   ;; object.c - try_3way_compare(v,w)
   ;; Now, first try X.__cmp__ (even if y.class is a subclass of
   ;; x.class) and Y.__cmp__ after that.

   ;; CPython now does some number coercion attempts that we don't
   ;; have to do because we have first-class numbers. (I think.)

   ;; object.c - default_3way_compare(v,w)
   ;; Two instances of same class without any comparison operator,
   ;; are compared by pointer value. Our function `py-id' fakes
   ;; that.

   ;; None is smaller than everything (excluding itself, but that
   ;; is catched above already, when testing for same class;
   ;; NoneType is not subclassable).

   ;; Instances of different class are compared by class name, but
   ;; numbers are always smaller.

   ;; Probably, when we arrive here, there is a bug in the logic
   ;; above. Therefore print a warning.

Re: python simply not scaleable enough for google?

2009-11-13 Thread Robert Brown

Vincent Manis writes:

 On 2009-11-13, at 18:02, Robert Brown wrote:

 Common Lisp and Scheme were designed by people who wanted to write
 complicated systems on machines with a tiny fraction of the horsepower of
 current workstations.  They were carefully designed to be compiled
 efficiently, which is not the case with Python.  There really is a
 difference here.  Python the language has features that make fast
 implementations extremely difficult.

 Not true. Common Lisp was designed primarily by throwing together all of the
 features in every Lisp implementation the design committee was interested
 in.  Although the committee members were familiar with high-performance
 compilation, the primary impetus was to achieve a standardized language that
 would be acceptable to the Lisp community. At the time that Common Lisp was
 started, there was still some sentiment that Lisp machines were the way to
 go for performance.

Common Lisp blends together features of previous Lisps, which were designed to
be executed efficiently.  Operating systems were written in these variants.
Execution speed was important.  The Common Lisp standardization committee
included people who were concerned about performance on C-optimized hardware.

 As for Scheme, it was designed primarily to satisfy an aesthetic of
 minimalism. Even though Guy Steele's thesis project, Rabbit, was a Scheme
 compiler, the point here was that relatively simple compilation techniques
 could produce moderately reasonable object programs. Chez Scheme was indeed
 first run on machines that we would nowadays consider tiny, but so too was
 C++. Oh, wait, so was Python!

The Scheme standard has gone through many revisions.  I think we're up to
version 6 at this point.  The people working on it are concerned about
performance.  For instance, see the discussions about whether the order of
evaluating function arguments should be specified.  Common Lisp evaluates
arguments left to right, but Scheme leaves the order unspecified so the
compiler can better optimize.  You can't point to Rabbit (1978 ?) as
representative of the Scheme programming community over the last few decades.

 Using Python 3 annotations, one can imagine a Python compiler that does the
 appropriate thing (shown in the comments) with the following code.

I can imagine a lot too, but we're talking about Python as it's specified
*today*.  The Python language as it's specified today is hard to execute
quickly.  Not impossible, but very hard, which is why we don't see fast Python


Re: What's the perfect (OS independent) way of storing filepaths ?

2008-10-23 Thread Robert Brown
Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I (again) wonder what's the perfect way to store, OS-independent, filepaths ?
 I can think of something like:
 - use a relative path if drive is identical to the application (I'm still a
 Windows guy)
 - use some kind of OS-dependent translation table if on another drive
 - use ? if on a network drive

There is no perfect solution, since file names and semantics differ from one
operating system to the next.  Genera, the Lisp Machine operating system, has
facilities to abstract over the details of the file systems in use in the
1980s: Multics, ITS, TOPS-20, VMS, Unix, etc.  Many of the concepts were
incorporated into the Common Lisp standard.  Here are a couple of references:

The system described is not simple.  Briefly, there's a machine-independent
way (logical pathnames) to specify file names that a program can use to
manipulate the files it knows about.  There's no guarantee that you can access
an arbitrary file with these names.  However, there's also the concept of a
machine-specific file namestring.  Users can type in these machine-specific
namestrings, allowing the code to access arbitrary files.

Both types of pathnames can be manipulated via an API to derive other file
names.  Here's how I create a pathname that refers to a subdirectory of my
home directory:

(make-pathname :directory '(:relative .sbcl systems))

The code should work so long as the target file system supports
subdirectories, as Windows and Unix do.


Re: Bizarre method keyword-arg bug.

2008-08-20 Thread Robert Brown
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Robert Brown wrote:
 You may find the above surprising, but Common Lisp users expect the
 default argument expression to be evaluated anew when needed by a
 function call:

 well, I'd say an argument based on Common Lisp users is a lot more
 dubious ;-)

Actually, it's really not dubious.  Because Lisp is extensible, Lisp *users*
have evolved the language considerably over the years.  It's an excellent
place to look for alternative design ideas.  For instance, Lisp users
experimented with several ways (LOOPS, Flavors, etc.) of supporting the
object oriented style of programming before CLOS became part of the Common
Lisp standard.  If you're designing a language feature, it's often the case
that Lisp users have tried several alternatives over the last few decades
and have decided what works best, for them of course.

In any case, chances are high that Lisp's way of handling default arguments
would have been changed had it been shown to cause performance problems.
We're talking about a language used to implement operating systems --
performance is always a consideration.

Re: Bizarre method keyword-arg bug.

2008-08-20 Thread Robert Brown
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 13:09:21 -0400, Robert Brown wrote:

 In any case, chances are high that Lisp's way of handling default
 arguments would have been changed had it been shown to cause performance

 But nobody is suggesting that it would cause performance problems in 
 *Lisp*. It might, or it might not. Who cares? We're not talking about 
 Lisp, we're talking about *Python*, and evaluating default arguments 
 every time the function is called would certainly cause a performance hit 
 in Python.

Please explain why it's a performance problem for Python but not for other

Re: Bizarre method keyword-arg bug.

2008-08-18 Thread Robert Brown

Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 03:20:11 -0700, Jasper wrote:
 And no, the alternative /does not/ have an equivalent set of surprises 
 -- it's not like Python is unique in having default arguments.

 That's simply not true. I would find this behaviour very surprising, and 
 I bet you would too:

 x = parrot
 def foo(obj=x):
 ... print obj
 foo()  # this is the current behaviour
 x = shrubbery
 foo()  # but this is not
 del x
 foo()  # nor is this
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 NameError: name 'x' is not defined

You may find the above surprising, but Common Lisp users expect the default
argument expression to be evaluated anew when need by a function call:

* (defvar *x* parrot)

* (defun foo (optional (obj *x*));; optional arg, default is *x*

* (foo)

* (setf *x* shrubbery)

* (foo)

* (makunbound '*x*)

* (foo)
debugger invoked on a UNBOUND-VARIABLE in thread #THREAD initial thread
RUNNING {10023EDE81}:
  The variable *X* is unbound.

I find the Lisp approach more reasonable.  Also, an argument based on
performance for Python's current behavior seems dubious, given the
language's other performance robbing design choices.


Re: definition of a highlevel language?

2008-05-28 Thread Robert Brown

inhahe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I like to think of a language that would combine low-level and high-level 
 features to be used at the programmer's whim.  C--, High Level Assembly, and 
 C++ with in-line assembly are examples, but none of them come as high-level 
 as Python. Other possible examples might be ctypes, numpy, array.array, and 
 I heard a rumor that Python 3.0 might have optional type declarations.   My 
 ideal language would be like a version of C++ (including in-line asm), or 
 C-- with classes, that's compiled, but supports Python abstractions and 
 features wherever possible (including doing away with {}'s and ;'s).

Maybe you should give Common Lisp a try.  It combines the high-level
features you enjoy in Python with features like optional type declarations,
which can be used to create high-performance code.  You will also have fun
playing around with syntactic abstraction (macros) to define very high-level
domain specific languages.

Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-28 Thread Robert Brown
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Robert Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 This is the approach taken by Common Lisp.  Often just a few type
 declarations, added to code in inner loops, results in vastly faster code.

 That is just a dangerous hack of improving performance by turning off
 some safety checks, I'd say.  Static typing in the usual sense of the
 phrase means that the compiler can guarantee at compile time that a
 given term will have a certain type.  That can be done by automatic
 inference or by checking user annotations, but either way, it should
 be impossible to compile code that computes improperly typed values.

Unfortunately, performance often comes at the cost of safety and
correctness.  Optimized C programs can crash when pointers walk off the
end of arrays or they can yield incorrect results when integers overflow
the limits of the hardware.

Common Lisp compilers are allowed to completely ignore type
declarations, but the compiler I use, SBCL, uses a combination of
compile-time type inference and run-time checking to ensure that my
variables have the types I've declared them to have.  Sometimes I see an
error message at compile time but otherwise I get an exception at run
time.  It works this way because my code contains

(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (safety 3) (speed 0)))

which indicates I prefer correctness and ease of debugging to run-time

Very rarely, say inside a loop, I temporarily change my default compiler
settings.  Inside the lexical scope of these declarations, the compiled
code does no run-time type checking and trusts me.  Here, broken Lisp
code can crash the system (just as broken C code can), but the compiled
code runs very fast.

I trade off safety for speed, but only where necessary.


Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-25 Thread Robert Brown
Larry Bugbee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Python's dynamic typing is just fine.  But if I know the type, I want
 the ability to nail it.  ...local variables, arguments, return values,
 etc  And if I don't know or care, I'd leave it to dynamic typing.

This is the approach taken by Common Lisp.  Often just a few type
declarations, added to code in inner loops, results in vastly faster code.
Also, although I don't tend to use type declarations while interactively
developing code, I often add them later.  Mostly, I add them to document the
code, but the added safety and faster execution time are nice benefits.


Re: Why must implementing Python be hard unlike Scheme?

2008-02-22 Thread Robert Brown
 I'm learning Scheme and I am amazed how easy it is to start building a
 half baked Scheme implementation that somewhat works.

 After knowing Python for *years* I have no idea how to actually
 implement the darn thing.

Since you know Scheme, perhaps the CLPython implementation, which is written
in Common Lisp, will be interesting to you:


Re: Why is this loop heavy code so slow in Python? Possible Project Euler spoilers

2007-09-11 Thread Robert Brown
Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 2007-09-02, Steven D'Aprano
 A big question mark in my mind is Lisp, which according to
 aficionados is just as dynamic as Python, but has native
 compilers that generate code running as fast as highly
 optimized C.

 Lisp, as far as I know, requires type declarations, discipline,
 deep knowledge of Lisp, and more than passing knowledge of your
 Lisp implementation in order to generate code that's competitive
 with C.

On my Mac Mini, the original Python code runs in 6 minutes 37 seconds using
Python 2.3.5.  The Common Lisp code below, a straightforward translation,
containing *no* type declarations, runs in 27 seconds on the same Mini using

When the commented out optimization declaration is included in the code, the
run time drops to 3.3 seconds.  For comparison, run times with GCC on the C
version posted earlier are 3.5 seconds unoptimized and 0.58 seconds with
optimization flag -O3.

So for this example, deep knowledge of the Lisp implementation and type
declarations are not required to get speed equivalent to unoptimized C code.
Approaching the speed of optimized C code does require more work.

(defun doit ()
;;  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
  (let ((solutions (make-array 1001 :initial-element 0)))
(loop for a upfrom 1 below 1
  do (loop for b upfrom 1 below (- 1000 a)
   do (loop for c upfrom 1 below (- 1000 a b)
do (let ((p (+ a b c)))
 (when (and ( p 1000)
(= (+ (* a a) (* b b)) (* c c)))
   (incf (aref solutions p)))
(loop with max-index = 0
  with max = 0
  for solution across solutions
  for index upfrom 0
  do (when ( solution max)
   (setf max solution)
   (setf max-index index))
  finally (print max-index

Re: status of Programming by Contract (PEP 316)?

2007-08-30 Thread Robert Brown

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
 DbC and allegedly rigorous compile-time typechecking (regularly too weak
 due to Eiffel's covariant vs countervariant approach, btw...), based on
 those empirical results, appear to be way overhyped.

My experience with writing Eiffel code was a bit different.  Integrating
code from multiple sources happened much faster than I expected, and the
code ran reliably.  There were a couple of instances where previously
uncombined code was linked together and worked on the first run.

Perhaps more important, however, is that method contracts provide important
documentation about how each method is supposed to work -- what it assumes
and what must be true when it returns.  Using Eiffel changed my coding
process.  Often I'd write the pre- and postconditions first, then write the
method body, just as programmers today often write unit tests first.
Thinking carefully about the contracts and writing them down, so they could
be verified, makes the code more reliable and maintainable.  The contracts
are part of the source code, not a fuzzy concept in each programmer's head.

The contracts are also useful when discussing the code with domain experts
who are not programmers.  They can read and understand the flat short view
of a class, which includes all the method names, method comments, and
contracts, but leaves out the method implementations.  Here's an example,
Eiffel's String class:

In any case, I'm still not sure whether it would be useful to integrate DbC
into Python.  A library that implements DbC for Common Lisp has not gotten
much traction in that community, which has a similar style of software
development.  Perhaps it's just too much to ask that programmers write both
unit tests and method contracts.


Re: Python's only one way to do it philosophy isn't good?

2007-06-24 Thread Robert Brown

Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Graham talks about 25% of the Viaweb code base being macros. Imagine how
 productive his coders would have been if the language was not quite
 so minimalistic, so that they could do what they wanted without the
 _lack_ of syntax getting in the way.

Paul Graham's Viaweb code was written in Common Lisp, which is the least
minimalistic dialect of Lisp that I know.  Even though they were using this
powerful tool, they still found it useful to create new syntactic
abstractions.  How much less productive would they have been had they not
had this opportunity?

Re: PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

2007-06-21 Thread Robert Brown

Stephen R Laniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Granted, in a dynamic language we won't always (maybe won't
 often) have a situation where the types are known this well
 at compile time. But sometimes we will. And it would be nice
 to catch these before the program even runs.

 So my question is: would bolting on static type checking
 when we can, no type checking when we can't be too much
 to ask?

Common Lisp allows the programmer to optionally provide type declarations to
improve readability or performance.  Certain implementations of Common Lisp,
such as cmucl and sbcl, check type declarations at compile time, employ type
interence to generate efficient machine code, and insert run time checks
when the compiler can't prove at compile time that variables have their
declared types.

Re: Python's only one way to do it philosophy isn't good?

2007-06-21 Thread Robert Brown
Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On 2007-06-21, Douglas Alan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A prime example of this is how CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System was
 implemented completely as a loadable library (with the help of many
 macros) into Common Lisp, which was not an OO language prior to the
 adoption of CLOS.

 Is there a second example? ;)

There are many useful macro packages that syntactically extend Common Lisp.
Here are a few representative examples.

compan implementation of list comprehensions

iterate a domain specific language for expressing complex iteration

screamersupport for nondeterministic programming

cl-who  a domain specific language for HTML generation

parenscript a domain specific language for JavaScript generation

Re: Towards faster Python implementations - theory

2007-05-13 Thread Robert Brown
sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On May 10, 7:18 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 CMUCL and SBCL depends on the dominance of the x86 architecture.

CMUCL and SBCL run on a variety of architectures, including x86, 64-bit x86,
PowerPC, Sparc, Alpha, and Mips.  See

for platform support information.

 Or one could translate between Python and Lisp on the fly, and use a
 compiled Lisp (CMUCL, SBCL, Franz, GCL) as runtime backend.

This has been done by Willem Broekema.  PLPython is a Python implementation
that translates Python source into Common Lisp at read time.  Under the
covers, the Lisp is compiled into machine code and then run.  See

Currently, CLPython uses some non-standard Allegro Common Lisp features, so
it does not run on all the free implementations of ANSI Common Lisp.  The
implementation is interesting, in part because it shows how expensive and
complex some Python primitives are.

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-12 Thread Robert Brown
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Robert Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Luckily, Willem Broekema has written a Python to Lisp compiler called
 clpython that can be consulted to answer questions like these.

 Does this count as a children of a lesser Python?  How does clpython
 implement Python's immutable strings, for example?

I think CLPython is in the children of a lesser Python category, on the
grounds that it doesn't implement the complete language and there's no
obvious way to reuse the C packages that make CPython so useful.  However,
the other distinguishing feature of the children category is bending
semantics to gain speed.  CLPython doesn't appear to be doing much of this.
The author says it runs at about the same speed as CPython.

Python strings are implemented in CLPython as instances of a CLOS class, not
as raw Common Lisp strings, so they appear to be immutable.

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Robert Brown

Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Espen Vestre [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Can you redefine CLOS methods without calling CLOS functions that tell
  the object system what to expect (so it can do things like update the
  MRO cache)?  I.e. can you redefine them by poking some random
  dictionary?  You can in Python.  I don't claim that's a good thing.
 Just as I said: Less managable, but not more dynamic.

 I'm not getting through to you.  Yes, you could create a Python-like
 object system in Lisp that's separate from CLOS, but nobody would use

I think you are not understanding the point that Espen is trying to make.
He is not suggesting a different object system for Lisp.

Espen is saying that Common Lisp often offers the same dynamic feature as
Python has, such as the ability to redefining a method at runtime.  Lisp,
however, forces you to call a CLOS function or use an well defined interface
when redefining a method.  You can't just change a value in a hash table.
Does this make Lisp less dynamic than Python?  Espen would say it's not
less dynamic, but rather that a similar level of dynamism is achieved in
Common Lisp via well defined interfaces.  The compiler knows the interfaces,
so it can do a better job optimizing the code.

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Robert Brown

Stephen Eilert [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 So, let's suppose I now want to learn LISP (I did try, on several
 occasions). What I would like to do would be to replace Python and code
 GUI applications. Yes, those boring business-like applications that have
 to access databases and consume those new-fangled web-services and
 whatnot. Heck, maybe even code games using DirectX.

 So, how would I do that?

First, get a copy of Practical Common Lisp, which shows how to build, well,
practical programs in Lisp:

Next, download a Common Lisp implementation.  I happen to prefer SBCL, but
any of the free commercial trial products will do, as will CLISP, CMUCL,
ABCL, Open MCL, etc.

To find libraries, look in Cliki, in the Common Lisp Directory, and in  The Directory is especially good for finding obscure

Bookmark the Hyperspec, which is an HTML version of the ANSI Common Lisp
standard.  Skim the whole thing once, so you have a vague idea of what
functions are available in the standard library.

Finally, ask questions on the #lisp IRC channel or in comp.lang.lisp when
you are stuck.

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Robert Brown
greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 From another angle, think about what a hypothetical Python-to-Lisp
 translator would have to do. It couldn't just translate a + b into
 (+ a b). It would have to be something like (*python-add* a b) where
 *python-add* is some support function doing all the dynamic dispatching
 that the Python interpreter would have done.

Luckily, Willem Broekema has written a Python to Lisp compiler called
clpython that can be consulted to answer questions like these.

It turns out that addition is fairly straightforward.  Attribute lookup,
however, turns out to be complex, as is comparing objects.  Here is Willem's
description of the attribute lookup algorithm from the file doc/pres.txt:

   To look up (the name attribute of object person)

   a. if the class of person (say, Person), or one of Person's
  base classes (say, Animal) defines __getattribute__,
  that will intercept all attribute lookups.
  Call:  Animal.__getattribute__(person, name)

   b. look in instance dictionary:  val = person.__dict__[name]

- but if it has fixed slots:
  look in person.__slots__
   and give error if name is not one of the fixed slots

   - unless __dict__ is specified as one of the fixed slots:
 in that case, don't give an error if it is not one of the
 fixed slots, but search in the instance dictionary too

   c. look in the classes Person, Animal for an attribute called name

   - if it is a `descriptor', call its __get__ method
   - else, if it is a method, make it a bound method
   - else, return it unchanged

   d. if nothing found so far: look for __getattr__ method in the
  classes, and call it:  C.__getattr__(person, name)

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Robert Brown

Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 For a long time Scheme had no macros, and Scheme developers who were
 exceedingly familiar with Common Lisp were nonetheless willing to get
 by without them.  So I have to think macros aren't all THAT important.
 Scheme did eventually get macros, but somewhat different from CL's.

Macros are important enough that all the old Scheme implementations I used
offered macros in the style of Lisp's defmacro.  Lisp hackers did not have
to suffer without them when writing Scheme code.

Relatively recently, the Scheme standard was augmented with hygenic macros,
a different beast.  Scheme standardizes something only when there's nearly
universal support for it, so features appear in the language standard very
