[issue47001] deadlock in ctypes?

2022-03-14 Thread Rocco Matano

Rocco Matano  added the comment:

I forgot to say thank you. I would like to make up for that:
Thank you, Eryk.


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[issue47001] deadlock in ctypes?

2022-03-13 Thread Rocco Matano

Rocco Matano  added the comment:

@Eryk I think you hit the nail on the head with your recommendation to avoid 
ctypes.c_wchar_p (i.e. wintypes.LPWSTR) as the parameter type when dealing 
resource type/name strings. Of course ctypes automatic conversion from a C 
character pointer to a Python string will cause problems when being confronted 
with a 16-bit ID that is NOT a valid pointer. 

Now that it is clear that the problem was in front of the monitor, I consider 
this case closed.

stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue47001] deadlock in ctypes?

2022-03-12 Thread Rocco Matano

New submission from Rocco Matano :

When using ctypes under Windows, I have observed a baffling behavior which I am 
not sure if it is the result of a bug in ctypes, or is simply due to false 
expectations on my part.

 - Windows 10 Pro, 21H1, 19043.1586, x64
 - Python versions 3.6 up to 3.10, x64
What I was trying to do was to enumerate all the icons in the resource section 
of an executable file. The Windows-API for such a case is EnumResourceNamesW, 
which requires the pointer to a callback function as an argument. I wanted to 
hide the details of the corresponding code so that a user of that code does not 
have to deal with ctypes directly and can supply a regular Python function for 
the callback. So I added an extra level of indirection.

When I ran my code, I was surprised to observe that the program was stuck. 
After several tries, I found a solution that differed from the original code 
only in one small detail: Use different types when describing the C callback.

Below is a self contained sample that can be used to show the successful case 
as well as to trigger the blocking. Unfortunately it is quit long. 

import sys
import ctypes
from ctypes.wintypes import HMODULE, LPVOID, LPWSTR, BOOL

# context structure that is used to use regular python functions as callbacks
# where external C code expects C callbacks with a certain signature.
class CallbackContext(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (
("callback", ctypes.py_object),
("context", ctypes.py_object),

CallbackContextPtr = ctypes.POINTER(CallbackContext)

# quote from
# BOOL Enumresnameprocw(
#   [in, optional] HMODULE hModule,
#  LPCWSTR lpType,
#  LPWSTR lpName,
#   [in]   LONG_PTR lParam
# )
# Note that the arguments lpType and lpName are declared as pointers to strings.

if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].lower() == "fail":
# Declaring them as pointers to strings in the ctypes prototype does NOT 
EnumResNameCallback_prototype = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(
# Declaring them as void pointers does work!
EnumResNameCallback_prototype = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(

# this is the ctypes callback function that mimics the required C call signature
def EnumResNameCallback(hmod, typ, name, ctxt):
cbc = ctxt.contents
return cbc.callback(hmod, typ, name, cbc.context)

kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32

EnumResourceNames = kernel32.EnumResourceNamesW
EnumResourceNames.restype = BOOL
EnumResourceNames.argtypes = (

# Get a module handle for an executable that contains icons
GetModuleHandle = kernel32.GetModuleHandleW
GetModuleHandle.restype = HMODULE
GetModuleHandle.argtypes = (LPWSTR,)

hmod = GetModuleHandle(sys.executable)
if hmod == 0:
raise ctypes.WinError()

RT_GROUP_ICON = ctypes.cast(14, LPWSTR)

# this is the 'regular' callback function that does not have to care about
# the C call signature
def enum_callback(hmod, typ, name, unused_context):
print(hmod, typ, name)
return True

cbc = CallbackContext(enum_callback, None)
rcbc = ctypes.byref(cbc)

print("Trying to enumerate icons.")
print("In the case of failure, this WILL BLOCK indefinitely!")
EnumResourceNames(hmod, RT_GROUP_ICON, EnumResNameCallback, rcbc)

components: ctypes
messages: 415029
nosy: rocco.matano
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: deadlock in ctypes?
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36524] identity operator

2019-04-04 Thread Rocco Santoro

Rocco Santoro  added the comment:

You are right. The documentation, that I know, is clear. Anyway in this case 
"is" and "==" provides the same outcome and this is my remark, that I called 
bug, wrongly. The reason is the nature of print(), as function, that always 
remains always NoneType with only the value None.  Nevertheless, print, as 
method, could be referred to the object. 
This is my goofy remark about the contraddiction between the message of the 
communication by print method and the nature of the communication by print 
Therefore, the monitor tells you that two things are not equals because they 
are two different ways to say the same message. Thanks a lot for the patience


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36524] identity operator

2019-04-04 Thread Rocco Santoro

Rocco Santoro  added the comment:

Thanks you very much for the explanations. I am sorry for bothering you, 
actually my question concerned the use of identity operator. I suggest that 
'=='  means equal not identity. Therefore, it concerns the instance not the 
ontology and makes a comparison between the values not the types. In my modest 
opinion this is a bug. Anyway, you have explain very well the class None and 
the role of print as function in Python. My little remark is that a 
communication act should not change the type of object that shows. Instead it 
transforms the object in Noneclass. This is a peculiar of Python. Warm regards. 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36524] identity operator

2019-04-04 Thread Rocco Santoro

New submission from Rocco Santoro :

Hi all

Why the identity operator and '=='  are both applied to the type (see above)? 
Is it not convenient to distinguish them? I mean the identity operator  applied 
to the type and '==' applied to the outcome.
Thanks for the attention
Best regards
Rocco Santoro

Python 3.7.2 (tags/v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492, Dec 23 2018, 23:09:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> import math
>>> x = math.log(1000)
>>> y = math.log(10)
>>> print(x/y) == x/y
>>> print(math.log(1000)/math.log(10)) == math.log(1000)/math.log(10)
>>> x = math.sin(32)
>>> y = math.cos(41)
>>> print(y/x) == y/x
>>> x = math.pi
>>> y = math.tau
>>> x/y == print(x/y)
>>> x = 153
>>> y = 245
>>> print(x/y) == x/y
>>> print(x+y) == x + y
>>> print(x*y) == x*y
>>> s1 = 'Hello, '
>>> s2 = 'how are you?'
>>> print(s1 + s2) == s1 + s2
Hello, how are you?
>>> print(s1 + s2) is s1 + s2
Hello, how are you?
>>> type(print(s1 + s2))
Hello, how are you?

>>> type(s1 + s2)

>>> type(print(y/x))

>>> type(x/y)

assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
messages: 339441
nosy: roccosan, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: identity operator
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22107] tempfile module misinterprets access denied error on Windows

2017-01-10 Thread Rocco Matano

Rocco Matano added the comment:

I just experienced the described problem using Python 3.6.0 (Python 3.6.0 
(v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 23 2016, 08:06:12) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on 
win32), but i do not understand the current status of this issue: On the one 
hand it is marked as 'open', which seems to imply that is still not resolved. 
On the other hand the resolution was set to 'fixed' in May 2015. Should i open 
a new issue for Python 3.6?

nosy: +rocco.matano
versions: +Python 3.6

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25118] OSError in os.waitpid() on Windows [3.5.0 regression]

2015-09-15 Thread Rocco Matano

Rocco Matano added the comment:

I know that using os.spawn and and os.waitpid this way is not the best option, 
but a 3rd party tool i am using (scons) is doing it that way. So no scons with 
Python 3.5.0. (I am also aware that scons does not yet support Python 3.x 


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25118] OSError in os.waitpid

2015-09-14 Thread Rocco Matano

New submission from Rocco Matano:

On windows and python up to 3.4 using the combination of os.spawnX(os.P_NOWAIT, 
...) and os.waitpid() worked as expected, but with python 3.5 this no longer 
works. In fact os.waitpid() now raises an OSError when the child process 
Running this simple script demonstrates that:

import sys
import os
import time


file = r'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe'
args = [file, '/C', 'ping', '', '-n', '1', '>NUL']
env = os.environ

t0 = time.time()
ret = os.spawnve(os.P_NOWAIT, file, args, env)
pid, status = os.waitpid(ret, 0)
t1 = time.time()
print("process took %.1f seconds" % (t1 - t0))

I get the following outputs:

C:\Users\rmatano\test_py35>py -3.4 test_waitpid.py
3.4.0 (v3.4.0:04f714765c13, Mar 16 2014, 19:25:23) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)]
process took 3.6 seconds

C:\Users\rmatano\test_py35>py -3.5 test_waitpid.py
3.5.0 (v3.5.0:374f501f4567, Sep 13 2015, 02:27:37) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "twp.py", line 13, in 
pid, status = os.waitpid(ret, 0)
OSError: [Errno 0] Error

I guess this is a bug rather than a intended change in behavior, isn't it?

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 250723
nosy: rocco.matano
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: OSError in os.waitpid
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12923] test_urllib fails in refleak mode

2015-04-14 Thread Daniel Rocco

Daniel Rocco added the comment:


Here is an alternate patch to the test suite that demonstrates the
failure without needing refleak mode. The test works by issuing enough
requests that, if retries are not independent per request, the test 
triggers the code path that results in the test failing. It passes with
the patch to request.py applied.


nosy: +drocco
versions: +Python 3.5 -Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39004/12923-tries-reset-test.patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

What does it mean when io.TextIOBase.encoding is None

2015-03-19 Thread Rocco
When using nose to run unittests, i discovered that depending on nose' command 
line parameters, sys.stdout.encoding can be None.

I wonder what that means for an io.TextIOBase object.
Is None a valid value for 'encoding'?
Is None equivalent to 'ascii' in this case?
If None is a valid value for io.TextIOBase.encoding, then why is it not a valid 
value for bytes.encode()?


Custom CFLAGS with distutils

2009-07-03 Thread Rocco Rutte

I've been trying to make distutils build mercurial with custom cflags.
The only way this works is to change Makefile because I don't want to
put my changed CFLAGS into the environment and I tend to forget to run
make with a CFLAGS=... option.

Google brings up a special Setup file which should solve my problem,
but it somehow doesn't. I've tried:

mercurial mercurial/base85.c -Xcompiler -arch x86_64
mercurial.base85 mercurial/base85.c -Xcompiler -arch x86_64

for base85.c in the mercurial/ subdirectory. Hacking Makefile does the
trick, but having a Setup file working would never produce merge

What am I doing wrong?


Variable by label

2008-05-16 Thread rocco . rossi
Is there any function which will return a variable by passing to it
the string containing the variable's name? Something like this for

foo = some_function(foo)

or perhaps it's a dictionary. I don't know, but I would really like to
find out how it can be done. I guess it is achievable.

Thank you.

Re: Variable by label

2008-05-16 Thread rocco . rossi
On May 16, 4:27 pm, inhahe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  a = 1
  b = eval(a)
  a =1
  b = globals()[a]
  a =1
  b = locals()[a]

 1[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


  Is there any function which will return a variable by passing to it
  the string containing the variable's name? Something like this for

  foo = some_function(foo)

  or perhaps it's a dictionary. I don't know, but I would really like to
  find out how it can be done. I guess it is achievable.

  Thank you.

Perfect. Thank you all for your replies.

Python generators (coroutines)

2008-04-23 Thread rocco . rossi
I would really like to know more about python 2.5's new generator
characteristics that make them more powerful and analogous to
coroutines. Is it possible for instance to employ them in situations
where I would normally use a thread with a blocking I/O (or socket)
operation? If it is, could someone show me how it can be done? There
appears to be a very limited amount of documentation in this repect,

Thank you.

Re: Python generators (coroutines)

2008-04-23 Thread rocco . rossi

 Anyway, if you have a blocking operation, the only solution is to use
 a thread or a separate process.

   Michele Simionato

That's what I thought. It was in fact rather obvious, but I wanted to
be sure that I hadn't overlooked some arcane possibility (ex. with the
use of exceptions or something like that). Thanks for the confirmation.

Orphaned child processes

2008-04-07 Thread rocco . rossi
I'm using the Python processing module. I've just run into a problem
though. Actually, it's a more general problem that isn't specific to
this module, but to the handling of Unix (Linux processes) in general.
Suppose for instance that for some reason or another, after forking
several child processes, the main process terminates or gets killed
(or segfaults or whatever) and the child processes are orphaned. Is
there any way to automatically arrange things so that they auto-
terminate or, in other words, is there a way to make the child
processes terminate when the parent terminates?

Thank you.

xmlrpclib, testing server presence

2008-02-02 Thread rocco . rossi
I'm employing xmlrpclib for a project at work, and I must say that I'm
quite impressed with its effectiveness and ease of use.

However, I was recently doing some tests when I realized that if the
server was down, the client quite simply hanged (no use of try ...
except here) with no error or tracebacks or exceptions whatsoever.

Is there some way in Python of testing the presence of the server on
the other end, so as to avoid this situation?

Thank you.

Re: Noob question

2008-01-07 Thread rocco . rossi
On Jan 7, 12:09 am, GHZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Had the same issue.  What you want is: reload()

Thanks :)

Noob question

2008-01-06 Thread rocco . rossi
Tinkering with Python I find myself often writing scripts and then
experimenting with the interactive interpreter, which is really a cool
way to learn a language. However, when, after loading a module with

import module


from module import *

and using it, I make a change to the module file, the changes are not
effective after re-importing that same module, and I have to exit the
interpreter and restart all over. Isn't there some way to avoid this
annoying process?

Thank you.

PyGTK, libglade, and signal_autoconnect

2008-01-04 Thread rocco . rossi
I was having a real hard time trying to accomplish something. I
couldn't find a way to automatically connect the close button
(clicked signal) of a GUI app I was working on, to the gtk.main_quit()
function. I had entered this handler directly with the GLADE-3
designer (I DON'T WANT TO USE A DICTIONARY, because I think that,
using GLADE, I should be able to shortcut that procedure) but in my
class the


wasn't working. Of course, I thought, it's looking for gtk.main_quit()
which is obviously somewhere else. So, the only solution I could think
of was to add:

self.wtree.signal_autoconnect(gtk)  --- having already imported gtk,

This automagically worked.

What I would like to know is if this is legitimate, and the right way
to go. It is basically a solution I cooked up instinctively, which
happened to work, but perhaps I am unaware of some other more
orthodox way of doing it.

Thank you.


IDLE question

2007-12-16 Thread rocco . rossi
I'm using IDLE for my  Python programming. I can't seem to solve one
issue though. Whenever I try to indent a region of code, I simply
select it and hit the tab key, as I usually do in most editors, like
GEdit or Geany on Linux, for instance, and it works fine. But, if I
try to unindent a region of code, which i would do by pressing Shift-
Tab in other editors, it just won't work, and I can't find any
combination that will.

Anybody know if this operation is possible at all with IDLE, and if it
is, what's the combination of keys?



Loops and things

2007-12-14 Thread rocco . rossi
I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a loop in python
which updates two or more variables at a time. For instance, something
like this in C:

for (i = 0, j = 10; i  10  j  20; i++, j++) {
printf(i = %d, j = %d\n, i, j);

So that I would get:

i = 0, j = 0
i = 1, j = 1
i = 2, j = 2
i = 9, j = 19

Can this be done in Python?


Loops and things

2007-12-14 Thread rocco . rossi
I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a loop in python
which updates two or more variables at a time. For instance, something
like this in C:

for (i = 0, j = 10; i  10  j  20; i++, j++) {
printf(i = %d, j = %d\n, i, j);

So that I would get:

i = 0, j = 0
i = 1, j = 1
i = 2, j = 2
i = 9, j = 19

Can this be done in Python?


Re: why not in python 2.4.3

2006-05-29 Thread Rocco
Also with ascii the function does not work.


Re: why not in python 2.4.3

2006-05-29 Thread Rocco
Thanks Serge.
It's a gzip string.
So the code is
 import urllib2
 def takefeed(url):
request.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE
5.5;Windows NT')
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
return data

 from StringIO import StringIO
 import gzip
 print rss[0:100]
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?rss


why not in python 2.4.3

2006-05-28 Thread Rocco
I made the upgrade to python 2.4.3 from 2.4.2.
I want to take from google news some atom feeds with a funtion like
import urllib2
def takefeed(url):
request.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5;
Windows NT')
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
return data
This woks well with python 2.3.5 but does not work with 2.4.3.


Re: why not in python 2.4.3

2006-05-28 Thread Rocco
This is the problem when I run the function
this is the result from 2.3.5
 print rss
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?feed version=0.3 xml:lang=it
News Italia/titlelink rel=alternate type=text/html
href=http://news.google.it//taglineGoogle News
Inc./nameemail[EMAIL PROTECTED]/email/authorcopyrightamp;copy;2006
!-- A couple notes:
 * add an output=atom param to get Atom
 * section pages have a topic=? param;
   use topic=h for a Top Stories section.
--entrytitleBenedetto XVI: Wojtyla santo subito - LibertÃ
/titlelink rel=alternate type=text/html
type=text/html mode=escapedlt;brgt;lt;table border=0 align=
cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0gt;lt;trgt;lt;td width=80 align=center
valign=topgt;lt;a .

 import sys

this is the result with 2.4.3
 print rss
C b\x16\x9d\xfd\xeb\xbf\x10\xfc\xdf\x7f!\xb4\xd3!4

 import sys

No exception trace
Thanks again


Re: looking for atomixlib

2006-03-16 Thread Rocco
here you'll find it in svn.


Re: can't use NetcdfFile

2006-02-22 Thread Rocco Moretti
 I'm trying to open a Netcdf file using NetcdfFile but I always get an
 import error DLL failed
 even though I've tried using all these:
 import Numeric
 from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile
 from Scientific.IO import NetCDF
 from Scientific import *
 from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import *

Copy  Pasting the exact error message helps tremendously.

 I've got Scientific,Numeric and numpy installed

Are you sure you have them installed successfully? How did you install 
them? (Precompiled or from source, and if so, with which compiler?) 
IIRC, Scientific doesn't come with the NetCDF, you have to install the 
NetCDF library separately.
(See http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/ for download.) After 
installing the NetCDF library, you might need to reinstall Scientific to 
  get it to recognize the NetCDF install.

You might also want to check out 
http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/mmtk_wiki/WindowsInstallation - strictly 
speaking, it's installation instructions for MMTK, but you can ignore 
the final steps of installing MMTK, if you want.

If you need further help, you can always try a more specific resource, 
like the MMTK mailing list - 
http://starship.python.net/mailman/listinfo/mmtk (MMTK is written by the 
same person (Konrad Hinsen) as Scientific, and depends on Scientific.)

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-22 Thread Rocco Moretti
Alexander Schmolck wrote:
 I wanted to point
 out that one could with just as much justification claim CL to be more dynamic
 than python (it is in some regards, but not in others -- how to weight them to
 achieve some overall score is not obvious. 

I think it's worth pointing out that not all dynamicism is equal, when 
it comes to difficulty in compiling to machine code.

 For example in CL you could just write
   def foo(x, l=[], N=len(l)): [...]

Although computing default arguments at call-time vs. define-time is 
arguably more dynamic, it really doesn't (appreciably) increase the 
difficulty in creating machine code.

I think (see Caveat) that the one major difference between Lisp and 
Python that has a major bearing on compilability is mutability.

Lisp, like the good functional language that it is, has (primarily) 
immutable values, and minimal side effects. That is, you can make a 
function that takes in one value, and outputs a different value, but 
once you have a handle on a value, that value doesn't ever change. That 
makes it comparatively easy to track value paths, and assign proper 
machine code to each operation.

Python, on the other hand, is mutable to an absurd degree, with 
reassignments and side effects galore. Even a relatively simple function 

def f():

can't be (automatically) replaced with the obvious equivalent:

def f():
 mv = module.value

because of the off chance that random_function() will reassign 
module.value. Even if you look at random_function(), and rule out a 
change to module.value, there is always a chance that a some other 
thread will alter module.value in the mean time. Trivial example, true, 
but when you figure that you can do the same to any operation or builtin 
function, the compiler is never quite sure what a particular function 
will do, what side effects it may have, or what type it will return. In 
order to be ready for any contingency, a compiled Python program will 
effectively have to incorporate the entire interpreter.

C/C++ gets around the mutability issue by straight-jacketing types  
functions. A variable will only contain a particular type (or a 
subclass), and a function always has a particular signature.

Granted, there are ways of doing heavy duty code analysis, and pinning 
down functions, types, and side effects in Python, and 
Psyco/PyPy/ShedSkin are making good strides in that regards. But due to 
the heavy dependency on mutable objects and side effects in Python, such 
analysis will never be as easy as with Lisp, and considering Python has 
had less time, and less investment in those areas, it's no wonder that 
it's only just now seeing progress on the compiler front.

* Caveat: I've never seriously programmed in Lisp, and the last time I 
looked at it was some time ago, with not-up-to-date reference materials. 
I might be mistaken about the extent of mutability in current versions 
of Lisp. Hopefully others with more knowledge can give more accurate 
details of mutability/side effects in Lisp vis-a-vis ease of compilation.


Re: Mutable numbers

2006-02-21 Thread Rocco Moretti
Steve Holden wrote:
 fraca7 wrote:
 The memory allocation for integers is optimized. 'Small' integers 
 (between -5 and 100 IIRC) are allocated once and reused. The memory 
 for larger integers is allocated once and reused whenever possible, so 
 the malloc() overhead is negligible.
 The first bit's right, the second bit isn't:

FWIW, I read whenever possible not as whenever theoretically 
possible but as whenever the (comparatively simple) interpreter 
recognizes that reuse is possible.

  a = 12100
  b = 12100
  a is b
  def f():
a = 12100
b = 12100
c = 121*100
print a is b
print a is c


The interpreter, when compiling the function, can recognize that the two 
constants are identical, and makes them the same object. On the 
interactive interpreter, or after a computation, the interpreter doesn't 
bother to check to see if it already has the same value integer object. 
(It could, but the overhead would likely swamp any savings.)

Re: That's really high-level: bits of beautiful python

2006-02-21 Thread Rocco Moretti
Max wrote:

 But today we were discussing the problem of running externally-provided 
 code (e.g. add-on modules). Neither of us knew how to do it in C, though 
 I suggested using DLLs. However, I quickly installed python on his 
 laptop and coded this:
 exec import %s as ext_mod % raw_input(Module: )

Be careful with this - its fine for developer only use, but I'd avoid it 
in production code. You leave the possibility for hackers to try to 
import the module named 'os; os.system('rm -rf /'); import', or other 
such deviousness.

Probably a better version:

ext_mod_name = raw_input(Module: )
ext_mod = __import__(ext_mod_name, globals(), locals(), ['__dict__'])

But granted, it's less cool than the original.

P.S. The , globals(), locals(), ['__dict__'] is there so that the 
proper thing is done when you provide the code with a dotted module name.

Re: Python 3000 deat !? Is true division ever coming ?

2006-02-17 Thread Rocco Moretti
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Anybody using Python *should* be aware of the division issue. As soon as
 they see a division, it is their responsibility to *find out what it
 means*. That doesn't require much work: they can scroll up to the
 beginning of the module and look at the first few lines. That's not hard.

And anyone wanting strict integer division semantics,(and not needing 
pre-2.2 compatability) should be using the '//' floor division operator 

Re: how do you pronounce 'tuple'?

2006-02-14 Thread Rocco Moretti
Erik Max Francis wrote:
 If a 4-tuple is a quadruple, a 3-tuple is a triple, a 
 2-tuple is an pair, then I guess a 1-tuple would be a single.  Granted 
 that's not nearly as gruesome enough a name to go with the special 
 lopsided Pythonic creature mentioned above.  I suggest we name it a 


Re: Python 3000 deat !? Is true division ever coming ?

2006-02-14 Thread Rocco Moretti
Gregory Piñero wrote:
 On 14 Feb 2006 06:44:02 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
5./2.=2.5 is floating point math, with all the round off errors that
 Thanks Curtis, I never knew that trick.  I guess for variables do have
 true division you have to make them floats?  e.g.
 float(var1)/float(var2)?  Or do you know a less typing approach for

Google python true division - I'm feeling lucky:


 From the web page:

* By including a from __future__ import division in a module(*), the / 
operator will be changed to return the result of true division, so 1/2 
is 0.5. Without the __future__ statement, / still means classic 
division. The default meaning of / will not change until Python 3.0.

*As the first non-docstring/non-comment line.

Note that that's for a module -- the interactive interpreter won't 
respond the same way to the from __future__ import statement.

Re: Compiling

2006-02-03 Thread Rocco Moretti
Simon Faulkner wrote:
 Pardon me if this has been done to death but I can't find a simple 
 I love Python for it's ease and speed of development especially for the 
 Programming Challenged like me but why hasn't someone written a 
 compiler for Python?
 I guess it's not that simple eh?

The simple explanation for the lack of a Python compiler is the 
massive dynamisism (sp) in Python - since you can change practically 
everything at any time, in order to compile a generic python program, 
you have to effectively include the entire interpreter.  It's been done 
before (Python2C was the name, I think), but there wasn't much of a 
speed-up vs. CPython, and it hasn't been updated to work with recent 
versions of Python.

Recently there has been work on JIT type dynamic compilation techniques, 
and static compilation of a reduced Python subset. If you want to know 
more, look up the PyPy project. http://www.codespeak.net/pypy

Re: locals() and dictionaries

2006-02-01 Thread Rocco Moretti
JerryB wrote:
 I have a dictionary, a string, and I'm creating another string, like
 dict = {}
 dict[beatles] = need
 str = love
 mystr = All you %(dict[beatles])s is %(str)s % locals()
 Why do I get
 keyerror: 'dict[one]'?
 Is there a way to reference the elements in a dictionary with locals()
 or do I need to create a temp variable, like
 need = dict[one]
 mystr = All you %(need)s is %(str)s

1) Avoid variable names like 'dict' and 'str'- they cover up the builtin 

2) When showing error, don't retype - cut and paste:

  dict[beatles] = need

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#6, line 1, in -toplevel-
 dict[beatles] = need
NameError: name 'beatles' is not defined
  dict['beatles'] = need

3) In string formating, the item in parenthesis, used as a string, is 
the key for the dictionary. That is:

All you %(dict[beatles])s is %(str)s % ld

is the same as

All you %s is %s % (ld['dict[beatles]'],ld['str'])

4) Your best bet is not to use locals(), but to create a new dictionary 
with the appropriate keys. E.g.:

  d = {}
  d['beatles'] = need
  s = love
  d2 = d.copy()
  d2['str'] = s

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#24, line 1, in -toplevel-
KeyError: 'str'
  mystr = All you %(beatles)s is %(str)s % d2
  print mystr
All you need is love

Re: beta.python.org content

2006-01-27 Thread Rocco Moretti
Paul Boddie wrote:

 With the nice font they've used, I don't understand why they didn't
 turn the p into a snake itself. I'm sure I've seen that done
 somewhere before.

You're probably thinking of PyPy:


Re: Using non-ascii symbols

2006-01-27 Thread Rocco Moretti
Ivan Voras wrote:

 It's not a far-out idea. I stumbled about a year ago on a programming 
 language that INSISTED on unicode characters like ≤ as well as the rest 
 of mathematical/logical symbols; I don't remember its name but the 
 source code with characters like that looked absolutely beautiful. 

Could it be APL?


Although saying it used Unicode characters is a bit of a stretch - APL 
predated Unicode by some 30+ years.

Re: Using non-ascii symbols

2006-01-26 Thread Rocco Moretti
Terry Hancock wrote:

 One thing that I also think would be good is to open up the
 operator set for Python. Right now you can overload the
 existing operators, but you can't easily define new ones.
 And even if you do, you are very limited in what you can
 use, and understandability suffers.

One of the issues that would need to be dealt with in allowing new 
operators to be defined is how to work out precedence rules for the new 
operators. Right now you can redefine the meaning of addition and 
multiplication, but you can't change the order of operations. (Witness 
%, and that it must have the same precedence in both multiplication and 
string replacement.)

If you allow (semi)arbitrary characters to be used as operators, some 
scheme must be chosen for assigning a place in the precedence hierarchy.

Re: Question about isinstance()

2006-01-26 Thread Rocco Moretti
Dave Benjamin wrote:
 On Thu, 26 Jan 2006, Mr.Rech wrote:
 Suppose I'm writing a base class with an __eq__ special methods, using
 isinstance() I would have wrote:
 class foo(object):
def __eq__(self, other):
   return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.an_attribute ==

 Now, avoiding isinstace() I've written the following code:

 class foo(object):
   def __eq__(self, other):
 return self.an_attribute == other.an_attribute
  except AttributeError:
 return False
 You were better off with what you had before. Equality in this case is 
 left completely open-ended, and as a result, there is no way that you 
 can guarantee that a == b is the same as b == a if a is a foo 
 and b is of unknown type. This can lead to bizarre and unpredictable 

Mind explaining that better? b == a *always* calls b.__eq__(a), if it 
exists. What a.__eq__(b) is doesn't matter at that point. So you have 
the same problems either way.

The only difference between the two is in the case where b is of an 
unrelated class and b.an_attribute exists (1). In this case, the first 
always returns False, and the second returns (a.an_attribute == 
b.an_attribute). Which you prefer depends on how strictly you adhere to 
  duck typing.

(1) To be honest, they also vary when a.an_attribute is undefined. The 
second always returns False, and the first raises an AttributeError.

Re: beta.python.org content

2006-01-26 Thread Rocco Moretti
Peter Maas wrote:

 - The logo does indeed resemble a cross. How about rotating it at 45 deg
   to make it look like an x? Or give it a circular shape? Please note
   that there are no religious motives in this remark :)

It looks like a plus sign to me. Do you also advocate renaming C++ to 
Cxx or C (circular shape) (circular shape)?

Also note that if you made it more of a circular shape, it might 
resemble a Ying-Yang symbol, and we would offend the anti-Daoist 
programmers. ;-)

(Not that I like the logo, mind you. I just think that looking like a 
cross is a poor reason to bash it.)

Re: Question about isinstance()

2006-01-26 Thread Rocco Moretti
Mr.Rech wrote:
 All in all it seems that the implementation that uses isinstance() is
 better in this case...

Well what's better depends on what you want to happen when you compare 
an unrelated class that also defines 'an_attribute'. Unlike in 
statically typed languages, certain things are made easier when you 
don't check for strict inheritance (like mock and proxy objects). Google 
Duck Typing for more info.

Re: Using non-ascii symbols

2006-01-24 Thread Rocco Moretti
Giovanni Bajo wrote:
 Robert Kern wrote:
I can't find ?, ?, or ? on my keyboard.

Posting code to newsgroups might get harder too. :-)

Re: Using non-ascii symbols

2006-01-24 Thread Rocco Moretti
Robert Kern wrote:
 Rocco Moretti wrote:
 [James Stroud wrote:]
I can't find ?, ?, or ? on my keyboard.

Posting code to newsgroups might get harder too. :-)
 His post made it through fine. Your newsreader messed it up.

I'm not exactally sure what happened - I can see the three charachters 
just fine in your (Robert's) and the original (Christoph's) post. In 
Giovanni's post, they're rendered as question marks.

My point still stands: _somewere_ along the way the rendering got messed 
up for _some_ people - something that wouldn't have happened with the 
=, = and != digraphs.

(FWIW, my newsreader is Thunderbird 1.0.6.)

Re: list(...) and list comprehensions (WAS: Arithmetic sequences in Python)

2006-01-20 Thread Rocco Moretti
Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Well we could have list(a) return [a], and have a list_from_iterable.
 Although I would prefer a different name.

Or reverse it - list() always takes a single iterable, and 
list_from_scalars() is defined something like follows:

  def list_from_scalars(*args):
 return list(args)

  print list_from_scalars(1,2,3)
[1, 2, 3]
  print list_from_scalars('a')


Re: making objects unassignable read-only (especially when extending)

2006-01-18 Thread Rocco Moretti
Johannes Zellner wrote:
 can I make an object read-only, so that
 x = new_value
 fails (and x keeps it's orginal value)?

Simon gave you a way of doing it when x is an attribute access (e.g. 
p.x). I am unaware of a way of doing it when x is a straight global or 
local. Unlike other languages like C, the object pointed to by a 
variable is in no way involved in the assignment process. Variables are 
just labels (sticky notes) attached to objects. Assignment is moving of 
the label - this only involves the interpreter, and the object currently 
labeled by the variable is not consulted. If you haven't seen it before, 
http://starship.python.net/crew/mwh/hacks/objectthink.html is a good read.

Note that Simon's trick works not because it changes the object pointed 
to by the variable, but because it changes the properties of the 
namespace where that variable lives (the p in the p.x). To do so for a 
local or a global variable would require changing the local  global 
namespaces - i.e. rewriting the interpreter.

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Rocco Moretti
Alex Martelli wrote:
 Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
due to the Evil Conspiracy of region-coding, I couldn't
watch the British DVD even if I were to import it (Well,
yeah I could, but it would be painful, and probably illegal,
 I have a region-free DVD player here in CA --

N.B.: CA, in addition to being the postal abbreviation for the US state 
of California, is also the the two-letter country code for Canada. In an 
international forum such as this, confusion may result, especially as 
Legal in California and Legal in Canada are slightly different.

Re: Decimal ROUND_HALF_EVEN Default

2006-01-17 Thread Rocco Moretti
LordLaraby wrote:
 If 'bankers rounding' is HALF_ROUND_EVEN, what is HALF_ROUND_UP? I
 confess to never having heard the terms.

There was a Slashdot article on rounding a short while back:


Re: New Python.org website ?

2006-01-11 Thread Rocco Moretti
Roy Smith wrote:
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All I can say is, Wow!.  If nothing else, it will forever eliminate the 
 idea that the web site doesn't look professional.  It's almost *too* slick.

I agree with the too slick impression. The learn why pictures 
particularly unnerve me. It looks like a marketing team with a focus 
group got ahold of the website.

Great for reaching the PHB crowd. I'm not sure what J. Random Hacker 
will think though.

Re: Converting milliseconds to human amount of time

2006-01-09 Thread Rocco Moretti
Max wrote:
 Harlin Seritt wrote:
 How can I take a time given in milliseconds (I am doing this for an
 uptime script) and convert it to human-friendly time i.e. 4 days, 2
 hours, 25 minutes, 10 seonds.? Is there a function from the time
 module that can do this?


 Harlin Seritt

 seconds = millis / 1000 # obviously
 minutes = seconds / 60
 seconds %= 60
 hours = minutes / 60
 minutes %= 60
 days = hours / 24
 hours %= 24
 All this using integer division, of course. This is probably much more 
 verbose than the tersest soln, but it works (or should do - I haven't 
 tested it). It's not strictly accurate (from a scientific/UTC 
 perspective, as some minutes have 59 or 61 seconds rather than 60, but 
 it's probably the best you need.

You'd probably be helped by divmod:

Help on built-in function divmod in module __builtin__:

 divmod(x, y) - (div, mod)

 Return the tuple ((x-x%y)/y, x%y).  Invariant: div*y + mod == x.

  def humanize(milli):
sec, milli = divmod(milli, 1000)
min, sec = divmod(sec, 60)
hour, min = divmod(min, 60)
day, hour = divmod(hour, 24)
week, day = divmod(day, 7)
print week, weeks,, day, days,, hour, hours,, \
  min, minutes,, sec, seconds, and, \
   milli, milliseconds
return (week, day, hour, min, sec, milli)

2 weeks, 0 days, 6 hours, 56 minutes, 7 seconds, and 890 milliseconds
(2, 0, 6, 56, 7, 890)
  humanize(694861001.1) #Also works with floats!
1.0 weeks, 1.0 days, 1.0 hours, 1.0 minutes, 1.0 seconds, and 
1.1002384 milliseconds
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.100238418579)

Re: inline function call

2006-01-04 Thread Rocco Moretti
Riko Wichmann wrote:
 hi everyone,
 I'm googeling since some time, but can't find an answer - maybe because 
 the answer is 'No!'.
 Can I call a function in python inline, so that the python byte compiler 
 does actually call the function, but sort of inserts it where the inline 
 call is made? Therefore avoiding the function all overhead.

The cannonical answer is you probably don't need to do that.

If you're still set on inlining functions, take a look at bytecodehacks: 

Re: One-step multiples list generation?

2006-01-03 Thread Rocco Moretti
Rocco Moretti wrote:
 Damien Wyart wrote:
 * Efrat Regev [EMAIL PROTECTED] in comp.lang.python:

 Suppose I have some non-numerical Foo and would like to create a list
 of 20 Foo-s. Is there a one-step method (not a loop) of doing so?

 Maybe :

 [ Foo ] * 20

 or, more verbose,

 [ Foo for _ in range(20) ]

 If Foo is mutable, keep this in mind:
   a = [ [] ]*20 # A list of 20 empty lists
   print id(a[0]) == id(a[1])
   print a
 [[1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], 
 [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1]]
   b = [ [] for _ in range(20) ] # A list of 20 empty lists
   print id(b[0]) == id(b[1])
   print b
 [[1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], 
 [], [], []]

Oh, but also:

  Foo = []
  c = [ Foo for _ in range(20) ] # A list of 20 empty lists
  print id(c[0]) == id(c[1])
  print c
[[1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], 
[1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1]]

(The difference with the 'b' case is that a new list is created each 
time around, in the other cases, the same list is reused.

Re: One-step multiples list generation?

2006-01-03 Thread Rocco Moretti
Damien Wyart wrote:
 * Efrat Regev [EMAIL PROTECTED] in comp.lang.python:
Suppose I have some non-numerical Foo and would like to create a list
of 20 Foo-s. Is there a one-step method (not a loop) of doing so?
 Maybe :
 [ Foo ] * 20
 or, more verbose,
 [ Foo for _ in range(20) ]

If Foo is mutable, keep this in mind:

  a = [ [] ]*20 # A list of 20 empty lists
  print id(a[0]) == id(a[1])
  print a
[[1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], 
[1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1]]
  b = [ [] for _ in range(20) ] # A list of 20 empty lists
  print id(b[0]) == id(b[1])
  print b
[[1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], 
[], [], []]


Re: deal or no deal

2005-12-22 Thread Rocco Moretti
rbt wrote:

 The TV show on NBC in the USA running this week during primetime (Deal 
 or No Deal). I figure there are roughly 10, maybe 15 contestants. They 
 pick a briefcase that has between 1 penny and 1 million bucks and then 
 play this silly game where NBC tries to buy the briefcase from them 
 while amounts of money are taken away from the list of possibilities. 
 The contestant's hope is that they've picked a briefcase with a lot of 
 money and that when an amount is removed from the list that it is small 
 amount of money not a large amount (I categorize a large amount to be 
 more than 100,000)

Well, if the contestants' choices are truly random, and they stick with 
their first choice all the way to the end, each contestant wins, on 
average, $131 477.54 (sum(amounts)/len(amounts)).

Assuming that the buyout offer is always less than (or equal to) the 
average of the still-available amounts, NBC will (on average) never have 
to pay out more than ~$132k per contestant. Likely they'll pay out less, 
because most people will get nervous before the very end, and will take 
the low ball offer NBC is fronting.

What I would really like to know, is how they calculate the offer. 
Obviously, they set the upper limit at the average of the still standing 
offers, but I wonder if and how they take subsequent rounds into 
consideration. Is there a Monty Hall 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem) type consideration 
that needs to be taken into effect as cases are eliminated?

Re: Guido at Google

2005-12-21 Thread Rocco Moretti
Jack Diederich wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 01:36:42PM -0500, rbt wrote:
Alex Martelli wrote:

I don't think there was any official announcement, but it's true -- he
sits about 15 meters away from me;-).

For Americans: 15 meters is roughly 50 feet.
 Right, so that is about three and a half stone?

Stone is a measure of weight, not distance. (14 pounds, ~6.35 kg)

15 meters (150 decimeter, 1500 cm, etc ...)
590 inches
49 feet
16 yards
0.0093 miles
0.008 nautical miles
3 rods
0.075 furlongs
1800 barleycorns
147.63 hands
66 spans
33 cubits
13 ells
8.2 fathoms
75 links
0.75 chains
0.0027 leauges
0.03 li
0.081 stadia
4.8e-16 parsecs
1e-10 astronomical units
5e-8 lightseconds
2.8e11 Bohr radiuses
9.2e35 Plank lenghts

and probably most appropriately (being dutch):

1.5 roede

In other words a stone's throw away.

Re: Why and how there is only one way to do something?

2005-12-15 Thread Rocco Moretti
 Chris Mellon wrote:
Any time you want to write something in any way other than the obvious
way, ask yourself why? Is it more obvious *to you*, which is a good
reason as long as you're only writing code for yourself? Or is it just
to be different, or because you think it'll be faster, or just because
the slickness of it appeals to you?

 The point is again, obvious is not so obvious sometimes. You seem to
 be assuming that anyone that use style different from you is
 intentionally doing it and that your style would first come to their
 mind but they don't use it, for the sake of proving that they are

My take on it is that obvious is intended to be prescriptive, not 
descriptive. (Note that in the Zen it is phrased There *should* be 
) It describes what Python aspires to, not what it is. If the 
currently preferred method is not the one obvious way, steps should be 
taken to make the preferred way the obvious way (i.e. the way that you 
reach for first, when you want to do it).

Keep in mind that the Zen was written at a time when there was a certain 
amount of Perl vs. Python deathmatch feeling in the air. That line in 
the Zen was a reaction to Perl's There's more than one way to do it 

Perl took the view that flexibility was a virtue to be praised above all 
others, and allows and encourages (or at least used to) different ways 
of doing things. I don't think a syntactic construct was excluded from 
Perl for the sole reason well, we already can do that with this 
construct ...

Python, in part due to a backlash to the Perl philosophy, emphasized 
clarity and readability. There are *many* constructs which have been 
excluded from Python just because they weren't any clearer than what is 
already in the language. (Once a language is Turing complete, anything 
you can program a computer to do, you can use that language to do. There 
is no guarantee that it's short or pretty, though.) That's what the one 
obvious way refers to - the clearest, most readable way of expressing 
what you want to accomplish.

In this obviousness, there is (often) little consideration for what 
other languages you previously might have used, or might be trying to 
drag idioms from. As an absurd analogy, if you were born and grew up in 
a country with a crazed totalitarian leader who, under penalty of death, 
made you turn around three times while hopping and whistling the 
national anthem before you sat down for dinner, it might be obvious to 
you that one must turn around three times, hopping and whistling before 
sitting down for dinner. However, if you move out of that country to, 
say, the Netherlands, for instance, you no longer need to 
hop-whistle-turn, and your new countrymen will look at you strangely if 
you do. That's not to say you can't hop-whistle-turn if the fancy 
strikes you, but in any practical setting, people will expect you do the 
simple, obvious thing -- just sit.

BTW. People who are quick to bring up the Zen (and I'm as guilty as 
others at times) should also keep in mind that the Zen is found under 
the *humor* section of the Python website. It's not an actual design 
document, it's just a surprisingly intuitive description of Python's nature.

Re: How to find the type ...

2005-12-09 Thread Rocco Moretti
thisisastring = 1
thisisanint = 1
 type 'str'
 type 'int'
thisisastring = int(thisisastring)
thisisanint = str(thisisanint)
 type 'int'
 type 'str'

  print repr(thisisastring)
  print repr(thisisanint)
  thisisastring = 'a'
  thisisanint = 98
  thisisastring = ord(thisisastring) #Using ASCII rep.
  thisisanint = chr(thisisanint)
type 'int'
type 'str'
  print repr(thisisastring)
  print repr(thisisanint)


Re: Bitching about the documentation...

2005-12-08 Thread Rocco Moretti
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Rocco Moretti wrote:
Insert punctuation  capitalization to make the following a correct and
coherent (if not a little tourtured).

fred where guido had had had had had had had had had had had a better
effect on the reader
 punctuation, including quote marks, I presume?

Quote marks are acceptable, but no more than two words are inside each set.






The accepted way to do it is:

Fred, where Guido had had had, had had had had. Had had had had a 
better effect on the reader.

meaning approximately

In the place where Guido previously put the word had, Fred had 
previously put the phrase had had. Fred's choice of phrasing was more 
appreciated by the reder.

Re: Documentation suggestions

2005-12-07 Thread Rocco Moretti
A.M. Kuchling wrote:

 There's another struggle within the LibRef: is it a reference or a
 tutorial?  Does it list methods in alphabetical order so you can look
 them up, or does it list them in a pedagogically useful order?  I
 think it has to be a reference; if each section were to be a tutorial,
 the manual would be huge.  Here I think the solution is to encourage
 separate tutorials and HOWTOs, and link to them from the LibRef.

I actually like the conversational, tutorial style the current LibRef 
has -- in fact I consider that style one of the Python Docs strengths.

All too often I see manuals that consist of only fuction by fuction  
class by class breakdowns. That's fine if the module is just a 
collection of independant functions, but falls short whenever you want 
to use multiple functions  classes in a module together. Function by 
function documentation tends to ignore the big picture, how all the 
functions  classes work together, and the philosophy behind their use. 
*That's* what I feel it is important to document - if I want to know 
parameters, return values and side-effects, I'll just look at the doc 

Certainly you could go for the User Manual/Reference Manual dichotomy, 
but in my experience, the User Manual tends to get short shrift - the 
experts writing it tend to think that it's just for n00bs, and leave 
out the complex and esoteric items, thinking that the Reference Manual 
suffices. Unfortunately, the background and philosophy are needed *more* 
for the complex/esoteric functions than for the simple ones, merely 
because you're less likely to understand them from a takes a,b,c, sets 
the froz flag, and returns x,y,z type description.

And to expand on what Michael Spencer said, a lot of the time when I'm 
digging throught the LibRef, I'm looking for a module that'll help me do 
'X'. Most of the Reference Manuals I've seen tend to assume you know 
what fuction you're looking for, and don't give you any direction in the 
forest of function descriptions. With the current tone/level and 
categorical grouping of the LibRef, it's easy to browse through and look 
for things that might help (at least easier than it would be with, say, 
a strict alphabetical list).

Re: Bitching about the documentation...

2005-12-07 Thread Rocco Moretti

One of my favourite examples of obfuscated English is this grammatically
correct sentence:

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
 The punctuation is important. 

Reminds me of this old classic:

Insert punctuation  capitalization to make the following a correct and 
coherent (if not a little tourtured).

fred where guido had had had had had had had had had had had a better 
effect on the reader

Re: python university search

2005-12-05 Thread Rocco Moretti
josh wrote:
 i am interested in doing an undergraduate major in computer science
 that mainly focuses on python as a programming language..

It's your life, so you can live it as you choose, but I think you're 
missing the point of an undergraduate education if you focus too much on 
  Python programming at this point.

Undergraduate education is (should be) about breadth. Python has a place 
there, but it isn't the be-all, end-all. There are some concepts for 
which Python isn't well suited in teaching (functional programing, logic 
programing, operating system programing, etc.). I'd hope that you go to 
a high-quality University that understands this, and teaches *concepts*, 
not programing languages.

In the long run, it will (likely) be better for you to go to a 
University where they don't even use Python, but solidly teach concepts, 
rather than one that's so into Python that they neglect topics that are 
taught poorly in Python.

Even if you never use Python as an undergraduate, if you have a good 
grounding in the fundamental concepts, it should be (relatively) easy 
for you to take what you've learned in (scheme/ML/prolog/assembly/forth) 
and apply it to Python. You'll have plenty of time to specialize on 
Python as a graduate student/young professional.

Just my two cents.

Re: General question about Python design goals

2005-12-01 Thread Rocco Moretti
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Rick Wotnaz wrote:
I'm sure Antoon wouldn't object if lists were to be allowed as
dictionary keys, which would eliminate the multiple castings for
that situation. I wouldn't, either.
 so what algorithm do you suggest for the new dictionary im-

devil's_advocate One option is to create a new frozen list type, a` 
la frozen sets.

People who argue that frozen list is not needed because we already 
have the tuple type, while simultaneously arguing that tuples shouldn't 
grow list methods because they are conceptually different from lists 
will be bludgeoned to death with a paradox. :)  /devil's_advocate

Re: General question about Python design goals

2005-12-01 Thread Rocco Moretti
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Rocco Moretti wrote:
I'm sure Antoon wouldn't object if lists were to be allowed as
dictionary keys, which would eliminate the multiple castings for
that situation. I wouldn't, either.

so what algorithm do you suggest for the new dictionary im-

devil's_advocate One option is to create a new frozen list type, a`
la frozen sets.
 doesn't frozenset make a copy?

As does the current cast as tuple technique. (I'm certainly not 
advocating it, but ...) Certain implementations of frozen list could 
possibly do the list-frozenlist conversion without a copy. (e.g. by 
flipping an immutable bit)

 This PEP describes a simple protocol for requesting a frozen,
 immutable copy of a mutable object. 

Perhaps Barry has been borrowing Guido's time machine?

Re: Which License Should I Use?

2005-11-28 Thread Rocco Moretti
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 25 Nov 2005 11:30:46 -0800, mojosam wrote:
I guess I don't care too much about how other people use it.
 Then probably the best licence to use is just to follow the lead of
 Python. For that sort of small program of limited value, I put something
 like this in the code:
 Copyright (c) 2005 Steven D'Aprano.
 Released under the same license as used by Python 2.3.2 itself. 
 See http://www.python.org/psf/license.html for details, and 
 http://www.python.org/2.3.2/license.html for the full text of the license.

Gaak! No! The Python license you point to contains horrible amounts of 
cruft due to the ownership ping-pong game. (And just using the hyperlink 
like you did leaves it vauge as to who is doing the liscensing - Steven 
D'Aprano? the PSF? BeOpen? CNRI? Stichting Mathematisch Centrum?) As I 
understand it, the PSF's official position is that the Python license 
(even just the top most one) is not appropriate for any program besides 
Python itself.


Note that the Python license is not even appropriate for third party 
code that's intended to be contributed to the Python standard library or 

If you want a like Python license, try the MIT or new-BSD license 

Re: Which License Should I Use?

2005-11-28 Thread Rocco Moretti
mojosam wrote:
 I've been watching the flame war about licenses with some interest.
 There are many motivations for those who participate in this sector, so
 disagreements over licenses reflect those agendas.

One point that frequently gets ignored in licensing debates:

The value of a license is directly proportional to the amount of time, 
effort, and money you are willing to spend enforcing it.

It doesn't matter how fancy the legal wording is - it is up to you, as 
the copyright holder, to bring legal action against infringers (or at 
least send a cease-and-desist letter). If you're not going to bother, 
any and all clauses in the license, no matter how artfully crafted, 
won't do you any (legal) good. People using your program are left acting 
on the honor system. Which may be just fine - but you don't need a 
fancy, legalistic license to accomplish that.

Re: [Fwd: Re: hex string to hex value]

2005-11-22 Thread Rocco Moretti
tim wrote:
 ok, but if i do
 I end up with 66 again, back where I started, a decimal, right?
 I want to end up with 0x42 as being a hex value, not a string, so i can 
 pas it as an argument to a function that needs a hex value.
 (i am trying to replace the 0x42 in the line  midi.note_off(channel=0, 
 note=0x42) with a variable)

  note = 0x42
  print note
  note is 66

There is no such thing as a hex value- only hex *representations* of a 

midi.note_off() doesn't take a hex value, it takes an integer, and, 
for whatever reason, it happens to be listed in your example in a 
hexidecimal representation.

Re: Proposal for adding symbols within Python

2005-11-16 Thread Rocco Moretti
Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
 Rocco Moretti a écrit :

I did, but I still don't see why it is an argument against using
strings. The point you may not appreciate is that (C)Python already uses
strings to represent names, as an important part of its introspective

 Well, I'm well aware of that, but I'm also well aware that's (as you
 said yourself) specific to C-Python, so can just *cannot* rely on
 strings being used as symbols in the language. 

It's true that a different implementation of Python may use a different 
internal storage system for names, but as long as the semantics are the 
same as CPython, it really doesn't doesn't matter what the internal 
storage is.  That is to say, as long as the other implementation of 
Python has __getattr__ and __dict__, you can use strings to represent 
names, regardless of how the interpreter stores them internally.

 The point is, why don't provide the programmer to express just what he
 needs (that is, some symbolic value like opened, blocked, ...) and
 let the interpreter use whatever he think is more efficient for him ?

It's just that, for the current interpreters and usage of symbol-like 
construct, the efficiency gained by the interpreter choosing how to 
represent symbols is probably *far* outweighed by the inefficiency and 
hassle of implementing and maintaining the symbol syntax in the existing 

Besides, have the programmer specify intent, and allow the interpreter 
to substitute a more efficient implementation on the off chance that 
interpreter can or wants to doesn't have much cache in the Python 
community.(1) The interpreter could get more efficiency if it knew a 
list was fixed length, or contained only ints, or knew that a for loop 
was looping over consecutive integers, instead of a random list. But 
despite the possibility that there might exist, at some time in the 
future, a Python interpreter which *might* optimize such things, we 
haven't thrown in variable declarations or integer loop syntaxes yet.

As I've mentioned before, the key to getting feature put into the 
language is compelling use cases. Find a (non-hypothetical) Python 
program or library which would be improved by addition of insert your 
chosen feature here, and where the existing alternatives are 
inadequate. Lacking that, any attempt to get a feature into the language 
is an uphill battle.

 But why say a name is a
 *string* when it is just an implementation detail ??? Isn't Python
 mainly about allowing the programmer to concentrate on important stuff ?

One could flip it around and say that names *not* being strings are an 
implementation detail - after all, what is a name in your source code, 
besides just a string of ASCII characters? Having just names and strings 
simplifies things as well - you have only two items to convert between, 
as opposed to three items (names, symbols and strings).


(1) The future of Python seems to be towards the PyPy way, where the 
interpreter will analyze your code, and automagically determine the most 
efficient implementation for your particular use case.

Re: is parameter an iterable?

2005-11-15 Thread Rocco Moretti
marduk wrote:
 On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 11:01 -0800, py wrote:
I have function which takes an argument.  My code needs that argument
to be an iterable (something i can loop over)...so I dont care if its a
list, tuple, etc.  So I need a way to make sure that the argument is an
iterable before using it.  I know I could do...

def foo(inputVal):
if isinstance(inputVal, (list, tuple)):
for val in inputVal:
# do stuff

...however I want to cover any iterable since i just need to loop over

any suggestions?
 You could probably get away with 
 if hasattr(inputVal, '__getitem__')

No, you probably couldn't.

  def g(s):
for i in xrange(s):
yield i+s

  m = g(5)
  hasattr(m, '__getitem__')

I'd do something like:

def foo(inputVal):
iter(inputVal) # Can you change it into an interator?
 except TypeError:
 # Return Error Code
 for val in inputVal:
 # do stuff

Again, you'll have to be careful about strings.

Re: Proposal for adding symbols within Python

2005-11-15 Thread Rocco Moretti
Björn Lindström wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Why does the byte string \x6f\x70\x65\x6e\x65\x64 have intrinsic
meaning when the int 0 doesn't? It certainly doesn't mean anything to
non-English speakers.

If all you want is human readable byte strings, then just use them:

class MyFile:
def open(self):
self.state = opened
def close(self):
self.state = closed
 So, I guess no one read my explanation of why this an issue about more
 than implementing enums (which is fairly trivial, as we have seen).

I did, but I still don't see why it is an argument against using 
strings. The point you may not appreciate is that (C)Python already uses 
strings to represent names, as an important part of its introspective 

  import dis
  def f():

   2   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (module)
   3 LOAD_ATTR1 (klass)
   6 LOAD_ATTR2 (method)
  12 POP_TOP
  13 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
('module', 'klass', 'method')
  type(f.func_code.co_names[1]) is type('a')

I'll let you dig through the interpreter source to convince yourself 
that, indeed, the names module, klass, and method are stored internally 
as true python strings. The same holds for other namespaces - the names 
are stored as real python strings, in a real python dictionary.

  class c:
def foo(self):
def bar(self):
def baz(self):

  type(c.__dict__) is type({})
['baz', '__module__', 'foo', 'bar', '__doc__']
  type(c.__dict__.keys()[0]) is type('a')

P.S. This may change for other implementations of Python, but the fact 
remains - there is less difference between names and strings than you 
may first think.

Re: Proposal for adding symbols within Python

2005-11-14 Thread Rocco Moretti
Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
 Please, note that I am entirely open for every points on this proposal
 (which I do not dare yet to call PEP).

I still don't see why you can't just use strings. The only two issues I 
see you might have with them are a) two identical strings might not be 
identical by id(), b) they aren't local in scope.

The objection a) is minor. One, all of your examples use equality for 
testing already, and two, short strings are interned and identical in 
most cases anyway  (they only differ if you go to lengths to create 
them, or they aren't sufficiently variable like) - at most you would 
have to standardize the rules.

The objection b) is a little harder to dismiss. But I'm not sure if 
you've completely thought what it means for a symbol to be local to a 
module. What happens when you assign a variable containing a symbol to 
a variable in another module? For that matter, what does it mean to be 
in a module. Which module is a class instance (and associated sybols) 
in if the class is defined in one module, instantiated in another, and 
then passed as a return value to a third? What about from ... imports? 
If you need a symbol from another class what's the mechanism of 
obtaining it? Can you import symbols? Since you advocate storing symbols 
internally as integers, I suppose you would have a program-global table 
to keep symbols from different modules from having the same internal 
representation. How do you pickle a symbol and have it go to a different 
Python program, which may have a massive symbol table of it's own?

It's been said before, and I'll say it again - the key to successful 
Python language changes is compelling use cases. Find an existing Python 
program or library (the stdlib is best) which would be markedly improved 
by your language change. Not only will Guido be more likely to be 
convinced, but what you're proposing will likely be clearer to everyone 
else, if it's grounded in practical use cases.

Re: [OT] Map of email origins to Python list

2005-11-07 Thread Rocco Moretti
Paul McGuire wrote:
 Claire McLister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   We've been working with Google Maps, and have created a web service to
 map origins of emails to a group. As a trial, we've developed a map of
 emails to this group at:
   This represents emails sent to the group since October 27.
   Would like to hear what you think of it.
 Another sleepless camera pointed at the fishbowl that is my online life.

It's also a testament to the limited value of physically locating people 
by internet addresses - If you zoom in on the San Fransico bay area, and 
click on the southern most bubble (south of San Jose), you'll see the 
entry for the Mountain View postal code (94043) - a massive list which 
contains mostly gmail.com accounts, but also contains accounts with .de 
.ca .uk .pl .it .tw and .za domains. I doubt all of the people in that 
list live in sunny California, let alone in Mountain View proper.

Re: Map of email origins to Python list

2005-11-07 Thread Rocco Moretti
 Rocco Moretti wrote:

It's also a testament to the limited value of physically locating people
by internet addresses - If you zoom in on the San Fransico bay area, and
click on the southern most bubble (south of San Jose), you'll see the
entry for the Mountain View postal code (94043) - a massive list which
contains mostly gmail.com accounts, but also contains accounts with .de
.ca .uk .pl .it .tw and .za domains. I doubt all of the people in that
list live in sunny California, let alone in Mountain View proper.
 North of that bubble is a second massive list also labeled Mountain
 94043. I found my name on that list and I live in the Chicago area.
 Moutain View is, perhaps, where aol.com is located? These bubbles are
 showing the location of the server that's registered under the domain

Actually, it looks like they are the *same* list. I haven't gone through 
all of the names, but I spot checked a few, and it looks like yours, 
among others, are listed in both spots. (The southern one looks like it 
is a mislocated duplicate, as it is nowhere close to Mountain View, and 
is stuck in the middle of a golf course.)


Re: I Need Motivation Part 2

2005-11-04 Thread Rocco Moretti
 i m losing my motivation with python because there are sooo many 
 modules, that i cant just learn them all, 

As other's have said, don't bother.

If you ever need to use a module that you don't know, just go to 
http://docs.python.org/lib/lib.html (easily accessable from the 
Documentation link on the Python Home page), or a local copy, and 
scrounge around.

I might suggest skimming it once, to see what is possible, but it isn't 
nessasary to learn it. -- Knowing that there is a Python module in the 
standard library to do CSV/Date manipulation/MD5/etc is sufficient. You 
don't even need to know what the module is called - a minute skimming 
the TOC will point you in the right direction.

Re: Python's website does a great disservice to the language

2005-11-03 Thread Rocco Moretti
Alex Martelli wrote:
 The Eternal Squire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
2)  Consider what he really wants for a supervisor of software
engineers.   Ideally such a person should be a software engineer with
at least 3 times the experience of the most junior member.  Such a
 I like the general idea but not your formula.  If the most junior team
 member was 1 month out of school, would it really be OK for the
 supervisor to be somebody who graduated 3 months ago?-)

FWIW, when I read it, I took experience as a semi-qualitative measure, 
more than just time since graduation.

Hence someone out of school only three months could have more 
experience, than someone who has worked for ten years, if the recent 
grad has been heavily involved in pre-graduation projects (e.g. open 
source), or if the ten-year veteran has done nothing constructive with 
his time, besides raking in a paycheck.

Re: Suggestion for (re)try statement

2005-11-02 Thread Rocco Moretti
Sori Schwimmer wrote:
 0) Sorry, I don't know how to post a reply in the same

Usually it is simply hitting the Reply button/link/key combination on 
your mail/news reader when the post you want to reply to in view. (If 
you want reply to multiple people, you can always reply to the original 
post, or reply to one, and just treat the topics from all of them.)

 2) Rocco Morreti wrote:

First off, let me say that my message wasn't meant to scare you off - it 
was constructive criticism, appraising you of what would be necessary if 
you actually want the construct in the language. If you're just shooting 
the breeze/navel gazing, I apologize for harshing your cool.

What is so repugnant about the equivalent, currently
valid way of writing it?
 Nothing repugnant. 

Repugnant was probably too strong a word. The point I was trying to 
make was: If you want such a construct added to the language, you need 
to justify all the hassle  effort of introducing the new syntax. Given 
that there is a way to accomplish the same thing now, you would need to 
show that your way is not just as good, but better than the current way.

 It's all about convenience, not about
 getting to bare bone equivalents.

Nothing wrong with convenience - you just have to show that the 
convenience would be used often enough to justify the hassle. It'd be 
awfully convenient to have a passenger jet parked in your garage - but 
you probably wouldn't use it frequently enough to justify the expense of 
maintaining, fueling, and licensing it.

 And remember - your goal isn't ultimately to
 convince me or someother 
 person on comp.lang.python, it's to convince Guido
 I'm not trying to convince anybody. In the democratic
 state-of-mind in which I live, the idea will be taken
 in consideration if it is found useful by many, not by
 one, even if the one is the almighty Guido. 

My comment made with the assumption that you were trying to actively 
promote the construct, rather than floating it as a trial balloon. I was 
aiming at keeping you from getting annoyed later on when your petition 
with hundreds of signatures gets shot down by Guido. Despite your 
state-of-mind, in practicality, Python is not a democracy - language 
constructs live or die by the will of Guido. If you actually want the 
construct in the language, a comp.lang.python plebiscite isn't going to 
do it - you'll need to convince the BDFL that it's a good idea. Now, 
Guido isn't totally ambivalent to the masses - if a large number of 
people are for it, there's a good chance Guido will be for it too. But 
you're not aiming for a popularity contest - what'll convince people 
(including Guido) is good arguments as to *why this construct is better 
than what we have now,* and *why it will be worth the hassle of 
implementing and maintaining it*.

Re: Python's website does a great disservice to the language

2005-11-01 Thread Rocco Moretti
 So the first thing you do when you go to a web page is to google if
 they are going to redesign it?

I think the implication was The first thing to do before *suggesting 
that a redesign is nessasary* is to Google to see if such a redesign is 
taking place.

Re: Suggestion for (re)try statement

2005-10-28 Thread Rocco Moretti
Sori Schwimmer wrote:
 I think that would be useful to have an improved
 version of the try statement, as follows:
   # things to try
   # what to do if failed
 and having the following semantic:
 for i in range(retrys):
 # things to try
 if i  retrys:
   i += 1
   # what to do if failed

The gold standard for language syntax changes is compelling use cases 
- if introduced, how often will the construct be used? Is there a python 
program out there (preferably in the standard library) which would be 
*markedly* improved by the change? What is so repugnant about the 
equivalent, currently valid way of writing it? -- Hypothetical and 
theoretical arguments don't carry much weight in the Python community 
(Practicality beats purity and all that.)

And remember - your goal isn't ultimately to convince me or someother 
person on comp.lang.python, it's to convince Guido.

Re: Yes, this is a python question, and a serious one at that (moving to Win XP)

2005-10-20 Thread Rocco Moretti
James Stroud wrote:

 I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Windows, the reasons for 
 such should be explicitly described, and not left to interpretation.

I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Linux ...
I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Mac ...
I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Ruby ...
I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Firefox ...
I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Waxed Dental Floss ...

People should not feel *required* to justify their decisions to c.l.py, 
especially if they are not trying to evangelize that choice. (FWIW, even 
from the original post it's very apparent that he's dissuading people 
from joining him.)

It is true that giving the reasons for a choice will help responders put 
some perspective on it, and perhaps prompt a few alternatives, but 
c.l.py is not your mother, and shouldn't require you to justify the 
validity of your lifestyle to it.

Re: Very dumb question

2005-10-12 Thread Rocco Moretti
Laszlo Zsolt Nagy wrote:
 Laszlo Zsolt Nagy wrote:
 I have a program with this code fragment:

print len(data)
print data[:50]
raise SystemExit

 This prints:


 But if I change 50 to 51

print len(data)
print data[:51]
raise SystemExit

 then it prints


 After all, only the last 50 bytes are printed. The string is the same 
 (length 20381) in both cases.

 Hmm, I checked on Windows now and it is working. But it is bad on 
 FreeBSD/Python 2.4.1
 Very strange. len(data[:100]) returns 100, but if I try to print it, 
 only the first 50 characters printed.

Is 'data' a Unicode string, or do you have some terminal control 
charachters in the string? Most printable ASCII charachters are between 
32 and 126. What does this print?:

print [i for (i,c) in enumerate(data) if not (32 = ord(c) = 126)]

Re: When someone from Britain speaks, Americans hear a Britishaccent...

2005-10-10 Thread Rocco Moretti
Duncan Smith wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
There are special rules for the monarchs, who are expected to refer to
themselves in the first person plural.

 Yes, although I'm not actually sure where the 'royal we' comes from; 

I was under the (probably misinformed) impression that since the 
King/Queen is the representative of the entire nation, they use the 
first person plural, because when they speak they speak for the all the 
(multiple) people in the land. I'm unaware of what term a monarch uses 
in a private, rather than public, context. (Never having had the 
opportunity to drink a pint with Lizzie, Chuck, and Cammie. :)

Re: When someone from Britain speaks, Americans hear a British accent...

2005-10-07 Thread Rocco Moretti
Steve Holden wrote:

 On Fri, 07 Oct 2005 00:33:43 -, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 For example: In British English one uses a plural verb when the
 subject consists of more than one person.  Sports teams,
 government departments, states, corporations etc. are grammatically 
 plural.  In American, the verb agrees with the
 word that is the subject, not how many people are denoted by
 that word.
 There aren't any universal rules, except possibly British people speak 
 English while Americans don't. 

I believe you overgeneralize. :)

A Welshman would likely be offended if you implied he spoke English, and 
the Scots are notorious for only speaking English when they have too. (I 
remember a news story some years back about a Scottish lad who was 
fined/imprisoned for replying to an official court representative with 
Aye rather than Yes.) For that matter there are plenty of people in 
Cornwall and even in London (Cockney) who speak something that is only 
called English for lack of a better term.


Re: Reply-To header

2005-10-03 Thread Rocco Moretti
Roel Schroeven wrote:
 Peter Decker wrote:
On 10/3/05, Roel Schroeven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On lists like this, where everyone benefits by sharing information, it
seems pretty lame to hide behind purist arguments about Reply-To:
headers. The default behavior should be the one most useful to the
list. Think for a moment how many useful bits of information you've
missed because the default for this list it to make conversations
 The default of this list is not to make conversations private; in fact
 the list doesn't have any default. It's you who chooses to send replies
 to the original author, to the list, or both, by choosing which button
 to press in your mail client.

It's a sad but unavoidable fact that most people, in the regular course 
of emailing, never use (nor have reason to use) the reply to all 
button. In any normal email exchange, hitting the reply button does 
what you want it to. As a consequence of this, a large portion of the 
e-mail using public never thinks to do more than hit the reply button. 
It's great that *you* and *I* are technically savvy enough to hit the 
reply all/list button when needed, but the other people on the list 
might not be. I've seen mailing lists reduced to near uselessness 
because of it: you get people posting questions to the list, but no 
replies, because all of the people replying are responding by pressing 
reply and sending private messages.

FWIW, I use the newsgroup version of this list, and the reply button 
on my mail/newsreader does what I want it too - reply to the list only. 
(I hate getting an additional personal email for a publicly posted response)

Re: Will python never intend to support private, protected and public?

2005-09-30 Thread Rocco Moretti
Antoon Pardon wrote:

What if the class author removes a non-private variable or changes a 
method's documented parameters in the next version of the class, because 
he think it'll work better, or just because he can?
 Changing an interface is different from changing the implementation.
  A (documented) interface is like a contract. The implementation is
  just one way to follow that contract.

Agreed. However, there is also a difference between an interface and 
non-private variables.

E.g. you have a library, and playing with the code, you notice that by 
passing an empty string as a filename, you get the last file accessed. 
Cool. You write your program using this feature. Problem is, it's a 
quirk of the implementation, and in the next version, the library author 
fixes this bug. Preventing access to private variables wouldn't help - 
the only thing you touched was the public parameter to a public function.

Of course, you could have avoided this by only using the documented 
interface, but if we go that route, you wouldn't have to worry about 
people accessing private variables, as they wouldn't be documented.

There is little in the way of technical problems that are solved by 
language level enforcement of private variables. The issues in question 
are mostly social ones, and if you're not reading and following the 
documented interface, stopping private variable access is not going to 
prevent most of your problems.

 People who think that forbidding access to private variables/methods 
 will save themselves from upgrade woes are deluding themselves.
 It helps, just as locks wont save you from burglars if they really
 want to rob you, but the locks do help.

Right, but like doors that automatically lock when they close, items 
which are there to protect you can be a nusaince, especially when you've 
left your keys on the dining room table.

Re: Will python never intend to support private, protected and public?

2005-09-30 Thread Rocco Moretti
Paul Rubin wrote:

 I don't know of a single program that's actually relying on the
 non-enforcement.  I've asked for examples but have only gotten
 theoretical ones.  As far as I can tell, the feature is useless.

I'd like to turn the question around on you - can you come up with an 
instance where the non-enforcement has tripped someone up? Is there a 
bug you can point to that would have been prevented if Python enforced 
private member semantics?

Re: [Info] PEP 308 accepted - new conditional expressions

2005-09-30 Thread Rocco Moretti
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 after Guido's pronouncement yesterday, in one of the next versions of Python
 there will be a conditional expression with the following syntax:
 X if C else Y

Any word on chaining?

That is, what would happen with the following constructs:

A if B else C if D else F
A if B if C else D else F

The first one is the tricky bit - it could be either

(A if B else C) if D else F
A if B else (C if D else F)

I'd expect the former from left- right semantics, but reading the 
unparenthesized form, I'd see A if B else ... note that B is true, and 
conclude the expression evaluated to A (which would be wrong if D is false).

Re: Will python never intend to support private, protected and public?

2005-09-29 Thread Rocco Moretti
 On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 00:16:02 +1000
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Say you have written a class, with a private variable. I decide that I
need access to that variable, for reasons you never foresaw.
 What if the access to that variable was forbidden for reasons you never
 foresaw? What if the class author decide to remove the variable in the next
 version of the class, because it's not an interface, but only a part of the
 class implementation?

What if the class author removes a non-private variable or changes a 
method's documented parameters in the next version of the class, because 
he think it'll work better, or just because he can?

People who think that forbidding access to private variables/methods 
will save themselves from upgrade woes are deluding themselves.

Re: A rather unpythonic way of doing things

2005-09-29 Thread Rocco Moretti
fraca7 wrote:
 Richie Hindle a écrit :



 Yuma Valley Agricultural Center?
 Yaak Valley Forest Council?

 I went through the same process.  My guess is Yes, Very F'ing Clever.

 print ''.join(map(lambda x: chrord(x) - ord('a')) + 13) % 26) + 
 ord('a')), 'yvfc'))

Less pythonic:

__import__('sys').stdout.write(''.join(map(lambda x: chrord(x) - 
ord('a')) + 13) % 26) + ord('a')), 'yvfc'))

More Pythonic:

print 'yvfc'.decode('rot13')

Re: How to tell if an exception has been caught ( from inside the exception )?

2005-09-22 Thread Rocco Moretti
Paul Dale wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I'm writing an exception that will open a trouble ticket for certain 
 events. Things like network failure. I thought I would like to have it 
 only open a ticket if the exception is not caught. Is there a way to do 
 this inside the Exception? As far as I can see there are only two events 
 called on the exception, __init__ and __del__, both of which will be 
 called wether or not an exception is caught (right?)
 Am I missing something, or is there a way to do this with exceptions?

Is there some reason you can't wrap your entry point with a try:except?


if __name__ == __main__:
 except OpenTicket, e:

Re: Indexed variables

2005-09-22 Thread Rocco Moretti

 So how do I define the function such as to discrimate wheter I call it by 
 f(a1) or f(a2) ?

I don't want to sound rude, but I think you'll be better served by 
telling us why you would want to do such a thing - ten to one someone 
can suggest a better way to acomplish you end goal, rather than 
discriminating on which variable is passed to a function.

Re: Removing duplicates from a list

2005-09-14 Thread Rocco Moretti
Rubinho wrote:

 I can't imagine one being much faster than the other except in the case
 of a huge list and mine's going to typically have less than 1000

To add to what others said, I'd imagine that the technique that's going 
to be fastest is going to depend not only on the length of the list, but 
also the estimated redundancy. (i.e. a technique that gives good 
performance with a list that has only one or two elements duplicated 
might be painfully slow when there is 10-100 copies of each element.)

There really is no substitute for profiling with representitive data sets.

Re: Software bugs aren't inevitable

2005-09-14 Thread Rocco Moretti
Terry Reedy wrote:

 But that, I admit, would be an invalid conclusion.  And that, I claim, is 
 also invalid when 'iteration' and 'recursion' are reversed, no matter how 
 often repeated in texts and articles.  The difference is between the 
 algorithms, not the differing syntactic expressions thereof.

There is a comparison in there about iteration vs. recursion, but it's 
probably not the one intended.

The algorithm one uses sometimes depends quite heavily on which mindset 
you're using. Some algorithms require much more mental effort to 
understand when in their recursive form versus the iterative form, and 
vice versa. If you're stuck thinking in only one form, you might miss 
the better algorithm because it is not as simple in that form.

The ideal case would be a programming language that allows you to write 
the algorithm in whatever form is simplest/most comfortable, and then 
automagically transforms it to the form that works the fastest under the 

Re: Replacement for lambda - 'def' as an expression?

2005-09-06 Thread Rocco Moretti
 On Tue, 06 Sep 2005 12:19:21 +0200
 Torsten Bronger wrote:
talin at acm dot org [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Anyway, here's an example, then, of how 'def' could be used:

add = def( a, b ):
   return a + b

I'm really not an expert in functional programming, so I wonder
what's the difference between add = def (assumed that it worked)
and def add?
 In the former case one could write
 self.add[0] = def(a, b)
 # etc.

If that's the issue, it might make more sense to extend def to take any 

 def self.add[0](a, b):
 return a + b

Re: 'isa' keyword

2005-09-05 Thread Rocco Moretti
Colin J. Williams wrote:
 Rocco Moretti wrote:
 Terry Hancock wrote:

 On Thursday 01 September 2005 07:28 am, Fuzzyman wrote:

 What's the difference between this and ``isinstance`` ?

 I must confess that an isa operator sounds like it would
 have been slightly nicer syntax than the isinstance() built-in
 function. But not enough nicer to change, IMHO.

 Especially conidering that checking parameters with isinstance is 
 considered bad form with Python's duck typing.
 Could you elaborate on that please?

I'm not sure if you're familiar with duck typing or not, so I'll 
summarize it briefly. (More detail can be found by others in the c.l.py 

Duck typing takes its name from the expression If it looks like a 
duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. That is, 
the essence of an object is not its provenance, but its behaviour. This 
arises in part from Python being dynamically typed - you don't have to 
match the type of an object in order to pass it as a parameter.

For example, say you had a function:

def fun(alist):
 for item in alist:

The intended use of the function is for it to be passed a list, but you 
don't have to pass a list - it works just fine with a tuple, an 
iterator, a generator, a file object, a dictionary, or in fact any user 
defined class - all that's needed is for an appropriately defined 
__iter__ or __getitem__ member.

Now if you use isinstance, you mess that up:

def boring(alist):
 if isinstance(alist, list):
 for item in alist:
 raise TypeError

This will only work with a bona fide list, and choke on the other 
objects - even objects intended by the programmer to act like a list.

Python functions are much more flexible if you don't go checking if an 
object is of a particular type. It makes things like using proxies, 
wrappers and mock objects much easier.

Best practices in Python call for using a parameter and catching when it 
doesn't behave properly, not prophylactically checking types. Python 
programmers can go months to years without using isinstance. It doesn't 
make sense to make it any easier.

P.S. In the OP's case, where it was desired to distinguish between being 
passed a string and being passed a list of strings, the approach used is 
probably sub-optimal. It would likely be better to have the function 
always take a list, and convert all the fun('string') calls to 
fun(['string']) calls.

Re: 'isa' keyword

2005-09-02 Thread Rocco Moretti
Terry Hancock wrote:
 On Thursday 01 September 2005 07:28 am, Fuzzyman wrote:
What's the difference between this and ``isinstance`` ?
 I must confess that an isa operator sounds like it would
 have been slightly nicer syntax than the isinstance() built-in
 function. But not enough nicer to change, IMHO.

Especially conidering that checking parameters with isinstance is 
considered bad form with Python's duck typing.

Re: OpenSource documentation problems

2005-09-01 Thread Rocco Moretti
Steve Holden wrote:

 Every page of the docs links to About this document, which contains 
 the following: If you are able to provide suggested text, either to 
 replace existing incorrect or unclear material, or additional text to 
 supplement what's already available, we'd appreciate the contribution. 
 There's no need to worry about text markup; our documentation team will 
 gladly take care of that.

There is just one giant roadblock to that suggestion - Sourceforge 
requires a login to post bugs/patches.

It doesn't seem like much, but as Paul Rubin mentioned, most people who 
find bugs/unclear passages in the docs aren't scanning the docs 
explicitly to edit them - they've uncovered the bug after working on 
some other project, and likely only after banging their head against the 
wall a few times trying to get it to work. If they have to go through 
the song and dance of signing up for another website to report the 
problem, they might just say forget it.

Sure, it's not hard to sign up for Sourceforge, but even a little 
barrier can stop you from contributing if you're not enthusiastic about 
it in the first place.

Something a simple as allowing doc bugs to be submitted from a webform 
w/o login would reduce the barrier to contribute. - Increasing the size 
of the About text wouldn't hurt either. (To be honest, I've never 
noticed that text before, and it never occurred to me look at the 
About page for information on error reports.)

That said, I think the Python manuals are great. But saying that they 
are perfect, or that the editing process couldn't be improved is just 
deluding yourself.

Re: Well, Python is hard to learn...

2005-09-01 Thread Rocco Moretti
wen wrote:
 due to the work reason, i have to learn python since last month. i have
 spent 1 week on learning python tutorial and felt good. but i still don't
 understand most part of sourcecode of PYMOL(http://pymol.sourceforge.net/)
 as before.

Well, last time I checked, a good chunk of PyMol was written in C. 
Knowing Python may help you to learn C, but I doubt that one week is 
going to be sufficient.

But I agree that Python is deceptive. It's so easy to learn and use, you 
can easily convince yourself you're a better programmer than you 
actually are.

Re: Module Name Conflicts

2005-08-19 Thread Rocco Moretti
 I have a java program in a package called 'cmd'. This of course
 conflicts with the builtin python package of the same name. The thing
 is, I need to be able to import from both of these packages in the same
 script. I can import either one first, but any future attempt to import
 from cmd.* will look up the first cmd that was imported, so the second
 package is essentially eclipsed. I've tried fiddling with sys.path and
 sys.packageManager.searchPath, to no avail. To answer the obvious first
 suggestion, no I can't rename the java package to 'Cmd' or anything
 like that. Any ideas?

Never used it myself, but you can try to use the builtin 'imp' module.

Python Library Reference
3.21 imp -- Access the import internals

This module provides an interface to the mechanisms used to implement 
the import statement. It defines the following constants and functions:


Re: Library vs Framework (was Dr. Dobb's Python-URL!)

2005-08-16 Thread Rocco Moretti
Simon Brunning wrote:
 On 8/15/05, Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Monday 15 August 2005 09:54 am, Simon Brunning wrote:

If you call its code, it's a library. If it calls yours, it's a framework.

Such concision deserves applause. ;-)
 Thank you. ;-)
 As others have pointed out, this is a *drastic* simplification,
 perhaps an oversimplification. You will inevitably need to call a
 framework's code in addition to it calling yours, and a callback
 argument or two won't turn a library into a framework. But I think it
 captures the essence of the difference.

The point that passed me by the first time, and which Magnus et al. 
helped me realize, is that it's referring not to an instantaneous, 
mechanical view of calling, but to a more general, philosophical view of 

With a library, the user's code is in charge of the program structure, 
and calls the library to fill in the details and help out. With a 
framework, the framework is in charge, and the user code is filling in 
with a supporting role. With this in mind, it's easy to see why Andy 
Smith feels frameworks are restricting - after all, it's the framework, 
not the user, who is in charge of program structure.

But I'm not sure if library vs. framework a fair comparison - the two 
are doing different things. With a framework, you're not really writing 
your own program, you're customizing someone else's. Sort of a vastly 
more flexible version of command line options. Saying you can't reuse 
code written for a framework is kind of like saying that it's difficult 
to use an Apache config file with the Gimp.

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