Windows bandwidth monitor

2006-09-13 Thread RunLevelZero
Hey guys, I've done some searching but can't seem to find anything that
helps me out. I want to write a simple bandwidth monitor that will sit
in the taskbar of windows and tell me my upload and download speeds. I
intend to use wxpython for the little taskbar icon. If anyone can give
me a helping hand I would be more than appreciative.



Re: Windows bandwidth monitor

2006-09-13 Thread RunLevelZero
Cool thanks


Re: a good programming text editor (not IDE)

2006-06-15 Thread RunLevelZero
Your SciTE problem is easily fixable by choosing  options / Open
Global Options File  and then there are plenty of settings.  Use the
SciTE.html file and it will explain them all and there are many but the
defaults usually work well to start out. I have had no issues with
Linux.  I use Debian.  Here is a snippet of the first few lines of the
global options file.

# Globals*.py=PyChecker
command.2.*.py=C:\Python23\Scripts\pychecker.bat --stdlib --blacklist
--varlist $(FilePath)
# Window sizes and visibility

As you can see if you are running windows if PLAT_WIN those are the
settings for your window etc...

Also grab this file.

You can run it and it will build an API that you put in the root of
SciTE and it will auto complete and it will give you help tips if you
want them.

I can't say that this is better than VIM but SciTE works great if you
are mostly a python programmer.


Regular Expression help

2006-04-27 Thread RunLevelZero
I have some data and I need to put it in a list in a particular way.  I
have that figured out but there is  stuff  in the data that I don't


10:00am - 11:00am:/b a
Price Is Right/aem

All I want is  Price Is Right 

Here is the re.

findshows =

I have used a for loop to remove the extra data but then it ruins the
list that I am building.  Basically I want the list to be something
like this.

[[Government Access], [Price Is Right, Guiding Light, Another show]]

the for loop just comma deliminates all of them so I lose the list in a
list that I need.  I hope I have explained this well enough.  Any help
or ideas would be appreciated.



Re: Regular Expression help

2006-04-27 Thread RunLevelZero
Great I will test this out once I have the time... thanks for the quick


Re: Regular Expression help

2006-04-27 Thread RunLevelZero
I considered that but what I need is simple and I don't want to use
another library for something so simple but thank you.  Plus I don't
understand them all that well :)


Re: Regular Expression help

2006-04-27 Thread RunLevelZero

With a slight modification that did exactly what I wanted, and yes the
findall was the only way to get all that I needed as I buffered all the

Thanks a bunch.


Re: Regular Expression help

2006-04-27 Thread RunLevelZero
Interesting... thank you.


Re: Coming from delphi - looking for an IDE - willing to spend money

2006-04-25 Thread RunLevelZero
Check out SciTE.  It is from the creator of Scintilla and it's great.
It's not a full IDE but with python you'll learn you really don't need
it, at least IMHO.  It's fast and works on windows and Linux.

I would also checkout WingIDE.  Its one of the best, again IMHO.  If
you write open source apps you can have the IDE for free although they
do ask to take a look at your source code and that you have a web page
up for it.  I believe those are the only requirements.  If you don't
have your project to that stage yet, they will give you a 6 month
license to get it there.

Wing IDE Professional v. 2.x $179.00 $295.00 $395.00
Wing IDE Personal v. 2.x   $35.00   $60.00   $80.00


Re: RegExp question

2006-04-11 Thread RunLevelZero
In my opinion you would be best to use a tool like Kiki.

This will allow you to paste in the actual text you want to search and
then play with different RE's and set flags with a simple mouse click
so you can find just what you want.  Rember what re.DOTALL does.  It
will treat white spaces special and if there are line breaks it will
follow them, otherwise it will not.  It's a good idea to have a grasp
of regular expressions or when you come back to your code months /
weeks later, you will be just as lost, and always comment them very
well :).  

Just my 2ยข


Re: wxPython Question

2006-04-07 Thread RunLevelZero
I think you are looking for a drag and drop GUI builder?  If so then -- wxglade is what you need.  There are
some others but this is what I prefer myself.


Re: ftplib question

2006-04-07 Thread RunLevelZero
Well I am not too familiar with ftplib but I have done some minimal


server.connect('', 21)
 print Could not connect to server
 raw_input(Hit Enter to quit:)
login = server.login('anonymous', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
workdir = server.cwd(/pub/datfiles/english) ## Set the current

End Example:

I hope it helps


Re: glob and curly brackets

2006-04-07 Thread RunLevelZero
You just need to literlize them with a forward slash.

 globber = '/home/zhomer/test/{dir1*,dir2*}/{subdir1,subdir2}'
globlist = glob.glob(globber) 

globber = '/home/zhomer/test/\{dir1*,dir2*\}/\{subdir1,subdir2\}'
globlist = glob.glob(globber) 

See if that works for you.


Re: wxPython Question

2006-04-07 Thread RunLevelZero
Well you will need to download the  docs demos and tools  and that
contains a windows help file that is easily searchable.  If you run
Linux there is a Gnome tool to run the help file in Linux if you so


Re: cd burning

2006-03-31 Thread RunLevelZero
I am hopeing something has developed myself.  I have been waiting
awhile.  I simply don't want to use cdrecord or cdrdao.  If I had the
know how I would be working on it but I believe this is a massive
undertaking and rather hard to accomplish.  I do hope this happens very
soon though.  Libburn might be of some use to you? I know FreeBSD
compiled some binding for python but the main libburn site only seems
to officially have ruby binding atm.


Re: re.sub problem

2006-03-31 Thread RunLevelZero
Okay I just woke up and haven't had enough coffee so if I'm off here
please forgive me.  Are you saying that if there is an emptly line then
it borks?  If so just use re.S ( re.DOTALL ) and that should take care
of it.  It will treat the ( . ) special.  Otherwise it ignores new


Re: re.sub problem

2006-03-31 Thread RunLevelZero
Glad I could help.


Re: Any wing2.0 users here?

2006-01-02 Thread RunLevelZero
I think it's one of the best myself. I littel laggy on windows but you
get use to it. Just my .02


Re: How to use DrPython plugins

2005-08-06 Thread RunLevelZero
Well I think you should post in this forum and you will get your answer
more quickly.

I'm not sure which version you are using?  The developer for DrPython
is rather busy right now but someone else there might be able to help
you a bit more than me.  Have you tried using the period for code
completion?  That works fine for me.  I use alt enter for find and
complete.  It almost sounds like you should manually remove the plugins
you have installed and reinstall them.  Did you download the plugins
manually or did you use the plugin installer?


Re: Try this

2005-07-25 Thread RunLevelZero
Indeed.. I did click reply but I guess I wasn't paying attention.  My


Try this

2005-07-24 Thread RunLevelZero
I'm not sure I understand your first question but checkout the  glob 
module.  Sounds like it may help.

Here is how you could get the folders and filenames

import os

list = os.walk(C:\python24\Tools)
for file in list:
folderlist = os.path.split(file[0])
print Folder***
print folderlist[1]
print =
print Files*
print file[2]
print =


pygtk question

2005-06-14 Thread RunLevelZero
Hopefully someone can help me out here.  It's probably super simple but
how do you select multiple items in a treeview?  I have
gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE set but of course that was enough.  I have tried
catching the ctrl button press but still nothing.  Perhaps there is a
better place to ask but I thought I would give this a shot first.



Easy way to detect hard drives and partitions in Linux

2005-06-02 Thread RunLevelZero
I need a way to detect hard drives and their partitions... labels would
be nice too... I did some googling but did not find anything all too
useful. This will strictly be on Linux / Unix so any help would be
greatly appreciated.



Re: Easy way to detect hard drives and partitions in Linux

2005-06-02 Thread RunLevelZero

Jeff Epler wrote:
 You're not going to find a single portable unix way of doing this.
 The format of /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab are pretty portable, but they
 only list mountable/mounted partitions, not all partitions.

 In addition to the linux possibilities mentioned in another reply, there
 is also /proc/partitions.  Finally, if you only want to recognize
 FDISK.EXE-type partitions (used by many types of Linux, though that
 seems to be changing in Fedora Core 4), it shouldn't be hard to write a
 Python program to read the partition table directly from the disk.  The
 details will be readily available online.


Well thanks for the responses and so quickly.  I'm very new to
programming and am not afraid to say it.  I'll see what I can come up
with.  at least this is a good start.

