how to save python interpreter's command history

2006-04-25 Thread Sakcee
this has been a problem for me for some time.

I want to save the interpretters command history to a file, there is a
history file in my user directory .pyhistory but it saves only like 500
or so

how can I make it save all the commands and not delete it,  any other
suggestions that people use is welcome



catching doctype using xml.sax -- please

2006-04-24 Thread Sakcee

I would really appreciate if soemone can point me to the direction. how
can I use xml.sax to catch doctype entities.

there is a xml.sax.DTDHandler , but how should i use it?



converting xmllib to xml.sax

2006-04-21 Thread Sakcee

I am trying to convert an override of xmllib.XMLparser , in the
handle_doctype method we are catching the entities using

how can I do the same with xml.sax, does xml.sax has anything to catch
the entties



socket connetion to url with port 80

2006-04-04 Thread Sakcee

this is really a stupid question,  how can i get page rsponse from a
site e.g. port 80
form socket, can i do something

import socket
s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
s.connect( (, 80 ) )
s.send( Hello )  # GET??
response = s.recv(8048)
print response

can i do soemthign like that , can i send somehting to google and get
webpage in return, I know that I can use urllib or httplib etc, but can
i do at socket level?



Re: socket connetion to url with port 80

2006-04-04 Thread Sakcee
thanks for the help

I got the response using s.send(GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n),

but this socket is being blocked by squid server that we have installed
in our socket. do you know how can i configure the squid to stop
blocking the socket



Credit card API Sol with python interface

2006-03-30 Thread Sakcee

does anybody know of any credit card merchant slution with python API.
we used to use cybercash long time ago, but are willing to switch to
something good and not pricy.
we want to accept credit cards and process them.

something with python wrapper will be great , as I would not have to
build urllib wrappers around its functions.



dynamic construction of variables / function names

2006-03-29 Thread Sakcee
python provides a great way of dynamically creating fuctions calls and
class names from string

a function/class name can be stored as string and called/initilzed


def foo(a,b):
return a+b

def blah(c,d):
return c*d

list = [foo, blah]

for func in list:
print func(2,4)

or similar items

what is the way if the names of functions are some modification e.g

def Newfoo(a,b):
return a+b

def Newblah(c,d):
return c*d

list = [foo, blah]

for func in list:
print New+func(2,4)

or define a variable

New+list[0] = First Funciton

I think ,   print New+func(2,4)  and New+list[0] = First

will not work,  either eval or exec should be used
is it correct way, is there a simple way, is this techniqe has a name?



global namescape of multilevel hierarchy

2006-03-13 Thread Sakcee

I have a script e.g.

import package.module

ID = 55


now in package.module.checkID function, i wnat to know what is the ID
defiend in the calling scriipt

if I dot globals(), it returns only items in module.   is there a way
to get the script level namesapce



Re: html parser , unexpected '' char in declaration

2006-02-21 Thread Sakcee
thanks for the suggestions,

this is not happening frequently, actually this is the first time I
have seen this exception in the system, which means that some spam
message was generated with ill-formated html.
i guess the best way would be to check using regular expression and
delete the unclosed tags.


html parser , unexpected '' char in declaration

2006-02-20 Thread Sakcee
html =
'html!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
head/head body bgcolor=#ff\r\n Foo foo , blah blah

 import htmllib
 import formatter

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 95, in feed
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 165, in goahead
k = self.parse_declaration(i)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 132, in parse_declaration
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 40, in error
raise HTMLParseError(message)
htmllib.HTMLParseError: unexpected '' char in declaration

the error is generated by unclosed DOCTYPE declaration

what is the best way to handle this kind of document. should I use
regex to check and strip, or does HTMLParser offers something? , can i
override default sgmllib behaviour
I have to work with this htmllib because of existing modules .



Re: html parser , unexpected '' char in declaration

2006-02-20 Thread Sakcee
thanks for the reply

well probabbly I should explain more.  this is part of an email . after
the mta delivers the email, it is stored in a local dir.
After that the email is being parsed by the parser inside an web based
imap client at display time.

I dont think I have the choice of rewriting the message!? and I dont
want to reject the message alltogether.

I can either 1-fix the incoming html by tidying it up
or 2- strip only plain text out and dispaly that you have spam, 3 - or
ignore that mal-formatted tag and display the rest


py vs pyc

2006-01-09 Thread Sakcee

I want to know that is .pyc files execute faster than .py files,? since
both are interpreted by python  , is there any speedup in using one or


what is the difference between runing from cmd  python and
python test.pyc



.py vs .pyc

2006-01-09 Thread Sakcee
Hi all

is execution of pyc files faster than py files? since both files are
interpreted by python , is there any speedup in using one or other?

what is difference if i type from cmd line,
python  vs. python test.pyc



xsl and unicode surrogate characters

2006-01-04 Thread Sakcee

In one of the data files that I have , I am seeing these characters
\xed\xa0\xa0 .  They seem to break the xsl.

Extra content at the end of the document
 XML/XSL Error: /datadata ![CDATA[ í   Pls advice

this seems to break the libxml2/libxslt

is this a unicode utf-16 surrogate pair ?
for displaying it on xml/xsl, should I extract only \xa0?
since this is hingher than 00-7f range can i just strip it?
under what condition the encoding software put this string in?

thanks for help,


Re: xsl and unicode surrogate characters

2006-01-04 Thread Sakcee
thanks very much for the info, it really helped

we are using the text from file to display on webpage and we have a
method for conversion the parsed data to utf-8 and then displaying, all
the data looks fine after parsing except the
surrogate pair,
since i can not guess what it was supposed to be , is it ok to strip it
 using regex re.complie(' [\xed|\xa0] ')?

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Sakcee wrote:
  In one of the data files that I have , I am seeing these characters
  \xed\xa0\xa0 .  They seem to break the xsl.
  is this a unicode utf-16 surrogate pair ?

 Yes and no. This is the UTF-8 encoding of U+D820, which is a high
 surrogate code point. So yes. It's not yet a pair; there would have to
 be a second such code point. So no.

 Furthermore, in UTF-8, you should never ever have encoded surrogate
 codes; instead, whoever generated the UTF-8 should have combined the
 two surrogate code point into a single coded character, and should
 have encoded *that* character. So no - this byte sequence isn't
 even valid UTF-8.

  for displaying it on xml/xsl, should I extract only \xa0?

 You should tell your parser to reject the file as ill-formed.

  since this is hingher than 00-7f range can i just strip it?

 Depending an what you want to achieve: sure! It will modify
 the meaning of the bytes, of course.

  under what condition the encoding software put this string in?
 If it has a bug.


rss parsing: sax or dom

2005-12-29 Thread Sakcee

I am trying to parse rss2 feeds in python, should I use sax and define
handler and then functions for each tag or should I go for dom

thanks for any comments


Rss/xml namespaces sgmllib, sax, minidom

2005-12-27 Thread Sakcee
I want to build a simple validator for rss2 feeds, that checks basic
structure and reports channels , items , and their attributes etc.

I have been reading Mark Pilgrims articles on, diveintopython
and someother stuff on sgmllib, sax.handlers and content handlers,

why is all of this necessary, what is the difference between all these
libraries, it seems to me that I can parse the rss2 feed with any of
these libraries.!! ?

what is the difference between namespaces and non-namspaces functions
in sax.handlers.contenthandler , is the namespace defined like domain
names on some website?

thanks for any comments


Re: pyUnit and dynamic test functions

2005-12-22 Thread Sakcee
Excellent , your example is elegant and runs beautifully

so the idea is to create a testcase which runs a general function
testRun (which calls the function defined in file )and loads data
based on type ,

add this testcase to suite and run suite.

thanks , this is exactly what I was looking for.

Fabrizio Milo wrote:
  thanks for any input or any alternate approach to it

 I think that your approach is not fair.

 You should create a TestCase for each of your data input, add it to a 
 and run the test suite.

 Here is a stub for loading just a 'dict' type, hoping it is helpful

 import unittest
 import glob
 from string import split,strip

 def getUSStates(*args):
return {'AK:': 'Alaska', 'CA:': 'California', 'AR:': 'Arkansas',
 'CO:': 'Colorado', 'WY:': 'Wyoming', 'AZ:': 'Arizona', 'AL:':

 class TestStubException( Exception ):
Test case creation failed.

 class TestStub( unittest.TestCase ):

def __init__( self, fname, farg, t_out, out ):
self.fname = eval(fname,globals())
self.input = farg
self.fparse = getattr(self,'load_%s' % t_out)
self.output = self.fparse( out )

def load_dict(self,data):
assert data[0] is '{', 'Wrong dict format %s' % data
assert data[-1] is '}', 'Wrong dict format %s' % data
items = data[1:-1].split(',')
return dict( map( split, map( strip, items ) ) )

def testRun(self):
self.assertEquals( self.fname(self.input), self.output )

 def build_tests( filename ):
fd = open( filename, 'r')
tc = TestStub( * )
del fd
return tc
import traceback; traceback.print_exc()
raise TestStubException( 'Failed creating test case from file
 : %s'%filename )

 if __name__== '__main__':

tc_data = glob.glob('*.txt') # all text files with data

ts = unittest.TestSuite()

for tc_file in tc_data:
ts.addTest( build_tests( tc_file ) )

 Fabrizio Milo aka Misto


Re: pyUnit and dynamic test functions

2005-12-21 Thread Sakcee

Please anyone help, is this kind of dynamin thing possible? any
suggestion for creating frameworks for automated testing ,

all comments appreciated


Sakcee wrote:

 I am trying to use pyUnit to create a framework for testing functions

 I am reading function name, expected output,  from a text file.
 and in python generating dynamic test functions
 something like this

 class getUsStatesTest( unittest.TestCase ):

 self.setUp =  lambda  : function_call
 self.testReturnVal =  lambda  : self.assertEqual( fileInput,
 function_returnedVals )
 self.testLength=  lambda  : self.assertEqual( len(returnedVals)
 , len(inp) )

 is it possible to load these dynamic functions via pyUnit, instead of
 defining in text form ,
 can i use loadfromname etc to load these dynamic test functions.

 something like this

 getUsStatesTest() ))

 in this way I can completely automate every function that returns some
 output by dynamically generating its
 test functions


Re: pyUnit and dynamic test functions

2005-12-21 Thread Sakcee
Thanks for reply,  here is the script with trucated datafile

The data file is following ,

--- data file
{AK: Alaska,
 AL: Alabama,
 AR: Arkansas,
 AZ: Arizona,
 CA: California,
 CO: Colorado,
 WY: Wyoming }
data file

I want to test function:getUSStates that takes input none and outputs a
of us states.the first line shows function

Now I have following class and loadTestInfoFromFile function for
loading the values for file and assinging the data to self.outputOfFunc

class getUsStates( unittest.TestCase ):

func_name = None
inputToFunc = None
outputOfFunc = None
outputType = None

setup = None
testUsStates = None
testLength = None

def loadTestInfoFromFile(self):
 read function name, input to function, output format
and output from file

rest = file('data.txt').read()
self.func_name , self.inputToFunc,
self.outputType,outputOfFuncRaw = rest.split(~)

if self.outputType == 'dict':
outputOfFuncRaw = outputOfFuncRaw.split(,)
self.outputOfFunc = {}

for i in range(0,len(outputOfFuncRaw)):
li= ( (outputOfFuncRaw[i].strip()).replace('}','')

def buildTestFunctions( self, returnedVals, func_name, inp ):

self.testReturnVal =  lambda  : self.assertEqual( inp,
returnedVals )
self.testLength=  lambda  : self.assertEqual(
len(returnedVals) , len(inp) )

def runFunction():
g = getUsStatesTest()

if __name__ == __main__:

Now in the buildTestFunctions() I want to setup 2 unittest test
function that do assertEqual
so that I have 2 functions which are dynamically created from file ,
now I want to associate
these function with unittest and run them.

the above runs correctly reads the data and make 2 funcitons
testReturnVal and testLength
but then I want to associate those funcitons to unittest. and run unit
test but that part i dont
know how to do.

in this way I can define 100 functions with inputs and expected outputs
in a data file
and this type of script will generate similar assert functions for all
of them on fly
and run them

thanks for any input or any alternate approach to it

Kent Johnson wrote:
 Sakcee wrote:
  I am trying to use pyUnit to create a framework for testing functions
  I am reading function name, expected output,  from a text file.

 Can you show a sample of what the text file might look like, and what tests 
 you want to
 generate from it?

  and in python generating dynamic test functions
  something like this
  class getUsStatesTest( unittest.TestCase ):
  self.setUp =  lambda  : function_call
  self.testReturnVal =  lambda  : self.assertEqual( fileInput,
  function_returnedVals )
  self.testLength=  lambda  : self.assertEqual( len(returnedVals)
  , len(inp) )

 I don't understand the above at all. What do function_call, 
 returnedVals and inp refer to? What is the point of the lambdas and the 
 assignment to
 attributes of (undefined) self?


pyUnit and dynamic test functions

2005-12-20 Thread Sakcee

I am trying to use pyUnit to create a framework for testing functions

I am reading function name, expected output,  from a text file.
and in python generating dynamic test functions
something like this

class getUsStatesTest( unittest.TestCase ):

self.setUp =  lambda  : function_call
self.testReturnVal =  lambda  : self.assertEqual( fileInput,
function_returnedVals )
self.testLength=  lambda  : self.assertEqual( len(returnedVals)
, len(inp) )

is it possible to load these dynamic functions via pyUnit, instead of
defining in text form ,
can i use loadfromname etc to load these dynamic test functions.

something like this

getUsStatesTest() ))

in this way I can completely automate every function that returns some
output by dynamically generating its
test functions



ddd or eclipse with mod_python

2005-09-15 Thread Sakcee

I am using mod_python for web development, I am in need of some ide ,
can i use ddd or eclipse with pydev with mod_python.

can these ide's handle requests from mod_python and run server side

any help or pointers are greatly appreciated



pydoc search in browser

2005-09-10 Thread Sakcee

I am a newbie to pydoc and I need some help. I would really appreciate
if some one can tell me how to add search box in a page generated by

e.g. I want to add serch like the one in 

