Re: Any advantage in LISPs having simpler grammars than Python?

2006-03-08 Thread Simo Melenius
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Yes.  Grammars like LISP's make it easy for programs to
 generate and read code. Grammars like Python's make it easy for
 humans to generate and read code.

The above statement sounds too generalized to me. IMHO it's more of a
matter of preference, your mindset and what you're accustomed to.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Today is the car of the cdr of your life.

Re: Replacement for lambda - 'def' as an expression?

2005-09-07 Thread Simo Melenius
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sybren Stuvel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  An example:
  def generate_randomizer(n, m):
  randomizer = def(x):
  return x ** n % m
  return randomizer
 You're a little bit confused; name doesn't necessarily mean persistent
 name.  You could write the above as:

   def generate_randomizer (n, m):
  def randomizer(x):
 return pow(x, n, m)
  return randomizer

But if you could do anonymous blocks, you could just write something

def generate_randomizer (n, m):
return def (x):
return pow (x, n, m)

Personally, I don't mind naming local functions in practice (and
Python syntax doesn't lend itself very well to anonymous blocks) but
rather, the nuisance is that I feel there's just plain something wrong
with it. It's less beautiful than it could be.

Luckily, the last time I followed the discussion on this topic in
c.l.p, some bright mind whose name escapes me now pointed out the
craziness of _having to_ name functions by comparing it to the
situation where you'd have to bind any literal objects to symbols
before you could use them. Like:

def return_fixed_number ():
res = 42
return res


arg1 = foo
arg2 = 42
arg3 = baz ()
myfunction (arg1, arg2, arg3.xyzzy ())

Sure, you don't lose any expressiveness in that: if you had to name
any object before using it, you could write all the same programs that
you can in the current Python. But it's the expressiveness of your
mind that gets harpooned: you'll have to keep part of your focus on
these extraneous local variables instead of thinking only in terms
of values where only values matter.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Today is the car of the cdr of your life.

Python + Lisp integration - Part II

2005-06-27 Thread Simo Melenius

I'm posting a self-followup to my post in last December about Python
and Lisp integration:


Now, just yesterday I just stumbled upon Lython:


It's a bit edgy but it can be made to work :-). It does do simple
macros and compiles to Python bytecode (via AST generation). So,
effectively you could be writing your code in Lisp and then running it
in the vast environment of Python standard library and modules.

This was FYI, if interested.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Today is the car of the cdr of your life.

Re: How To Do It Faster?!?

2005-04-02 Thread Simo Melenius

 $ find . -type f -printf %T@ %u %s %p\n  /yourserverroot/files.txt
 That is a nice idea. I don't know very much about Unix, but I suppose that
 on a ksh I can run this command (or a similar one) in order to obtain the
 list I need. If anyone knows if that command will run also on a simple ksh,
 could please confirm that?

That depends on the unix flavor you're using -- my example was for GNU
utilities which are heavily used on (probably all) Linux systems.
BSDs, Solaris and other unixen have slightly different 'find' syntax.
Use man find to find out more about how 'find' works on your system.

On all systems I know, it goes like:

find directory [-switches ...]

where the switches vary depending on the system. In my example, I used
-type f (f as in file) to only list files (otherwise 'find' will
include directories too in the output) and -printf to include desired
data -- in this case, owner, last modified time, size, path -- in the
output (otherwise 'find' will only print the path).

You should at least go through the -printf formatting codes to see
what information you're able to include in the output (= man find).

I used %T@ to print the last modified time in Unix time because it's
as simple as it can be: an integer, counting the number of seconds
since Jan 1 1970. Python's time module groks Unix time just like

 Moreover, I could run this script in a while loop, like:

Except that, I'd imagine, constantly traversing the filesystem will
seriously degrade the performance of the file server. You want to run
your script periodically over a day, maybe at times when the server is
inactive. Or hourly between 8am-4pm and then once at night.

In Unix, there's a facility called cron to do just that, it runs
scripts and commands over and over again hourly, daily, weekly, or
just whenever you want it. Consult your unix flavor's manual or
newsgroup on that.

 copy /yourserverroot/files.txt   /yourserverroot/filesbackup.txt
 always have the filesbackup.txt up-to-date, as a function of the find
 speed on the server.

Yes, creating a temporary file is a good approach. I'd suggest moving
the new list over the old one (mv tmpfile filelist.txt) instead of
copying, since usually move is merely a rename operation on the
filesystem and doesn't involve actually copying of any data.



Re: How To Do It Faster?!?

2005-04-01 Thread Simo Melenius

 Every user of thsi big directory works on big studies regarding oil
 fields. Knowing the amount of data (and number of files) we have to
 deal with (produced by simulators, visualization tools, and so on)
 and knowing that users are usually lazy in doing clean up of
 unused/old files, this is a way for one of us to fast scan all the
 directories and identify which files belong to him. Having them in
 an organized, size-sorted wxPython list, the user can decide if he
 want to delete some files (that almost surely he forgot even that
 they exist...) or not. It is easy as a button click (retrieve the
 data--delete the files).

Correct me if I'm wrong but since it _seems_ that the listing doesn't
need to be up-to-date each minute/hour as the users will be looking
primarily for old/unused files, why not have a daily cronjob on the
Unix server to produce an appropriate file list on e.g. the root
directory of your file server?

Your Python client would then load that (possibly compressed) text
file from the network share and find the needed bits in there.

Note that if some old/unneeded files are missing today, they'll show
right up the following day.

For example, running the GNU find command like this:

$ find . -type f -printf %T@ %u %s %p\n  /yourserverroot/files.txt

produces a file where each line contains the last modified time,
username, size and path for one file. Dead easy to parse with Python,
and you'll only have to set up the cronjob _once_ on the Unix server.

(If the file becomes too big, grep can be additionally used to split
the file e.g. per each user.)



Re: set, dict and other structures

2005-02-02 Thread Simo Melenius
Giovanni Bajo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Just today I was writing some code where I wanted to use sets for
 the abstraction (intersection, etc.), but also carry some values
 with them to process. So, yes, I believe that having set-like
 abstraction for dictionaries would be great. In fact, for a moment I
 wondered if dict.keys() was already of type set in 2.4, because it
 could have made sense.

Which sets you need depends on each case, so a generic set-ified
extension would be both limited and potentially confusing. For
example, a set of (key,value) tuples is the simplest and unambiguous.
On the other hand, if the values differ you really just need a set of
keys and then you can do the value lookup and collision handling
yourself using the result set as keys to both of your dictionaries.
You could subclass dict to provide aliases such as:

dict.itemset ()
dict.keyset ()
dict.valueset ()

for the following if these look overly bloated to you:

set (dict.iteritems ())
set (dict.iterkeys ())
set (dict.itervalues ())

For example:

py for k,v in set (d1.iteritems ()) - set (d2.iteritems ()):
py   print k, v

looks quite concise and self-explanatory to me already. A _notable_
performance gain would probably justify native set-ifying getters,
especially if there indeed were implementation-level data structures
to share.


Re: Rebinding stdout (was: Re: Python! Is! Truly! Amazing!)

2005-01-03 Thread Simo Melenius
Ron Garret [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 (with-output-to-string (s)
   (let ( (*standard-output* s) )

 Is there an equivalent Python trick to capture a function call's output 
 as a string?

I've sometimes replaced sys.stdout (and/or sys.stderr) to
capture/redirect debugging information in existing code that has
unwisely just printed error and warning messages, instead of using
sys.stderr or error logging modules.

py def with_output_to_string (func):
... try:
... sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO ()
... func ()
... return sys.stdout.getvalue ()
... finally:
... sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
py def printing_code ():
... print Foobar
py with_output_to_string (printing_code)


Re: Rebinding stdout (was: Re: Python! Is! Truly! Amazing!)

2005-01-03 Thread Simo Melenius
Just [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Simo Melenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ... sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
 Aargh, I can't believe how widespread this idiom is :-(. See my other 
 reply in this thread: DON'T use sys.__stdout__. Ever.

It probably does the right thing, if someone is copypasting code off
the Usenet and tries it out at the Python prompt (and possibly gets
stuck in getting nothing printed on his tty).

If we're talking about real code it might be advisable to start by
first introducing the import statements omitted from the above
snippet, then worry about someone copypasting code into a serious
program instead of copythinkpasting it. :)


Re: Securing a future for anonymous functions in Python

2005-01-01 Thread Simo Melenius
Doug Holton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steven Bethard wrote:
  Simo Melenius wrote:
  map (def x:

Oops, I found a typo alreay. I meant to write def (x): -- no name
for anonymous functions but just the argument list, please :)

 Right the comma plus other things make this difficult for a parser to
 handle correctly.  Other people have already come up with working

It is difficult since in Python we don't enjoy the ugly luxury of
stuffing statements inside {}s. But as Bengt pointed out, parentheses
don't actually look bad at all in this case.

 Then the multi-line way.  I had to add an overload of map to support
 reversing the order of parameters (list first, then the closure):
 newlist = map([1,2,3,4,5,6]) def (x as int):
   return x*x*x

That doesn't seem to scale if you want to pass more than one anonymous
function arguments to the function or call an arbitrary function with
parameters in arbitrary order.


Of closures and expressing anonymous functions [Was: Re: Securing a future for anonymous functions in Python]

2004-12-31 Thread Simo Melenius
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bengt Richter) writes:

 Closure is the name for the whole thing, apparently, not just the
 environment the procedure body needs, which was the aspect that I
 (mis)attached the name to.

Which brings me to the point where I'd welcome more flexibility in
writing to variables outside the local scope. This limitation most
often kicks in in closed-over code in function objects, although it's
a more general issue in Python's scoping.

As we know, you can't write to variables that are both non-local and
non-global (globals you can declare global). Now that effectively
makes free variables read-only (although, the objects they point to
can _still_ be mutated).

Allowing write access to variables in a closed-over lexical scope
outside the innermost scope wouldn't hurt because:

1) if you need it, you can already do it -- just practice some
   cumbersome tricks make suitable arrangements (e.g. the classical
   accumulator example uses an array to hold the counter value instead
   of binding it directly to the free variable;

2) if you don't need or understand it, you don't have to use it;

3) and at least in function instances: if you accidentally do, it'll
   change the bindings within your closure only which is definitely
   less dangerous than mutating objects that are bound inside the

It must be noted, however, that such behaviour would change the way of
hiding nested variable names:

Now it's safe (though maybe lexically confusing) to use the same
variable names in inner functions. This could happen with common names
for temporary variables like i, x, y.

On the other hand, one could introduce a way to declare variables from
global scope or from local scope, with default from lexical scope. (If
you want to explicitly hide an outer binding, you'd declare local
foo, for example. You can already do global foo.)

 I see what you are saying (I think), but I think I'd still like a
 full anonymous def, whatever adapter you come up with. And I prefer
 to be persuaded ;-)

I elaborated on this one in a post a few days ago. Indeed, it is
mostly a minor issue that _can_ be worked around(1). The problem is
that it eventually becomes irritating, when repeated all the time, to
name functions even if the name isn't used elsewhere.

It also creates an implicit dependency from the function call (one of
whose arguments points to the once-named function) to the once-named
function. That is, when you refactor some of your code, you must keep
two things paired all the time in your cut+paste maneuvers.


(1) Everything can be worked around. In contrast: you can work around
the lack of a syntactic language by typing in machine code manually.
Sound stupid? Yes, it was done decades ago. How about using C to write
a shell script equivalent that you need, as a workaround to the
problem of lacking a shell? Stupid? Yes, but less -- it's been done.
How about writing callbacks by passing in a function pointer and a
data pointer, if you don't want to use a language like Python that
automates that task for you? Stupid? Yes, but not much -- it's been
done all the time. How about implementing an _anonymous_ function by
naming it, if you can't do it otherwise?

Re: Securing a future for anonymous functions in Python

2004-12-31 Thread Simo Melenius
Ian Bicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But I do think there's other ways to approach this.  Function
 expressions could get really out of hand, IMHO, and could easily lead
 to twenty-line expressions.  That's aesthetically incompatible with
 Python source, IMHO.

You can already write unaesthetic hundred-line Python functions, if
you want to. Python's syntax doesn't yet impose a restriction on the
number of sequential statements :-) It sounds artificial to impose
such restrictions on these hypothetical inline blocks, even if by
only allowing them to be plain expressions.

IMHO, the most pythonic way to write an inline-block is by reusing
existing keywords, using Python-like start-of-blocks and ending it by
indentation rules:

map (def x:
 if foo (x):
 return baz_1 (x)
 elif bar (x):
 return baz_2 (x)
 global hab
 hab.append (x)
 return baz_3 (hab),

and for one-liners:

map (def x: return x**2, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

As a side-effect, we also

- got rid of the lambda keyword;

- strenghtened the semantics of def: a def already defines a
  function so it's only logical to use it to define anonymous
  functions, too;

- unified the semantics: function is always a function, and functions
  return values by using return. When learning Python, I learned the
  hard way that lambdas are expressions, not functions. I'd pay the
  burden of writing return more often in exchange for better

my two cents,

Re: Securing a future for anonymous functions in Python

2004-12-31 Thread Simo Melenius
Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Simo Melenius wrote:
  map (def x:
   if foo (x):
   return baz_1 (x)
   elif bar (x):
   return baz_2 (x)
   global hab
   hab.append (x)
   return baz_3 (hab),
 I think this would probably have to be written as:
   return baz_3(hab)
   , [1,2,3,4,5,6])
   return baz_3(hab)
 Note the placement of the comma.  As it is,
  return baz_3(hab),
 returns the tuple containing the result of calling baz_3(hab):

That one didn't occur to me; creating a one-item tuple with (foo,) has
been odd enough for me: only few times I've seen also the parentheses

I did ponder the unambiguousness of the last line, though. One could
suggest a new keyword like end, but keyword bloat is bad.

(Of course, if we trade the lambda keyword for another, new keyword
we're not exactly _adding_ keywords... :))

 It's not horrible to have to put the comma on the next line, but it
 isn't as pretty as your version that doesn't.  Unfortunately, I don't
 think anyone's gonna want to revise the return statement syntax just
 to introduce anonymous functions.

There might not be a return statement: the anonymous function might
conditionally return earlier and have side-effects at the end of the
block (to implicitly return None). So the block-ending would need to
fit after any statement and be strictly unambiguous.


Re: Python + Lisp integration?

2004-12-30 Thread Simo Melenius
Erno Kuusela [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 you might want to look at .

Thanks, this was a good link! Logix looks like an interesting project,
really, and I think I'll at least study its internals myself to shed
light to how it uses the Python compiler. Looks like something to hack


Python + Lisp integration?

2004-12-29 Thread Simo Melenius


I'm wondering (after a bit of googling) whether there exists a Python
binding to any open source Lisp environment (like librep or some
Scheme or Common Lisp implementation) that could be recommended for
non-toy use?

My intention would be to use the Lisp environment to augment and help
my Python programming (and/or conversely: have access to the wealth of
Python libraries and Python code from a lispy language), which yields
at least the following requirements:

- the type and runtime environment system would need to be quite
  transparently integrated, e.g. being able to use (pass, call,
  set/get attr) Python objects in Lisp and vice versa with minimum

- the performance should match at least that of Python's. That
  probably requires a native interpreter, although the ability to
  compile Lisp to Python bytecode could do (if the lispy language
  could be efficiently implemented in the Python bytecode)

There are many Scheme/Lisp interpreters written in Python, but those
I've found and looked at I consider to be more of proof of concepts.
Nesting different interpreters costs probably an order of magnitude in

Re: Is this a good use for lambda

2004-12-20 Thread Simo Melenius
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Simo Melenius wrote:
  Sure, but mental pollution counts too IMO. What you write and what you
  read must go through your brain, including dummy variables. And next
  you start thinking how to hide it from your own mind (e.g. naming it
  _my_local_func or something as ugly as the leading underscores in
 use something short, like f.  hopefully, a single character won't overload
 your brain.

I've heard some brain can tackle even Java's overly verbose syntax, it
just depends on one's mind set how the verbosity is perceived: some
find it a disrupting must, some like spending time writing things for
which another programmer would've written a code generator by now.

Elaborating more: Yes, naming functions that are only used once is
minor nuisance (but still something I hope to get rid of eventually).
In a level, it's probably similar to how whitespace at the end of the
lines bogs some people -- that stuff just doesn't need to be there, so
the text feels cluttered. (For _that_, Emacs luckily has its
whitespace mode.. :))


Like someone pointed, using _ is a good convention for throwaways. The
fact that such a convention exist just emphasizes that it _is_ an
issue from which people try to sway away.

  And I think that it does, in fact, touch the innermost symbol table
 yes, but the overhead of keeping a local slot updated is very small,

Sure; though I considered it more of a conceptual issue rather than a
performance one.


Re: Is this a good use for lambda

2004-12-19 Thread Simo Melenius
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Walter S. Leipold wrote:
  I think that Charlie's point is that, when you use def name,
  you have name polluting your namespace. The whole program
  becomes harder to understand because you can't ignore name
  anywhere, even if it was only ever intended to be used in one
 Ahem. If you name the function, you can reuse the name (or just
 forget about it) as soon as you've used the function object.

Sure, but mental pollution counts too IMO. What you write and what you
read must go through your brain, including dummy variables. And next
you start thinking how to hide it from your own mind (e.g. naming it
_my_local_func or something as ugly as the leading underscores in

And I think that it does, in fact, touch the innermost symbol table
too, even if the case is optimized out by the compiler -- is it?

Why do something for the sake of not actually having to do it?


Anyway, personally, this namespace cluttering most often happens
because lambda is only a single expression. If one could write a true
function block into a lambda, there would be less cases where lambda
doesn't suffice, really.

Now, if lambda was more than an expr, dumping lambda keyword would
be a convenient idea -- unnecessary keywords can make the language
less clear in some cases. One could do with Python's plain and simple
def, like this:

filter (def (x): x*2, myseq)

(Disclaimer: Without thinking further I'm not sure whether the above
syntax would be unique enough, Python grammar-wise.)
