Re: Is Eval *always* Evil?

2010-11-11 Thread Simon Mullis
On 11 November 2010 09:07, John Nagle wrote:
 Am 10.11.2010 18:56, schrieb Simon Mullis:
 Yes, eval is evil, may lead to security issues and it's unnecessary
 slow, too.

   If you have to use eval, use the 2 or 3 argument form with a
 globals and locals dictionary.  This lists the variables
 and functions that eval can see and touch.

   The Python documentation for this is not very good:
 If the globals dictionary is present and lacks ‘__builtins__’, the current
 globals are copied into globals before expression is parsed. This means that
 expression  normally has full access to the standard __builtin__  module and
 restricted environments are propagated.

   What this means is that you have to put in __builtins__ to
 PREVENT all built-ins from being imported.

Aren't I already doing this?

  result = eval(xpath_command, {__builtins__:[]},{x: x})


Re: parse date/time from a log entry with only strftime (and no regexen)

2010-11-11 Thread Simon Mullis
This was a long time ago But just in case anyone googling ever has
the same question, this is what I did (last year). The user just needs
to supply a strftime formatted string, such as %A, %e %b %h:%M and
this Class figures out the regex to use on the log entries...

class RegexBuilder(object):
This class is used to create the regex from the strftime string.
   So, we pass it a strftime string and it returns a regex with capture

lookup_table = {  '%a' : r(\w{3}),# locale's abbrev day name
  '%A' : r(\w{6,8}),  # locale's full day name
  '%b' : r(\w{3}),# abbrev month name
  '%B' : r(\w{4,9}),  # full month name
  '%d' : r(3[0-1]|[1-2]\d|0[1-9]|[1-9]|[1-9]),
# day of month
  '%e' : r([1-9]|[1-3][0-9]), # day of month, no leader
  '%H' : r(2[0-3]|[0-1]\d|\d),   # Hour (24h clock)
  '%I' : r(1[0-2]|0[1-9]|[1-9]), # Hour (12h clock)
  '%j' : r(36[0-6]|3[0-5]\d|[1-2]\d\d|0[1-9]\d|00[1-9]\
|[1-9]\d|0[1-9]|[1-9]), # Day of year
  '%m' : r(1[0-2]|0[1-9]|[1-9]), # Month as decimal
  '%M' : r([0-5]\d|\d),  # Minute
  '%S' : r(6[0-1]|[0-5]\d|\d), # Second
  '%U' : r(5[0-3]|[0-4]\d|\d), # Week of year (Sun = 0)
  '%w' : r([0-6]), # Weekday (Sun = 0)
  '%W' : r(5[0-3]|[0-5]\d|\d), # Week of year (Mon = 0)
  '%y' : r(\d{2}), # Year (no century)
  '%Y' : r(\d{4}), # Year with 4 digits
  '%p' : r(AM|PM),
  '%P' : r(am|pm),
  '%f' : r(\d+), # TODO: microseconds. Only in Py 2.6+

# Format of the keys in the table above
strftime_re = r'%\w'

def __init__(self, date_format):
r = re.compile(RegexBuilder.strftime_re)
self.created_re = r.sub(self._lookup, date_format)

def _lookup(self, match):
 Regex lookup...
return RegexBuilder.lookup_table[]

 2009/2/3 andrew cooke

   ValueError: unconverted data remains:  this is the remainder of the
   that I do not care about

 you could catch the ValueError and split at the ':' in the .args
 attribute to find the extra data.  you could then find the extra data
 in the original string, use the index to remove it, and re-parse the

 ugly, but should work.

 Simon Mullis


Is Eval *always* Evil?

2010-11-10 Thread Simon Mullis
Hi All,

I'm writing a Django App to webify a Python script I wrote that parses
some big XML docs and summarizes certain data contained within. This
app will be used by a closed group of people, all with their own login
credentials to the system (backed off to the corp SSO system). I've
already got Django, Celery and Rabbitmq working to handle uploads and
passing the offline parsing / processing task to the backend.

One way to do the XML processing is to use a number of XPath queries
and a key point is the required output (and therefore the list of
queries) is not yet complete (and will always be a little fluid).
Ultimately, I don't want to be stuck with maintaining this list of
XPath queries and want to allow my colleagues to add / change / remove
them as they see fit. I didn't know my xpath from my elbow when I
first started looking into this so I think they'll be able to learn it
pretty easily.

The only easy way to accomplish this I can think of is create a new
table with { name : xpath command } key, value pairs and allow it
to be edited via the browser (using Django's Admin scaffolding) .

I plan on making sure that when amending the list of XPath queries,
each entry is tested against a known good XML file so the user can see
sample results before they're allowed to save it to the database. I'm
aware that this will probably slow things down, as there'll be lots of
serial XPath queries, but even if the job takes 5 minutes longer then
it will still save man-days of manual work. I can live with this as
long as it's flexible.

# In the meantime - and as a proof of concept - I'm using a dict instead.

xpathlib = {
houses: r'[ y.tag for y in x.xpath(//houses/*) ]',
names : r'[ y.text for y in x.xpath(//houses/name) ]',
footwear_type   : r'[ y.tag for y in
x.xpath(//cupboard/bottom_shelf/*) ]',
shoes  : r'[ y.text for y in
x.xpath(//cupboard/bottom_shelf/shoes/*) ]',
interface_types : r'[ y.text[:2] for y in
x.xpath(//interface/name) ]',

# (I left a real one at the bottom so you can see I might want to do
some string manipulation on the results within the list

# Then in my backend task processing scripts I would have something like:

def apply_xpath(xpath_command, xml_frag):
 x = xml_frag
 if re.findall(r'\[\sy\.\w+(?:\[.+\])?\s+for y in
x\.xpath\(/{1,2}[\w+|\/|\*]+\)\s\]', xml_frag):
result = eval(xpath_command, {__builtins__:[]},{x: x})
 if type(result).__name__ == list:
 return result

Yes, the regex is pretty unfriendly, but it works for all of the cases
above and fails for other non-valid examples I've tried.

# Let's try it in ipython:

from lxml import etree

f = open('/tmp/sample.xml')
xml_frag = etree.fromstring(

print apply_xpath(xpathlib[footwear_type], xml_frag)

['ballet shoes', 'loafers', 'ballet shoes', 'hiking boots', 'training
shoes', 'hiking boots', 'socks']

Is this approach ok?

I've been reading about this and know about the following example that
bypass the __builtins__ restriction on eval (edited so it won't work).

__import__('shutill').rmtreee('/')  ===DO NOT TRY AND RUN THIS

As the potential audience for this Web App is both known and
controlled, am I being too cautious?

If eval is not the way forward, are there any suggestions for
another way to do this?


Calling a method with a variable name

2009-11-04 Thread Simon Mullis
Hi All,

I'm collating a bunch of my utility scripts into one, creating a
single script to which I will symbolic link multiple times.  This way
I only have to write code for error checking, output-formatting etc a
single time.

So, I have

 ~/bin/foo  - ~/Code/python/
 ~/bin/bar  - ~/Code/python/
 ~/bin/baz  - ~/Code/python/

I would like bar to run the bar method (and so on).

class Statistic()
def __init__(self):

def foo(self):
 return foo!

def bar(self):
 return bar!

#... and so on...

def main():
stats_obj = Statistic()
name = re.sub([^A-Za-z], , sys.argv[0])
method = getattr(stats_obj, name, None)
if callable(method):  #  HERE
print nope, not sure what you're after

However, as I'm sure you've all noticed already, there is no method
called name. I would really prefer to get a nudge in the right
direction before I start evaling variables and so on.

Does my approach make sense? If not, please give me a hint...



Re: Calling a method with a variable name

2009-11-04 Thread Simon Mullis
May I be the first to say Doh!

Problem solved, many thanks to both Carsten and Diez!


2009/11/4 Carsten Haese
 Simon Mullis wrote:
 def main():
     stats_obj = Statistic()
     name = re.sub([^A-Za-z], , sys.argv[0])
     method = getattr(stats_obj, name, None)
     if callable(method):              #  HERE
         print nope, not sure what you're after

 However, as I'm sure you've all noticed already, there is no method
 called name. I would really prefer to get a nudge in the right
 direction before I start evaling variables and so on.

 At the point you marked HERE, you've already found the method, and you
 have determined that it is callable. You just need to call it. Like
 this: method().


 Carsten Haese


Simon Mullis

Re: parse date/time from a log entry with only strftime (and no regexen)

2009-02-05 Thread Simon Mullis
That, my friend, is ingenious...!



2009/2/3 andrew cooke

   ValueError: unconverted data remains:  this is the remainder of the log

   that I do not care about

 you could catch the ValueError and split at the ':' in the .args
 attribute to find the extra data.  you could then find the extra data
 in the original string, use the index to remove it, and re-parse the

 ugly, but should work.

Simon Mullis

Should open(sys.stdin) and open(file, 'r') be equivalent?

2009-02-05 Thread Simon Mullis
Hi All

I've written a simple python script that accepts both stdin and a glob (or
at least, that is the plan).
Unfortunately, the glob part seems to hang when it's looped through to the
end of the filehandle.

And I have no idea why... ;-)

sys.stdin and a normal file opened with open seem to both be identical

 import sys
 foo = sys.stdin
type 'file'
open file 'stdin', mode 'r' at 0x16020

 bar = open(test_file, 'r')
type 'file'
open file 'test_file', mode 'r' at 0x3936e0

The stdin version is fine. I want to re-use the code for scan_data (and all
of the other processing methods) so I'd like to be able to iterate over one
line at a time, independently of the source (i.e. either file or stdin)

Code that illustrates the issue follows:

# cat

#!/usr/bin/env python
import glob, os, sys
class TestParse(object):
def __init__(self):
if (options.stdin):
if (options.glob):
  self.files = glob.glob(options.glob)
  for f in files:
  fh = open(f, 'r')

def scan_data(self,fileobject):
i = int()
for line in fileobject:
print i
i += 1
# do stuff with the line...
   print finished file

def main():
T = TestParse()

if __name__ == __main__:
from optparse import OptionParser
p = OptionParser(__doc__, version=testing 1 2 3)
p.add_option(--glob, dest=glob)
p.add_option(--stdin, dest=stdin, action=store_true,
(options, args) = p.parse_args()


Running this against stdin outputs a count of lines and then exits fine
(exit code 0).

# cat test_file | ./ --stdin
# echo $?

Running against --glob test_file just hangs.

# ./ --glob test_file
wait 20 seconds or so...
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 35, in module
  File ./, line 26, in main
T = TestParse()
  File ./, line 8, in __init__
  File ./, line 18, in scan_data
for line in fileobject:
 # echo $?

So, what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


Simon Mullis

Re: Should open(sys.stdin) and open(file, 'r') be equivalent?

2009-02-05 Thread Simon Mullis
Hi Chris

2009/2/5 Chris Rebert

 I'd add some print()s in the above loop (and also the 'for f in files'
 loop) to make sure the part of the code you didn't want to share (do
 stuff with the line) works correctly, and that nothing is improperly
 looping in some unexpected way.

The point is that even with the very, very simple script I posted
above the behavior of open(sys.stdin) and open(filename, 'r') is

The object foo (where foo = sys.stdin) allows me to iterate then hands
back after the loop is finished.

The object bar (where bar = open(filename, 'r')) does not.

Both foo and bar have the same type, methods, repr etc.

 Also, there are several series of lines with invalid indentation;
 could be an email artifact or could be the cause of your problem. If
 the print()s don't yield any useful insight, repost the code again
 with absolutely correct indentation.

(code posted again to fix indents)
#!/usr/bin/env python

import glob, os, sys

class TestParse(object):
def __init__(self):
if options.stdin:
if options.glob:
self.files = glob.glob(options.glob)
for f in files:
fh = open(f, 'r')

def scan_data(self,fileobject):
i = 0
for line in fileobject:
print i
i += 1
# do stuff with the line...
print finished file

def main():
T = TestParse()

if __name__ == __main__:
from optparse import OptionParser
p = OptionParser(__doc__, version=testing 1 2 3)
p.add_option(--glob, dest=glob)
p.add_option(--stdin, dest=stdin, action=store_true, default=False)
(options, args) = p.parse_args()

(The code I'm actually using is much more complex than this. I tried
to create the most simple example of it _not_ working as expected...)

 Finally, some stylistic points:
 - don't do 'if (foo):'   use the less noisy 'if foo:' instead
 - don't do 'i = int()'   use the more obvious 'i = 0' instead


My question again, to be more explicit: Should the objects created by
sys.stdin and open(filename, 'r') have the same behavior when iterated
over? They both have __iter__ methods

Thanks in advance for any suggestions


[SOLVED] Re: Should open(sys.stdin) and open(file, 'r') be equivalent?

2009-02-05 Thread Simon Mullis
Forget it all... I was being very very daft!

The default = 'False' in the options for stdin was not being
evaluated as I thought, so the script was waiting for stdin even when
there was the glob switch was used...No stdin equals the script
seeming to hang.

Ah well.


Re: Should open(sys.stdin) and open(file, 'r') be equivalent?

2009-02-05 Thread Simon Mullis
Last try at getting the indenting to appear correctly..

#!/usr/bin/env python

import glob, os, sys

class TestParse(object):
def __init__(self):
if options.stdin:
if options.glob:
self.files = glob.glob(options.glob)
for f in files:
fh = open(f, 'r')

def scan_data(self,fileobject):
i = 0
for line in fileobject:
print i
i += 1
# do stuff with the line...
print finished file

def main():
T = TestParse()

if __name__ == __main__:
from optparse import OptionParser
p = OptionParser(__doc__, version=testing 1 2 3)
p.add_option(--glob, dest=glob, help=use this glob)
p.add_option(--stdin, dest=stdin, action=store_true,
default=False, help=use stdin)
(options, args) = p.parse_args()

parse date/time from a log entry with only strftime (and no regexen)

2009-02-03 Thread Simon Mullis
Hi All

I'm writing a script to help with analyzing log files timestamps and have a
very specific question on which I'm momentarily stumped

I'd like the script to support multiple log file types, so allow a strftime
format to be passed in as a cli switch (default is %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S).

When it comes to actually doing the analysis I want to store or discard the
log entry based on certain criteria. In fact, I only need the log line

I'd like to do this in one step and therefore not require the user to supply
a regex aswell as a strftime format:

 import datetime
 p = datetime.datetime.strptime(2008-07-23 12:18:28 this is the
remainder of the log line that I do not care about, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /opt/local/lib/python2.5/, line 333, in strptime
ValueError: unconverted data remains:  this is the remainder of the log line
that I do not care about

NameError: name 'p' is not defined

Clearly the strptime method above can grab the right bits of data but the
string p is not created due to the error.

So, my options are:

1 - Only support one log format.

2 - Support any log format but require a regex as well as a strftime format
so I can extract the timestamp portion.

3 - Create another class/method with a lookup table for the strftime options
that automagically creates the correct regex to extract the right string
from the log entry... (or is this overly complicated)

4 - Override the method above (strptime) to allow what I'm trying to do).

4 - Some other very clever and elegant solution that I would not ever manage
to think of myself

Am I making any sense whatsoever?



(P.S The reason I don't want the end user to supply a regex for the
timestamin he log-entry is that we're already using 2 other regexes as cli
switches to select the file glob and log line to match)

dict generator question

2008-09-18 Thread Simon Mullis

Let's say I have an arbitrary list of minor software versions of an
imaginary software product:

l = [,,,,]

I'd like to create a dict with major_version : count.

(So, in this case:

dict_of_counts = { 1.1 : 1,
   1.2 : 2,
   1.3 : 2 }

Something like:

dict_of_counts = dict([(v[0:3], count) for v in l])

I can't seem to figure out how to get count, as I cannot do x += 1
or x++ as x may or may not yet exist, and I haven't found a way to
create default values.

I'm most probably not thinking pythonically enough... (I know I could
do this pretty easily with a couple more lines, but I'd like to
understand if there's a way to use a dict generator for this).

Thanks in advance


Simon Mullis

Re: dict generator question

2008-09-18 Thread Simon Mullis

Thanks for all of the suggestions... (I love this list!)


2008/9/18  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Sep 18, 10:54 am, Simon Mullis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let's say I have an arbitrary list of minor software versions of an
 imaginary software product:

 l = [,,,,]

 I'd like to create a dict with major_version : count.

 (So, in this case:

 dict_of_counts = { 1.1 : 1,
1.2 : 2,
1.3 : 2 }

 Something like:

 dict_of_counts = dict([(v[0:3], count) for v in l])

 I can't seem to figure out how to get count, as I cannot do x += 1
 or x++ as x may or may not yet exist, and I haven't found a way to
 create default values.

 I'm most probably not thinking pythonically enough... (I know I could
 do this pretty easily with a couple more lines, but I'd like to
 understand if there's a way to use a dict generator for this).

 Thanks in advance


 Simon Mullis

 Considering 3 identical simultpost solutions I'd say:
  one obvious way to do it FTW :-)

Simon Mullis

Equivalents of Ruby's ! methods?

2008-08-25 Thread Simon Mullis
Hi All,

Quick question, I can't seem to find the answer online (well, at the
moment I think the answer is a simple no but I would like to

Consider the following hash:

h = { 1 : a\r, 2 : b\n }

In order to strip the dict values in Python I (think) I can only do
something like:

for k,v in h.items:
h[k] = v.strip()

While in Ruby - for the equivale dict/hash - I have the option of an
in-place method:

h.each_value { |v| val.strip! }

Are there Python equivalents to the ! methods in Ruby?

The reason I ask is that I have some fairly complex data-structures
and this would make my code alot cleaner... If this is not an accepted
and pythonic way of doing things then please let me know... and I'll

Thanks in advance


Simon Mullis

Re: Equivalents of Ruby's ! methods?

2008-08-25 Thread Simon Mullis
Thanks to all for the quick responses.

2008/8/25 Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 This is a 'dict' instance in Python. A 'hash' is a different concept.

 In order to strip the dict values in Python I (think) I can only do
 something like:

 for k,v in h.items:
 h[k] = v.strip()

 The above won't do what you describe, since 'h.items' evaluates to
 that function object, which is not iterable. If you want the return
 value of the function, you must call the function:

for (k, v) in h.items():
h[k] = v.strip()

Yes - absolutely, a typo on my part.

 This will create a new value from each existing value, and re-bind
 each key to the new value for that key. Clear, straightforward, and

 You can also create a new dict from a generator, and re-bind the name
 to that new dict:

h = dict(
(k, v.strip())
for (k, v) in h.items())

 Also quite Pythonic, but rather less clear if one hasn't yet
 understood generator expressions. Very useful to have when needed,

Thanks for this - I'll have a look!

 While in Ruby - for the equivale dict/hash - I have the option of an
 in-place method:

 h.each_value { |v| val.strip! }

 Are there Python equivalents to the ! methods in Ruby?

 I'm not overly familiar with Ruby, but the feature you describe above
 seems to rely on mutating the string value in-place. Is that right?

There are a number of methods that can be used to change things
in-place such as:!)
= [upcase!, gsub!, downcase!, chop!, capitalize!, tr!,
chomp!, swapcase!, tr_s!, succ!, strip!, delete!,
lstrip!, squeeze!, next!, rstrip!, slice!, reverse!,

= [map!, shuffle!, uniq!, reject!, compact!, slice!,
sort!, flatten!, collect!, reverse!]

They normally have a non-! partner which is used only for a return
value and does not affect the original object.

But! This isn't a Ruby group so I'll stop now... ;-)

 Strings in Python are immutable (among other reasons, this allows them
 to meet the requirement of dict keys to be immutable, which in turn
 allows dict implementations to be very fast), so you can only get a
 new value for a string by creating a new string instance and re-bind
 the reference to that new value.

Normally I would use a Ruby symbol as a hash key:

h = { :key1 = val1, :key2 = val2 }

From the stdlib docs:

The same Symbol object will be created for a given name or string for
the duration of a program's execution, regardless of the context or
meaning of that name. Thus if Fred is a constant in one context, a
method in another, and a class in a third, the Symbol :Fred will be
the same object in all three contexts. 

There is no equivalent in Python (as far as I know, and I'm only in my
second week of Python so I'm more than likely incorrect!).

If you're interested:

Thanks again for the pointers.

Simon Mullis

Re: From Ruby to Python?

2008-08-14 Thread Simon Mullis
In case anyone else has the same question:

This has been very useful:

Short, concise. Enough to get me going.


2008/8/13 Simon Mullis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi All,

 I just finally found 30 minutes to try and write some code in Python and
 realized after a couple of minor syntactic false starts that I'd finished my
 initial attempt without needing to refer to any documention... And after the
 first few minutes I stopped noticing the whitespace thing that had scared me
 off previously.  (Admittedly it's a very basic script using telnetlib to log
 into a bunch of network devices via a few console servers and put the
 results of some remote commands into a data-structure).

 So, after this initially promising start:

 Are there any good cheatsheets / guides for a Ruby programmer to learn

 I searched this list and couldn't find anything, and wasn't successful with
 google either...

 Many thanks in advance,



Simon Mullis

From Ruby to Python?

2008-08-13 Thread Simon Mullis
Hi All,

I just finally found 30 minutes to try and write some code in Python and
realized after a couple of minor syntactic false starts that I'd finished my
initial attempt without needing to refer to any documention... And after the
first few minutes I stopped noticing the whitespace thing that had scared me
off previously.  (Admittedly it's a very basic script using telnetlib to log
into a bunch of network devices via a few console servers and put the
results of some remote commands into a data-structure).

So, after this initially promising start:

Are there any good cheatsheets / guides for a Ruby programmer to learn

I searched this list and couldn't find anything, and wasn't successful with
google either...

Many thanks in advance,



Re: Regarding Telnet library in python

2008-08-13 Thread Simon Mullis
Hi there,

This works (but bear in mind I'm about only 30 minutes into my Python

def connect(host):
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host)
return tn

def login(session,user,password):
session.read_until(Login: )
session.write(user + \n)
session.read_until(Password: )
session.write(password + \n)

def apply_command(session,command):
session.write(command + \n)
response = str(session.read_until(#))
return response

def cleanup(session):

tn = connect(

directory = apply_command(tn,ls -l)
kernel_release = apply_command(tn,uname -r\n)


You'd probably need to apply a regex to the output of the apply_command
method for it to make sense, and I am confident there is a much, much better
way to do this!

