Re: Font management under win32

2005-09-30 Thread Stefano Masini
On 9/30/05, Roger Upole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's an example of how to use EnumFontFamilies:

I'm trying the code you just posted, which works (thanks a lot), but I'm having
another problem now.

As I stated in my first post, the reason why I need to know the list
of installed fonts is that I have to decide whether to further install
some additional missing ones.
The problem I have now, is that I don't know before hand the name of
the missing fonts, I just have their .ttf or .otf files. So I'd have
to somehow go inside and look for their names.

Do you think that is possible with win32 extensions?


Font management under win32

2005-09-28 Thread Stefano Masini

I have a simple need, running under windows:

1) retrieve the list of installed system fonts
2) maybe install missing fonts

Surprisingly for me, there seems to be no support for such a thing in
python. I really hope I'm mistaken, so _please_ correct me if I'm

I found out that it all boils down to a couple of win32 syscalls:
EnumFontFamiliesEx and AddFontResourceEx. Unfortunately I'm no expert
of win32 programming whatsoever. I asked Mark Hammond about this.
While I wait for him to receive my email, I thought I'd post on the
list in case someone else was interested, or had found a different

Indeed, win32gui does contain an EnumFontFamilies (without the
trailing Ex) function, but I found no usage example, and I couldn't
figure out how to use LOGFONT handles (since such a thing is required
as the first parameter to the call). So I decided to punt on it and
ask for wiser support.

If I could get this EnumFontFamilies to work, it could already be
enough, because I found a command line tool that allows me to do font
installation. It's got to be some no-brainer 10 lines of C code simply
calling AddFontResourceEx, but it works!

So, does anybody ever had the same problem?


Re: Why do Pythoneers reinvent the wheel?

2005-09-10 Thread Stefano Masini
On 10 Sep 2005 02:10:59 EDT, Tim Daneliuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As someone who implemented their own configuration mini-language
 with validation, blah, blah, blah 

Well, a configuration mini language with validation and blahs is not
exactly what I would call _simple_... :) so maybe it doesn't even fit
into my idea of testing-stdlib, or quick and dirty section of the
manual (see my other post).
But certainly it would be worth mentioning in the list of available
solutions under the subsection Configuration files handling.

 1) The existing tool is inadequate for the task at hand and OO subclassing
 is overrated/overhyped to fix this problem.  Even when you override
 base classes with your own stuff, you're still stuck with the larger
 *architecture* of the original design.   You really can't subclass
 your way out of that, hence new tools to do old things spring into

That's true, but usually only when the original design if too simple
comparing to the complexity of the problem. Instead a very general
solution can usually be subclassed to easily handle a simpler problem.
You still have to actually understand the general and complex design
in order to be able to write subclasses, so maybe one can be tempted
to punt on it, and write its own simple solution. But in this case it
would just be enough to propose a few solutions in the testing-stdlib:
a) one simple implementation for simple problems, easy to understand,
but limited.
b) one complex implementation for complex problems, 
c) one simplified implementation for simple problems, easy to
understand, but subclassed from a complex model, that leaves room for
more understanding and extension just in case one needs more power.

I fully understand the difficulty of reusing code, as it always forces
you to a learning curve and coming to compromises. But I've also
wasted a lot of time reinventing the wheel and later found stuff I
could have happily lived with if I only had known.

 2) It's a learning exercise.

Well, so we might as well learn a little more and rewrite os.path, the
time module and pickle. Right? :)

 3) You don't trust the quality of the code for existing modules.
 (Not that *I* have this problem :-p  but some people might.)

That's a good point, but it really boils down to being a wise
programmer on one side, being able to discern the Good from the Bad,
and an active community on the other side, able to provide good
solutions and improve them.
If either one is missing, then a lot of bad stuff can happen, and we
can't really take community decisions basing on the assumption that
programmers won't be able to understand, or that the community won't
be able to provide. So we might as well assume that we have good
programmers and an active community.
Which I think is true, by the way!
So, let's talk about a way to more effectively present available
solutions to our good programmers! :)


Re: Why do Pythoneers reinvent the wheel?

2005-09-10 Thread Stefano Masini
On 10 Sep 2005 03:16:02 EDT, Tim Daneliuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 frameworks are unlikely to serve them well as written. I realize this is
 all at a level of complexity above what you had in mind, but it's easy
 to forget that a significant portion of the world likes/needs/benefits
 from things that are *not* particularly generic.  This is thus reflected
 in the software they write.

In my opinion this has got more to deal with the open source vs.
proprietary debate, that I wouldn't like to talk about, since it's
somewhat marginal.

What I was pointing out is well summarized in the subject: Why do
Pythoneers reinvent the wheel?
Reinventing the wheel (too much) is Bad for both the open source
community and industry. It's bad for development in general. I got the
feeling that in the specific case of Python the ultimate reason for
this tendency in also the same reason why this language is so much
better that others for, say, fast prototyping and exploration of new
ideas: it's simple.

So, without taking anything out of python, I'm wondering if a richer
and less formal alternative standard library would help forming a
common grounds where programmers could start from in order to build
better and reinvent less.

If such an aid to _general_ problem solving is indeed missing (I might
be wrong) from the current state of python, I don't really think the
reason is related to industry. I would look for reasons elsewhere,
like it beeing difficult to come out with effective decisional support
in an open source community, or something like this. I can certainly
see the challenge of who and how should decide what goes in the
library, and what not.


Why do Pythoneers reinvent the wheel?

2005-09-09 Thread Stefano Masini
On 8 Sep 2005 08:24:50 -0700, Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is pythonutils ?
 ConfigObj - simple config file handling
 validate - validation and type conversion system
 listquote - string to list conversion
 StandOut - simple logging and output control object
 pathutils - for working with paths and files
 cgiutils - cgi helpers
 urlpath - functions for handling URLs
 odict - Ordered Dictionary Class

Fuzzyman, your post reminded me of something I can't stop thinking
about. Please don't take this as a critique on your work. I place
myself on the same side of yours.
I just wanted to share this thought with everybody had an opinion about it.

I wonder how many people (including myself) have implemented their own
versions of such modules, at least once in their pythonic life. I
indeed have my own odict (even same name! :). My own pathutils
(different name, but same stuff). My own validate... and so forth.

This is just too bad.
There are a few ares where everybody seems to be implementing their
own stuff over and over: logging, file handling, ordered dictionaries,
data serialization, and maybe a few more.
I don't know what's the ultimate problem, but I think there are 3 main reasons:
1) poor communication inside the community (mhm... arguable)
2) lack of a rich standard library (I heard this more than once)
3) python is such an easy language that the I'll do it myself evil
side lying hidden inside each one of us comes up a little too often,
and prevents from spending more time on research of what's available.

It seems to me that this tendency is hurting python, and I wonder if
there is something that could be done about it. I once followed a
discussion about placing one of the available third party modules for
file handling inside the standard library. I can't remember its name
right now, but the discussion quickly became hot with considerations
about the module not being right enough to fit the standard library.
The points were right, but in some sense it's a pity because by being
in the stdlib it could have had a lot more visibility and maybe people
would have stopped writing their own, and would have begun using it.
Then maybe, if it was not perfect, people would have begun improving
it, and by now we would have a solid feature available to everybody.

mhm... could it be a good idea to have two versions of the stdlib? One
stable, and one testing, where stuff could be thrown in without being
too picky, in order to let the community decide and improve?

Again, Fuzzyman, your post was just the excuse to get me started. I
understand and respect your work, also because you put the remarkable
effort to make it publicly available.

That's my two cents,

Re: Why do Pythoneers reinvent the wheel?

2005-09-09 Thread Stefano Masini
On 9/9/05, Michael Amrhein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you take a look at pyPI ( ?
 At least you'd find another odict ...

Oh, yeah. And another filesystem abstraction layer... and another xml
serialization methodology... :)
PyPI is actually pretty cool. If I had to vote for something going
into a testing stdlib, I'd vote for PyPI.

You see, that's my point, we have too many! :)


Re: Why do Pythoneers reinvent the wheel?

2005-09-09 Thread Stefano Masini
On 9/9/05, djw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think, for me, this most important reason is that the stdlib version
 of a module doesn't always completely fill the requirements of the
 project being worked on. That's certainly why I wrote my own, much
 simpler, logging module. In this case, its obvious that the original
 author of the stdlib logging module had different ideas about how
 straightforward and simple a logging module should be. To me, this just
 demonstrates how difficult it is to write good library code - it has to
 try and be everything to everybody without becoming overly general,
 abstract, or bloated.

That's very true. But...
...there are languages (ahem... did I hear somebody say Java? :) that
make it so hard to write code, that one usually prefers using whatever
is already available even if this means adopting a style that
doesn't quite match his expectations.
To me, it is not clear which is best: a very comfortable programmer
with a longer todo list, or an unfomfortable programmer with a short
todo list.
So far, I've always struggled to be in the first category, but I'm
amazed when I look back and see how many wheels I reinvented. But
maybe it's just lack of wisdom. :)


Re: Why do Pythoneers reinvent the wheel?

2005-09-09 Thread Stefano Masini
On 9/9/05, Dave Brueck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 shot). The cost of developing _exactly_ what you need often is (or at least
 *appears* to be) the same as or lower than bending to use what somebody else 
 already built.

That's right. But as you say, this is _often_ the case, not always.
One doesn't necessarily need to bend too much in order to use
something that's available out there.
If we're talking about simple stuff, like ordered dictionaries, file
system management, ini files roundtripping, xml serialization (this
one maybe is not that trivial...), I don't think you would have to
come to big compromises.

I myself reinvented these wheels a few times in different projects,
because I wasn't happy with the way I reinvented the first time, then
I eventually found some code written by someone else that was
_exactly_ the same as my last attempt, my most evolved and perfect,
my presciou :), if it wasn't even better. Separate paths of
evolution that converged to the same solution, because the problem was
simple to begin with. Under this light, it seems to me that I wasted a
lot of time. If odict was in the stdlib I wouldn't have bothered
writing it.

And yet, this code is not available in the stdlib. Sometimes it's not
even trivial to be googled for. Plus, if you think of a python
beginner, what's the chance that he's gonna say: naa, this code in the
library sucks. I'm gonna search google for another ini file round
tripper. Whatever is available there, he's gonna use, at least in the
beginning. Then he will soon figure out that it indeed sucks, and at
that point there's a chance that he'll say: man... _python_ sucks! I
cannot even round trip an ini file with the same module!

That's why I say this lack of a centralized, officially recommended
code repository maybe is hurting python.

I agree that building library code is hard because it has to be both
correct and simple. But, again, there's a lot of useful stuff not the
library, that's simple in the start so it's just a matter of writing
it correctly. If the semantics can be different, just provide a couple
of alternatives, and history will judge.

It would be great if there was a section in the Python manual like this:

Quick and Dirty: Commonly needed tricks for real applications

1. odict
2. file system management
3. xml (de)serialization
4. ...

Each section would describe the problem and list one or a few
recommended implementations. All available under __testing_stdlib__.
Appoint somebody as the BDFL and make the process of updating the
testing stdlib democratic enough to allow for more evolution freedom
than the stable stdlib.

If such a quick and dirty section existed, I think it would also
become a natural randevouz point for innovators. If one invented a new
cool, simple and useful module, rather than just publishing it in his
own public svn repository, he would feel comfortable to start a
discussion on the python-testing-stdlib mailing list suggesting to
include it in the quick and dirty section of the manual. The manual
is the primary resource that every python programmer makes use of,
expecially beginners. But it is so official that no one would ever
dare suggesting to include something in it. If the Vaults of Parnassus
were listed in there (maybe a bit trimmed and evaluated first ;) a
beginner would have immediate access to the most common tricks that
one soon faces when it comes to writing real applications.

I'm talking wildly here... I'm quite aware of how simplistic I made it.
Just throwing an idea.

What do you think?
