Can local function access local variables in main program?

2007-11-03 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I am confused by the following program:

def f():
print x

result is:


def f():
print x


result is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ...\, line 5, in ?
  File ...\, line 2, in f
print x
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

I am using
Python 2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
I also tested it on python 2.5, which gives the same result.


Re: Can local function access local variables in main program?

2007-11-03 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Actually I am quite satisfied with and error, which is my expectation.
But the implicit global variable access seems quite uncomfortable to
me. Why is that necessary?

On Nov 3, 3:39 am, Stargaming [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 07:18:17 +, Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:
  I am confused by the following program:

  def f():
  print x

  result is:


 If python can't discover x in your current scope and you do not bind to
 it there, it will automatically access that global name x.


Seek the one billionth line in a file containing 3 billion lines.

2007-08-08 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I have a huge log file which contains 3,453,299,000 lines with
different lengths. It is not possible to calculate the absolute
position of the beginning of the one billionth line. Are there
efficient way to seek to the beginning of that line in python?

This program:
for i in range(10):
is absolutely every slow

Thank you so much for help.


Re: Seek the one billionth line in a file containing 3 billion lines.

2007-08-08 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
On Aug 8, 2:35 am, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sullivan WxPyQtKinter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  This program:
  for i in range(10):
  is absolutely every slow

 There are two problems:

  1) range(10) builds a list of a billion elements in memory,
 which is many gigabytes and probably thrashing your machine.
 You want to use xrange instead of range, which builds an iterator
 (i.e. something that uses just a small amount of memory, and
 generates the values on the fly instead of precomputing a list).

  2) f.readline() reads an entire line of input which (depending on
 the nature of the log file) could also be of very large size.
 If you're sure the log file contents are sensible (lines up to
 several megabytes shouldn't cause a problem) then you can do it
 that way, but otherwise you want to read fixed size units.

Thank you for pointing out these two problem. I wrote this program
just to say that how inefficient it is to use a seemingly NATIVE way
to seek a such a big file. No other intention


Python CGI problem: correct result, but incorrect browser response.

2006-04-06 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
title:Python CGI problem: correct result, but incorrect browser

In one of my CGI program,named '', the script return a HEADER
to web browser:

Set-Cookie: username=testuser;
(blank line)

but the IE prompted to let me choose to save the ''. When I
save it, the file is just the header. That means the IE failed to parse
the header. My IE has already enabled cookie read and write. I also
tried Firefox, but the result is the same. How does this happen?


debug CGI with complex forms

2006-04-06 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
When the form in one HTML is very complex with a lot of fields(input,
button,radio,checkbox etc.), setting the environment is quite
burdernsome, so I usually change the stdout and stderr of the submit
processing script to a file object to see the output directly from that
file. This just can do, but still inconvinient.
Anyone has more suggestions?


Does anyone know where is the Berkeley XML Database documentation for its Python API?

2006-04-04 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I have been looking for python API documentation of BDBXML for quite a
few days but I could not find it. Anyone has any idea where it is? Or
if there is not such a thing at all, how could I get started?

In addition, in the previous posts I have seen some grumble about
python API's lack of XMLexception and some basic programming and
debugging elements for project engineering. Are they added or fixed in
the lastest version of BSBXML? 

Thank you for help.


Re: DOM and HTML

2006-04-02 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I do not know much about the HTML DOMBut I think if you just mean
treating HTML like XML and build it into a DOM tree and (Very
important) the HTML file is not a 1 lines or even longer one, then
go ahead to xml.dom.minidom module for help. It has a basic (and great)
implementation for light-weighted DOM implementation.


Berkeley DB XML vs 4suite for fast searching in XML DB?

2006-04-01 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Storing XML in relational database with indexing feature is exactly
what I need. But 4suite is mentioned from time to time and seemingly
holding better support for python. I have no idea if 4 suite has
provide strong support for random access or relatively random access
for XML database and with indexing features, to support fast search.

Who could compare the efficiency different between the two?


How to search HUGE XML with DOM?

2006-03-31 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
a relation database has admiring search efficiency when the database is
very big (several thousands or tens of thousands of records). But my
current project is based on XML, for its tree-like data structure has
much more flexibility; and DOM, which could be manipulated just like a
tree. However, how to establish such a XML data base for search when it
contains 10,000 records (One record usually contain 10~30 tags) or

My search needs:
1. Search and return all the record (an element) with specific id.
2. Search and return all the record whose child nodes has a specific id
or attribute.

the xml.dom.minidom object is too slow when parsing such a big XML file
to a DOM object. while pulldom should spend  quite a long time going
through the whole database file. How to enhance the searching speed?
Are there existing solution or algorithm? Thank you for your


Re: How to search HUGE XML with DOM?

2006-03-31 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Perhaps what you have said is correct. But XML is more direct for
programmers and readers in my view point.

bayerj 写道:

 Mind, that XML documents are not more flexible than RDBMS.

 You can represent any XML document in a RDBMS. You cannot represent any
 RDBMS in an XML document. RDBMS are (strictly spoken) relations and XML
 documents are trees. Relations are superior to trees, at least
 mathematically speaking.

 Once you have set up your system in a practicable way (e.G. not needing
 to create a new table via SQL Queries for a new type of node, which
 would be a pain) SQL is far superior to XML.

 Anyway, cElementTree seems to be the best way to go for you now. Its
 performance is untopped by any other python xml library, as far as I


Very stupid question.

2006-03-30 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
How to get the length of a file via build-in file object support? In
Visual Basic there is len(file) of something like that. But in python,
where is this property?

Sorry for this stupid question, if it is.

Thank you for help.


Re: Very stupid question.

2006-03-30 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
In addition, f=file('filename','r');len( is quite expensive in
my point of view, If the file is serveral MB or larger.


Re: CGI redirection: let us discuss it further

2006-03-29 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Well, in that case, the internal direction is just what I need. Thank
you so much for help.


Re: How do clients(web browser) close a python CGI program that is not responding?

2006-03-28 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Actually my project is converting certain specially costomized  XML
file to HTML to display and edit. Sometimes the XML file is too big, or
the client upload a very huge file for the server to process, which
exceeds the processing ability of my server.(after all, it is a small
server on my poor laptopwhich use winXP and IIS..not
professional, huh?)

I configures IIS to terminate CGI program if it do not complete in 20
sec. But it does not workPerhaps I should go to a IIS or apache
forum for answer.

Thank you.


Re: How to inplement Session in CGI

2006-03-28 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter

bruno at modulix 写道:

 Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:
  Python disappointly failed to provide a convinient cgi session
  management module.

 Probably because there are much better options for web programming in
 Python ?
Really? Then what is it?


No Cookie: how to implement session?

2006-03-28 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
 I do not want to use Cookies in my site since not all web browser
support it well and sometimes people close cookie functioning for
security reasons.

I tried to add hidden field with a sessionID in every python CGI script
generated web pages, so everytime my client POST a request, the server
will retrieve the sessionID and decide if it is in the same session.
However, since python cgi do not have a function for redirecting to a
page, I use Location: url http head or body
onload=document.location=\'%s\'/body javascript  for this case, hidden field could not be used any more.

Really wish python would have session management or equivalent in
standard CGI module


Re: CGI redirection: let us discuss it further

2006-03-28 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter

 Just read the name of the server (os.environ['SERVER_NAME']) to work
 out what absolute URL to redirect to, whist still being portable.

 Here's some code I dug up that should also cope with non-default ports
 and SSL, if that's of any use:

   ssl= os.environ.get('HTTPS', 'off') not in ('', 'off', 'false', 'no')
   scheme= ['http', 'https'][ssl]
   port= ['80', '443'][ssl]
   host= os.environ.get('SERVER_NAME', 'localhost')
   url= '%s://%s:%s' % (scheme, host, os.environ.get('SERVER_PORT',
   if url.endswith(':'+port):
 server= server[:-(len(port)+1)]
   url+= path

 (You *can* pass relative URLs back to the web server in a Location:
 header, but this should do an internal redirect inside the server,
 which may not be what you want.)

Sorry I do not quite understand what is the difference between an
internal redirection and an external one?
 And Clover


Re: No Cookie: how to implement session?

2006-03-28 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
As you said, There is no solution? I mean, tracing a real session
without using tricks like hidden field and cookies in CGI script?
Dennis Lee Bieber 写道:

 On 28 Mar 2006 09:40:24 -0800, Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

   I do not want to use Cookies in my site since not all web browser
  support it well and sometimes people close cookie functioning for
  security reasons.
   Yes... And watch them flounder on sites that use cookies /for/ a
 form of security (ie, those sites that require logins...) Cookies can be
 set to expire, so the session can time-out... whereas...

  I tried to add hidden field with a sessionID in every python CGI script
  generated web pages, so everytime my client POST a request, the server

   This would imply that a client could start a session today, and
 finally submit tomorrow... There's no real time-out capability unless
 you run some background timer thread for each session ID...

  will retrieve the sessionID and decide if it is in the same session.
  However, since python cgi do not have a function for redirecting to a
  page, I use Location: url http head or body

   Isn't redirect normally the responsibility of the web server
 /before/ invoking the CGI script itself? I'll concede I'm weak on that
 level of detail.

  Really wish python would have session management or equivalent in
  standard CGI module

   The standard CGI module is only the lowest common base for dynamic
 web pages. The technology goes back decades, possibly even predating
 cookies. Look at the name: Common Gateway Interface... It's a building
 block responsible for getting submitted form data, as passed by the web
 server environment, and returning generated data -- the interface
 between an application and the web server. All else must be built on top
 of it -- hence separate modules for Cookie control, etc.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Wulfraed  Dennis Lee Bieber  KD6MOG 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Bestiaria Support Staff   
 Home Page:
  Overflow Page:


CGI redirection: let us discuss it further

2006-03-27 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I am now programming python scripts for CGI environment. The
redirection has been discussed in this forum for over one hundred
times. I have seen most of them, but still have some questions:

1. Are there any method (in python of course) to redirect to a web page
without causing a Back button trap(ie, when user click the back
button on their web browser, they are redirect to their current page,
while their hope is probably to go back to the last page they have
seen, rather than the redirection page with a Location: url head and
blank content.)?

2. Are there any method to use relative path, rather than full absolute
URI path in Location: url? It is very essential for later transplant
work, e.g.,transplant a folder of cgi scripts from one web server to
another, with different URL.

Thank you.


To my clients force to terminate a python CGI program?

2006-03-27 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Hi,there. Sometimes a python CGI script tries to output great
quantities of HTML responce or in other cases, it just falls into a
dead loop. How could my client close that CGI script running on the
server? I tried to use the STOP button in the web browser button, but
it does not work.

In addition, how could I configure that if a CGI program do not finish
its task in 20sec or so, it will be automatically terminated?


How do clients(web browser) close a python CGI program that is not responding?

2006-03-27 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Hi,there. Sometimes a python CGI script tries to output great
quantities of HTML responce or in other cases, it just falls into a
dead loop. How could my client close that CGI script running on the
server? I tried to use the STOP button in the web browser button, but
it does not work.

In addition, how could I configure that if a CGI program do not finish
its task in 20sec or so, it will be automatically terminated?


How to inplement Session in CGI

2006-03-27 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Python disappointly failed to provide a convinient cgi session
management module. Not willing to use external modules, I would like to
implement a simplest Session object on my own.

The basic problem is: how could a python CGI program understand several
requests are in the same session? Definately, request from different IP
would be easy to identified to be in different sessions, but request
from the same IP would not. 

Anyone has any idea?
Thank you:-)


How to search XML? Are there special libs?

2006-03-16 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I am now using XML to record my lab records in quite a complex way, in
which about 80 tags are used to identify different types of data. I
think it is  a good idea to search for a popular and mature XML search
engine before I started to program it myself:

I need the following functions:
Search and get all the records that share the same tree structures.
Search records containing a specific node or sub tree structres.

Does anyone know about something suitable? Or other powerful XML search
engine in Python?
Thank you so much for help.

PS: I do not care about the learning curve, as long as it is not  a
cliff to climb.


Is xml.dom.minidom.Element.cloneNode(deep=True) really fixed already?

2006-03-13 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Hi, I am now using minidom for my current development. I use cloneNode
method in Element object, but it just does not work. The test code is
very simple as follows:

from xml.dom.minidom import *
print a.toprettyxml()

print b.toprettyxml()
---END CODE---
see i=sullivan/

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\__Apply\, line 10, in -toplevel-
  File C:\Python24\lib\xml\dom\, line 211, in cloneNode
return _clone_node(self, deep, self.ownerDocument or self)
  File C:\Python24\lib\xml\dom\, line 1814, in _clone_node
if node.ownerDocument.isSameNode(newOwnerDocument):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'isSameNode'

--result end--

Since the prototype of cloneNode is cloneNode(deep), which does not
indicate the type of deep, I also tied other non-None value like
cloneNode(1), cloneNode('a') etc.None of them work.
Referencing the document, I have seen in python 2.0, this function was
very broken. But my Python version is quite up-to-date: version 2.4.1.

Is it a bug still not fixed??


Can not find a file in CMD model python when everything is OK in IDLE

2006-03-11 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I use python in Windows XP platform. I find that if I write a .py file
in a directory, such as windows desktop, in which a file named
'ticket.txt' is located:


In IDLE, this py file work all right. But if I launch python
interpretor in the command shell like this:

C:\Documents and Settings\Xiaozhong Zhengpython C:\Documents and
zhong Zheng\Desktop\

The interpretor would not find the file.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Xiaozhong Zheng\Desktop\, line
1, in ?
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ticket.txt'

Anyone knows why?

In addition, if I start IIS web service that runs .py file as CGI
program, then this .py file also works.


Can not find a file in CMD model python when everything is OK in IDLE

2006-03-11 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I use python on Windows XP platform. I find that if I write a .py file
in a directory, such as windows desktop, in which a file named
'ticket.txt' is located:


In IDLE, this py file work all right. But if I launch python
interpretor in the command shell like this:

C:\Documents and Settings\Xiaozhong Zhengpython C:\Documents and
Settings\Xiaozhong Zheng\Desktop\

The interpretor would not find the file.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Xiaozhong Zheng\Desktop\, line
1, in ?
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ticket.txt'

Anyone knows why?

In addition, if I start IIS web service that runs .py file as CGI
program, then this .py file also works.


Re: Can not find a file in CMD model python when everything is OK in IDLE

2006-03-11 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Sorry, I mistyped the line. In the program it IS:
f=open(ticket.txt), no '\' included.


Re: Can not find a file in CMD model python when everything is OK in IDLE

2006-03-11 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I see. I once was a VB programmer. In VB, the current directory is
always set to where the module locates before it runs.


Re: Can not find a file in CMD model python when everything is OK in IDLE

2006-03-11 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I see. I once was a VB programmer. In VB, the current directory is
always set to where the module locates before it runs.


How to refer to the function object itself in the function per se?

2006-03-11 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
When debugging using 'print' statement, I usually want to print some
important values together with the function name as the context of the
values printed out. So my hope is that I could get the name of the

Since every function object actually has a private __name__ attribute
that gives its name, but when I

print __name__

in a function, it usually print the public module-level __name__
attribute, ie, 'main', rather than the function level __name__. So how
could I refer to the function object per se, in the body of the
function itself?


Re: How to refer to the function object itself in the function per se?

2006-03-11 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I have Google the whole thing and find another way for alternative
implementation of getting the function's name. But all they returns are
just strings. If I would like to refer to the function object in order
to call it recursively, what shall I do then?


Re: How to refer to the function object itself in the function per se?

2006-03-11 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I am sorry but you misunderstood my idea.
What I want is a generalized method to print out the function name, or
refer to the name of a function. If I use f.__name__, I think I should
just use print f to save my keyboard. What I expect is using a
method, or attribute, or another function to get the name of a
Kay Schluehr 写道:

 Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:

  So how
  could I refer to the function object per se, in the body of the
  function itself?

 Just use the name.
 def f():
 print f.__name__


Python IDE: great headache....

2006-03-11 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
IDLE is no longer satisfactory for me. Other IDEs make me very
confused. Really do not know which one to use.

I use WinXP sp2 for current development.

So far as I know, Eclipse + PyDev + PyDev Extension is perfect for
source code editing. Since I am really not sure how to use the debugger
module, I really do not know how to add watch to variables etc. Anyone
knows if this platform is a good one?

I hope that an IDE should be featured with:
1. Grammar Colored highlights.
2. Manage project in a tree view or something alike, ie, a project file
3. Code collapse and folding.
4. Code auto-completion: especially prompting function parameters when
I am typing a function previously defined by myself. Like the one in
Visual Studio series.
5. Debugging: Breakpoints, conditional pause. watch for variables.step
into, over and out of a function.
What about other IDEs? Since I do not need GUI development. More over,
the free-of-charge IDE is highly preferred.
6.Indentation management like in IDLE: press ctrl+[/] to modify the
identation of a line or a block.

In addition, I have seen quite a few editors, which are definitely not
what I want. 

Thank you so much for suggestions.


Any python HTML generator libs?

2006-03-09 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Hi, everyone.  Simply put, what I need most now is a python lib to
generate simple HTML.

I am now using XML to store my lab report records. I found python
really convinient to manipulate XML, so I want to make a small on-line
CGI program to help my colleagues to build their lab report records
into XML, for storage, HTML display (for others to browse) and search.

With python's standard lib, the DOM object could realize the XML
storage and search quite easily, but for HTML generation,  it is a
great headache.

I tried to turn to the in-line server-side python script PSP(something
like asp and php) instead of CGI. However, since the report data is
always of very complex data structures, it is really hard to write most
things in-line. For example, a PCR reaction is expected to be shown in
this format or alike on a web browser:

Sample: Sm1032
Operater: SullivanZ
TimeStamp: hh:mm mm-dd-
 Concentration: mM
 Volumn:XXX uL

Since there are hundreds of PCR reaction and other operations in the
lab report, in-line PSP is not a suitable solution. But writing HTML
directly with print statement is a great pain.

Will XSTL be useful? Is my problem somewho related with XML-SIG?
Looking forward to your precious suggestion.


Re: Any python HTML generator libs?

2006-03-09 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Sorry I am completely a green-hand in HTML. What is HTMLTemplate and
ElementTree? Would you please post some source code as an example?

Of course I would Google them to find out more.

Thank you so much.


Re: Any python HTML generator libs?

2006-03-09 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
That lib can help.
But still, I have to code a lot using that lib. Maybe my program is
quite strange, far from common.

Thank you, after all~!


Confused by Method(function) of a module and method of a class/instance

2006-03-06 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
In python, these expression seems yields the same result:


print inputstring.lower()
print lower(inputstring)
print string.lower(inputstring)


Is the method lower() just a method for the inputstring instance( an
instrance object of a string class object), or a function in the module or a build-in function or sth else?

Why do the three expression yield the same result abc?


Re: Confused by Method(function) of a module and method of aclass/instance

2006-03-06 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Yes, I checked out that I have already run from string import *. So
the lower() means string.lower() function.

However, something else came out just now:
Both as the method of the type str, join never use the instr instance
object as method parameters while lower do. Compared with the .lower()
method, the instr.join() looks like an independent function, which use
the parameters in the parenthesis and return a value without instr
being changed. So why should it be programmed into the str type?

More confusing things came out to me:
''  #well, this is

How do you explain this result?

Sincerely, thank you so much for help.


It is fun.the result of str.lower(str())

2006-03-06 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Guess what would be the result of these functions:


If you guess them correctly, please explain.


Re: Making a tiny script language using python: I need a string processing lib

2006-03-04 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I have gone over the shlex and cmd and so, but none of them are
satisfactory. However, I tried to program this this function on my own
and found it pretty easy.

Thank you so much for the suggestion, after all.


Making a tiny script language using python: I need a string processing lib

2006-03-02 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I do not know if there is any lib specially designed to process the
strings in scipt language.
for example:
I hope to process the stringprint a,b,c,d,e in the formcommand
argumentlist and return:
Are there any lib to implement this?

Ideally , the lib should have a function like below:

def extract(commandstring, splitformat)

return: {what:see,whom:you,when:tonight}

return: {list:['1','2','3','4','5']}

extract(print a,b,c,d,e,command arglist[,])
return: {command:print,arglist:['a','b','c','d','e']}

return: {class1:fruit,

### # # # #
   ## #  #   #
   ## #   # #
   ## #   # #
   ## #  #   #
   ## # # #


Re: Any Tkinker based rich text widget?

2006-02-20 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
yes, I have tried Text Widget for quite some time. However, its speed
is far from satisfying.

When it holds more than 20,000 characters, it starts to response quite
slow. When you drag your mouse over some text to select, the selection
is usually done after 0.5second or so. My intent to use this widget is
to compose and process report as long as 30 to 60 pages.

Is it the problem of the Text widget or my usage? the following is the
code for testing Text widget. Run it and paste 20,000 characters, and
then it is retardant

===Code Start=
from Tkinter import *
root.title(Lab Report Editor)


===Code End===


Re: Any Tkinker based rich text widget?

2006-02-20 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Thank you so much for help. It is my honor to get a reply from a
prestigious figure like you.


Re: Any Tkinker based rich text widget?

2006-02-18 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
In addiiton, I hope it directly support basic HTML grammar.


 Hi all
 I am using the standard python GUI Tkinter as my program's main
 interface. Although I know wxPython has some widget to support rich
 text widget, but I do not have time to shift to wx series. Does
 anyone know any Tkinter based widget that support:

 1. Blod, Italic, Underline and their combinations.
 2. Several most commonly used fonts, like Times New Roman and Arial
 3. Multiline text
 4. Cross platform support. Available in Linux-RedHat and Mac OS series
 and Windows 2000 or above.
 5.Image embedding. Support jpeg, gif, bmp. The more the better.

 and better support:
 Hyperlink, Text color, the more the better.
 Thank you so much for help!
