hex string into binary format?

2005-03-31 Thread Tertius Cronje

How do I get a hexvalued string to a format recognized for binary

import binascii
s1 = '1C46BE3D9F6AA820'
s2 = '8667B5236D89CD46'

i1 = binascii.unhexlify(s1)
i2 = binascii.unhexlify(s2)
x = i1 ^i2

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'str' and 'str'

Many TIA

RE: Generating RTF with Python

2005-03-31 Thread Tertius Cronje
I'll use http://www.tug.org/ or a smaller solution
http://lout.sourceforge.net/ together with one of many Python template
solutions to generate to generate reports.


 -Original Message-

 Behalf Of Andreas Jung
 Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 4:02 PM
 To: python-list@python.org
 Subject: Generating RTF with Python
 does anyone know of a high-level solution to produce RTF from Python
 (something similar to
 Reportlab for producing PDF)?

inter threading info

2005-03-23 Thread Tertius Cronje
Hi All,

Q: Is it possible for a thread on SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer to get
the socket info of *other* open thread/s and use that info to send data
to the accepting client?

I wrote a socketserver using SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer. A client
is connected to the server and expects multiple request/responses. (Not
sure about the terminology but the client connects and then stay
connected for a while.)

I need to create a client that can connect to server and then determine
how many other clients are connected, what the socket info is
(ifile/ofile) and then send and receive specific data to those clients. 


RE: inter threading info

2005-03-23 Thread Tertius Cronje

 -Original Message-

 Behalf Of Daniel Dittmar
 Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 4:46 PM
 To: python-list@python.org
 Subject: Re: inter threading info
 Tertius Cronje wrote:
  Q: Is it possible for a thread on SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer to
  the socket info of *other* open thread/s and use that info to send
  to the accepting client?
 A specific socket can be used from every thread of a process. Just
 sure that you synchronize everything.
  I need to create a client that can connect to server and then
  how many other clients are connected, what the socket info is
 When you accept a socket client, a new socket is created, so you
 determine how many clients are connected to a socket. You have to
 a data structure where you insert info about accepted connections and
 delete the info when a connection is closed.

I was thinking of a dict or list _global_ to the
StreamRequestHandler.handle() method. That way I can pass the info on
with every new connection where the server will have access to it.

  (ifile/ofile) and then send and receive specific data to those
 ifile/ofile are local to the server process so you cannot use them to
 send data from one client to another client. You have to send the data
 to the server first with a special tag, the server has to use that tag
 and send the data to the designated other client.

That's what I had in mind thanks. The server needs to keep track of all
the connected clients. 

 It sounds a bit as if you want to build some kind of chat server and
 you want to add private channels.

Sounds like it but isn't. I'm busy developing a test/mock harness for a
financial switch. Currently it caters only for messages from the client
to the harness and then back. I need to add functionality that when an
_external_ message arrives, the switch can determine which client it
needs to send the data to.

Many thanks

Static parameter count

2005-03-17 Thread Tertius Cronje
Hi all,
This does not feel Pythonic. Is there a better way to do the same?

Many TIA

  # L = [1,2,3,4,5,6, etc]
  # L can contain 'n' elements
# fmt is made up to each particular specification

if len(L) == 0:
return ''
elif len(L) == 1:
return struct.pack(fmt,L[0] )
elif len(L) == 2:
return struct.pack(fmt,L[0] , L[1])
elif len(L) == 3:
return struct.pack(fmt,L[0] , L[1], L[2])
elif len(L) == 4:
return struct.pack(fmt,L[0] , L[1], L[2], L[3])
elif len(L) == 5:
return struct.pack(fmt,L[0] , L[1], L[2], L[3], L[4])
elif len(L) == 6:
return struct.pack(fmt,L[0] , L[1], L[2], L[3], L[4], L[5])

# etc... etc... etc ...

RE: Static parameter count

2005-03-17 Thread Tertius Cronje
  elif len(L) == 5:
  return struct.pack(fmt,L[0] , L[1], L[2], L[3], L[4])
  elif len(L) == 6:
  return struct.pack(fmt,L[0] , L[1], L[2], L[3], L[4],
  # etc... etc... etc ...
 return struct.pack(fmt, *L)
 Should do the trick

Many thanks! It *did* the trick!


RE: Good use for Jython

2005-03-16 Thread Tertius Cronje
 Other than being used to wrap Java classes, what other real use is
 there for Jython being that Python has many other GUI toolkits
 available? Also, these toolkits like Tkinter are so much better for
 client usage (and faster) than Swing, so what would be the advantage
 for using Jython? or Is Jython really just so that Java developers can
 write Java code faster?

Just as many on this list, my favorite development
tool/language/environment is Python. However as nice as it is, there are
many frameworks and business applications that is written and packaged
in Java (i.e. X25 comms Libraries, log4J *before* python brought out
logging) _OR_ has a Java remote interface that must be accessed (EJB
/JMS / RMI etc...) _OR_ has a library you prefer to use of over the
python implementation (not a lot of those).

Jython allows one to use these packages using ones language of choice :)

Thanks Jython