xmlrpc and auth-digest

2007-01-08 Thread Thomas Liesner
Hi all,

this may have been asked before, but as a newbie with xmlrpc i can't
find any suitable info on that. Sorry.
I am trying to write a simple xmlrpc-client in python and the server i
am trying to receive data from requires http auth digest.
The info on xmlrpclib covers auth basic thrugh url econding such as
"user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]", but no auth digest.

Is there any other library i could use for that or can i write some sort
of wrapper around this using a differnt library like urllib?


xmlrpc an auth-diget

2007-01-08 Thread Thomas Liesner
Hi all,

this may have been asked before, but as a newbie with xmlrpc i can't
find any suitable info on that. Sorry.
I am trying to write a simple xmlrpc-client in python and the server i
am trying to receive data from requires http auth digest.
The info on xmlrpclib covers auth basic thrugh url econding such as
"user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]", but no auth digest.

Is there any other library i could use for that or can i write some sort
of wrapper around this using a differnt library like urllib?


newby question: Splitting a string - separator

2005-12-08 Thread Thomas Liesner
Hi all,

i am having a textfile which contains a single string with names.
I want to split this string into its records an put them into a list.
In "normal" cases i would do something like:

> #!/usr/bin/python
> inp = open("file")
> data = inp.read()
> names = data.split()
> inp.close()

The problem is, that the names contain spaces an the records are also
just seprarated by spaces. The only thing i can rely on, ist that the
recordseparator is always more than a single whitespace.

I thought of something like defining the separator for split() by using
 a regex for "more than one whitespace". RegEx for whitespace is \s, but
what would i use for "more than one"? \s+?


Re: newbie question concerning formatted output

2005-11-30 Thread Thomas Liesner
Hi all,

thanks for all your answers. Is see that there are - as ususal - several
ways to accomplish this. I decided to go for the way Frederik suggested,
because it looked as the most straight forward method for that kind
of data.

Thanks again,

newbie question concerning formatted output

2005-11-29 Thread Thomas Liesner
Hello all,

i am having some hard time to format the output of my small script. I am
opening a file which containes just a very long string of hexdata
seperated by spaces. Using split() i can split this string into single
words and print them on stdout. So far so good. But i want to print always
three of them in a single line and after that a linebreak.

So instead of:





i'd like to have:

3905 3009 
4508 f504 
3707 5a07 

This is the codesnippet i am using:


import string
inp = open("xyplan.nobreaks","r")
data = inp.read()
for words in data.split():
print words

Any hints?
