Re: the name ``wheel''

2024-03-22 Thread Thomas Schweikle via Python-list

Am Do., 21.März.2024 um 18:58:26 schrieb Johanne Fairchild via Python-list: (Stefan Ram) writes:

Johanne Fairchild  wrote or quoted:

Why is a whl-package called a ``wheel''?  Is it just a pronunciation for
the extension WHL or is it really a name?

   PyPi in its initial state was named "cheese shop", as the famous
   part in the show "Monty Python Cheese Shop". Because initially it
   only hosted links to the packages, so it was empty like that shop.
   And within a cheese shop what do you store? Wheels of cheese.

Lol!  Loved it.  (Thanks very much.)

Also, it seems that when I install Python on Windows, it doesn't come
with pip ready to run.  I had to say

   Some Python distributions do not come with pip pre-installed
   because they have their own package management systems.

But this was a Windows install.  I don't think Windows has its own
package management for Python packages.  I'd be totally surprised.

The python packages found at come with 
pip and pip installed out of the box.

But there are others like active python having other packet managers 
they do not install pip out of the box. Refer to their instructions how 
to install packages.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Compiling python on windows with vs

2023-06-15 Thread Thomas Schweikle via Python-list

Am Do., 15.Juni.2023 um 16:28:21 schrieb Eryk Sun:

On 6/15/23, Thomas Schweikle via Python-list  wrote:

In this case: not sure what is going on.

Possibly you have a setting configured that affects the behavior of
Git via the MinGW-w64 runtime, such that calling mkdir() ends up
calling NtSetInformationFile() to set the FileCaseSensitiveInformation
for the directory.

It is a mount option for MSYS or cygwin controlled parts of the file 
system. posix=1 switches case sensitivity on, posix=0 switches it off.

MSYS or cygwin are then make caseSensitiveInfo "inheritated" by setting 
this flag for all newly created directories. This is a feature of the 
latest cygwin-dll. It might not be seen on older variants.

Does the mkdir command in Git bash create a case-sensitive directory?
It doesn't for me. I have to manually enable case sensitivity via
`chattr +C`.

What do you get for `which git` and `git --version`?

 $ which git

 $ git --version
 git version

the same:
$ which git

$ git --version
git version

And in cmd.exe:
+>where git
C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe

+>git --version
git version

$ fsutil file queryCaseSensitiveInfo .

The MSYS2 environment includes lsattr and chattr commands, with the
case-sensitive flag mapped to "C". It's probably more convenient than
typing `fsutil file queryCaseSensitiveInfo` or `fsutil file

 $ lsattr -d test
 $ chattr +C test
 $ lsattr -d test
 ---C test

True. But if you frequently change between environments fsutil is the 
command working in cmd.exe as in git-shell.

core.ignorecase is not regarded in any way. It does not mater if it is
set or not.

Git tests the case-sensitivity of the target directory to configure
core.ignorecase when cloning a repo. If it's case insensitive, then
core.ignorecase is enabled. This overrides the global value. AFAIK,
the ignorecase setting is unrelated to actually setting the case
sensitivity of created directories; it just affects how Git behaves on
a case-insensitive filesystem.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Compiling python on windows with vs

2023-06-15 Thread Thomas Schweikle via Python-list

Am Do., 15.Juni.2023 um 15:44:42 schrieb Inada Naoki:

Then, git doesn't enable Windows NTFS case sensitivity.

You enabled NTFS case sensitivity on "C:\Users\user\K".
And Windows enabled case sensitivity for all new directories under the

No. This flag is not inherited. Someone has to set it for created 
directories. It is easy to confirm: take a directory not under MSYS or 
cygwin control (because it is mounted by MSYS or cygwin), set the flag, 
then create directories. They all will have caseSensitivInfo disabled.

Since it is not default and minor setting, it is not a bug that
current Python doesn't support building on case sensitive directory.
But I think it is a nice improvement if next Python supports it.

Python itself isn't the problem here. It is MSBuild.exe. For some reason 
this tool lowercases sometimes whole paths to files included. This does 
not matter if case sensitivity is disabled. It matters if case 
sensitivity is enabled! There is no reason MSBUild.exe does it. But it 
is done for some paths (as someone else pointed out).


Inada Naoki  


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Compiling python on windows with vs

2023-06-15 Thread Thomas Schweikle via Python-list

Am Mi., 14.Juni.2023 um 15:10:50 schrieb Eryk Sun:

On 6/14/23, Inada Naoki via Python-list  wrote:

Since Git enables Windows NTFS case sensitivity while checking out sources

I didn't know that. Would you give us a link to this feature?
As far as I know, `git config core.ignorecase` doesn't mean NTFS case

If a repo is cloned into a case-insensitive directory, then
core.ignorecase should be enabled automatically. If a repo is cloned
into a case-sensitive directory, then core.ignorecase should not be
enabled automatically.

I searched through relevant issues on the Git for Windows repo on
GitHub, and I found nothing to indicate that a capability to
automatically enable NTFS case sensitivity has been added. I searched
through the source of Git and Git for Windows, and I didn't find any
references to WinAPI SetFileInformationByHandle: FileCaseSensitiveInfo
or NTAPI NtSetInformationFile: FileCaseSensitiveInformation, nor the
use of fsutil file setCaseSensitiveInfo.

In this case: not sure what is going on. In a git-shell on Windows:
If caseSensitiveInfo is disabled:
user@host MINGW64 ~/K
$ fsutil file queryCaseSensitiveInfo .
Das Attribut für Groß-/Kleinschreibung für das Verzeichnis
"C:\Users\user\K" ist deaktiviert.

$ git config --global -l

$ git clone
Cloning into 'cpython'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 956870, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1304/1304), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (801/801), done.
Receiving objects: 100% (956870/956870), 557.02 MiB | 9.75 MiB/s, done.55566

Resolving deltas: 100% (760802/760802), done.
Updating files: 100% (4488/4488), done.

$ find . -type d -exec fsutil.exe file queryCaseSensitiveInfo {} \;
does not show any directory having caseSensitiveInfo enabled.

If caseSesitiveInfo is enabled:
user@host MINGW64 ~/K
$ fsutil file queryCaseSensitiveInfo .
Das Attribut für Groß-/Kleinschreibung für das Verzeichnis
"C:\Users\user\K" ist aktiviert.

$ git config --global -l

$ git clone
Cloning into 'cpython'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 956870, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1304/1304), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (801/801), done.
Receiving objects: 100% (956870/956870), 557.02 MiB | 9.75 MiB/s, done.55566

Resolving deltas: 100% (760802/760802), done.
Updating files: 100% (4488/4488), done.

$ find . -type d -exec fsutil.exe file queryCaseSensitiveInfo {} \;
All directories created by git have caseSensitiveInfo enabled.

core.ignorecase is not regarded in any way. It does not mater if it is 
set or not.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Compiling python on windows with vs

2023-06-13 Thread Thomas Schweikle via Python-list

Am Di., 13.Juni.2023 um 20:36:17 schrieb Mats Wichmann via Python-list:

On 6/13/23 12:12, Thomas Schweikle via Python-list wrote:

Am Di., 13.Juni.2023 um 19:20:38 schrieb Jim Schwartz:

What version of visual studio are you using?

Visual Studio 2022, aka 17.6.2.

What version of python?

python 3.10.11 or 3.11.4

I’ve had success with using the cython package in python and cl from 
visual studio, but I haven’t tried visual studio alone.

Same problem at the same place: directory "../modules/..." not found, 
Renaming it from "Modules" to "modules" it is found, but then fails to 
find "Modules".

Looks like it awaits, compiling in Windows an filesystem only case 
aware, not case sensitive -- I'm assuming this a bug now. Building 
within cygwin (or MSYS, Ubuntu) this works as expected. But there it 
does not search for "modules" once and "Modules" at an other place.

I just did this build the other day for the first time even from a git 
checkout (so VS22, and not a versioned release but top of main branch), 
and there was no such problem - did you follow the instructions at

Had git installed (, did "git clone;, then checked out the branch I 
wanted: "git checkout 3.10.12" (or 3.11.4, 3.12.0b2).

Python was already installed and in path:
"python --version" gives back: "Python 3.11.4"

Changed into cpython directory, then called: ".\PCbuild\build.bat" 
(".\pcbuild\build.bat" will, within cmd.exe, throw an error: File not 
found -- remember directory cpython and all beyond are case sensitive, 
not only case aware -- git sets case sensitiveness for checked out 

It compiles until it does not find "modules", because the directory is 
named "Modules" (all posix file systems behave this way and NTFS can be 
forced to behave this way too. It is easy and any user can do it:

"fsutil.exe file SetCaseSensitiveInfo  enable"

You may query this with:

"fsutil.exe file queryCaseSensitiveInfo "

In my case:
~/Documents/Projekte/cpython> fsutil.exe file queryCaseSensitiveInfo .
Das Attribut für Groß-/Kleinschreibung für das Verzeichnis ^
"C:\Users\user\Documents\Projekte\cpython" ist aktiviert.

Or: the directory we're in is case sensitive and distinguishes between 
"Modules", "modules" and "MODULES" and you can have them all:

 Datenträger in Laufwerk C: ist Windows
 Volumeseriennummer: BC5E-F466

 Verzeichnis von C:\Users\user\Documents\Projekte\cpython

Di, 13.Jun.2023  21:23  .
Di, 13.Jun.2023  21:23  ..
Di, 13.Jun.2023  21:23  MODULES
Mo, 12.Jun.2023  22:13  Modules
Di, 13.Jun.2023  21:23  modules
  16 Datei(en),  1.320.340 Bytes
  21 Verzeichnis(se), 134.699.622.400 Bytes frei

Since case sensitivity is necessary for a variety of projects normally 
only used with *nix-OS I've configured git to create directories with 
case sensitivity set enabled (its default meanwhile if git is installed 
on windows).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Compiling python on windows with vs

2023-06-13 Thread Thomas Schweikle via Python-list

Am Di., 13.Juni.2023 um 19:20:38 schrieb Jim Schwartz:

What version of visual studio are you using?

Visual Studio 2022, aka 17.6.2.

What version of python?

python 3.10.11 or 3.11.4

I’ve had success with using the cython package in python and cl from visual 
studio, but I haven’t tried visual studio alone.

Same problem at the same place: directory "../modules/..." not found, 
Renaming it from "Modules" to "modules" it is found, but then fails to 
find "Modules".

Looks like it awaits, compiling in Windows an filesystem only case 
aware, not case sensitive -- I'm assuming this a bug now. Building 
within cygwin (or MSYS, Ubuntu) this works as expected. But there it 
does not search for "modules" once and "Modules" at an other place.

On Jun 13, 2023, at 11:59 AM, Thomas Schweikle via Python-list 

Fehler beim Buildvorgang


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Compiling python on windows with vs

2023-06-13 Thread Thomas Schweikle via Python-list


Trying to compile python on windows leads to following error:

  _testimportmultiple.vcxproj -> 

und Objekt "C:\Users\sct-muc\Docume

  nts\Projekte\cpython\PCbuild\amd64\_testmultiphase.exp" werden erstellt.
  Code wird generiert.
  Codegenerierung ist abgeschlossen.
  _testmultiphase.vcxproj -> 

fatal  error C1083: Datei (Include) kann nicht geöffnet werde
n: "..\modules\_io\_iomodule.h": No such file or directory 


Fehler beim Buildvorgang.

if I rename "Modules" to "modules" it will find 
"..\modules\_io\_iomodule.h" but wont find "..\Modules\..."

Since Git enables Windows NTFS case sensitivity while checking out 
sources ... is it a bug or a "feature"? And: is there a simple 
workaround available besides disabling case sensitivity (which will 
break others)?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature