re: A problem with list

2004-12-14 Thread Tim Henderson
There are many different ways to solve the problem that you are having. 
The easiest if you are planning on only dealing with strings or a 
predictable data structure would be to do something like this:

#Pre: Pass in a string and the character you want it tokenized by
#Post: Returns a list of all the tokens
def tokenizer(str, chr=' '): #heres a useful tool just like 
StringTokenizer feature in Java
   if chr != '': chr = chr[0]
   else: chr = ' '
   x = ""
   tokens = [""]
   z = 0
   for x in str:
   if x != chr:
   tokens[z] = tokens[z] + x
   z = z + 1
   return tokens

list = ['abc', 'def', 'xyz']
str = ''
for x in list:
   str+=list+'.' #note this is a delimiter could be anything, if you 
wanted to you could re-implement the above function to work with 
delimiters of any length not just length 1

#save the str
#load str a loadedStr
loadedList = tokenizer(loadedStr, '.')
#loadedList = ['abc', 'def', 'xyz']
that is one way too solve your problem
another is to use some sort of real database structure, for simplicity, 
you could use XML

example xml structure:



   Hi i am a string

The first way to solve your problem is quick dirty and efficient. The 
XML version is highly scalable but requires a lot more code to 
implement. As mentioned before there are a number of other solutions to 
the same problem

Tim Henderson
original message:

The following code
import string
for i in MyList:
print i
works as I expect that is I get
but when I have Mylist in a file and I read it from the file it does
not work as I expect.
import string
ff=open('C:\\Robotp\\MyFile.txt','r') # read MyList from a file
for i in MyList:
print i
I will get
where my MyFile.txt looks like this:
Where is a problem?
Thanks for help

Inspect Python Classes for instance data information

2005-05-02 Thread Tim Henderson

I want to creat a program that can inspect a set of classes that i have
made and spit out a savable version of these classes. To do this I need
to be able to inspect each class and get all of its instance data as
well as information about a particular meathod. This is what i want it
to do:

class song:
def __init__(self, name, artist, album, published): = name
self.artist = artist
self.album = album
self.published = published
def build(self, name, artist, album, published): = name
self.artist = artist
self.album = album
self.published = published

#now what i want to do with this dummy class
s = song("12:51", "The Strokes", "Room on Fire", 2005)
print getTextVersion(s)



The Strokes

Room on Fire


name artist album

I have no idea how to do the inspection part of this little problem. I
could just have each class define its own meathod to convert to this
format, but that would be a lot of work when i could just make one
class that solves the problem for all classes. Is there a way to do

Tim Henderson


Re: Inspect Python Classes for instance data information

2005-05-02 Thread Tim Henderson
Thanks to both of you. Now that I know the correct terminology for what
I want to do, I can detirmine the best way to do it. I am not sure if
meta-classing is the simplist solution to this problem, however it can
be the most elegant. When I have a final implimintation of this project
it will be posted.


Tim Henderson


Re: Regular Expression tools?

2005-05-03 Thread Tim Henderson
I am not quite sure what you want. However if you are looking for
Python's regular expression module it is the re module. Just go to
interactive help and view the api for it.

Tim Henderson


should python have a sort list-map object in the std-lib?

2005-11-27 Thread Tim Henderson

The question why are there no sorted dictionaries in python, seems to
pop up with unseeming regularity. That question in itself in
nonsensical sense dictionaries are hash-maps, however should python
have a sorted map type object is a good question.

clearly many people like have a sorted map, and sorting the keys every
time seems rather wasteful, as does keeping a separate sorted list of
the keys.

a related question is, in python is it more efficient to a maintain a
list type in sorted order by inserting each new object in the correct
location (by say finding it with a binary search and then using del
list[x]) or appending each new item to the end of said list and using
the built-in .sort method, or sorted() function?
Tim Henderson

Re: Comparison problem

2005-11-27 Thread Tim Henderson
of course the more correct way is most likely the use of short circuit
evaluation. so somthing along lines of

if (len(item) > 0) and (item[0] == '-'): pass

would probably be the correct approach.


Re: Comparison problem

2005-11-27 Thread Tim Henderson

would not the more correct way to do this be short circuit
evaluation. somthing along lines of

if (len(item) > 0) and (item[0] == '-'): pass

seems to be the more correct approach. rather than relying on slicing
to return an empty string. For instance suppose you wanted to test to
see if than spot contained an empty string. If you used the slice
meathod you would be in a pickle. However in this particular case it
seems to be clear that the use of .startswith() is the single best


Re: Newbie question: Tab key giving different output

2005-11-27 Thread Tim Henderson
i think it is telling you to use spaces

btw i have no idea, it just sounds like a funny thing to happen


Re: should python have a sort list-map object in the std-lib?

2005-11-27 Thread Tim Henderson
ahh, i hadn't thought of using a proirity queue but that is the correct
solution most of the time, except i suppose when you have input that
causes you to excessively reheap which could be problematic.

i may still look into writing a general sorted map though, it could be
useful especially if there were and easy way to set the type of
functionality required with out resorting to several different types of


Re: sha, PyCrypto, SHA-256

2006-12-18 Thread Tim Henderson
On Dec 16, 2:17 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Operating system: Win XP
> Vsn of Python: 2.4
> Situation is this: Required to calcluate a message digest.  The process
> for calcluating the digest must use an SHA-256 algorithm.
> Questions:
> 1) Is it correct that the sha module comes with python 2.4?
> 2) Is it correct that the sha module that ships with python 2.4 does
> NOT have the SHA-256 capability as part of the module?
> 3) It looks like PyCrypto is a package that, among other things,
> permits one to calculate a message digest using an SHA-256
> that correct?
> 4) It looks like there are a couple couple possibilities available for
> the download...either download the source code and run the setup which
> (I'm assuming) compiles the various extension modules, or download the
> which extracts out to a .exe; when one
> runs the just-extracted .exe, it installs the stuff on one's
> workstation.  I'm leaning toward the second option because it seems
> like most of the work has been done for me.  A quick search on this
> site didn't turn up anything that suggested there were problems with
> running the installer.  So, my question is this: are you aware of any
> problems running the installer?
> 5) Besides PyCrypto, are there any other Python packages that permit
> one to calculate a message digest using an SHA-256 algorithm?
> Thank you.

I have run that exact installer many many times and it works fine. to
use SHA-256 with pycrypto:

>>> from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
>>> sha =
>>> sha.update('message')
>>> sha.hexdigest() # sha.digest gives the raw form



Re: OO question

2007-01-01 Thread Tim Henderson
On Jan 1, 8:09 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Lets say I have those two classes, Person and Address. How would one
> implement the relationship between them? First, a Person can have one
> or more addresses (or none), that could be represented as a list of
> Addresses, right? But then, if I have an Address I want to see which
> persons who live there, then I would have a list of Persons in each
> Address.
> Is this doubly-linked way of doing it a good way of doing it, or is
> there
> a better "OO way" I haven't learned yet?

Since you are making an address book and not a person book I would
start out by making a simple list of addresses. Each address could have
a "person" or a "name" field. You could then sort your list by the name
of each person associated with each address. If an address has no
person associated with it then you put it at the beginning (or end if
you want) of the list. I think this would most closely mimic how a
rolodex works. It doesn't really matter if you implement it as a list
of dictionaries or a list classes I believe they would be equivalent in
this case.

