Re: Questions on using Qt or wxWindows with Python and OS X

2005-06-09 Thread Tim Jarman
Hi Kenneth!

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Kenneth McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If this is not an appropriate newsgroup for this type of posting,
> please let me know and (if possible) suggest an alternative. I've
> done a fair bit of research on the net, but information is scattered
> all over the place and I haven't been able to find mailing lists
> relating specifically to python and UIs.

AFAIK there isn't a specific newsgroup/mailing list for Python GUIs in 
general, although perhaps there should be. This is as good a place to 
ask as any, I'd guess.

> I'd like to start using Python for some GUI programming again. I'd
> like to use Tk, but it seems to be dying a slow death, so it's
> probably time to look at wxPython and PythonQt.

If you're ONLY interested in OS X, then you should be aware of PyObjC 
(see for details) which will let you 
write Cocoa GUIs directly. (Yes, you probably already know about this, 
but still.) This is probably the best option for OS X only apps, but of 
course it isn't portable to other platforms. 

> I'd appreciate any comments on the relevant merits of these two
> libraries, both with respect to Python and more generally. I know
> about the differences in licensing, that's not an issue. 

I'm currently using wxPython for a moderately large (~ 70K LOC) OS X 
project. The docs aren't bad if you can translate C++ to Python; there 
are also some Python-specific docs coming along (see ).  There's also a wiki at which includes a useful cookbook section. The 
demo is the best documentation though, and worth its weight in something 
very valuable.

I have Qt installed on my Mac but haven't played with it much as yet. 
It's generally held to be the best of the cross-platform GUI toolkits 
from a technical POV, modulo licensing issues on Windows, which are 
changing in ways I don't know much about because I don't care about 
Windows, so I can't help you with that. If you do care about Windows, 
though, I know from a previous life that wx looks good on that platform; 
I can't speak to Qt. I have the impression that Qt is more mature/stable 
in general than wx.

There's an online book on PyQt by Boudewijn Rempt (see ) -  I think it's a bit dated now, but 
still worth a look.

Having said all that, if I were doing my project again I'd use PyObjC.

> My most
> specific concerns are ease of use (which includes how much in the way
> of documentation or examples for using through Python are available,
> and how easy the Python libs are to use in each case); availability of
> a generally capable styled text widget, as one of the things I need to
> build is an editor, which needs to be able to handle different fonts,
> styles, tabs, and so forth; and ease of installation on a Macintosh,
> since that is my preferred dev platform, and installing things made
> for other UNIX variants can be a little wonky at times.

As far as application deployment goes, both wx and Qt are easy to deploy 
on OS X using py2app (included with PyObjC but also available 

> I'm also curious as to the quality of documentation available for
> wxPython and wxWindows, and any differences between the
> wxWindows text widget (which is generally Scintilla I believe),
> and the Qt text widget classes. I've had a hard time finding good
> docs for wxWindows or wxPython, and the bit of documentation
> on Scintilla I've found and read seems to indicate that it has some
> restrictions, such as needing to use the same line height for all lines
> regardless of content.

See for the gory details of 
using the Scintilla-based widget. There's also the wxWindows text 
control, which may be sufficient for your needs. (I believe there is 
also a Scintilla-based text widget for Qt.)

I've tried various GUI toolkits looking for text-widget Nirvana, and the 
best I've found is good ol' Tk. Unfortunately Tk/Aqua is still a long 
way from looking lovely IMHO. You might want to check it out all the 
same if text processing is your thing. I'm sure there are people here 
who would disagree that it's "dying a slow death" just yet. ;)

> Many thanks for any feedback you can give.
> Cheers,
> Ken



Remove luncheon meat to reply.

Re: How to detect if file is a directory

2005-04-09 Thread Tim Jarman
César Leonardo Blum Silveira wrote:

> Hello all, I'm new to this list.
> How can I detect if a file is a directory or not?
> Thanks
> César

The os module contains many helpful tools for working with files,
directories, links and so forth. Check out the docs and marvel. The
following snippet answers your specific question:

import os.path

if os.path.isdir("/some/path/here"):
print "It's a directory!"

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: How to reload local namespace definitions in the python interpreter?

2005-04-02 Thread Tim Jarman

> Hi,
> I am a beginner using the python interpreter. To reduce typing effort,
> I created a module called "" containing some aliases for
> objects I commonly use like -
> :
> import filecmp, os, commands
> op = os.path
> go = commands.getoutput
> dc = filecmp.dircmp
> p1 = '/mnt/usbkey/flash/'
> p2 = '/mnt/fat32/myfiles/flash/'
> When I start up the interpreter, I can simply type -
> from aliases import *
> This works fine, but each time I change any of the definitions in
>, I
> have to restart the interpreter and type "from aliases import *"
> again. Is there any way to reload these definitions without restarting
> the interpreter?
> -Slath



By the way, are you aware of the import ... as ... idiom?
e.g. import os.path as op

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: [Tkinter] LONG POST ALERT: Setting application icon on Linux

2005-03-31 Thread Tim Jarman
Jeff Epler wrote:

> I have written a rather hackish extension to use NET_WM_ICON to set
> full-color icons in Tkinter apps.  You can read about it here:
> you'll probably need to take a look at the EWMH spec, too.  If KDE
> supports NET_WM_ICON, this may work for you (but you'll have to convert
> your image manually to the format required for NET_WM_ICON)
> Best of luck!  Unfortunately, the code is not supported.
> Jeff

Thanks very much for the link! I'll take a look.

Tim J

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: redundant imports

2005-03-30 Thread Tim Jarman
max(01)* wrote:

> hi everybody.
> suppose that imports and (because it uses
> names from both), and that imports
> if python were c, code-1.c should only *include* code-2.c, because the
> latter in turns includes code-3.c.
> inclusion of modules in c is a purely preprocessing textual matter
> (compilation is deferred to after the fact), i guess, so that such
> things are possible. import of modules in python is a different beast,
> so the "redundancy" is (i think) necessary.
> any comment/suggestion/idea?
> bye
> macs

It's not as redundant as it looks. Once a module has been imported it goes
into sys.modules and any subsequent imports refer to that original import,
so the overhead of reading and parsing the file is only incurred once. As
you're probably aware, Python also caches compilation results in *.pyc
files; it will only compile the imported module if it changed since the
last compilation.

Check out the docs for the full skinny, in particular

Tim J

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: [Newbie] How do I get better at Python programming?

2005-03-29 Thread Tim Jarman
Roy Smith wrote:

> keep in mind, however, that not all problems in life can be solved with 
> software. 

+1 QOTW 

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: [Tkinter] LONG POST ALERT: Setting application icon on Linux

2005-03-27 Thread Tim Jarman
Jeff Epler wrote:

> Here is a short program that sets Tk's window icon on Linux.  My window
> manager is icewm, and it uses a scaled version of the "flagup" image
> both at the upper-left corner of the window and on the task bar entry
> for the window.
> import Tkinter
> app = Tkinter.Tk()
> app.iconbitmap("@/usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/flagup")
> app.mainloop()
> As often happens, the Tkinter documentation doesn't tell the whole
> story---you have to dig into the Tk documentation.  I started with "man
> n wm", and read the following:
> If  bitmap is specified, then it names a bitmap in the standard
> forms accepted by Tk (see the  Tk_GetBitmap  manual  entry for
> details).
> OK, on to Tk_GetBitmap...
> @fileName FileName  must  be the name of a file containing a
>   bitmap description in the standard X11 or X10 format.
> and I happened to know that some bitmaps in this format exist in the
> directory I mentioned above.  Note that the "standard X11 format" is
> monochrome, so you will not be able to use color images with
> "iconbitmap" on Linux.  Tk doesn't support _NET_WM_ICON for setting
> full-color icons.
> Jeff

Thanks for this, Jeff - I'll do some digging in the Tk docs. My problem is
that I'm trying to use iconwindow() to use a colour image, as opposed to
iconbitmap(), although if push comes to shove I suppose I could use that.

Thanks again for the quick response - on Easter weekend too!

Tim J

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

[Tkinter] LONG POST ALERT: Setting application icon on Linux

2005-03-27 Thread Tim Jarman
Apologies in advance for the long post - I wanted to be sure I included all
the relevant details. The answer is probably very, very simple.

I am doing something stupid here, but I don't know what it is. I'm writing
an application with a Tkinter GUI (Python 2.4, Tcl/Tk 8.4.) and I want to
put a custom icon on the main window. 

I've followed (so far as I understand it) the recipe in the eff-bot's
splendid Introduction to Tkinter - see:
- but it isn't working for me. Clearly there#s something I didn't get.

I need a solution for Linux initially (Mandrake 10.1/KDE 3.2 if it makes a
difference) and maybe OS/X in the future. The only solutions I've founds on
Google are Windows-specific.

Here's what I have at the moment, reduced to its essentials:

# Display an application icon.

import os.path
import Tkinter as tk

APP_NAME = "Icon Test"
HOME = "/home/tim/Projects/tkDev/playwright"

def main():
"Main entry point for the application."
# Create the root window.
root = tk.Tk()

# Set the icon.
print "current icon name = ", root.iconname()
icon_path = os.path.join(HOME, "icon.gif")
print "icon_path =",  icon_path
icon_image = tk.PhotoImage(file=icon_path)
print "icon_image =", icon_image
icon_label = tk.Label(image=icon_image)
print "icon_label =",  icon_label
assert icon_label.master is root
print "about to fail.."
print "success??!"
except IOError:

# Create and show the main window.

# Bootstrap code.
if __name__ == "__main__":

And here's the output I get when I run it:

current icon name =
icon_path = /home/tim/Projects/tkDev/playwright/icon.gif
icon_image = pyimage1
icon_label = .1076669484
about to fail..
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 38, in ?
  File "", line 27, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/lib-tk/", line 1473, in
return'wm', 'iconwindow', self._w, pathName)
_tkinter.TclError: can't use .1076669484 as icon window: not at top level

Obviously the root window doesn't even get displayed.

I don't understand the error message. How can I make the Label "top level"
enough to do the job? It's a child of root. Calling .pack() doesn't seem to
help (although if I comment out the iconwindow() call so that the window
actually appears, I can see that the GIF file has loaded correctly).

Do I need to hide the root window and create a new Toplevel for my app's
main window? I thought root would be an instance of Toplevel. As you can
tell, I'm a bit confused here!


Tim J

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Cpickle module... not in Lib installs

2005-03-25 Thread Tim Jarman
Marcus Lowland wrote:

> Thanks Marc, but... I've searched the file directories for cpickle (not
> specifying file type) and only came up with Also, if
> were the correct file and existed in my lib then the
> following would not happen.
 import cpickle
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in -toplevel-
> import cpickle
> ImportError: No module named cpickle

Au contraire, the spelling *is* important:

Python 2.4 (#1, Dec 31 2004, 17:21:43)
[GCC 3.3.2 (Mandrake Linux 10.0 3.3.2-6mdk)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import cpickle
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
ImportError: No module named cpickle
>>> import cPickle
>>> cPickle


Python is case-sensitive, and this extends to imports (modulo the
idiosyncrasies of the underlying OS).

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Data types

2005-03-24 Thread Tim Jarman

> I am new to python and learning it. Can you please give me a simple
> example of user defined type through class mechanism.

Python 2.4 (#1, Dec 31 2004, 17:21:43)
[GCC 3.3.2 (Mandrake Linux 10.0 3.3.2-6mdk)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> class Gumby(object):
... def __init__(self, body_part):
... self.body_part = body_part
... def speak(self):
... print "My %s hurts!" % self.body_part
>>> g = Gumby("brain")
>>> g
<__main__.Gumby object at 0x402c570c>
>>> g.speak()
My brain hurts!

Despite what Mr Gumby just said, defining your own classes is pretty
painless in Python. Check out the Tutorial, especially section 9:


Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Submission for Python Limmerick Contest

2005-03-23 Thread Tim Jarman

> My submission for P.L.C.
> A mathematican named van Rossum
> went hunting for opossum
> he could not find one
> all eaten by Python
> to her his language he named as a blossum
> wish me luck
> Harald

At the prompt, when I type "import this", it
Invites me to be more excplicit:
But in five lines of verse
One's obliged to be terse,
So the limerick form is illicit!


Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: importing two modules with the same name

2005-03-19 Thread Tim Jarman
Francisco Borges wrote:

> Hello,
> This is not stricly necessary but it would be nice if I could get it
> done. Here is what I want to do:
> There are 2 "foo" named modules, 'std foo' and 'my foo'. I want to be
> able to import 'my foo' and then from within my foo, import 'std
> foo'. Anyone can help??

If I had to do this, I'd use packages:

import foo   # the standard module - presumably already on sys.path
import my module which lives in its own little world

Remember to qualify names correctly, and/or do something like:

import foo as std_foo

But if your foo is under your control, why not do everyone a favour and call
it something else?

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Simple XML-to-Python conversion

2005-03-17 Thread Tim Jarman

> Amara does indeed make it effortless to transform an XML document into
> a Python structure.  Unfortunately this suggestion requires the 3rd
> party software, Amara, _and_ a 4Suite installation according to the
> website.
> The reason I can't expect users to have 3rd party tools is because this
> tool will be used in a secure lab environment without Internet access.
> Asking the admins to place these software packages on the network for
> users to install is like asking GW to say something semi-intelligent.

Why not use distutils to install any additional packages you need? That's
what it's there for. Presumably you're going to need to package this thing
for distribution anyway.

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Iterate using tuple as index

2005-03-10 Thread Tim Jarman
James Stroud wrote:

> Hello,
> Its not obvious to me how to do this. I would like to iterate using a
> tuple as an index. Say I have two equivalently sized arrays, what I do now
> seems inelegant:
> for index, list1_item in enumerate(firstlist):
>   do_something(list1_item, secondlist[index])
> I would like something more like this:
> for list1_item, list2_item in (some_kind_of_expression):
>   do_something(list1_item, list2_item)
> Practically, I'm not so sure B is better than A, but the second would be a
> little more aesthetic, to me, at least.
> Any thoughts on what "some_kind_of_expression" would be?
> James

for item1, item2 in zip(list1, list2):
do_something(item1, item2)


Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Web framework

2005-03-10 Thread Tim Jarman
Gianluca Sartori wrote:

> Hi Christian, thanks for your replay. I gave a quick look at cherryPy
> too, but I had the impression it wasn't enought to be used in a real
> world contest. What about performances? Can I safely consider it to
> develop an Intranet/Extranet? My main concern is with scalability. What
> will happend if my user-base will grow? What if I had to add web
> services interface (say XML-RPC or SOAP) to my application? Can I do it
> in a second time without spending too much time/money?
> Thanks,
> Gianluca

Hi Gianluca,
In what respects do you think CherryPy falls short? There are some nice
performance stats on the CherryPy wiki (look under the FAQ) and in any case
you can run it behind Apache. It handles XML-RPC out of the box - not sure
about SOAP, but the design is sufficiently modular to add that in if
required. There are real-world sites using it in production; again, check
out the wiki.


Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Need help running external program

2005-03-02 Thread Tim Jarman
Rigga wrote:


> This is the command I am trying to run:
> feed is a list of web addresses
> output, input = popen2("wget -q %s -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \" | sed -n
> 's/.*url="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'" % feed[counter])
> But it does not work, if I escape the string using r""" and hard code in
> the web address rather than use %s and feed[counter] it works, my question
> is how do I escape the string to get it to work with the %s and
> feed[counter]
> Im new to python as you can tell :-)

Disclaimer: I know nothing about wget beyond what just having typed 'man
wget' told me! ;)

1. What *exactly* does "it does not work" mean? Do you get a traceback? If
so, post it - that will help others to help you. What results are you

2. Are you sure feed contains what you think it contains at this point in
your program? What do you see if you do:

for thing in feed: print thing


A good strategy in these cases is to go in small steps. before you try
getting fancy with popen2, have your program just print the command-line
correctly. Then maybe try it with something like echo just to see that
you're passing what you think you're passing. And so on.

We were all new once - no blame! :)

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Distributing applications

2005-03-02 Thread Tim Jarman
Jaime Wyant wrote:

> Sneaky!  I like it.  Now if there was only a subversion python module...
> jw


Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Need help running external program

2005-03-02 Thread Tim Jarman
Rigga wrote:

> Brian van den Broek wrote:
>> Rigga said unto the world upon 2005-02-27 15:04:

(snip stuff about raw strings)

> Thanks for all your help with this it is appreciated, one further question
> though, how do I pass a variable to the external program while using the
> r"""
> Thanks
> RiGGa

I'm not sure I understand the question. Say you have:

parameter = r"my \funky \text"

then surely you just pass it to your external program using whichever method
you like, e.g.

import os
os.execl("your_external_prog", parameter) # replaces the current process

or some variant of:

return_code = os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, "your_external_prog", parameter) 

or you can build a command line:

command = "your_external_prog %s" % parameter
return_code = os.system(command)

(see docs on the os module for more variations on this theme than you can
shack a stick at)

It's just a string, after all.

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Need help running external program

2005-02-27 Thread Tim Jarman
Rigga wrote:

> Pink wrote:
>> Rigga wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am running the line of code below from a shell script and it works
>>> fine, however I am at a total loss on how i can run it from within a
>>> Python script as every option I have tried fails and it appears to be
>>> down to the escaping of certain characters.
>>> wget -q -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \" | sed -n
>>> 's/.*url="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'
>> If your problem is getting a python string without worrying about how to
>> escape the escape sequences, try:
>> r"""wget -q -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \" | sed -n
>> 's/.*url="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'"""
>> You should be able to pass this directly to a popen() function.
> Hi,
> Thanks for replying however I have just tried that and it does not seem to
> work, it doesnt return any results (i take it the r was a typo)
> Thanks
> RiGGa

No, the r was the point - it's there to tell Python not to do any escaping
on the string. Try it again with the r and see what happens.

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: PyQt documentation

2005-02-11 Thread Tim Jarman
Eric Jardim wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any site that gather all the documentation about PyQt?
> The docs of the Riverbank site is poor, and I have found separate
> tutorials on the net.

Check out

> I know that the Kompany have made a "Qtdoc"-like to PyQt. But it is not
> free doc.
> Does anybody know anything about any project for making PyQt
> development more easy?

Someone else already referred you to the excellent Eric IDE.
> thanks,
> [Eric Jardim]

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: dynamic func. call

2005-02-04 Thread Tim Jarman
Aljosa Mohorovic wrote:

> can i do something like this:
> s = "myFunction"
> a = s() # equals to: a = myFunction()

Functions are first-class objects in Python, so you can do:

def myFunction():
# whatever

which creates a function object and binds the name myFunction to it. Then:

s = myFunction

just binds the name s to your function object, and therefore:

a = s()

is the same as:

a = myFunction()

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: simultaneous multiple requests to very simple database

2005-01-19 Thread Tim Jarman
Olaf Zetanien wrote:

> Use Firebird as sql backend. Is designed as you request (readers not lock
> writers and writers not lock readers). Google for "firebird optimistic
> lock".
> Off course, you have python driver: and can
> deploy on windows and linux with a very little footprint.

And OS X. But it fails the OP's "no SQL" test.

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: python and macros (again) [Was: python3: 'where' keyword]

2005-01-14 Thread Tim Jarman
Skip Montanaro wrote:

> Fredrik> no, expressions CAN BE USED as statements.  that doesn't mean
> Fredrik> that they ARE statements, unless you're applying belgian
> logic.
> Hmmm...  I'd never heard the term "belgian logic" before.  Googling
> provided a few uses, but no formal definition (maybe it's a European
> phrase so
> searching for it in English is futile).  The closest thing I found was
> Or is it another case of Belgian logic, where you believe it because
> theres no evidence or motive whatsoever?
> Fredrik> no, it's Python, and it's designed this way on purpose.  go
> Fredrik> read the language reference.

IANA French person, but I believe that Belgians are traditionally 
regarded as stupid in French culture, so "Belgian logic" would be 
similar to "Irish logic" for an English person. (Feel free to insert
your own cultural stereotypes as required. :)

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: How to make executable file ?

2005-01-02 Thread Tim Jarman
Maurice LING wrote:

> Hi all,
> This may be OT but is there a way to do the same for *nix type of
> system? Like cast a python interpreter with scripts together?
> I'm running Mac OSX here.

For OSX, google for py2app - for *nix in general, I believe freeze is your
mman, although so many *nixen ship with Python these days it's not such an

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Koolaid (was Re: Optional Static Typing)

2004-12-24 Thread Tim Jarman
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> P.S.: The ironic thing about all this is that it was
> actually something called "Flavor Aid", made by a
> company called Jel Sert (,
> and not Kool-Aid at all.  What would be even funnier
> is if the expression doesn't derive from the Jonestown
> suicides and I've always just assumed it did...

I always thought it was a reference to the Illuminatus! trilogy 
( by Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson. At 
least, I'm pretty sure that's where I came across it. Maybe they were 
referencing Jamestown?

Now if only I could think of a connection between this and Python...

Remove luncheon meat to reply.

Re: BASIC vs Python

2004-12-23 Thread Tim Jarman
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Alan Gauld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I dunno. Here in the UK there was a small home computer called (I
> think) the Oric(*) which had a membrane keyboard, 4K or RAM and
> ran Forth.It had a small cult following before dying out. It
> looked a bit like the early Sinclair/Timex ZX81 and I think the
> developers came from that stable.

I believe my learned friend refers to the Jupiter Ace.

Remove luncheon meat to reply.

Re: Civilization IV uses Python for scripting

2004-12-11 Thread Tim Jarman
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "Carl Banks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Advancement: PYTHON
> Requires: Computers, Mythology
> Effect:
> * Increases revenue generated by capitalization by 300%
> * Makes two unhappy citizens happy
> * Renders all Wonders of the World in all other countries completely
> obsolete
> * Boosts production of Research Lab by 150%
> * Gives all military units a 200% increase in attack power, 100%
> increase in defense, and a tenfold increase in accuracy
> * Decreases corruption by 50% in every city.
> * Decreases the maintenance costs of the following buildings by 1:
> - Airport
> - Bank
> - Factory
> - Harbour
> - Hydro Plant
> - Mass Transit
> - Nuclear Plant
> - Power Plant
> - SDI Defense
> - Stock Exchange
> - University
> * Scientists' science output increased by 50%
> * Entertainers luxury output increased by 50%
> * Automatically decreases the morale in every city of all countries
> that have PERL advance but not PYTHON by 50%

And of course you can build the Google Wonder! ;)

Remove luncheon meat to reply.