Re: CGI Python problem

2008-11-07 Thread Tim O'Toole
> Well, if Python's not installed, the next step is _getting_ it installed --
> whether having your admin install it globally (I mean, who *doesn't* install
> python?! ;-)  or you install it locally in your home directory as detailed
> at [1] where you download the source and compile from scratch (assuming you
> have a C compiler available).

Thanks for your help,

I'd have no problem compiling python on the webserver, but there isnt
user accounts on the webserver. The thing is though I dont need to
ssh/telnet/rlogin to get to another machine, it seems all the machines
hard disks are more of less mounted in a common hierarchy. So in
theory, thats why I thought altering the shebang would work. The
problem arises I think because the webserver is using SunOS whereas my
local machine is Linux, so python on my machine is non binary
compatiable with the server. I logged onto a couple of other Sun
Machines and it seems that python isnt installed in any of them (it is
installed on the linux machines). Time to chat to the administrator I

Thanks ever so much for your help, it was much appreciated.

> If you can't get Python installed, then yes, it's game-over :)
> -tkc
> [1]

Re: CGI Python problem

2008-11-06 Thread Tim O'Toole
Alas that cgi script confirmed python is not installed on the server
machine (which I had assumed it was).

Looks like game over with this avenue of trouble shooting?

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 1:03 AM, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> As for writing some perl, not too sure how to do that, but from the
>> information in phpinfo I logged onto the webserver machine and did a
>> "whereis python" - it came back blank! Of course doing a whereis perl
>> gave a non-blank answer. So this seems to be the route cause of my
>> trouble.
> Indeed!  I made the rash assumption that it executed from the command line
> (or as a lynxcgi from within Lynx).  Not having Python will make it awfully
> hard to run python apps.
> While it's possible that Python is installed, but simply not found by
> "whereis" (I don't know this tool), you could try
>  which python
> if it's in your path, or the more brute-force search:
>  find /usr -name python
> (ignore any permission-related responses) to see if it's installed somewhere
> that's not on your path.  If not, you may have to either request that your
> admins install Python, or (if you've at least got a compiler on the machine)
> build your own deployment of Python in your user directory.  Others on the
> list may be able to direct you to good resources on building Python in
> non-standard locations (I'm admin on all the boxes I use, or the admins
> already have python2.4 or later installed).
>> Now to work around that, I've tried to change the shebang in the
>> python test file to the location of python on my local machine, but
>> still no use?
> If your CGI is on machine A, and your local machine is machine B, changing
> the shebang won't help, as you've noticed.
> You might try creating a shell-script CGI to give you the info you need:
>  #!/bin/sh
>  # saved as ~/public_html/cgi-bin/foo.cgi
>  echo Content-type:text/plain
>  echo
>  echo Python is found at:
>  which python
>  # find /usr -name python
>  echo Use the above as your shebang path.
> and then
>  chmod ugo+x ~/public_html/cgi-bin/foo.cgi
> You should then be able to browse to
> to see if/where the python executable is stored for use in your shebang
> line.
> Yet another round in the game of troubleshooting...
> -tkc

Re: CGI Python problem

2008-11-06 Thread Tim O'Toole
With regard to phpinfo(), its shows the mod_cgi is loaded, but neither
mod_perl or mod_python is loaded (I read on the site that
mod_python can interfere with running python through mod_python).

As for writing some perl, not too sure how to do that, but from the
information in phpinfo I logged onto the webserver machine and did a
"whereis python" - it came back blank! Of course doing a whereis perl
gave a non-blank answer. So this seems to be the route cause of my

Now to work around that, I've tried to change the shebang in the
python test file to the location of python on my local machine, but
still no use?

any thoughts?

>> Also I think I should be getting a traceback since I used import
>> cgitb; cgitb.enable() I wonder does this suggest the python
>> interpreter hasn't be found?
> It's certainly something to check...Apache may run in a chroot'ed
> environment where Perl may be available, and Python may not (or it may be
> someplace else in the chroot environment).
> If you've got Perl hacking skills, you might throw together a simple
> perl-script that checks to see if /usr/bin/python exists where you think it
> is, or walks the directory tree returning the path of files containing the
> word "python". My perl skills are close to non-existent (only having
> reverse-engineered some hand-me-down perl code)
>> Also I'm not sure how to check if the server is running mod_perl?
> I think that's usually (assuming your admin hasn't munged them) included in
> the headers returned from the server, or if you've got PHP installed in the
> same setup, you can create a simple PHP page to dump the info (with this one
> line in it):
> which should include a line for the modules loaded in Apache.
> Hope this gives you a few more things to check,
> -tkc

Re: CGI Python problem

2008-11-06 Thread Tim O'Toole
Thanks for replying Tim,

Here is the permissions, which I think are definitely right now:

drwxrwxrwx   8   4.0K Nov  6 13:34 public_html/

drwxrwxrwx   2   4.0K Nov  6 13:35 cgi-bin/ [inside public_html]

-rw-r-xr-x  1    117 Nov  6 11:39 test_pl.cgi* [inside cgi-bin]
-rw-r-xr-x  1    168 Nov  6 13:35 test_py.cgi* [inside cgi-bin]

note both have *.cgi extensions otherwise plain text is shown.

the perl file correctly outputs hello world whereas the python file
gives a 500 internal server error warning.

Also I think I should be getting a traceback since I used import
cgitb; cgitb.enable() I wonder does this suggest the python
interpreter hasn't be found?

Also I'm not sure how to check if the server is running mod_perl?

Thanks for the help, much appreciated

> My guess would be the permissions are awry -- if I parse that correctly, 744
> is -rwxr--r-- which means that other users (such as the user your server
> runs as, likely "www" or "wwwdata"?) can't execute the shell-script.  As a
> first pass, I'd ensure that the file has permissions, and the directory can
> be scanned by the webserver ("eXecute" permissions on the containing
> directory):
>  bash$ cd ~/public_html/cgi-bin
>  bash$ chmod go+rx .
>> As a test I tried a perl cgi hello world test, and this worked
>> correctly.
> If the perl script is working correctly, I suspect the directory permissions
> are set correctly, so I'd compare permission of the .pl vs. the .py scripts
> to see if they're the same. Alternatively, if your server is running
> mod_perl, it might be short circuiting the CGI aspect, detecting the .pl
> file & running it, and thus might be a red herring.  (not using
> perl/mod_perl, I don't know the ins and outs of this, so I could be way
> off base on this line of thinking)
> Just my first-pass debugging thoughts,
> -tkc