Re: Class definition within function

2006-08-02 Thread Tomi Lindberg
Peter Otten wrote:

> By the way you get an instance of a different class C every time you call f,
> so that
> isinstance(f(), type(f())
> is False.

That I didn't know. Well, that theory won't be seeing much 
practice I guess.

Tomi Lindberg

Re: Class definition within function

2006-08-02 Thread Tomi Lindberg
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

> No, its not. Only inside of it. And the question really is: why?

Thanks. And no need to worry, the question was intended as 
fully theoretical.

Tomi Lindberg

Class definition within function

2006-08-02 Thread Tomi Lindberg

With the following function definition, is it possible to 
create an instance of class C outside the function f (and if 
it is, how)? And yes, I think this is one of those times 
when the real question is why :)

 >>> def f():
class C(object):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 'a'
return C()

 >>> x = f()
 >>> x.a
 >>> y=f.C()

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in -toplevel-
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'C'

Tomi Lindberg

Re: Dice probability problem

2006-04-05 Thread Tomi Lindberg
Antoon Pardon wrote:

>   def __rmul__(self, num):
> tp = num * [self]
> return reduce(operator.add, tp)
> sum3d6 = 3 * D(6)

One basic question: is there any particular reason not to 
use __mul__ instead (that would allow me to use both 3 * 
D(6) and D(6) * 3, while __rmul__ raises an AttributeError 
with the latter)? Difference between the two methods is 
slightly unclear to me.

Tomi Lindberg

Re: Dice probability problem

2006-04-05 Thread Tomi Lindberg
Antoon Pardon wrote:

> IMO you are making things too complicated and not general
> enough.

I believe that the above is very likely more than just your 
opinion :) Programming is just an occasional hobby to me, 
and I lack both experience and deeper (possibly a good chunk 
of shallow as well) knowledge on the subject. I'll study the 
code you posted, and make further questions if something 
remains unclear afterwards.

Tomi Lindberg

Re: Dice probability problem

2006-04-04 Thread Tomi Lindberg
First, thanks to Antoon and Alexander for replying.

Antoon Pardon wrote:

> It would be better to construct distributions for one
> die and make a function that can 'add' two distributions
> together.

As both replies pointed to this direction, I tried to take 
that route. Here's the unpolished code I came up with. Does 
it look even remotely sane way to accomplish my goal?

-- code begins --

# A die with n faces
D = lambda n: [x+1 for x in range(n)]

# A new die with 6 faces
d6 = D(6)

# Adds another die to results.
def add_dice(sums, die):
 # If first die, all values appear once
 if not sums:
 for face in die:
 sums[face] = 1
 # Calculating the number of appearances for additional
 # dice
 new_sums = {}
 for k in sums.keys():
 for f in die:
 if new_sums.has_key(k+f):
 new_sums[k+f] += sums[k]
 new_sums[k+f] = sums[k]
 sums = new_sums
 return sums

sums = add_dice({}, d6)
sums = add_dice(sums, d6)
sums = add_dice(sums, d6)

-- code ends --

Tomi Lindberg

Dice probability problem

2006-04-04 Thread Tomi Lindberg

I'm trying to find a way to calculate a distribution of 
outcomes with any combination of dice. I have the basics 
done, but I'm a bit unsure how to continue. My main concern 
is how to make this accept any number of dice, without 
having to write a new list comprehension for each case?

Here's a piece of code that shows the way I'm doing things 
at the moment.

-- code begins --

# A die with n faces
D = lambda n: [x+1 for x in range(n)]

# A pool of 3 dice with 6 faces each
pool = [D(6)] * 3

# A List of all outcomes with the current 3d6 pool.
results = [x+y+z for x in pool[0] for y in pool[1]
for z in pool[2]]

# A dictionary to hold the distribution
distribution = {}

# If outcome is already a key, adds 1 to its value.
# Otherwise adds outcome to keys and sets its value
# to 1.
def count(x):
 if distribution.has_key(x): distribution[x] += 1
 else: distribution[x] = 1

# Maps the results with above count function.
map(count, results)

-- code ends --

Tomi Lindberg

Re: Unit tests in Leo

2005-04-10 Thread Tomi Lindberg
Hello Tomi,
I'm not really sure about your question, but concerning unit testing
you can do a simple test.
No problem. I found the Leo forums at Source Forge and I've 
already received some answers in there. Thanks for replying 

"Nowhere in me is the presence of god
Nor do I need him or want him around"
Deicide - Standing in the Flames
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.invalid from the address.

Unit tests in Leo

2005-04-08 Thread Tomi Lindberg
I'm quite (or very) new to both unit testing and Leo. I've 
been trying to get @test nodes to work without success so 
I'd like to have very simple example.

So, if I have a @file with the following content...
def divide_by_two(x):
return x/2
...and I'd like to write a @test node that checks whether 
the function returns the right number ( like 
assertsEqual(divide_by_two(8), 4) ). Now, what should the 
@test node look like?

"Nowhere in me is the presence of god
Nor do I need him or want him around"
Deicide - Standing in the Flames
If you wish to send me an e-mail, remove .NO_SPAM and 
.invalid from the address.