Re: exec a string in an embedded environment

2006-01-17 Thread Tommy Ryding
I can't post that much of what I have done but some questions might
answer if you e-mail me the question to my address.



Re: exec a string in an embedded environment

2006-01-17 Thread Tommy Ryding
No it didn't help me :(

the foo_ptr that is returned from PyRun_String is not a callable
object. Therefor I can't call it from PyObject_Call.

I would like to do the exact same procedure as I do when the code is
located in a module (file).

pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);

if (pModule != NULL) {
pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, inArg->funcName);
/* pFunc is a new reference */

if (pFunc && PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) {

It must be possible to import a module written inside a string with a
similar approach. The ultimate solution would be to change the
PyImport_Import() call to something that creates an object from a

Now some of you think why not have the code inside a file. We need to
create encrypted script files, thats why.

I hope someone can help me //Tommy


Re: Getting Python Accepted in my Organisation

2005-11-03 Thread Tommy . Ryding
I have done the same thing in my organisation.

Show them concrete examples of when they can benefit from Python to
Convince them.
My colleagues and bosses has been conviced and therefore my current
work task is to integrate the interpreter in a VxWorks environment so
"everyone" at the company can use it within our context.

If you are good at convincing you can be lucky and get some fun work
tasks. :)

Good luck!



typo in the documentation or am I stupid?

2005-11-03 Thread Tommy . Ryding
In the embedding Python manual at an example is presented
that uses the function:
PyDict_GetAttrString. Is it possible that this is a typo?

I have searched the source code and I can't find it, I have also used
google and I only get 4 hits.

In for example Programming Python another function with similar name is
described: PyObject_GetAttrString. Could that be the one that fit into
the example?

Hopefully someone knows the answer to my question ;)


Link to the spot at


Re: global interpreter lock

2005-10-18 Thread Tommy . Ryding
PyThread_release_lock() is implemented in all thread_xxx.h files.

So I thought right but specified my question like a stupid ;)



global interpreter lock

2005-10-18 Thread Tommy . Ryding
I just need confirmation that I think right.

Is the files thread_xxx.h (xxx = nt, os2 or whatever) responsible for
global interpreter lock in a multithreaded environment?

I'm currently writing my own thread_VW for VxWorks, thats why I'm



Re: Controlling memory allocation

2005-09-05 Thread Tommy . Ryding
I redirect Free, Realloc and Malloc. (calloc is never used by Python).

"The more I thoug..."
That could be a possible problem. I will look in to it today and try
and find out if that occurs and in that case how often. 



Re: Controlling memory allocation

2005-09-05 Thread Tommy . Ryding
I have done the thing you are requesting. You can easily create your
own memory pool and have Python to use it.

I added some rows to Pyconfig.h:

#ifdef malloc
#undef malloc
#endif /*malloc*/
#define malloc  Python_malloc

Then I have some overhead in my own Python_malloc(size_t nBytes)


Re: Extend Python

2005-09-01 Thread Tommy . Ryding
What is Qt?

I have looked at PyQT and I canĀ“t use it. I haven't tried it but the
PyQT license makes the program useless. :(

Any other suggestions?


Extend Python

2005-09-01 Thread Tommy . Ryding
Hi All I have a problem with extentions of Python.

I'm workin within a large industrial control system and I have created
a Port for VxWorks. In the system we have different permissions
depending on which state the controller is in. To perform some actions
in some states may even injure or kill people. Therefor we need
"intelligent" wrappers between Python and C-code.

My Question:
Swig offers some great features but is to basic for us. Is there
another program that creates more readble code that can be easily
edited? How much work is it to write our own wrappers?



Embed Python

2005-05-17 Thread Tommy Ryding

Im currently working on my own Python port for VxWorks this is part of
my master thesis. What I want to do is to only to embed the
interpreter and not the compiler. Both to save memory on the target
device and to be get some security in the device. It is a mission
critical device im applying it to.

Is there any obvious way to see what files that are needed for the
interpreter and which files that are needed by the compiler?
