Re: PythonMagick on Windows

2005-12-05 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Adam Endicott wrote:
> Does anyone know anything about PythonMagick? I've got a project that
> could use ImageMagick, so I went looking around for PythonMagick, and
> I'm a bit lost.
> I was able to download the PythonMagick source from the ImageMagick
> site, but I'm on Windows and don't have the ability to compile it. I
> found reference to a windows installer for PythonMagick on the wxPython
> wiki, but the links take me to, which seems to have
> abandoned the project (at least I couldn't find anything to download).
> So what's the state of this project?
> Actually, I'm wondering if I would gain anything by using PythonMagick
> anyway. I'm going to be distributing a py2exe created executable that
> needs to do some image manipulation. Would I still need ImageMagick
> seperately installed on the client machine to use PythonMagick anyway?
> Or could it all be self contained? If I'd need to install ImageMagick
> on client machines anyway, I guess I can just use the commandline
> interface to ImageMagick from Python.

There is a boost-less interface to imagemagick on the pylab project page 
at Sourceforge.   Last I checked it compiled for windows.  But, I 
haven't really played with it for a while.  You might find the old 
binaries there useful for at least some version of Image Magick.

-Travis Oliphant


Re: Best library for basic stats

2005-12-29 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
MKoool wrote:
> Is there any decent library for basic stats?  I am just looking for the
> basics, like quartiles, median, standard deviation, mean, min, max,
> regression, etc.
> I was going to use SciPy, but I use Python 2.4, and it seems to be
> supported primarily for 2.3...
> What other statistical packages have any level of public support at
> this point?
> thanks

I would definitely look at SciPy.  It works fine with Python 2.4.  The 
new scipy_core has basic stats (mean, min, max, standard deviation) 
built in as methods to the array object.

A new scipy_core release will be made in a few days.  But, you can get 
started with the release already available.   Look for the download link 

For *much* more stats look at full scipy (you can just check out the 
stats sub-package if you want).   The full scipy can be checked out of 
SVN anonymously (or browsed through the web) at

-Travis Oliphant


Re: csrss.exe & Numeric

2005-12-30 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
jelle wrote:
> I have a function that uses the Numeric module. When I launch the
> function csrss.exe consumes 60 / 70 % cpu power rather than having
> python / Numeric run at full speed. Has anyone encountered this problem
> before? It seriously messes up my Numeric performance.

Are you memory-limited so that the process is swapping memory to disk?

We'll need more details to offer a better suggestion.




Re: Hypergeometric distribution

2006-01-02 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Raven wrote:
> Thanks Steven for your very interesting post.
> This was a critical instance from my problem:
from scipy import comb
> inf
> The scipy.stats.distributions.hypergeom function uses the scipy.comb
> function, so it returned nan since it tries to divide an infinite. I
> did not tried to write a self-made function using standard python as I
> supposed that the scipy functions reached python's limits but I was
> wrong, what a fool :-)

Notice the keyword for the comb function (in scipy) lets you use it to 
compute exact values.   SciPy does not just automatically use the long 
integer because this will always slow you down.

comb(N, k, exact=0)

Combinations of N things taken k at a time.

If exact==0, then floating point precision is used, otherwise
exact long integer is computed.

   - Array arguments accepted only for exact=0 case.
   - If k > N, N < 0, or k < 0, then a 0 is returned.

-Travis Oliphant


Re: void * C array to a Numpy array using Swig

2006-01-12 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Philip Austin wrote:
> "Travis E. Oliphant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Krish wrote:
>>Yes, you are right that you need to use typemaps.  It's been awhile
>>since I did this kind of thing, but here are some pointers.
> Also, there's

This is interesting.

I've noticed his getpointerX functions seem to be implemented already by

PyArray_AsCArray in the new NumPy.



Re: how do "real" python programmers work?

2006-01-13 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
bblais wrote:
> In Python, there seems to be a couple ways of doing things.   I could
> write it in one window, and from a Unix shell call
> and be like C++, but then I lose the interactiveness which makes
> prototyping easier.  If I use the python shell, I can use import (and
> reload), or execfile perhaps.

Try IPython.  It makes the process of executing live code very productive.



Re: void * C array to a Numpy array using Swig

2006-01-13 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Krish wrote:
> Hello People
> I hope I am On Topic. Anyways, here is my problem. Any insights would
> be really appreciated.

Posting to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]  list would help 
generate more responses, I think.

> I have wrapped a C IO module using SWIG -> Python Module. Suppose the
> name of the module is "imageio" and the reader function from the file
> is image_read() which returns an object ( "filled" C structure) with a
> lot of members.
> Let
> a = imageio.image_read("testfile.image")
> Now a is the object which contains pointer to data of the image. ( void
> * pdata). ( a also contains the datatype which I need to typecast to
> get the data pointed by pdata). My question is how to access the data
> pointed by pdata in *Python*.

Yes, you are right that you need to use typemaps.  It's been awhile 
since I did this kind of thing, but here are some pointers.

1)  Look at Michael Sanner's typemaps at

Except for the CHAR version, these should work for NumPy by replacing 
Numeric/arrayobject.h with numpy/arrayobject.h

2) In full scipy there are typemaps for numpy arrays in 

Look here...

This should help you get started with some examples.  Typemaps can be a 
little confusing at first, but they do make your interface a bit nicer.



Re: Numarray, numeric, NumPy, scpy_core ??!!

2006-01-21 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
J wrote:
> I will just jump in an use NumPy. I hope this one will stick and evolve
> into the mother of array packages.
> How stable is it ? For now I really just need basic linear algebra.
> i.e. matrix multiplication, dot, cross etc

There is a new release coming out this weekend.   It's closer to 1.0 and 
so should be more stable.It also has some speed improvements in 
matrix-vector operations (if you have ATLAS BLAS --- or if you download 
a binary version with ATLAS BLAS compiled in).   I would wait for it.



Re: Possible memory leak?

2006-01-24 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Tuvas wrote:
> I have a function in a program that works something like this.
> def load_pic_data(width,heigth,inpdat, filt=TRUE):
> data=''
> total=0
> tnum=0
> size=100
> for y in range(0,heigth):
> row=''
> for x in range(0,width):
> index=2*(x+y*width)
> num=ord(inpdat[index+1])*256+ord(inpdat[index])
> if(vfilter.get() and d_filter and filt):
> num=round((num-(d_filter[index/2])))
> if(num<0):
> num=0
> if(num>255*64):
> num=255*64
> row=row+chr(num/64)
> data=data+row
> The purpose of this part of a program is to take a 14 bit numerical
> representation and convert it to an 8 bit representation. 

This is exactly the kind of thing NumPy ( is 
ideal for.  If that's of interest to you, then I can offer particular 



Re: Is there a way to profile underlying C++ code?

2006-01-24 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Bo Peng wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have a C++-SWIG-wrapped python module. The running time for one of the 
> functions is pretty unpredictable so I would like to profile it. 
> However, the python profiler does not seem to enter the compiled module 
> (.so file). Is there a way to profile the C++ functions?

On Linux you can use oprofile (which is pretty nice and easy to use --- 
no recompiling.  Just start the profiler, run your code, and stop the 



Re: writing arrays to binary file

2006-01-25 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Sheldon wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a short program the writes the output data to an acsii file:
> import sys
> import os
> import string
> import gisdata
> from Numeric import *
> def latlon(area_id, i, j):
> lon_file = "lon_%s.dat" % area_id
> flon= open(lon_file, 'wa')
> lat_file   = "lat_%s.dat" % area_id
> flat  = open(lat_file, 'wa')
> for x in range(i):
> for y in range(j):
> flat.write("%f\n" % gisdata.xy2lonlat(area_id,x,y)[1])
> flon.write("%f\n" % gisdata.xy2lonlat(area_id,x,y)[0])
> flat.close()
> flon.close()
> #
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> tile_info ={"ibla_35n13e":[1215,1215],
> for t in tile_info.keys():
> xsize = tile_info[t][0]
> ysize = tile_info[t][1]
> result = latlon_(t, xsize, ysize)
> Now this works but the output is in ascii form. Whenever I try to write
> it binary form by creating the 2D array and then opening the file with
> open("filename", 'wb'), I lose the decimals that are vital. The input
> data is float with about 4 decimal places.

You need to use the tostring() method and write that out in binary form.

flon = open(lon_file,'wb')

of course you will need to manage byte-order issues if you will be 
transferring this file to a different kind of processor.

Alternatively, with new NumPy there is a tofile method that you can use 
to write in either ascii or binary form.

-Travis Oliphant


Re: Scientific Computing with NumPy

2006-02-06 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
mclaugb wrote:
> Is Scipy the same thing as ScientificPython?

No.  They are two separate projects.  Scientific Python is still 
Numeric-only.  SciPy 0.3.x is Numeric-based  and SciPy 0.4.x is NumPy-based.

The developers for NumPy are also the developers for SciPy (for the most 

There is a mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]  where 
all of your questions can be answered.


Re: Scientific Computing with NumPy

2006-02-06 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Tim Hochberg wrote:
> mclaugb wrote:
> No, Scientific Python is "a collection of Python modules that are useful 
> for scientific computing" written by Konrad Hinsen. I'm not a user, but 
> you can find information here:
> SciPy is, I believe, a more recent and more ambitious project. In any 
> event it is not directly related to ScientficPython. Information here:

SciPy's been around since 2001.  ScientificPython since about 1998, I 

> Numeric: This is the origingal array package.
> Numarray: This was written as a replacement for Numeric. It has improved 
> performance for large arrays. The internals were also simplified and 
> many other improvements were made (arrays were subclassable, numeric 
> signal handling vastly improved, etc). Unfortunately, a side effect of 
> the changes was that small array performance got worse. There was a 
> signifigant chunk of the numeric community for whom this was a deal 
> breaker and as a result there ended up being a split between the Numeric 
> and Numarray communities.

Just to be clear, small array performance was only 1 of the 
"deal-breaker" problems with numarray.  Anothber big problem for SciPy 
was that the Numeric C-API was never fully supported (in particular the 
Ufunc C-API).  This made it more difficult to convert to numarray. 
Thus, porting never happened.  The small-array speed issue just made 
porting that much less enticing.

> Numpy: This is a rewrite of Numeric that incorporates most of the 
> improvements in Numarray. 

The goal is to incorporate *all* of the improvements (unless being 
written in Python is one of the improvements).  If there are missing 
improvements we need to know about them.

Thanks to Tim for spreading some light on the issue.  There will no 
doubt be continued confusion for new users over the coming months. 
Hopefully, with time the confusion will fade as more people use NumPy 
and any remainging issues get resolved.



ANN: Release of NumPy 0.9.5

2006-02-16 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
NumPy is the successor to both Numeric and Numarray.  It builds from and 
uses code from both.

More information can be found at the following links

Highlights of Release:

  -  Unicode arrays are now always UCS4 even on narrow Python builds
  -  Many improvements and bugfixes to dtype objects
  -  Improvements to numpy.distutils
  -  Optimized dot function improved so copies are no longer made for 
transposed arrays

  -  Many more bug-fixes

Full release notes at

Best regards,

-Travis Oliphant


Re: calculating on matrix indices

2006-02-16 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Brian Blais wrote:
> Hello,
> In my attempt to learn python, migrating from matlab, I have the following 
> problem. 
> Here is what I want to do, (with the wrong syntax):
> from numpy import *
> t=arange(0,20,.1)
> x=zeros(len(t),'f')
> idx=(t>5)
> tau=5
> x[idx]=exp(-t[idx]/tau)  # <---this line is wrong (gives a TypeError)

Hi Brian,

Just to let you know, you are more likely to get good answers by mailing 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] then posting to this list.

The indexing technique you are using is actually fine.  The trouble you 
are having is that t is a double-precision array (and thus so is 
exp(-t[idx]/tau)  while x is a single-precision array.


Because you are trying to store something with greater precision into an 
array with less precision you get a TypeError.

So, either change x to be double precision:

x = zeros(len(t), float)

#the default Python float is doubleprecision

or change t to be single precision:

t = arange(0,20,.1,dtype=single)

Good luck,



Re: ANN: Release of NumPy 0.9.5

2006-02-17 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Thomas Gellekum wrote:
> "Travis E. Oliphant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>  -  Improvements to numpy.distutils
> Stupid questions: is it really necessary to keep your own copy of
> distutils and even install it? What's wrong with the version in the
> Python distribution? How can I disable the colorized output to get
> something more readable than yellow on white (well, seashell1)?

Yes --- distutils does not provide enough functionality.

Besides, it's not a *copy* of distutils.  It's enhancements to 
distutils.  It builds on top of standard distutils.

I don't know the answer to the colorized output question.  Please post 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get more help and/or make 



Re: ANN: Release of NumPy 0.9.5

2006-02-18 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
vinjvinj wrote:
> I read some of the earlier threads which essentially said that numpy is
> about 3-4 times slower then Numeric for smaller arrays. I'm assuming
> that applies only to operations that apply to the whole arrays.
> I was curious how the performance of the following operations would
> compare though:
> 1. Copying arrays
> 2. Creating arrays
> 3. Slicing Arrays

It is really hard to say unless you show specific applications:

But, here are some facts.

1) NumPy is in C just like Numeric
2) NumPy is more flexible than Numeric and that means a few more 
if-statements and checks which can slow-down array creation and slicing.
3) Some optimizations have been done to remove unnecessary slowness 
(e.g. unnecessary checking but more could be done).

4) Ufuncs have more overhead primarily because of

 a) the ability to alter how errors are obtained using local / 
global variables (these must be looked-up in a dictionary which is most 
of the source of any performance penalty),
 b) the ability for other objects that can be converted to arrays to 
interact with ufuncs so that the original object is returned by the ufuncs
 c) the fact that excessive copying is not done in order to 
type-cast from one array to annother, this requires some "set-up" overhead

My understanding is that most of the "slow-downs" reported for small 
arrays can be attributed to ufuncs, but there will be slower paths 
through the C-code for other cases as well because of the increased 

Our goal is to be as fast as we can be so give it a spin and tell us how 
to improve...




Re: segmentation fault in scipy?

2006-05-10 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
> I'm running operations large arrays of floats, approx 25,000 x 80.
> Python (scipy) does not seem to come close to using 4GB of wired mem,
> but segments at around a gig. Everything works fine on smaller batches
> of data around 10,000 x 80 and uses a max of ~600mb of mem.  Any Ideas?
>  Is this just too much data for scipy?
> Thanks Conor
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "C:\Temp\CR_2\", line 68, in ?
>net.rProp(1.2, .5, .01, 50.0, input, output, 1)
>  File "/Users/conorrob/Desktop/CR_2/", line 230, in rProp
>print scipy.trace(error*scipy.transpose(error))
>  File "D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\", line
> 149, in
> __mul__
>return, other)
> MemoryError

You should ask this question on the numpy-discussion list for better 

Does it actually segfault or give you this Memory Error?

Temporary arrays that need to be created could be the source of the 
extra memory.

Generally, you should be able to use all the memory on your system 
(unless you are on a 64-bit system and are not using Python 2.5).



ANN: NumPy 0.9.8 released

2006-05-17 Thread Travis E. Oliphant

NumPy 0.9.8 has been released.  It can be downloaded from

The release notes are attached.

Best regards,

-Travis Oliphant

NumPy 0.9.8 is a bug-fix and optimization release with a
few new features.  The C-API was changed so that extensions compiled
against NumPy 0.9.6 will need re-compilation to avoid errors.

The C-API should be stabilizing.  The next release will be 1.0 which
will come out in a series of release-candidates during Summer 2006.

There were many users and developers who contributed to the fixes for
this release.   They deserve much praise and thanks.  For details see 
the Trac pages where bugs are reported and fixed.

  New features (and changes):

  * string and unicode comparisons now work on array objects 
without having to go through the chararray. 

  * string and unicode scalars selected from an array have
NULL bytes removed so that comparisons work correctly.

  * changed fortran= keywords to order= keywords 
The order= keyword accepts 'C', 'FORTRAN', or None
as arguments.  The order= keyword also accepts True for
'FORTRAN' and False for 'C' for backwards compatibility.

  * The error-lookup for math functions was changed to work on a
per-thread basis instead of a local, module (global), bulitin
name-space basis. 

  * PyArray_CHAR now works as does the 'c' code for specifying a
1-element string.  This improves compatibility with Numeric
when PyArray_CHAR and typecode='c' are used.  
Now array("mystr", 'c')  works the same as it did in Numeric.

  * where(condition) and condition.nonzero() always return
tuples.  nonzero(condition) is for backwards compatibility  
with Numeric and only works with 1-d arrays.

  * overflow checking is nolonger done an array multiplication for 
 consistency with addition and subtraction.

  * math module added to numpy namespace as it used to be in the Numeric
name-space.  numpy.emath has extended math functions

  * matrices return correctly shaped matrices for reduction-like methods
and scalars for reduction over the entire array (i.e. A.argmax() 
returns a scalar.)

  * numpy should install now with easy_install from setuptools

  * masked array improvements including more methods added.

  Speed ups:

  * scalarmath module added to speed up math on array scalars (the
objects returned when indexing into arrays). 
  * a.flags is now a builtin object

  * copying code was sped up significantly for well-behaved cases.

  * indexing a 1-d array by an integer has been sped-up.

  Other fixes:

  * fixed problem with bad arguments to .transpose() not being caught.

  * fix problem with .argmax(axis) and .argmin(axis) for multi-dimensional

  * cov and corrcoef fixed to work correctly and not
in-place modify the input.

  * several fixes for numpy.distutils were applied

  * errors involving reshape and fortran-order arrays fixed

  * fixed several errors in optimized blasdot function
  * several segfaults fixed
  * record array pickling and byteswapped pickling fixed.

  * fix sorting on byteswapped arrays

  * fancy-indexing no longer alters the index array.
  * divbyzero should work now on optimizing compilers.
  * vectorize segfaults should be fixed.

  * b.shape =  now fails as it should 
  for non-contiguous arrays

  * fixed errors apperaing in use of flattened and byteswapped

  * several memory leaks closed and other Valgrind-discovered 
  errors fixed.

  * fixed attribute access for record arrays and their sub-classes


Re: Scipy: vectorized function does not take scalars as arguments

2006-05-24 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
ago wrote:
> Once I vectorize a function it does not acccept scalars anymore. Es
> def f(x): return x*2
> vf = vectorize(f)
> print vf(2)
> AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'astype'
> Is this the intended behaviour?

Vectorize handles scalars in recent versions of NumPy.  Which version do 
you have?



Re: Looking for triangulator/interpolator

2006-05-26 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Grant Edwards wrote:
> I need to interpolate an irregularly spaced set of sampled
> points: Given a set of x,y,z points, I need to interpolate z
> values for a much finer x,y grid.

How many x,y,z points do you have?

Did you try the fitpack function bisplrep in scipy? It can work well as 
long as you don't have too many starting points.

Here is an example of how to use it

from numpy import rand, exp, ogrid
from scipy import interpolate
x = 2*rand(20)-1
y = 2*rand(20)-1
z = (x+y)*exp(-6.0*(x*x+y*y))

tck = interpolate.bisplrep(x,y,z,s=0,xb=-1,xe=1,yb=-1,ye=1)

xnew = r_[-1:1:70j]
ynew = r_[-1:1:70j]
znew = interpolate.bisplev(xnew,ynew,tck)

There is a buglet that is fixed in SVN scipy that means you need to 
enter xb, xe, yb, and ye manually.



Re: Looking for triangulator/interpolator

2006-05-27 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2006-05-27, Travis E. Oliphant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I need to interpolate an irregularly spaced set of sampled
>>> points: Given a set of x,y,z points, I need to interpolate z
>>> values for a much finer x,y grid.
>> How many x,y,z points do you have?
> I've got about 700 data points.  They're arranged irregularly
> along arcs arranged in sort of truncated fan-shape.
>> Did you try the fitpack function bisplrep in scipy?
> Not recently.  I spent a month or so wrestling with bisplrep a
> while back, but was unable to get stable results (either with
> real world data or with the example from the tutorial):
> I switched to a trianguation scheme shortly after that posting,
> and haven't tired bisplrep since then.

Not that you made a bad choice.  I do wonder, how much of your 
difficulty was with the interface to the underlying fitpack routines. 
The interface is pretty involved as there are lots of parameter choices 
to the underlying routine.  It's very possible the interface is broken 
in some strange way.

Given how many people want to do interpolation.  I'm surprised nobody 
has looked into fixing up the fitpack routines that do it.  I suppose 
it's possible that the underlying fitpack routines are faulty in 2-d.

Your examples will help in that study.

Pearu made some nice class-based interfaces to fitpack in 2003.  They 
are in SciPy, but, it appears that people aren't making much use of 
them.  Did you try them?

They are in

There are new wrappers for it


Re: matplotlib and numpy installation

2006-05-27 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
cesco wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to install python, numpy and matplotlib on Linux Ubuntu.
> I installed python with the following commands
> ./configure --enable-unicode=ucs4
> [snip]
> running build_ext
> building 'matplotlib.backends._ns_backend_agg' extension
> gcc options: '-pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall
> -Wstrict-prot\
> otypes -fPIC'
> compile options:
> '-I/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numpy/core/include -\
> I/usr/include -I. -Isrc -Iswig -Iagg23/include -I. -I/usr/include -I.
> -I/usr/lo\
> cal/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numpy/core/include/freetype2
> -I/usr/include/fre\
> etype2 -I./freetype2 -Isrc/freetype2 -Iswig/freetype2
> -Iagg23/include/freetype2\
>  -I./freetype2 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I./freetype2
> -I/usr/local/include/pyth\
> on2.4 -c'
> extra options: '-DSCIPY=1'
> gcc: src/_image.cpp
> src/_image.cpp:5:17: png.h: No such file or directory

This is the source of the remaining errors

On my system the "png.h" file comes from a libpng3-devel rpm

Perhaps you need to use apt-get to obtain the development package for png.



Re: Looking for triangulator/interpolator

2006-05-27 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2006-05-27, Travis E. Oliphant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Not that you made a bad choice.  I do wonder, how much of your
>> difficulty was with the interface to the underlying fitpack
>> routines.
> I've no idea.  I had never done anything with splines before,
> so it's quite possible I just wasn't doing things right.  I
> never got it to work at all for non-gridded data (which is what
> I needed).  Since it wasn't stable even for gridded data, I
> more or less gave up.
>> The interface is pretty involved as there are lots of
>> parameter choices to the underlying routine.  It's very
>> possible the interface is broken in some strange way.
> I took a look at underlying Fortran code, but that made my
> dizzy.

Just to finish this thread, I should mention I spent some time yesterday 
looking into the details of the underlying surfit fucntion used by 
bisplrep.  It appears to have difficulties when s=0 is used.  It seems 
to be geared toward smoothing applications where you are trying to fit 
"noisy" scattered data to a smooth function.There are many warnings 
about choosing s to be too low.

Thus, trying to use bisplrep for interpolation (instead of data 
smoothing) is probably going to be difficult with bisplrep.

We still need a good N-d re-gridding algorithm in SciPy.



Re: reordering elements of a list

2006-06-03 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
greenflame wrote:
> I am trying to reorder elements of a list and I am stuck as to what
> might be the best way to approach this. I have a (main) list of
> elements and another (ordering) list (which is may shorter,  but not
> longer than the main list) which contains the order in which I want the
> elements of the main list but only as far along as the length of the
> ordering list. This may be confusing so I will try to give an example.
> Suppose the main list is: mainlist = list('qwertyuiop')
> Suppose the ordering list is: orderinglist = [3, 4, 2, 1]
> Then I am looking for a function that will take mainlist and
> orderinglist as arguments and return the following list:
> ['e', 'r', 'w', 'q', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p']
> Also by the way the main list is always going to be a list of strings
> and the ordering list will be a list of numbers. Also the largest
> number in orderinglist will always be equal to the length of
> orderinglist. I hope this makes any sense. Thanks for your help.

NumPy ( )  can do this using element-based 
indexing on an array of strings.

Your example:

import numpy
a = numpy.array('qwertyuiop','c')
newlist = a[[2,3,1,0]+range(4,10)].tolist()
print newlist


['e', 'r', 'w', 'q', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p']

But you can also do it with list comprehension pretty easily, so this is 
probably just a shameless plug for NumPy :-)



Re: Scientific Computing with NumPy

2006-02-28 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
> Terry Reedy wrote:
>>"kpp9c" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>Numeric, Numarray, & Numpy... some one stick a screwdriver in my
>>>forehead and end the madness that Numeric has become.
>>>For crying all night! Numpy was Numeric's nickname
>>Given that NumPy *is* an updated version of Numeric, with the same basic
>>interface, I think the name quite appropriate.  It also works well as a
>>partner for SciPy.


I suppose people must vent, but the truth is that satisfying the 
diversity of scientific Python users is *very* hard.

NumPy *is* trying to do something about the confusion between Numeric 
and Numarray.   I'm sorry you don't like the name, but it was properly 
discussed and a host of other names were suggested before settling on 
NumPy as the *least bad*.

Yes, it will be confusing for a few months, but then it will probably be 
*less* confusing as people realize that NumPy *is* Numeric 3K

The interface is not that different.  For example, you can usually 
compile extensions simply by replacing Numeric/arrayobject.h   with

If you don't like things then start suggesting specific improvements at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of just ranting on the 
python list which most of us don't have the time to read anyway (notice 
how late I'm responding to this...)



Re: Trouble with numpy-0.9.4 and numpy-0.9.5

2006-03-01 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
drife wrote:
> Hello,
> I use the Python Numeric package extensively, and had been an
> avid user of the "old" scipy. In my view, both pieces of software
> are truly first rate, and have greatly improved my productivity in
> the area of scientific analysis. Thus, I was excited to make the
> transition to the new scipy core (numpy).
> Unfortunately, I am experiencing a problem that I cannot sort
> out. I am running Python 2.4.2 on a Debian box (V3.1), using
> gcc version 3.3.5, and ATLAS, BLAS, and LAPACK libraries
> built from scratch. When building numpy everything seems to
> go AOK. But trouble soon follows.
> As a sanity check, I run the diagnostic tests that come as
> part of the numpy package:
> from numpy import *
> from scipy import *
> test(level=N)  #  N can vary from 1 to 10. :
> No matter which test I run, Python crashes hard with only
> the following output: "Floating exception".

This could be related to the Debian glibc bug that has been discussed 
before.   Aparently the Debian version of glibc had some issues with 
SSE.  This is the same behavior experienced by others on the Debian 
platform.  There is a patch, but I'm not sure what it is.

See, for example:

Come over to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] and/or 

lists for more help.



Re: installing numpy

2006-03-15 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
cesco wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install the numpy library (precisely
> numpy-0.9.6-py2.4-linux-i686) on Linux but I encounter several

This is a dumb pre-built binary package (useful perhaps because it links 
against ATLAS already) built using distutils.

You don't build it and install it using you just un-tar it in 
the / directory and start using it.

You only run python install when you have a source file.  You 
can download the sources if you want and build it yourself using:

python install

> Finally I tried to move the folder numpy to the location where all the
> third-party modules are installed, that in my case is
> /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ and run the command from there like:
> python numpy/ install

Presumably, you can copy the files directly there and then start using 
it (don't run though, there is no need).

After copying the files over to your site-packages directory, just start 
python and do

import numpy



Re: switching to numpy and failing, a user story

2006-10-04 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
> After using numeric for almost ten years, I decided to attempt to
> switch a large codebase (python and C++) to using numpy. Here's are
> some comments about how that went.
> - The code to automatically switch python stuff over just kind of
> works. But it was a 90% solution, I could do the rest by hand. Of
> course, the problem is that then the code is still using the old
> numeric API, so it's not a long term solution. Unfortunately, to switch
> to the numpy API one needs documentation, which is a problem; see
> below.

I'm glad to hear of your experiences (good and bad).  We need feedback 
exactly from users like you in order to improve things.  Yep, the code 
converter is a 80% solution, but it does work.  Improvements are always 

> - Well, ok, the automatic switching code doesn't really work all that
> well... my uses of RandomArray still work, but they generate different
> numbers. The underlying random-number generator must have changed. I'm
> sure that it's "better" now, but it's different. This is a major pain
> for my regression tests that rely on seeding the random number
> generator and getting particular results. But that's ok, I can update
> the regressions for the new RNG.

You definitely can't expect the same random number generator.  The new 
one (thanks to Robert Kern) is quite good.

> - My extension modules just won't build because the new numpy stuff
> lives in a different location from where Numeric used to live.

This is an easy one and is documented in lots of places on the new site.  Plus, people are always willing to help out 
if you just ask.  The numpy-discussion list is quite active.  Don't be 

> - I guess I should just buy the documentation. I don't like this idea,
> because I think it's counter-productive to the project to have payware
> docs (would Python be successful if you had to buy the documentation? I
> don't think so), but that's the way this project goes.

It's probably better to call it "complete documentation."  Normal 
open-source documentation is available from  There 
are lots of people who have helped it.  I had to do something to at 
least pretend to justify the time NumPy took me to the people who care 
about how I spend my time (including my family).   This was the best I 
could come up with.

  I'm doubly
> unhappy about it because they payment system is using Paypal and I
> don't like Paypal at all, but I guess that's just the way it goes. Oh,
> wait, I *can't* buy the docs because I'm not in the US and the payment
> page requires a US address.

Is that really true?  A lot of people not living in the U.S. have used 
Paypal successfully.  When difficulties arise, communicating with me 
your difficulty is usually productive.

  I give up; I guess NumPy is only for people living in the US.

Definitely not true.  People in Singapore, Japan, Ghana, South Africa, 
France, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, and many other countries are 
using NumPy successfully.  Gratefully, a few have contributed by buying 
the book, but a lot more have downloaded and are successfully using it.

I'm sorry about your experience, you definitely don't *have* to buy the 
book to use NumPy.  Just like you don't *have* to buy any Python book to 
use Python.  The amount of documentation for NumPy is growing and I 
expect that trend to continue.   There is a lot of information in the 
source file.

> I guess I'll come back to NumPy in 2010, when the docs are available.

Or just ask on the mailing lists, use the numpy.oldnumeric interface 
(the differences are all documented in the first few pages of my book 
which is available for free now).




Re: How to convert this list to string?

2006-10-18 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Jia Lu wrote:
> Hi all
>  I have a list like:
> [1, 2, 3]
> [2, 3]
> I want to get a string "2 3"
> '[2, 3]'
> How can I do that ?

" ".join(str(x) for x in list)



Re: using mmap on large (> 2 Gig) files

2006-10-23 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
>> Anyone ever done this? It looks like Python2.4 won't take a length arg
>>> 2 Gig since its not seen as an int. 
> What architecture are you on? On a 32-bit architecture, it's likely
> impossible to map in 2GiB, anyway (since it likely won't fit into the
> available address space).
> On a 64-bit architecture, this is a known limitation of Python 2.4:
> you can't have containers with more than 2Gi items. This limitation
> was removed in Python 2.5, so I recommend to upgrade. Notice that
> the code has seen little testing, due to lack of proper hardware,

NumPy uses the mmap object and I saw a paper at SciPy 2006 that used 
Python 2.5 + mmap + numpy to do some pretty nice and relatively fast 
manipulations of very large data sets.

So, the very useful changes by Martin have seen more testing than he is 
probably aware of.



Re: numpy error

2006-10-23 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Juergen Kareta wrote:
> Hello,
> this is my first try to get wxmpl-1.2.8 running. Therefor I installed:
> python 2.5
> matplotlib-0.87.6.win32-py2.5.exe
> numpy-1.0rc3.win32-py2.5.exe
> on WinXP SP2
> The result is a version mismatch (see below).
> Numpy version 102 seems to be numpy-1.0b5 which is not downloadable 
> anymore. Any hints ?

You need to re-compile matplotlib (or wait until they release a new 
binary that is compiled against numpy 1.0)

Or install the numpy-1.0rc2 binary which is now again available on 



Re: numbers to string

2006-10-24 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
David Isaac wrote:
> [116, 114, 121, 32, 116, 104, 105, 115]
 z=''.join(chr(yi) for yi in y)
> 'try this'
> What is an efficient way to do this if y is much longer?
> (A numpy solution is fine.)

Here's another numpy solution just for fun:

import numpy
z = numpy.array(y,dtype='u1').view('S%d' % len(y))[0]



Re: unsigned 32 bit arithmetic type?

2006-10-25 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Robin Becker wrote:
> Hi, just trying to avoid wheel reinvention. I have need of an unsigned 32 bit 
> arithmetic type to carry out a checksum operation and wondered if anyone had 
> already defined such a beast.
> Our current code works with 32 bit cpu's, but is failing with 64 bit 
> comparisons; it's clearly wrong as we are comparing a number with a negated 
> number; the bits might drop off in 32 bits, but not in 64.

NumPy defines an array and an array scalar for all signed and unsigned 
integers defined in C.

import numpy as nx


Re: problem with fft periodogram

2006-10-25 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
> Hello,
> I am ploting a fft periodogram of my data using a script (found in
> internet: ) that gave me
> good results before. There should be a periodicity of >160 in the data
> as can be seen by eye. However, this script now says that there is
> periodicity of ~9. Can somebody explain me what's wrong? Thank you in
> advance.

The units are wrong on your period axis.  Right now you have them in 
units of "sample-spacing".  So, the plot is telling you that you have a 
periodicity of ~9 sample spacings.   To get it in unites of minutes you 
need to multiply period by the difference in minutes

period_in_minutes = period * (minutes[1] - minutes[0])

Then, plot period_in_minutes versus power.  I see a peak around 180 
minutes in your data.



[ANN] NumPy 1.0 release

2006-10-26 Thread Travis E. Oliphant

We are very pleased to announce the release of NumPy 1.0 available for 
download at

This release is the culmination of over 18 months of effort to allow 
unification of the Numeric and Numarray communities.  NumPy provides the 
features of both packages as well as comparable speeds in the domains 
where both were considered fast --- often beating both packages on 
certain problems.  If there is an area where we can speed up NumPy then 
we are interested in hearing about the solution.

NumPy is essentially a re-write of Numeric to include the features of 
Numarray plus more.   NumPy is a C-based extension module to Python that 
provides an N-dimensional array object (ndarray), a collection of fast 
math functions, basic linear algebra, array-producing random number 
generators, and basic Fourier transform capabilities.

Also included with NumPy are:

1) A data-type object.  The data-type of all NumPy arrays are defined by 
a data-type object that describes how the block of memory that makes up 
an element of the array is to be interpreted.  Supported are all basic 
C-types, structures containing C-types, arrays of C-types, and 
structures containing structures of C-types.  Data-types can also be in 
big or little-endian order.  NumPy arrays can therefore be constructed 
from any regularly-sized chunk of data.  A chunk of data can also be a 
pointer to a Python object and therefore Object arrays can be 
constructed (including record arrays with object members).

2) Array scalars: there is a Python scalar object (inheriting from the 
standard object where possible) defined for every basic data-type that 
an array can have.

2) A matrix object so that '*' is re-defined as matrix-multiplication 
and '**' as matrix-power.

3) A character array object that can replace Numarray's similarly-named 
object.  It is basically an array of strings (or unicode) with methods 
matching the string and unicode methods.

4) A record array that builds on the advanced data-type support of the 
basic array object to allow field access using attribute look-up as well 
as to provide more ways to build-up a record-array.

5) A memory-map object that makes it easier to use memory-mapped areas 
as the memory for an array object.

6) A basic container class that uses the ndarray as a member.  This 
often facilitates multiple-inheritance.

7) A large collection of basic functions on the array.

8) Compatibility layer for Numeric including code to help in the 
conversion to NumPy and full C-API support.

9) Compatibility layer for NumPy including code to help in the 
conversion to NumPy and full C-API support.

NumPy can work with Numeric and Numarray installed and while the three 
array objects are different to Python, they can all share each other's 
data through the use of the array interface.

As the developers for Numeric we can definitively say development of 
Numeric has ceased as has effective support.  You may still find an 
answer to a question or two and Numeric will be available for download 
as long as Sourceforge is around so and code written to Numeric will 
still work, but there will not be "official" releases of Numeric for 
future versions of Python (including Python2.5).

The development of NumPy has been supported by the people at STScI who 
created Numarray and support it.  They have started to port their 
applications to NumPy and have indicated that support for Numarray will 
be phased out over the next year.

You are strongly encouraged to move to NumPy.  The whole point of NumPy 
is to unite the Numeric/Numarray development and user communities.  We 
have done our part in releasing NumPy 1.0 and doing our best to make the 
transistion as easy as possible.  Please support us by adopting NumPy. 
If you have trouble with that, please let us know why so that we can 
address the problems you identify.  Even better, help us in fixing the 

New users should download NumPy first unless they need an older package 
to work with third party code.  Third-party package writers should 
migrate to use NumPy.  Though it is not difficult, there are some things 
that have to be altered.  Several people are available to help with that 
process, just ask (we will do it free for open source code and as 
work-for-hire for commercial code).

This release would not have been possible without the work of many 
people.   Thanks go to (if we have missed your contribution please let 
us know):

   * Travis Oliphant for the majority of the code adaptation (blame him 
for code problems :-) )
   * Jim Hugunin, Paul Dubois, Konrad Hinsen, David Ascher, Jim Fulton 
and many others  for Numeric on which the code is based.
   * Perry Greenfield, J Todd Miller, Rick White, Paul Barrett for 
Numarray which gave much inspiration and showed the way forward.
   * Paul Dubois for Masked Arrays
   * Pearu Peterson for f2py and numpy.distutils and help with code 
   * Robert Kern for mtrand, bug fixes, help 

Re: latest numpy & scipy - incompatible ?

2006-10-29 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
robert wrote:
> I'm using latest numpy & scipy. What is this problem ? :
 import scipy.stats
> RuntimeError: module compiled against version 102 of C-API but this 
> version of numpy is 109
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in ?
>   File "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\", line 7, in ?
> from stats import *
>   File "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\", line 191, in ?
> import scipy.special as special
>   File "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\scipy\special\", line 8, in ?
> from basic import *
>   File "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\scipy\special\", line 8, in ?
> from _cephes import *
> ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
 import numpy.core.multiarray

 import scipy
> '0.5.1'
> '1.0'

Download the 1.0rc2 binary until SciPy 0.5.2 which should be out in a 
few days.  If you can recompile, SciPy yourself, then it will work fine 
with 1.0



Re: concatenating numpy arrays

2006-10-31 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Rolf Wester wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to concatenate two numpy arrays with shape (n1,n2) and (n1,n3) 
> into a single array with shape (n1,n2+n3). I guess there is an elegant 
> way to do this but I couldn't figure it out. So any help is very much 
> appreciated.

Suppose a1.shape is (n1,n2)
and a2.shape is (n1,n3)

Then you want to do

a3 = concatenate((a1,a2),axis=1)

or equivalently

a3 = hstack([a1,a2])

a3 = r_['1',a1,a2]



ANN: NumPy 1.0.2

2007-04-03 Thread Travis E. Oliphant

We are pleased to announce the release of NumPy 1.0.2

NumPy is a Python extension that provides a general-purpose 
multi-dimensional array that can act as a container of arbitrary 
raw-data formats (including bools, integers, floats, complex, Python 
objects, string, unicode, and general C-structures).  NumPy also 
provides fast array processing and mathematics on these 
multi-dimensional arrays.  In addition, NumPy provides tools that allows 
these arrays to form the foundation for basic image and signal 
processing, linear algebra and Fourier transforms, and random number 
generation.  NumPy also includes easy integration with ctypes and 
Fortran allowing seamless use of NumPy arrays with extensions written in 
either C/C++ or Fortran.

The new support in NumPy for completely general (including nested 
structure) data-types allows it to be used as a container object for any 
number of applications where memory efficiency and speed are critical. 
  For example, the ability to handle general data-formats means that 
NumPy could be used as an interface to general databases (see PyTables 
for one example).

Get the latest version of NumPy by clicking on the Download link at


-NumPy Developers


Re: numpy migration (also posted to numpy-discussion)

2007-04-23 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Duncan Smith wrote:
> Hello,
>  Since moving to numpy I've had a few problems with my existing
> code.  It basically revolves around the numpy scalar types. e.g.

You will probably get more help on the numpy discussion list:


You are encountering problems because numpy scalar types don't raise 
errors (unless you have set the appropriate hardware flag using 

You can get Python scalars out of NumPy arrays if you really want them 
using (for example...)


> An additional problem involves classes that have e.g. __rmul__ methods
> defined and are sufficiently similar to numpy arrays that my classes'
> __rmul__ methods are not invoked when using numpy scalars.

Could you please post an example showing the problem?

> I might (I hope) be missing something obvious; but it seems like, to be
> safe, I'm going to have to do a lot of explicit conversions to Python
> types (or abandon catching zero division errors, and documenting some of
> my classes to highlight that whether scalar * a equals a * scalar
> depends on whether a.__rmul__ is called, which depends on the type of
> scalar).

numpy scalars are try a lot more things before giving up on 
multiplication and letting the other class have a stab at it.

Post your problems to the numpy discussion list for better help and more 



Re: Sorting Multidimesional array(newbie)

2006-12-12 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Tartifola wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I sort an array like
> array([[5, 2],
>[1, 3]])
> along the first column to obtain
> array([[1, 3],
>[5, 2]])
> i.e. keeping track of the ordered couples?
> Thanks,
> A

Just to add one more solution to this question that works with numpy.

You can also view the array using fields and then sort (which will do 
lexicographic ordering) and convert the result back to the original view.

Something like this:

a = array([[5,2],[1,3]])
dt = a.dtype
g = a.view([('',dt),('',dt)])
a = g.view(dt)



[ANN] NumPy 1.0b4 now available

2006-08-26 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
The 4th beta release of NumPy 1.0 has just been made available.

NumPy 1.0 represents the culmination of over 18 months of work to unify 
the Numeric and Numarray array packages into a single best-of-breed 
array package for Python.

NumPy supports all the features of Numeric and Numarray with a healthy 
dose of it's own improved features.

It's time to start porting your applications to use NumPy as Numeric is 
no longer maintained and Numarray will only be maintained for a few more 

Porting is not difficult especially using the compatibility layers 
numpy.oldnumeric and numpy.numarray and the modules in 
those packages.  The full C-API of Numeric is supported as is the C-API 
of Numarray.

More information is available at

NumPy Developers


Re: [ANN] NumPy 1.0b4 now available

2006-08-29 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Bruce Who wrote:
> Hi, Travis
> I can pack my scripts into an executable with py2exe, but errors occur
> once it runs:

I suspect you need to force-include the numpy/core/ file by 
specifying it in your file as explained on the py2exe site. 
That module is only imported by the multiarraymodule.c file which I 
suspect py2exe can't automatically discern.

In 1.0 we removed the package-loader issues which are probably giving 
the scipy-style subpackage errors.  So, very likely you might be O.K. 
with the beta releases of 1.0 as long as you tell py2exe about 
numpy/core/ so that it gets included in the distribution.

Please post any successes.




Re: Random Drawing Simulation -- performance issue

2006-09-12 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Brendon Towle wrote:
> I need to simulate scenarios like the following: "You have a deck of  
> 3 orange cards, 5 yellow cards, and 2 blue cards. You draw a card,  
> replace it, and repeat N times."

Thinking about the problem as drawing sample froms a discrete 
distribution defined by the population might help.

For example, in SciPy you can define your own discrete random variable:

var = scipy.stats.rv_discrete(name='sample', 



would quickly return an array of "draws"

If you didn't want to install SciPy, but were willing to install NumPy, 
then the crux of the algorithm is to generate an entire array of uniform 
random variables:  numpy.random.rand(count) and then map them through 
the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate your samples. 
  The inverse cumulative distribution function is just a series of steps 
whose width depends on the probablity distribution.

Thus, the population defines the draw boundaries.  To make it easy, just 
multiply the uniform random number by the total number of cards and then 
the boundaries are on the integers of the number of each kind of card.

Here is an implementation.  I find this version to be 2x - 5x faster 
depending on how many draws are used.

import numpy as N

def randomDrawing_N(count, population):
 probs = [x[0] for x in population]
 res = [[0, item[1]] for item in population]
 nums = N.random.rand(count)
 cprobs = N.cumsum([0]+probs)
 nums *= cprobs[-1]
 for k, val in enumerate(probs):
 res[k][0] += ((nums > cprobs[k]) & (nums < cprobs[k+1])).sum()
 return res

-Travis Oliphant


Re: Trouble Passing Array of Strings (using Numeric) to C Extension Module

2006-09-20 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
goetzie wrote:
> I am using Python 2.4.1 and Numeric 23.8 and running on Windows XP.  I
> am passing a Numeric array of strings (objects) to a C Extension module
> using the following python code:

Numeric 23.8 is *very* old and unsupported.   Unless you absolutely have 
to use Numeric (then use 24.2), NumPy is a better choice for new code.

With that advice aside.  Let's see...

> And here is the relevent code from my C Extension module:
>static PyObject * _StringArrayIn( PyObject *self, PyObject *args )
>   PyObject *pObject;  // input array
>   PyArrayObject *pArray;  // contiguous array
>   int iCount;
>   int iStride;
>   BOOL bString;
>   if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O", &pObject ) ) return NULL;
>   if ( ( pArray = ( PyArrayObject * )PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(
> pObject, PyArray_OBJECT, 1, 1 ) ) == NULL ) return NULL;
>   iCount = pArray->dimensions[0];
>   iStride = pArray->strides[0];
>   bString = PyString_Check( ( PyObject * )( pArray->data ) );

This is the problem.:

pArray->data should be interpreted as (PyObject **) -- an array of 
PyObject *'s,  and then de-referenced to get the PyObject * present at 
the first address

So.  this should work to check that the first entry in the array is a 

PyString_Check( *( ( PyObject ** )( pArray->data ) ) );

By the way, NumPy has support for true string (and unicode) arrays (as 
well as object arrays like this)...



Re: Newbie - converting csv files to arrays in NumPy - Matlab vs. Numpy comparison

2007-01-11 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
oyekomova wrote:
> Thanks for your help. I compared the following code in NumPy with the
> csvread in Matlab for a very large csv file. Matlab read the file in
> 577 seconds. On the other hand, this code below kept running for over 2
> hours. Can this program be made more efficient? FYI - The csv file was
> a simple 6 column file with a header row and more than a million
> records.

There is some facility to read simply-formatted files directly into NumPy.

You might try something like this.

numpy.fromfile('somename.csv', sep=',')

and then reshape the array.



Re: Newbie - converting csv files to arrays in NumPy - Matlab vs. Numpy comparison

2007-01-11 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
oyekomova wrote:
> Thanks for your help. I compared the following code in NumPy with the
> csvread in Matlab for a very large csv file. Matlab read the file in
> 577 seconds. On the other hand, this code below kept running for over 2
> hours. Can this program be made more efficient? FYI - The csv file was
> a simple 6 column file with a header row and more than a million
> records.
> import csv
> from numpy import array
> import time
> t1=time.clock()
> file_to_read = file('somename.csv','r')
> read_from = csv.reader(file_to_read)
> datalist = [ map(float, row[:]) for row in read_from ]
> # now the real data
> data = array(datalist, dtype = float)
> elapsed=time.clock()-t1
> print elapsed

If you use numpy.fromfile, you need to skip past the initial header row 
yourself.  Something like this:

fid = open('somename.csv')
data = numpy.fromfile(fid, sep=',').reshape(-1,6)
# for 6-column data.



Re: Newbie - converting csv files to arrays in NumPy - Matlab vs. Numpy comparison

2007-01-15 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
oyekomova wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for their excellent suggestions. I was able to
> acheive the following results with all your suggestions. However, I am
> unable to cross file size of 6 million rows. I would appreciate any
> helpful suggestions on avoiding memory errors. None of the solutions
> posted was able to cross this limit.

Did you try using numpy.fromfile ?

This will not require you to allocate more memory than needed.   If you 
specify a count, it will also not have to re-allocate memory in blocks 
as the array size grows.

It's limitation is that it is not a very sophisticated csv reader (it 
only understands a single separator (plus line-feeds are typically seen 
as a separator).



Re: numpy or _numpy or Numeric?

2007-01-23 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
auditory wrote:
> I am a newbie here
> I am trying to read "space separated floating point data" from file
> I read about csv module by searching this group,
> but I couldn't read space separated values with csv.
> (which may be matter of course..)
> I also read about numpy.fromfile(file, sep=' ') which i can use.
> but on my machine(ubuntu linux) numpy is unknown module,
> which I didn't install by myself.

You will need to install NumPy.

> While trying to install numpy accroding to its homepage.
> (
> i am quite confused.

You are reading old documentation for Numeric and so any installation 
description is how to install the Numeric module (not its newer 
replacement which is called NumPy).


1) Yes, you need NumPy
2) This *is different* from Numeric
3) You get it by either installing a pre-built package for your system 
or by

a) downloading the source tar-file from
  (get the numpy-.tar.gz file
b) tar zxvf numpy-.tar.gz
c) cd numpy-
d) sudo python install

e) If you want to link against high-performance libraries on your 
system, then either put them in standard locations or edit the site.cfg 
file appropriately (Optional).

> 4. Or what is general way to read 'space separated values' from file?

You can easily read space-separated values from a file by reading in a 
line at a time and using the split method of strings:

fid = open('filename')
linedata = fid.readlines()
new = [[float(x) for x in line.split()] for line in linedata]

new will be a nested sequence of floats.  You can convert it to an array 
(if you want to do math on it) using

anew = numpy.array(new)



Re: numpy or _numpy or Numeric?

2007-01-24 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
auditory wrote:
>>> While trying to install numpy accroding to its homepage.
>>> (
>>> i am quite confused.
>> You are reading old documentation for Numeric and so any installation 
>> description is how to install the Numeric module (not its newer 
>> replacement which is called NumPy).
> I found the above website from googling with "numpy" keyword,
> and supprised at that the top matching page is old one.

The website is not the old one. is correct.

But, the documentation is old.  But, it is still useful (except for 
Numeric specific information like how to install it).  Therefore we 
still make a link to it.



Re: numpy : argmin in multidimensional arrays

2006-07-06 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
TG wrote:
> Hi there.
> I am working with multi-dimensional arrays and I need to get
> coordinates of the min value in it.
> using myarray.argmin() returns the index in the flatten array, which is
> a first step, but I wonder if it is possible to get the coordinates
> directly as an array, rather than calculating them myself by using this
> flat index and the shape of the array.
> well, in fact i'm not sure to understand how argmin(myarray) works,
> when myarray is multidimensional.

By default, the argmin method flattens the array and returns the flat 
index.  You can get the corresponding element using


Alternatively, you can use the function unravel_index

unravel_index(flat_index, myarray.shape)

to return an N-dimensional index.

If you give an axis argument, then the minimum is found along the 
specified dimension and you get an N-1 dimensional array of indices that 
will all be between 1 and myarray.shape[axis]

