Re: not homework... something i find an interesting problem

2009-04-21 Thread Trip Technician
Thank you Dave. This does it but slowly. takes every subset of the
list a of squares, and then gets a 'partition' that will work, many
are very inefficient (with lots of 1s).

any hints about how to speed up ?

def subset(x):
for z in range(1,2**len(x)):
for dig in range(len(q)):
if q[dig]=='1':
yield subs

def bin(x):
  while x=1:
  return q

def squ(z,b):
if z==0:
return 0
for x in b:
if z=x:
return x,squ(z-x,b)

def flatten(lst):
for elem in lst:
if type(elem) in (tuple, list):
for i in flatten(elem):
yield i
yield elem


a=[x**2 for x in range(int(sizelim**0.5),1,-1)]


for aa in range(sizelim):

for xx in range(1,sizelim):
for z in subset(a):
for rr in flatten(squ(xx,z)):
if rr !=0:
if item not in r[xx]:

for eee in r:
if eee:
print r.index(eee),eee[0:3]


Re: not homework... something i find an interesting problem

2009-04-21 Thread Trip Technician
On 21 Apr, 14:46, MRAB wrote:
 Trip Technician wrote:
  Thank you Dave. This does it but slowly. takes every subset of the
  list a ofsquares, and then gets a 'partition' that will work, many
  are very inefficient (with lots of 1s).

  any hints about how to speed up ?

  def subset(x):
      for z in range(1,2**len(x)):
          for dig in range(len(q)):
              if q[dig]=='1':
          yield subs

  def bin(x):
    while x=1:
    return q

  def squ(z,b):
      if z==0:
          return 0
      for x in b:
          if z=x:
              return x,squ(z-x,b)

  def flatten(lst):
      for elem in lst:
          if type(elem) in (tuple, list):
              for i in flatten(elem):
                  yield i
              yield elem


  a=[x**2 for x in range(int(sizelim**0.5),1,-1)]


  for aa in range(sizelim):

  for xx in range(1,sizelim):
      for z in subset(a):
          for rr in flatten(squ(xx,z)):
              if rr !=0:
          if item not in r[xx]:

  for eee in r:
      if eee:
              print r.index(eee),eee[0:3]

 Even this code doesn't find them all! For 135 it finds [49, 49, 36, 1],
 [81, 25, 25, 4] and [81, 36, 9, 9], but not [121, 9, 4, 1].- Hide quoted text 

 - Show quoted text -

blowed if i know why that is !

not homework... something i find an interesting problem

2009-04-18 Thread Trip Technician
although it's not homework (how can i prove that...?) i am still happy
with just hints


we want to express integers as sums of squares. (repeated squares are

most numbers have one minimal representation e.g. 24=16+4+4, some have
two or more e.g. 125 = 121+4 = 100+25

so far I have created a simple recursive function that expresses a
given number as a sum of squares in the obvious and naive way. it
returns a nested tuple , which is then flattened for simplicity...then
to cover the possibility that there might be one other minimal
representation i call another similar function which will find one
other representation, not necessarily shorter or of equal length,
finally these are sorted and the results displayed, with the minimal
result or the 2 equal-length minimal results.

as the numbers get bigger (i believe) there will be some which have 3
or more minimal representations which this code will miss.

what I want to do is come up with a recursion that will find all
possible minimal representations in one function (if possible ) in an
optimally elegant and scalable way. There's no application in mind, i
just love playing with math.

code so far below:

# express numbers as sum of squares

a=[x**2 for x in range(50,0,-1)]

# finds obvious candidate

def squ(z):
if z==0:
return 0
for x in a:
if z=x:
return x,squ(z-x)

# finds another candidate with largest square as next square down from
above function

def squ2(z):
if z==0:
return 0
for x in a:
if z=x:
return a[a.index(x)+1],squ(z-a[a.index(x)+1])

def flatten(lst):
for elem in lst:
if type(elem) in (tuple, list):
for i in flatten(elem):
yield i
yield elem

for aa in range(100):

for xx in range(10,100):
for ss in flatten(squ(xx)):
if ss!=0:

for xx in range(10,100):
for ss in flatten(squ2(xx)):
if ss!=0:

for eee in r:
if eee:
if len(eee[0])==len(eee[1]):
print r.index(eee),eee[0],eee[1]
print r.index(eee),eee[0]


code challenge: generate minimal expressions using only digits 1,2,3

2009-02-20 Thread Trip Technician
anyone interested in looking at the following problem.

we are trying to express numbers as minimal expressions using only the
digits one two and three, with conventional arithmetic. so for

33 = 2^(3+2)+1 = 3^3+(3*2)

are both minimal, using 4 digits but

33 = ((3+2)*2+1)*3

using 5 is not.

I have tried coding a function to return the minimal representation
for any integer, but haven't cracked it so far. The naive first
attempt is to generate lots of random strings, eval() them and sort by
size and value. this is inelegant and slow.

I have a dim intuition that it could be done with a very clever bit of
recursion, but the exact form so far eludes me.

Re: code challenge: generate minimal expressions using only digits 1,2,3

2009-02-20 Thread Trip Technician
On 20 Feb, 16:02, Paul Rubin http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Trip Technician writes:
  I have a dim intuition that it could be done with a very clever bit of
  recursion, but the exact form so far eludes me.

 This sounds a little like a homework assignment, or maybe a challenge
 you are trying to solve for yourself, rather than be given a complete
 answer for.  Anyway, the basic idea is to enumerate the expression
 trees with 1 digit, then 2 digits, then 3 digits, etc, and compute the
 value expressed by each tree.

Thanks will get onto it. It's just a challenge I set myself so hints
only are cool.

Re: code challenge: generate minimal expressions using only digits 1,2,3

2009-02-20 Thread Trip Technician
On 20 Feb, 15:39, Nigel Rantor wrote:
 Trip Technician wrote:
  anyone interested in looking at the following problem.

 if you can give me a good reason why this is not homework I'd love to
 hear it...I just don't see how this is a real problem.

  we are trying to express numbers as minimal expressions using only the
  digits one two and three, with conventional arithmetic. so for

  33 = 2^(3+2)+1 = 3^3+(3*2)

  are both minimal, using 4 digits but

  33 = ((3+2)*2+1)*3

  using 5 is not.

  I have tried coding a function to return the minimal representation
  for any integer, but haven't cracked it so far. The naive first
  attempt is to generate lots of random strings, eval() them and sort by
  size and value. this is inelegant and slow.

 Wow. Okay, what other ways have you tried so far? Or are you beating
 your head against the search the entire problem space solution still?

 This problem smells a lot like factorisation, so I would think of it in
 terms of wanting to reduce the target number using as few operations as

 If you allow exponentiation that's going to be your biggest hitter so
 you know that the best you can do using 2 digits is n^n where n is the
 largest digit you allow yourself.

 Are you going to allow things like n^n^n or not?

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yes n^n^n would be fine. agree it is connected to factorisation.
building a tree of possible expressions is my next angle.