RE: New to Python need on advice on this script

2009-11-10 Thread Valentina Boycheva


In Python 2.5 under ArcMap 9.3 domains can be only listed. To get to the
domain values, they need to be converted to tables. Also, the default
value cannot be obtained from the existing GP API. Very annoying! The
workaround is to use VBA ArcObjects or connect to the database directly,
if possible, and extract the information from the GDB. This latter will
work for PGDB, not sure about FGDB.



Valentina Boycheva


From: Jim Valenza [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 2:33 PM
Subject: New to Python need on advice on this script


Hello all - I'm new to the world of Python as I am a GIS guy who would
like to broaden his horizons. I have a question about a script that
we've been working on: The purpose of the code is to Syncronize SDE
DropBox with Regulatory Project working files. 


I am looking for where the script dumps the domain list to a table and
loops through the table? Is It necessary? Seems like you should be able
to simply loop through the domain list. I was just trying to see if
there was a more straitforward way. Thanks

The script is as follows:


# Create the Geoprocessor
import sys, string, os, arcgisscripting, shutil, time
gp = arcgisscripting.create()

# Jim V testing
# Allow output to overwrite
gp.OverwriteOutput = 1

gp.AddToolbox("C://Program Files//ArcGIS//ArcToolbox//Toolboxes//Data
Management Tools.tbx")

#---create a logging file named "MMDD HH_MM_QualityControlLog.txt" 
theTime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d %H_%M')
#logfilename = "H:\\Development\\Python\\" + theTime +
logfilename =
QAQC_Scripts\\" + theTime + "_PODsQAQCLog.txt"
log = open(logfilename,'w')
log.write(time.ctime() + "\n")
print time.ctime()

") + "\\"  #REAL MODE LINE
#THE_WORKSPACE = os.path.normpath("H:/Development/testdata") + "\\"
log.write("THE_WORKSPACE IS " + THE_WORKSPACE + "\n")


#Create table of valid P_CODEs and convert to List
_River_Basin\GIS_Data\RMP_Current_Geodatabase\rmp_2_5.mdb", \
cripts\test.mdb\code_table", \
"pcode", "pdesc", "")
#searchRows =
searchRows =
searchRow =
domainList = []
while searchRow:
searchRow =
#print domainList


#Get Workspaces from text file
#for line in open("H:/Development/testdata/PRB_POD_Paths.txt", 'r'):
for line in
QC_Scripts/PRB_POD_Paths.txt", 'r'):   #REAL MODE LINE
#for line in open("H:/Development/testdata/workspaces.txt", 'r'):
if not line: break
line = line.strip()
if not line.startswith("#"): # skip lines that start with #
ws, P = line.split("RMP_2_5_",1) #parse line to get path and
log.write("  " + "\n")
log.write("  " + "\n")
log.write(P + "\n")
print "  "
print P
src = THE_WORKSPACE + line  #defines each workspace path

#If the Geodatabase exists, perform the operations
if os.path.exists(src):
#Archive Geodatabase before running script
log.write("The Geodatabase exists " + src + "\n")
print "The Geodatabase exists " + src
archiveFolder = THE_WORKSPACE + ws + "Archive" + "\\" +
"RMP_2_5_" + P
log.write("archiveFolder is " + archiveFolder + "\n")
print "archiveFolder is " + archiveFolder
shutil.copy(src, archiveFolder)#Archive the

#Set workspace and variables
gp.workspace = src
log.write(gp.workspace + "\n")
print gp.workspace
P_Value = (P.strip(".mdb"))


Re: Pyfora, a place for python

2009-11-04 Thread Valentina Boycheva
>>Daniel Fetchinson  writes:
> >Probably this thread is going by far too far :)

>Ben Finney [] writes:
> Agreed.

I was following this discussion first with curiosity and then with
increasing disbelief. As a scientist and a programmer, I always
considered myself belonging to a group of people who are broad-minded
and task-oriented. 

Being an occasional Python programmer, I subscribed to this list in the
hopes of learning from the pros. Most of the time I do. But I also see a
disturbing trend of petty bickering, splitting hairs and one-upmanship.
I understand there will be occasional language slips and misconstrued
jokes but can we please stick to the topic and remain courteous at all
times? I am seriously considering unsubscribing from this UL (and maybe
joining Pyfora.)


Re: executing VBScript from Python and vice versa

2005-02-10 Thread Valentina Boycheva
A while ago I asked how VBScript can be called from Python. The two answers
I received suggested using win32com.client and
MSScriptControl.ScriptControl. This solution required embedding the VBScript
code inside the Python script.

Here's  a shell approach that runs an existing VBScript file:

Python script
import os
import sys

' WriteDataToTextFile.vbs
Const ForAppending = 8
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _
("c:\temp\temp.txt", ForAppending, True)
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
objComputerName = objNetwork.ComputerName
objTextFile.WriteLine("My computer's name is")


Re: executing VBScript from Python and vice versa

2005-02-07 Thread Valentina Boycheva
Thanks to Michel Claveau and Paul Paterson for providing examples on how to
use ScriptControl to embed VBScript in Python script. I've only tried this
once before on another occasion and it was fascinating to see how a function
generates another function!



FW: executing VBScript from Python and vice versa

2005-02-04 Thread Valentina Boycheva
Thanks for the reply. I already have "Learning Python" from Mark Lutz and
David Ascher, which covers 2.3 (I am in 2.4). However, it seems like heavy
artillery to me. What I want is, for instance, run a VBScript to get a
function output and feed it to the Python script that called it. The reason
is that because I feel more comfortable with VBScript and have written a
small library of useful utilities, I don't want it to become obsolete. In
the mean time I did more reading and found a couple of prospective
alternatives - popen and os.system(command). Still need to work out how to
use them...

-Original Message-
From: aurora [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: executing VBScript from Python and vice versa

Go to the bookstore and get a copy of Python Programming on Win32
by Mark Hammond, Andy Robinson today.

It has everything you need.

> Is there a way to make programs written in these two languages  
> communicate
> with each other? I am pretty sure that VBScript can access a Python  
> script
> because Python is COM compliant. On the other hand, Python might be able  
> to
> call a VBScript through WSH. Can somebody provide a simple example? I  
> have
> exactly 4 days of experience in Python (and fortunately, much more in  
> VB6)
> Thanks.


executing VBScript from Python and vice versa

2005-02-04 Thread Valentina Boycheva
Is there a way to make programs written in these two languages communicate
with each other? I am pretty sure that VBScript can access a Python script
because Python is COM compliant. On the other hand, Python might be able to
call a VBScript through WSH. Can somebody provide a simple example? I have
exactly 4 days of experience in Python (and fortunately, much more in VB6)

