Re: Pep 342 (val = yield MyGenerator(foo)), synchronous os.system() that doesn't block gui event loops

2009-07-26 Thread Ville M. Vainio
On Jul 23, 11:29 pm, Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

   The syntax would be something like:

   def work():

     r = yield runshell(make)
     r = yield runshell(make install)

   # returns immediately, runs work() gradually in the background.

   The catch is that showstatus() would need to be run in the mainloop,
   so running the whole thing in a thread is a no-go.

   I imagine runshell() would be implemented in terms of QProcess, or
   subprocess.Popen/os.system and a worker thread.

   Anyone done this already, or do I have to roll my own?

 You might want to look at twisted, in particular

Indeed, DeferredGenerator looks pretty much what I'm interested in,
thanks for the pointer. Unfortunately, it has the big Twisted
dependency. That's probably not a showstopper, but Twisted requires a
degree of buy-in when something smaller would do.

Re: Pep 342 (val = yield MyGenerator(foo)), synchronous os.system() that doesn't block gui event loops

2009-07-26 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Apologies for the long subject line, here it is again:

Pep 342 (val = yield MyGenerator(foo)), synchronous os.system() that
doesn't block gui event loops

On Jul 21, 7:48 pm, John Nagle wrote:

  The idea:

  To run functions that execute a series of system commands without
  blocking the ui, *and* without adding state machine logic.

     At some level, there's going to be state machine logic.
 You need interlocking so that the user can't initiate
 simultaneous conflicting background operations from the GUI.

This belongs to the I don't care category, as you'd expect to have
only one operation like this on the flight at one time. The idea is to
allow making simple scripts that you execute from the gui, that *may*
need to access the gui objects at one point or another (so execution
has to happen in the main thread most of the time - apart from
blocking, long operations).

     The usual solution is to run the background operations
 in another thread, and have them put events on a queue
 read by the GUI task.

Yeah, and the receiving end of the queue here would be the same
block of statements that launched the request - that is, I want to
avoid having to create handler functions, and keep the program from

     You also have to work out how to cancel background operations,
 if they're going to be as big as a make.

I think that is easy to accomplish with generators, provided that you
can let the long-lasting operation run to completion - just close()
the generator. If the long lasting computation was in a subprocess,
rather than a thread, it could be interrupted in a cleaner fashion

Re: Pep 342 (val = yield MyGenerator(foo)), synchronous os.system() that doesn't block gui event loops

2009-07-20 Thread Ville M. Vainio
On Jul 20, 1:12 pm, Ville Vainio wrote:

 Has anyone implementing something like what the subject line


I don't think this is that hard to do in the first place, but a
generic solution that can be easily tuned for different gui
mainloops would be nice.

Re: Pep 342 (val = yield MyGenerator(foo)), synchronous os.system() that doesn't block gui event loops

2009-07-20 Thread Ville M. Vainio
On Jul 20, 1:12 pm, Ville Vainio wrote:

 I imagine runshell() would be implemented in terms of QProcess, or
 subprocess.Popen/os.system and a worker thread.

Actually, the problem is that of general serialization of worker
thread operations. That is, it could be something akin to:

res = yield run_in_thread(lambda : os.system('make'))

run_in_thread would basically grab a worked thread, execute the
callable, and allow the generator to proceed after the thread is done.
Now, the only thing to do is the generator dispatcher in gui
mainloop that finds the correct generator and makes it proceed...

Re: ANN: Leo 4.6 rc1 released

2009-07-10 Thread Ville M. Vainio
On Jul 10, 9:54 pm, Edward K Ream wrote:

 The highlights of Leo 4.6:

 - Leo now features a modern Qt interface by default.
   Leo's legacy Tk interface can also be used.

And to drive home this point (Qt ui), some screenshots for the
visually oriented:

Re: Chandler, Python, speed

2009-03-08 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Ville M. Vainio wrote:

 Alan G Isaac wrote:
 3. Chandler is not really an email client.  So specifically,
 which of its functionalities is it slow, and what evidence
 if any is there that Python is causing this?
 I remember reading somewhere that the cause of slowness is/was
 architectural - perhaps it was that chandler was persisting too much stuff
 to disk, or something. In any case, this might help you google for more

Here's the somewhere:


Alex, you’re right that VM usage is a big factor, although there are cases
where the CPU is doing too much, too. So far as why this is, there are many
contributions. The biggest one is that architectural decisions taken early
on in the project meant that way too much data is being persisted. For
example, the app persists all schema and GUI layout information, leading to
on-disk and mapped memory bloat. (There is also redundancy in the data
stored on disk that leads to more of this kind of bloat).



Re: Email Program

2009-03-07 Thread Ville M. Vainio
J wrote:

 Is it possible to make a GUI email program in Python that stores
 emails, composes, ect?

Here's one with less than 600 lines:

Re: Chandler, Python, speed

2009-03-07 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Alan G Isaac wrote:

 3. Chandler is not really an email client.  So specifically,
 which of its functionalities is it slow, and what evidence
 if any is there that Python is causing this?

I remember reading somewhere that the cause of slowness is/was
architectural - perhaps it was that chandler was persisting too much stuff
to disk, or something. In any case, this might help you google for more

Re: Python equivalent for C module

2008-10-21 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Vinay Sajip [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 import logging
 logging.warning(Message with %s data, variable) # or debug, info,
 and I'd like to know what simpler interface you think would be better/
 easier to grok for quick hack jobs.

It's not the logging itself that is a problem, it's setting up the
loggers that was nontrivial (back in the day I last tried it).

Some googling revealed what was my problem back in 2004:

I do realize the technical problems of coming up with
one-size-fits-all solution for a problem domain like this.

Re: Developing for Python (2.x or 3)?

2008-10-21 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Paulo J. Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am in the process of choosing which Python version for a brand new
 application. Van Rossum in an interview recently advised all new
 applications to use Python3 but I am afraid, most libraries (PyGtk,

I don't think he meant all new applications, bit rather when you are
about to embark on a new thing that will take a while to build (new
django? ;-).

 PyQt, Networking Libs, etc) won't follow suit to 3.0 and I will end
 up using a version of the language which can't connect to libraries
 because they haven't been ported yet.

I'd expect the libs to catch up quite quickly, bit I'd still not do an
end-user app in 3.0 yet. 2.6, using 3.0 comatibility features is your
best bet.


Re: Commercial Products in Python

2008-10-21 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Paulo J. Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all,
 I was just wondering, if you wish to commercialize an application
 developed in Python, what's the way to go?
 I guess the only way is to sell the source, right?

That should be a good way to go about it. It doesn't make it open
source, you can still bundle the source with a cut-throat license
that does not allow derived products.

 1) You can't sell an executable because Python doesn't compile to native
 code (the usual approach, afaik);

You can sell py2exe:d package for windows.


Re: Python equivalent for C module

2008-10-20 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 STDOUT is for *normal* program outputs. Debug informations,
 warnings, and all verbosity should go to STDERR.

Actually, stderr is for errors, by convention. It's rather impolite to
dump trivial debug info to stderr, which often alerts the user more
than stdout.

 Also and FWIW, Python has a logging module in it's stdlib. Please
 use it instead of any half-backed squared-wheel homegrown solution.

Unfortunately these square-wheeled homegrown solutions are easier to
grok than the standard logging module. It seems to target more
serious applications at the cost of feeling a bit too clunky for
quick hack jobs.

Re: Porting VB apps to Python for Window / Linux use

2008-10-20 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Sorry but for GUI design, Python is pre-historic ;-)
  Time to show the don't feed the troll sign, I guess.
 Even without the smiley, I'm convinced of my statement.

I don't think I'm feeding the troll, but - ever took a look at PyQt?

How to run PyOS_InputHook from python code (i.e. yield to event loops)

2008-09-06 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Background: PyOS_InputHook is something that gets run when python is
doing raw_input. TkInter and friends use it to run their event loops,
so that their events are handled while python is doing raw_input.

What I'd like to do is run the same function without having to do
raw_input. I.e. I'd like to run whatever event loop is available,
without incorporating any gui-specific code (PyOS_InputHook seems like
a nifty way to accomplish this).

My actual use case is to keep a tkinter application responsive while
launching a background process (and waiting for it to complete!).

My eventual code would be something like:

launch_process_in_thread('bzr pull')

while not is_done:

print Done!

ANN: IPython 0.8.3 is out

2008-05-29 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Hi all,

The IPython team is happy to release version 0.8.3, with lots of new
enhancements as well as many bug fixes, and updated documentation
that has been long in the coming.

We hope you all enjoy it, and please report any problems as usual.

WHAT is IPython?

1. An interactive shell superior to Python's default. IPython has many
features for object introspection, system shell access, and its own special
command system for adding functionality when working interactively.

2. An embeddable, ready to use interpreter for your own programs. IPython can
be started with a single call from inside another program, providing access to
the current namespace.

3. A flexible framework which can be used as the base environment for other
systems with Python as the underlying language.

4. A shell for interactive usage of threaded graphical toolkits. IPython has
support for interactive, non-blocking control of GTK, Qt and WX applications
via special threading flags. The normal Python shell can only do this for
Tkinter applications.

Where to get it

IPython's homepage is at:

and downloads are at:

We've provided:

  - Source download (.tar.gz)
  - A Python Egg (
  - A native win32 installer. 
  - rpm's

Note that win32 users also need to get pyreadline, available at the same
download site ( You should also read of 
additional considerations at

We note that IPython is now officially part of most major Linux and BSD
distributions, so packages for this version should be coming soon, as the
respective maintainers have the time to follow their packaging procedures.
Many thanks to Jack Moffit, Norbert Tretkowski, Andrea Riciputi, Dryice Liu
and Will Maier for the packaging work, which helps users get IPython more

Many thanks to Enthought for their continued hosting support for IPython.

Release notes


for notable new features in this release.

Enjoy, and as usual please report any problems.

The IPython team.

Re: Why does python not have a mechanism for data hiding?

2008-05-25 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Perhaps a lint-like validation tool would be optimal for this

 So we can refuse to execute their code if they use private APIs?

No, but it could complain and point out the exact offending lines,
pointing their development effort to right direction.

 Proxying so that we can really hide our internal APIs is a better

How about pyprotocols and other interface packages?

Proxying is pretty workable too, and it easily makes sense that the
official API objects should be different from the logic executing

Re: Why does python not have a mechanism for data hiding?

2008-05-25 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Or if you code in C++ and they *really* need to get at something you
 made private they will still get at it. I've been there and done
 that: 'private' in languages which have it is rarely an advantage
 and frequently a pain.

Indeed. In C++, they recommend the pimpl idiom (private
implementation), which actually has real advantages ;-)


Re: Storing objects in relational database

2008-05-24 Thread Ville M. Vainio

 I don't know if you'd label it 'elegant', but as far as I'm
 concerned, storing serialized objects as blobs in a relational
 database is mostly non-sense. If I use a relational database, it's
 because it is a *relational* database. If you want an OODB, then we
 have the ZODB, Durus and a couple others.

... not to forget object-relational mappers like SQLAlchemy, SQLObject...

Re: Why does python not have a mechanism for data hiding?

2008-05-24 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The 'we told you not to use that' approach, when applied to paying
 customers doesn't really work... all they see is that you broke
 their spreadsheet code by changing your API.

And the customer point of view is quite reasonable - they have a job
to do, and a limited timeframe; sometimes accessing privates directly
is much better than waiting for updates from vendor. Bad designs (as
far as choosing publics goes) happen.

Even if their softare breaks on upgrade, you can quite clearly point
out that they used an internal api - and they will keep on using the
old version until they solve the problem. Everybody wins.

Perhaps a lint-like validation tool would be optimal for this


Re: feature proposal, debug on exception

2008-05-21 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Simon Forman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is not exactly an answer to your proposal, I know, but FWIW
 Ipython has exactly this capability.


When you %run a scripts and get exception, you can launch post-mortem
pdb on it by typing %debug.

Re: Shelve or pickle module

2008-05-18 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A shelve is just a persistent dictionary that uses pickle to store
 the objects.  If you want to store one or a few objects, using
 pickle directly may be easier.  Any problem you may have with pickle
 (nonpickleable objects, security risks) will happen with shelve too.

Shameless plug warning!

If you want to store pickles directly in a directory with
shelve-like dict API, you may also be interested in my pickleshare


Re: datamining .txt-files, library?

2008-05-15 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On May 15, 2:27 pm, globalrev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i have a big collection of .txt files that i want to open and parse to
 extract information.

 is there a library for this or maybe even built in? to open the files and iterate through it and built in string
 functions to parse it.

Or more probably, regular expression library re.

Re: portable way to tell what Popen will call

2008-05-14 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Brendan Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For instance on unix systems, Popen will work for files flagged with
 the executable bit, whereas on windows Popen will work on files
 ending the in .exe extension (and I don't think anything else). Is
 there a portable way

Actually, if you pass the use_shell = 1 argument to Popen, it will
launch the process using a shell - that is, what you expect to work in
a shell (and consequently os.system()) will work.

 to check what Popen will work on without actually execute it? Do I
 have to write a bunch of platform specific code here?

Unfortunately, you'll probably need to write platform specific kludges
for this.

Re: python vs. grep

2008-05-13 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Ricardo Aráoz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The easy/simple (too easy/simple?) way I see out of it is to read THE
 WHOLE file into memory and don't worry. But what if the file is too

The easiest and simplest approach is often the best with
Python. Reading in the whole file is rarely too heavy, and you omit
the python object overhead entirely - all the code executes in the
fast C extensions.

If the file is too big, you might want to look up mmap:

Re: observer pattern (notification chain synchronization)

2008-05-11 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Here is one way:

 - for each fund, create a ``reportreceived`` dict that maps stocks to 
 booleans (initially False)
 - as each stock notifies its funds, the fund changes False to True and checks 
 ``all(reportreceived.values())`` to determine whether it is ok to notify 
 - When it is ok, the fund notifies investors and resets all the
 ``reportreceived`` values.

 Is this sensible enough? What are standard and better ways?

You could explore the performance of popping items from the dict/set,
instead of toggling the value so to true. Once the dict is empty, you
are done. Of course the dict/set would be called
stocks_that_havent_reported, or a saner  shorter variant of that.

The idea here is that checking a dict/set for emptiness is
close-to-zero time operation.


Re: observer pattern (notification chain synchronization)

2008-05-11 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 OK, thanks.

 Another approach is to begin with a set of stocks

 and remove them as they report.  You can then trigger

 a report with the empty set instead of repeatedly

 calling ``all``. After a report the set can be


Ah, and I obviously didn't read the whole thread before posting ;-)

Re: File Creation Not Working In A Thread Class?

2008-05-11 Thread Ville M. Vainio
bc90021 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The error message was at the top of the thread (am I incapable of posting 
 it, or are you incapable of following a thread?), but here it is again:

 IOError: [Errno 2] no such file u'tempfileName'

Typically, when you report an error message, it helps to paste the
whole traceback. For example, it may be that you are seeing an error
from an old version of the file that has quotes around tempfileName,
or the error is coming from somewhere else.

But to answer your original question: no, there are no problems with
threading and files, and this is just simple human mistake somewhere.

Re: observer pattern question #1 (reference to subject)

2008-05-08 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is anything lost by not maintaining this reference (other

 than error checking ...)?  If I feel the observer needs

 access to the subject, what is wrong with just having the

 subject pass itself as part of the notification?

It reduces the number of places the observer can be called from,
because now the event source is part of the function signature. If you
omit the event source in the signature, you gain looser coupling -
it's the observer business to create the dependency.

Also, consider the situation where you want all investors to refresh
their idea about stock prices (because of, short network
failure). It's easy to run through a list of them and call update()
for everybody, while it's not so easy to find out what stock the
investor is observing (that's the investors business!) and pass that
object to the investor in the call.

Are these school questions btw? ;-)

Re: observer pattern question #1 (reference to subject)

2008-05-08 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 the following: OK, here's the pattern, now your listener
 wants to know the event source, do not ask something new the
 subject to respond to that need.  That is unnecessary
 coupling.  Instead, just rewrite your listener to maintain
 a reference to the subject.

 Do I have that right?

Not really. It has to be determined case-by-case. Note that I'm not
arguing *for* not passing subject on notification, just trying to
elaborate on situations that might want to choose that route.

 It seems to me that this response begs the question.
 That is, an appropriate reply seems to be: here is a related
 pattern, call it observer2.  In the observer2 pattern, the
 subject has a getState method and always passes itself when
 it notifies the observer. Now: in what sense does this
 require closer coupling?

It creates stronger connection between the subject and observer,
thereby reducing the amount different of places that can call the
observer (I don't mean different stock, but altogether different
places - say, a central stock controller that can broadcast the change
in several stocks at the time by stock id, once per second).

This is not really a feature of the observer pattern, both approaches
are somewhat valid observer patterns, depending on problem domain. If
you think it makes sense in the first place to have ONE reference to
the subject in observer, it's probably a workable approach - but in
case of stocks, you are probably monitoring several stock objects, so
the stock should probably pass itself to the observer (so that you
don't need to check all stocks every time something changes!).

Of course this stock thing is a bad example for this case, because you
have several stocks per investor. It's analogous to a typical UI
scenario where you have several widgets forwarding events to one big 
observer - and they *do* provide the event source and event type.

 Or to put it a different way, your suggestion that the
 investors should have to *pull* this information from the
 stocks seems out of step with the observer pattern, where
 the stocks should be pushing this information to the

It's not necessarily the observer that has the interesting
information. It's quite typical to have general catch-all
notifications than report observers that something has
chanced somewhere, so you should refresh your data. 

All in all, though, the right solution should be obvious from the
problem at hand.

Re: License selection for free software

2008-05-07 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 original licence as well. Now, I did leave a fair amount of
 information about the heritage of the code, so that anyone who is
 scared of the LGPL could just go and get the original work, but that

I doubt anyone is really afraid of LGPL. The only problem with LGPL is
that of static vs. dynamic linking, and that is only a problem in
platforms without dynamic linker (rarity these days).

 You can almost never just grab the code from somewhere without having
 to think about [the] license since even permissive licences typically
 have a list of conditions that must be observed. Certainly, they

Yeah, but you don't have to worry about license - just have the
license text in source code, or a text file in binary distribution.

Re: License selection for free software

2008-05-06 Thread Ville M. Vainio

Excuse the long post.

Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I guess it's safe to assume that you are not opposed to using code
 based on more liberal license, right? :-)

 I'm less inclined to base work on, or contribute to, a work under a
 non-copyleft license, because I have less assurance that the code will
 remain free for all recipients.

In practice, the probability of hijacking of source code by an evil
corporation is very low for most projects. And even when it did
happen, the evil corporation would likely submit patches. The more
users an open source project has, the better.

Also, you can do what Paul Boddie did - fork the project, or maintain
patches that are under LGPL. With a liberal license, you have that 

 There's no single free-software license that won't displease some
 segment of the free-software community. I think the Vellum project

I don't think BSD/MIT like license really annoys anyone. Think python
here ;-)

I'm also answering some points by Zed here (assuming they were meant
for mailing list):

  Well, I'm also telling people that it's like the GNU toolchain in that
  using it doesn't mean your stuff is GPLed.  Just if you import it as
  a library or write commands for it that you release.

I realize this - there is a difference here between tools that you run
and tools that you link to / import. However, Vellum could be in the
middle ground, since the commands you create do link with Vellum.

  Ok, so for you it's a religious thing more than a technical capability
  or limitation thing?  Does that mean you use a BSD alternative for
  everything GNU, like GCC as well?

Not at all, it's a very practical thing related to all the
intellectual property lawyerage in corporate setting. With Vellum, it
doesn't matter a lot because most of the tools are only used in-house,
but it would still be nice if you could just grab the code from
somewhere without having to think about license at all, or considering
whether any of this would ever be needed for something that involves
selling stuff under proprietary license.

To stay on topic of Vellum, let's consider the scenario where someone
digged Vellum's syntax, and would like to use the parser in a
proprietary app - or create commands that include proprietary stuff
(it's not the developer's call, but the corporate policy). Vellum
parser would be only a small component in the whole system. Would you
rather make the developer:

- Find some other, inferior parser with more liberal license or
reimplement Vellum syntax from spec (typical nah, this is gpl, I
can't use this, continue with the next google hit scenario)

- Just grab the Vellum implementation and use it without concern or
management discussions, yielding yet another developer that saved some
time, had more coffee breaks and possibly hit the deadline early,
recommending Vellum code to his colleagues as a good starting point to
whatever they are doing, and perhaps contributing some code or ideas

Note that this applies mostly to small tools / libs. Big projects like
Linux kernel, Gnome or KDE have to be seriously concerned about
malicious use of their intellectual property, but a small open source
tool is more likely to be (initially) picked up by an individual
developer who thinks something is cool; and it will never be the
money-making part of the product.

Also, for some reason, GPL is used for evil (dual-licensing schemes -
make money but still gain the open source mindshare, and possibly rack
up free contributions to something that is your *commercial product*)
more often than it's used for good (gcc, Linux kernel - prevent IP
exploitation and ensure that all improvements are freely accessible).

I must say that if I implemented something I want to make money on at
some point, I would license it under GPL. If I'm just scratching my
own itch, having fun or racking up open source feelgood karma, I would
use MIT (or BSD, as we are doing w/ IPython). So I'm not opposed to
GPL - just saying that it's not often the choice that will net you the
most users.

Re: Python application distribution

2008-05-05 Thread Ville M. Vainio

ron.longo wrote:

unable to execute.  Why is this?  At this point I'm not really keen on
handing out the source files to my application, it feels unprofessional.

If you plan to deploy on windows, py2exe could be the more 
professional approach you are thinking of.


Re: Python application distribution

2008-05-05 Thread Ville M. Vainio

ron.longo wrote:

 unable to execute.  Why is this?  At this point I'm not really keen on
 handing out the source files to my application, it feels unprofessional.

If you plan to deploy on windows, py2exe could be the more 
professional approach you are thinking of.


Re: ]ANN[ Vellum 0.16: Lots Of Documentation and Watching

2008-05-05 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Zed A. Shaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 How do people feel about Vellum's GPLv3 status?  It actually doesn't
 impact anyone unless you embed Vellum into a project/product or you

Yeah, but it effectively prevents people from embedding it into their
apps that wish to remain BSD/MIT clean.

It's not likely that some evil corporation is going to hijack Vellum
source code as a basis of their next evil app (which is basically what
GPL is used to prevent) any time soon, so I don't really see a
particular reason for such a developer-oriented tool to be released
under GPL.

Basically, avoiding GPL maximizes the brainshare that a small-ish tool
is going to attract, and many (including myself, FWIW) view GPL as a
big turn-off when I consider spending some time to familiarize myself
with a tool, or recommending it to someone else.


Re: [ANN] Vellum 0.16: Lots Of Documentation and Watching

2008-05-05 Thread Ville M. Vainio

 I didn't find your language offensive but you might consider toning down
 your review of the Awesome Window Manager :)

Nah - keep up the bad attitude. Your (Zed) blog/articles are one of
the few things on the programmosphere that actually make me laugh


Re: ISBN Barecode reader in Python?

2008-05-05 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Max Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The killer application for ISBN lookup on Amazon is checking prices 
 while in the bookstore. Being able to email a photo from your phone  
 and then getting an email with the Amazon price in response would be 
 way easier than typing the isbn into Google or whatever.

Yeah, or just create a S60 python app to do it directly. Basically,
just put up a web service somewhere that allows pushing an image of
the barcode and returns the lowest price for that item, and the PyS60
app will be done in a day.

Re: ]ANN[ Vellum 0.16: Lots Of Documentation and Watching

2008-05-05 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Anyway, I'm just confirming that I'm clearly not one of the many
 described above. A lot of my own work is licensed under the GPL or

I guess it's safe to assume that you are not opposed to using code
based on more liberal license, right? :-)

My point is: GPL is a reason to reject a tool for some, but MIT/BSD
never is. Ultimately, of course, it's up to the preferences of the
author but if the idea is to maximize the popularity, GPL is a worse

Re: Python make like tools (was Re: [ANN] DoIt 0.1.0 Released (build tool))

2008-04-23 Thread Ville M. Vainio

Eduardo Schettino wrote:

 I find the doit syntax a bit cumbersome, especially as you can avoid
 'args' by just returning a lamda in 'action'.

My idea was to: do *not* add any new syntax (to avoid being
cumbersome). It is just python, you dont have to import or subclass

Yeah, decorators get around this.

I though about using decorators in the beginning... but returning a
dictionary looked easier to implement and more flexible. one important
feature is how easy to define a group of task with the same action.
Take a look at the example below on running pychecker in all python
files from a folder. I couldnt figure out an easy way of doing it with

import glob;
pyFiles = glob.glob('*.py')

def task_checker():
for f in pyFiles:
yield {'action': pychecker %s% f,

Perhaps you could do:

for f in pyFiles:
  def check():
c(pychecker %s % f)

Never underestimate the magic that is nested scopes and name-agnostic 
function object creation...

Another advantage of using just a dictionary to define a task is that
it will be easy to read tasks from a text file (if it is very simple
and you dont need to write any python script). but not implemented

It is easy with the above syntax as well.

I though about using decorator for simple python-tasks but in a different way:

def create_folder(path):
Create folder given by path if it doesnt exist
if not os.path.exists(path):
   return True

so if your python function is a task and you will use it only once you
dont need to define a function for the 'action' and another function
to create the task. but not implement yet also.

Yeah, this is what I consider much friendlier syntax (the aim is to not 
be much more verbose than make).

apart from one .py file installation (easy_install is not enough?)
thats what i am trying to do.

easy_install is not really enough - it introduces a dependency that you 
can't get around by just shipping a short .py file with your project.

This problem domain seems simple enough that it should be covered by a 
very short and simple module (Paul, the Waf you suggested was ~ 300k, no 
doubt caused by all the c compiler stuff that I don't need).

'Paver' seems to have the right idea:

But it's still *slightly* too big:

Re: Unix Device File Emulation

2008-04-23 Thread Ville M. Vainio

blaine wrote:

example usage: echo 'line 0 0 10 10'  /dev/screen

On the actual embedded device this is handled by a kernel module.  We
can spit commands into it as fast as we can and the kernel module can
keep up.  This is typical unix device file behavior.

Any suggestions or advice would be splendid.  Thanks!

Assuming you are on unix, have you considered FIFO's, os.mkfifo()?

Python make like tools (was Re: [ANN] DoIt 0.1.0 Released (build tool))

2008-04-21 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Eduardo Schettino wrote:

 DoIt is a build tool that focus not only on making/building things but on
 executing any kind of tasks in an efficient way. Designed to be easy to use
 and get out of your way.

I took a look at dolt syntax, and saw this:


def create_folder(path):
 Create folder given by path if it doesnt exist
 if not os.path.exists(path):
 return True

def task_create_build_folder():
 buildFolder = jsPath + build
 return {'action':create_folder,
 'args': (buildFolder,)


Wouldn't it be more convenient to provide syntax like this:

@depend(dep1 some_other_dep)
def buildf():
  buildFolder = jsPath + build

I find the doit syntax a bit cumbersome, especially as you can avoid 
'args' by just returning a lamda in 'action'.

I've looked around a bit for python make replacement, but there does 
not seem to be a simple  straightforward solution around (read - 
straight-python syntax, one .py file installation, friendly license).