Re: installing python 3

2014-09-09 Thread Volker Birk
Ashley Forman wrote:
  My name is Ashley Forman, and I am emailing because I cannot install
 python onto my Mac laptop! I have installed Active-TCl 8.5 along with
 Python 3.3 and tried with 3.4, and couldn't figure out a solution to my
 problem. When I click on IDLE to open, it does not open at all. Therefore,
 if you have any information that could help me, then I would really
 appreciate it! Thank you!

Python best is being installed using MacPorts or Homebrew:

So what did you install? This one?

“Vor Snowden war das ein Blog mit Verschwörungstheorien.
Nach Snowden ist das ein Security-Newsticker.
Bei unverändertem Inhalt...”
Marc Stibane über Fefes Blog

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Re: installing python 3

2014-09-09 Thread Volker Birk
Ashley Forman wrote:
  My name is Ashley Forman, and I am emailing because I cannot install
 python onto my Mac laptop! I have installed Active-TCl 8.5 along with
 Python 3.3 and tried with 3.4, and couldn't figure out a solution to my
 problem. When I click on IDLE to open, it does not open at all. Therefore,
 if you have any information that could help me, then I would really
 appreciate it! Thank you!

Python best is being installed using MacPorts or Homebrew:

So what did you install? This one?

“Vor Snowden war das ein Blog mit Verschwörungstheorien.
Nach Snowden ist das ein Security-Newsticker.
Bei unverändertem Inhalt...”
Marc Stibane über Fefes Blog

pyPEG 2.15 released

2014-01-14 Thread Volker Birk
pyPEG now supports adding feeble things to the AST like automatically
removed comments or whitespace.

pyPEG is a quick and easy solution for creating a parser in Python
programs. pyPEG uses a PEG like language in Python data structures to
parse, so it can be used dynamically to parse nearly every context free
language. The output is a plain Python data structure called pyAST, or,
as an alternative, XML.

pyPEG implements an intrinsic Packrat parser. Memoization is used for
performance improvements. pyPEG is used by defining a data model with a
grammar. Therefore it cannot only be used to parse text, but to compose
text out of the language model, too. It can be used for code generation.

You can find pyPEG2 in the PyPI repository. The homepage is here: pyPEG is maintained in a Bitbucket repository

Back when PHP had less than 100 functions and the function hashing mechanism
was strlen(). In order to get a nice hash distribution of function names
across the various function name lengths names were picked specifically to
make them fit into a specific length bucket.  (Rasmus Lerdorf)

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pyC11 initial publication

2013-05-06 Thread Volker Birk
pyC11 is a grammar to parse programs in the C programming language
following ISO/IEC 9899:2011. It is written using pyPEG, a parsing
framework for Python. The grammar supports Python 2.7 and 3.x. The test
bench requires py.test.

This is the initial upload. The grammar is incomplete. Parsing C
expressions works, but parsing complete C programs does not work yet.

pyC11 is meant to be used for parsing, modifying and generating C
expressions and programs. It is a real world sample how to use pyPEG.
pyC11 is provided under the GNU GPL 2.0.

You can find pyC11 on Bitbucket at

Volker Birk, Oberer Graben 4, CH-8400 Winterthur, Schweiz,
Erde, Solar-System, Orion Arm, Milchstrasse, Lokale Gruppe,
Virgo-Superhaufen, Coma-Virgo-Filament.  D-IRCNet fdik!

Support the Python Software Foundation:

pyPEG 2.11 released

2013-05-06 Thread Volker Birk
Feature enhancements are provided, like a method for memory cache
clearing and improving composing and text representation. Some small
bugs are fixed.

pyPEG is a quick and easy solution for creating a parser in Python
programs. pyPEG uses a PEG language in Python data structures to parse,
so it can be used dynamically to parse nearly every context free
language. The output is a plain Python data structure called pyAST, or,
as an alternative, XML.

pyPEG implements an intrinsic Packrat parser. Memoization is used for
performance improvements. pyPEG is used by defining a data model with a
grammar. Therefore it cannot only be used to parse text, but to compose
text out of the language model, too. It can be used for code generation.

You can find pyPEG2 in the PyPI repository. The homepage is here: pyPEG is maintained in a Bitbucket repository

Volker Birk, Oberer Graben 4, CH-8400 Winterthur, Schweiz,
Erde, Solar-System, Orion Arm, Milchstrasse, Lokale Gruppe,
Virgo-Superhaufen, Coma-Virgo-Filament.  D-IRCNet fdik!

Support the Python Software Foundation:

pyPEG 2.10 released

2013-02-11 Thread Volker Birk

pyPEG 2.10 is a maintenance release. Now optional attributes are
supported by the XML backend. There are several bugfixes.

pyPEG 2 for Python 2.7 and 3.x

Python is a nice scripting language. It even gives you access to its own
parser and compiler. It also gives you access to different other parsers
for special purposes like XML and string templates.

But sometimes you may want to have your own parser. This is what's pyPEG
for. And pyPEG supports Unicode.

The source code for all you can find on bitbucket:

To build the documentation, you'll need YML 2. You can download YML

Homepage: Toolchain:

pyPEG 2 depends on lxml, see

“Wer also seinen Anwendern Übles will, sollte unbedingt die Einführung von
Windows 8 in Produktivumgebungen forcieren.”

Susanne Nolte in der iX

Support the Python Software Foundation:

pyPEG 2.5 released

2012-06-13 Thread Volker Birk
This release offers support for Python 2.7 and to 3.x.

pyPEG is a plain and simple intrinsic parser interpreter framework for
Python version 2.7 and 3.x. It is based on Parsing Expression Grammar,
PEG. With pyPEG you can parse and compose many formal languages in a
very easy way. 

pyPEG supports partial parsing and recomposing text. It is well suited
to be used in a Wiki engine or development tool as well as for common
parsing purposes.

You can find pyPEG at and in PyPI.
The Mercurial repository is at
There is support in on Freenode.

Marktkonforme Demokratie: der Steuerzahler bezahlt die Spielschulden.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

pyPEG 2 for Python 3.x

2012-05-22 Thread Volker Birk
Python is a nice scripting language. It even gives you access to its own
parser and compiler. It also gives you access to different other parsers
for special purposes like XML and string templates.

But sometimes you may want to have your own parser. This is what's pyPEG
for. And pyPEG supports Unicode.

pyPEG is a plain and simple intrinsic parser interpreter framework for
Python version 3.x. It is based on Parsing Expression Grammar, PEG.

An intrinsic parser parses directly out of and into the type and object
system of the programming language, here Python 3.x.

You can download pyPEG 2 via PyPI or following this link:

pyPEG's Documentation you can find here:
pyPEG has a Bitbucket repository at

pyPEG is under the GNU General Public Licence version 2.

Volker Birk, author

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pyPEG 1.4 released

2011-08-04 Thread Volker Birk
New: This release fixes some bugs with packrat parsing.


Python is a nice scripting language. It even gives you access to it's
own parser and compiler. It also gives you access to different other
parsers for special purposes like XML and string templates.

But sometimes you may want to have your own parser. This is what's pyPEG
for. And pyPEG supports Unicode. 

What is PEG?

PEG means Parsing Expression Grammar. It's something like the idea of
Regular Expressions for context free languages; a very clear explanation
you'll find in the Wikipedia article about PEG.

With PEGs you can describe the same languages like with BNF (and they're
even similar).

What is a Parser-Interpreter?

Common parsers are not using PEGs and top-down parsing, but LR(n) or
LL(n) and bottom-up parsing. This results in the idea of implementing
parser generators.

Because with LR(n) or LL(n) parsers you need to calculate out a DFA
first, usually you let the parser generator do this for you. The result
is a parser implementation for your BNF grammar, which was the input.
One could call a parser generator a compiler from BNF to a parser

A Parser-Interpreter does work as an interpreter instead of being such a
compiler. Just give your grammar as input, and it parses the described
language out of text. There will be no program generated.

Volker Birk, Nobelstrasse 32, D-88131 Lindau (Bodensee), EU,
Erde, Solar-System, Orion Arm, Milchstrasse, Lokale Gruppe,
Virgo-Superhaufen, Coma-Virgo-Filament.  D-IRCNet fdik!

Support the Python Software Foundation:

pyPEG parser-interpreter released

2009-01-27 Thread Volker Birk

pyPEG is a general parser for context free languages as a small Python

It is PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar) based. It can be very easily used
in your Python program.

Everybody who understands regular expressions can quickly understand and
use pyPEG. The output result is a standard Python data structure, pyAST,
just consisting of lists of strings and tuples.

You can find pyPEG here:

Bitte beachten Sie auch die Rückseite dieses Schreibens!

pyPEG parser-interpreter released

2009-01-27 Thread Volker Birk

pyPEG is a general parser for context free languages as a small Python

It is PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar) based. It can be very easily used
in your Python program.

Everybody who understands regular expressions can quickly understand and
use pyPEG. The output result is a standard Python data structure, pyAST,
just consisting of lists of strings and tuples.

You can find pyPEG here:

pyPEG is Free Software. It is under the GNU General Public License 2.0.

Bitte beachten Sie auch die Rückseite dieses Schreibens!