Strange problem with Tkinter... photos don't show on first iteration.

2006-08-14 Thread aldonnelley
Hi all.

Just having a weird problem with tkinter. I'm trying to make a gui that
shows results from an image search, with a forward and back button
so the user can compare results from different pages. All that's
working fine...
The problem I'm having is that the images don't show onscreen the first
time the first page of results shows up. When I click the search
again button, and have more than the original results page to toggle
between, the images __do__ show up on the first page of results. (and
on the second, etc, etc.)
Which is to say,  there's no error messages, and on the first page,
the first time it's shown, the Toplevel formats correctly, and there
are spaces where the images should be that are the correct size,
just... no images.
It's baffling me. Perhaps someone can help.

Cheers, Al.

Script attached (apologies for it not being as neat as it probably
should be... :)

from Tkinter import *
import sys
import cPickle

#opens gui and displays returned image thumbnails
class Im_Res1:
def __init__(self, master, lof, pageno):
self.master = root
nav_child(master, lof, pageno)

# the child window class
class nav_child:
def __init__(self, master, lof, pageno):
self.slave = Toplevel(master)
self.slave.title(Image Results)
self.picts = []
lif = lof[pageno]
lenlif = len(lif)
for r in range(lenlif):
j = lif[r]
f = j[2]
self.img = PhotoImage(file = f)
print self.picts = , self.picts
for g in range(lenlif):
text = (lif[g])[1]# label text
def callback(text=text):

p = open(VerRes.txt, 'w')
if 0= g  6:
buttonx = Button(self.slave, text=(text), height=1,
width=23, command=callback)
buttonx.grid(row=3, column=g)
Label(self.slave, text=((lif[g])[0])).grid(row=2,
self.Im = self.picts[g]
Label(self.slave, image=self.Im).grid(row=1, column=g)
elif 6= g  12:
buttonx = Button(self.slave, text=(text), height=1,
width=23, command=callback)
buttonx.grid(row=6, column=(g-6))
Label(self.slave, text=((lif[g])[0])).grid(row=5,
self.Im = self.picts[g]
Label(self.slave, image=self.Im).grid(row=4,
elif 12= g  18:
buttonx = Button(self.slave, text=(text), height=1,
width=23, command=callback)
buttonx.grid(row=9, column=(g-12))
Label(self.slave, text=((lif[g])[0])).grid(row=8,
self.Im = self.picts[g]
Label(self.slave, image=self.Im).grid(row=7,
elif 18= g  24:
buttonx = Button(self.slave, text=(text), height=1,
width=23, command=callback)
buttonx.grid(row=12, column=(g-18))
Label(self.slave, text=((lif[g])[0])).grid(row=11,
self.Im = self.picts[g]
Label(self.slave, image=self.Im).grid(row=10,
def search_again(lof=lof, pageno=pageno):
p = open(VerRes.txt, 'w')
pageno = pageno + 1
reslist = [pageno, 1, lof]
cPickle.dump(reslist, p)
SearchAgain = Button(self.slave, text='Search Again.',
fg=blue, command=search_again)
SearchAgain.grid(row=13, column=2, columnspan=2)
if pageno  0:
def Back_Cmd(lof=lof, pageno=pageno):
pageno = pageno - 1
nav_child(master, lof, pageno)
backbutton = Button(self.slave, text=Previous Page,
height=1, width=23, command=Back_Cmd)
backbutton.grid(row=13, column=0)
if pageno  (len(lof) - 1):
def Fwd_Cmd(lof=lof, pageno=pageno):
pageno = pageno + 1
nav_child(master, lof, pageno)
fwdbutton = Button(self.slave, text=Next Page, height=1,
width=23, command=Fwd_Cmd)
fwdbutton.grid(row=13, column=5)
def Quit_Search():
quitbutton = Button(self.slave, text='QUIT', fg=red,
quitbutton.grid(row=14, column=2, columnspan=2)

 lof is nested lists 'cos there's more than one page of more than one
 Images don't show on the first results page... *sigh*

Re: Strange problem with Tkinter... photos don't show on first iteration.

2006-08-14 Thread aldonnelley
That's the problem. Can't thank you enough.
I'd read about Tkinter garbage collection, but, like car crashes and
lung cancer, you never think it's going to happen to you...

thanks once again.
Cheers, Al.

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

  Just having a weird problem with tkinter. I'm trying to make a gui that
  shows results from an image search, with a forward and back button
  so the user can compare results from different pages. All that's
  working fine...
  The problem I'm having is that the images don't show onscreen the first
  time the first page of results shows up. When I click the search
  again button, and have more than the original results page to toggle
  between, the images __do__ show up on the first page of results. (and
  on the second, etc, etc.)
  Which is to say,  there's no error messages, and on the first page,
  the first time it's shown, the Toplevel formats correctly, and there
  are spaces where the images should be that are the correct size,
  just... no images.
  It's baffling me. Perhaps someone can help.

 this is explained in the Python FAQ, and also in the note at the bottom
 of this page:


Re: Strange problem with Tkinter... photos don't show on first iteration.

2006-08-14 Thread aldonnelley
And I say once again: I can't thank you enough.


cheers, al.

(Just changed the code in my main program, and it WORKS! The previous
thankyou was only a preliminary.)
ps I really like python, too. :)

 That's the problem. Can't thank you enough.
 I'd read about Tkinter garbage collection, but, like car crashes and
 lung cancer, you never think it's going to happen to you...

 thanks once again.
 Cheers, Al.

 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
   Just having a weird problem with tkinter. I'm trying to make a gui that
   shows results from an image search, with a forward and back button
   so the user can compare results from different pages. All that's
   working fine...
   The problem I'm having is that the images don't show onscreen the first
   time the first page of results shows up. When I click the search
   again button, and have more than the original results page to toggle
   between, the images __do__ show up on the first page of results. (and
   on the second, etc, etc.)
   Which is to say,  there's no error messages, and on the first page,
   the first time it's shown, the Toplevel formats correctly, and there
   are spaces where the images should be that are the correct size,
   just... no images.
   It's baffling me. Perhaps someone can help.
  this is explained in the Python FAQ, and also in the note at the bottom
  of this page:


Is it possible to get image size before/without downloading?

2006-07-22 Thread aldonnelley
Hi there: a bit of a left-field question, I think.
I'm writing a program that analyses image files downloaded with a basic
crawler, and it's slow, mainly because I only want to analyse files
within a certain size range, and I'm having to download all the files
on the page, open them, get their size, and then only analyse the ones
that are in that size range.
Is there a way (in python, of course!) to get the size of images before
or without downloading them? I've checked around, and I can't seem to
find anything promising...

Anybody got any clues?

Cheers, Al.


Re: Is it possible to get image size before/without downloading?

2006-07-22 Thread aldonnelley
Thanks Josiah

I thought as much... Still, it'll help me immensely to cut the
downloads from a page to only those that are within a file-size range,
even if this gets me some images that are out-of-spec dimensionally.

Cheers, Al.

(Oh, and if anyone still has a bright idea about how to get image
dimensions without downloading, it'd be great to hear!)

Josiah Manson wrote:
 In the head of an HTTP response, most servers will specify a
 Content-Length that is the number of bytes in the body of the response.
 Normally, when using the GET method, the header is returned with the
 body following. It is possible to make a HEAD request to the server
 that will only return header information that will hopefully tell you
 the file size.

 If you want to know the actual dimensions of the image, I don't know of
 anything in HTTP that will tell you. You will probably just have to
 download the image to find that out. Relevant HTTP specs below if you

 The above is true regardless of language. In python it appears there an
 httplib module. I would call request using the method head.

  Hi there: a bit of a left-field question, I think.
  I'm writing a program that analyses image files downloaded with a basic
  crawler, and it's slow, mainly because I only want to analyse files
  within a certain size range, and I'm having to download all the files
  on the page, open them, get their size, and then only analyse the ones
  that are in that size range.
  Is there a way (in python, of course!) to get the size of images before
  or without downloading them? I've checked around, and I can't seem to
  find anything promising...
  Anybody got any clues?
  Cheers, Al.


Re: blob problems in pysqlite

2006-04-27 Thread aldonnelley
Excellent. Got that working. Now, how to get the pickled data out of
the database?

I'm trying to use cPickle.loads(data) (code attached), and I get a:
TypeError: loads() argument 1 must be string, not list

Is there a workaround for this? I've tried converting the List of files
to a String before cPickling it, but the same result (expected). I've
read, in a post of Gerhard's somewhere, about marshal, but I don't see
how this would work for the HTML. (where I have the same problem.)

Cheers, Al.
ps. Tim: Your clean take on my code made me realise that I had stupidly
included quotes in the URL argument passed to sqlite,  ie I'd ended up
with, effectively, DBURL= ';', rather than =
''. It's the little things that matter...
Thanks for your help. Oh, and your 'representative samples' are spot

#code starts
URL =;

db = sqlite.connect(ImageInfoDatabase.db)

c = db.cursor()

DBURL = str(URL)
print DBURL
c.execute(select Images from FileURLInfo where URL= ?;, (DBURL,))
KnownFilesResult = c.fetchall()
print KnownFilesResult#where I get a r/w buffer, as expected
cPickle.loads(KnownFilesResult)#where I get the error described

#code ends.


Re: blob problems in pysqlite

2006-04-27 Thread aldonnelley

You rock, Gerhard. That's inspired. I'm sure I can sort this out now.
Both you and Tim have been an enormous help.

Cheers, Al.
(Oh, and Tim: tip noted. I feel bad about not posting complete code- I
do normally (not in python), but can't for this one. Thanks for wading
your way through it anyway.)


blob problems in pysqlite

2006-04-26 Thread aldonnelley
Hi there.

I'm a long-time lurker and (I think) first time poster.
Only relatively new to python, and I'm trying to get pysqlite to work
with binary data, and having a tough time of it.
I want to set up a table with:
- a URL,
- some filenames related to that URL,
- and some simple generated HTML.

Problem is, when I try to do this, and query, say, the filenames from
the filename field 'Images', I'm not getting a result. Just []...
 I've been googling this one for days (documentation for this seems
really scant), and I've tried a whole bunch of things, but my code as
it is now is attached.

Can anyone give me some idea what i'm doing wrong (or if this is indeed

Any and all help much appreciated.

Cheers, Al.

#script starts

from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite

HTMLoutputFile = open('ImageResults.html', 'wb')
cPickle.dump(OutputHTML, HTMLoutputFile)   # outputHTML is a standard
html page
DBfilelistFile = open('DBFilesList.txt', 'wb')
cPickle.dump(DBfilelist, DBfilelistFile)   #  DBfileList is a list of
filenames in the form  ['XXX.jpg', 'XXX.jpg' etc]

DBURL = 'http://www.myhomepage.html'
blobdata = open('ImageResults.html', 'rb').read()
blobfiles = open('DBFilesList.txt', 'rb').read()

db = sqlite.connect(ImageInfoDatabase.db)

c = db.cursor()

c.execute(create table FileURLInfo (URL CHAR(100), Images, HTML))
print 'database exists'

c.execute(INSERT INTO FileURLInfo VALUES (?,?,?);, (DBURL,
sqlite.Binary(blobfiles), sqlite.Binary(blobdata)),)
c.execute(select Images from FileURLInfo where URL =

DBImageResult = c.fetchall()
print DBImageResult  
#script ends
