Re: jpype and zxJDBC

2006-04-14 Thread benchline
I haven't compared them, and you may be exacly right.



Re: jpype and zxJDBC

2006-04-10 Thread benchline
No luck yet with the python db api.

I keep getting this error when trying to create a
com.ziclix.python.sql.PyConnection object:

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/jpype/, line 53,
in __call__
raise TypeError, Package +self.__name+ is not Callable
TypeError: Package com.ziclix.python.sql.PyConnection is not Callable

But if I use jython on the same machine and create the PyConnection
object (I checked and the jython jar file is loaded fine both times) it

So, I decided to try to see if I could use jdbc from cpython using
jpype and that works great.  It's quite a bit faster then using jython
and the db api on the same database my tests too.


jpype and zxJDBC

2006-04-08 Thread benchline
I would love to be able to use jdbc drivers using the python db 2.0 api
and cpython.

Has anyone used jpype and zxJDBC (distributed with jython) together?  I
am trying and what I have tried does not yet work.   If I figure
anything out that works I will post it here.



Jpype on RHEL v3

2006-04-07 Thread benchline
I have been trying out jpype for python to java work and love it.  It
works great on my gentoo box with the java 1.4.2 blackdown sdk.

I am now trying it on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 for access to business
intelligence tools (JasperReports, Mondrian, Pentaho, etc) for which we
don't have analogous tools in cpython yet.  My idea it to use jpype in
a cherrypy application server to tie these java BI tools into a website
interface without having to delve into the more complex java J2EE
application servers and lose all the python libraries that I know and

Here is my problem.

When trying to start the jvm with the sun jre I get this error.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# python2.4
Python 2.4.2 (#1, Dec  1 2005, 05:44:04)
[GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-53)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import jpype
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Unable to load native library: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory

and then python dies.

When I try to start the jvm with the ibm jre I get this error.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# python2.4
Python 2.4.2 (#1, Dec  1 2005, 05:44:04)
[GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-53)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import jpype
Unable to find UTE, path used
JVMCI170: Please check the path to shared libraries
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/jpype/, line 25, in
_jpype.startup(jvm, tuple(args), True)
RuntimeError: Unable to start JVM at src/native/common/jp_env.cpp:54

but the python interpreter is still running.

Can anyone point me in the right direction so I can fix this?



Re: Jpype on RHEL v3

2006-04-07 Thread benchline
I found the problem.  So if anyone else has it here is the fix.

In the documentation distributed with JPype 0.5.1 in the examples/linux
directory, there is a file that describes a problem with loading the
jvm on linux.  So one needs to modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variable to fix it.

I did that after changing one line in
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/jpype/ line 37 to

return /etc/alternatives/java_sdk/jre/lib/i386/client/

so that jpype.getDefaultJVMPath() would return the correct
path for my install.

Then I did


after doing that the sun 1.4.2 jre loaded just fine with:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# python2.4
Python 2.4.2 (#1, Dec  1 2005, 05:44:04)
[GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-53)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import jpype


Re: a hobbyist's dilemma

2006-03-30 Thread benchline
Since you want to learn to use python with a database you may want to
try it with SQLite.  SQLite is a very easy to use database that stores
the whole database in one file.  Working with it would be very similar
to working with Mysql through python.
