
For a class modeling the block puzzle I use nested lists as arrays.
Within this class there is a method for swaping elements. I have lots
of trouble with that method but can't figure it out. It has probably to
do with my unuseful approach to nested lists, but I don't want to write
the code again. As I am a python newbie any other comments on the code
will be appreciated. Thanks for any help.

# Puzzle.py
# class for a sliding block puzzle

# an starting state of a 8-puzzle could look like the following:
# ------------
# | 7  2  4  |
# |          |
# | 5  X  6  |
# |          |
# | 8  3  1  |
# ------------

# the goal is to reach this state:
# ------------
# | X  1  2  |
# |          |
# | 3  4  5  |
# |          |
# | 6  7  8  |
# ------------

import copy

class Puzzle:

    def __init__(self, dim):
       self.dim = dim
       self.elements = [[0 for column in range(dim)] for row in
range(dim) ]

    def getEmptySlot(self):
        i = 0
        j = 0
        while i  <= self.dim-1:
            while j  <= self.dim-1:
                if self.elements[j][i] == -1:
                    return [j, i]
                j = j+1
            j = 0
            i = i + 1

    def performMove(self, direction):
        slot = self.getEmptySlot()

        if (direction == "up"):
            self.swapElements(slot[1], slot[0], slot[1]+1, slot[0])

        elif (direction == "down"):
            self.swapElements(slot[1], slot[0], slot[1]-1, slot[0])

        elif direction == "left":
            self.swapElements(slot[1], slot[0], slot[1], slot[0]-1)
        elif (direction == "right"):
            self.swapElements(slot[1], slot[0], slot[1], slot[0]+1)

    def swapElements(self, fromx, fromy, tox, toy):
        dummy = self.elements[toy][tox]

        self.elements[toy][tox] = self.elements[fromy][fromx]
        self.elements[fromy][fromx] = dummy

    def getPossibleMoves(self):
        emptySlot = self.getEmptySlot()
        y = emptySlot[1]
        x = emptySlot[0]
        north = (y == 0)
        south = (y == (self.dim-1))
        west = (x == 0)
        east = (x == (self.dim-1))

        middle = not(north or south or west or east)

        northwest = north and west
        northeast = north and east
        southwest = south and west
        southeast = south and east
        # orientation has to be distinct
        # save original values
        orignorth = north
        origsouth = south
        # original north or south
        orignors = north or south

        north = north and not (west or east)
        south = south and not (west or east)
        west = west and not (orignors)
        east = east and not (orignors)

        if middle:
            return ["up", "down", "left", "right"]
        elif north:
            return ["up", "left", "right"]
        elif south:
            return ["down", "left", "right"]
        elif west:
            return ["up", "down", "left"]
        elif east:
            return ["up", "down", "right"]
        elif northwest:
            return ["up", "left"]
        elif northeast:
            return ["up", "right"]
        elif southwest:
            return ["down", "left"]
        elif southeast:
            return ["down", "right"]
# ~Puzzle.py


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