Re: Metaclass of a metaclass

2012-06-05 Thread
On Jun 5, 10:48 am, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 Apparently it gives an error. Can anyone explain why this does not work?

 # Python 3.2

  class MyType(type):  # A metaclass...

 ...     def __repr__(self):
 ...             s = super().__repr__()
 ...             return s.replace('class', 'metaclass')

  class Meta(metaclass=MyType):  # ... of a metaclass.

 ...     pass


  class MyClass(metaclass=Meta):  # And now try to use it.

 ...     pass
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 TypeError: object.__new__() takes no parameters

 What am I doing wrong?

Meta inherit from object, but being used as a metaclass, Meta.__new__
is called with name, bases, dict etc as arguments.


Re: Why not use juxtaposition to indicate function application

2012-03-16 Thread
On Mar 16, 1:45 pm, Ray Song wrote:
 I confess i've indulged in Haskell and found
     f a
 more readable than

Hmmm... What about:

f a b



or was it supposed to be read as


or as

   f(a, b)


 And why aren't functions curried (partially applied function is another 
 function which takes the rest arguments) by default?

If you're asking why isn't Python like Haskell, the obvious answer
is, well, because Python is not Haskell ;)

Remember that Pythons is first and foremost an object-oriented
language, where most of the support for functional idioms comes from
the underlying object model. functions are central to fp, objects are
central to OOP, so better to use objects than functions (hint: there's
a builtin partial type).


Re: Id of methods

2012-02-09 Thread
On Feb 9, 5:06 am, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Emeka wrote:

  My question is why is it that the id of Boo.daf  is different from daf's hex
  value in the above dict?

 daf is not a function, it's a special object for an unbound method.


Re: SnakeScript? (CoffeeScript for Python)

2012-02-06 Thread
On Feb 2, 9:23 pm, Michal Hantl wrote:
 See the link I attached.
 Ruby-like blocks would be nice too.
 Implicit returns.
 Better strings like My name is #{name}.

Uhu... Looks like you want Ruby, not Python g

Re: Help about dictionary append

2012-02-06 Thread
On Feb 5, 4:29 pm, Andrew Berg wrote:
 This has nothing to do with dictionaries. If you want to add, delete, or
 change items, use a list (or a set if there aren't supposed to be any

AND you don't care about ordering...


Re: Closures and Partial Function Application

2011-08-31 Thread
On 31 août, 18:45, Travis Parks wrote:
 I was a little disappointed the other day when I realized that
 closures were read-only. I like to use closures quite a bit.

They are not _strictly_ read only, but Python being first and foremost
an OO language, it's usually way simpler to use OO instead of closures
when you start needing such features.


Re: NoneType and new instances

2011-07-30 Thread
On 28 juil, 17:39, Ethan Furman wrote:

 -- bool(0) is bool(0)

This test is not reliable - a same id can be reused for terms (I have
already seen such things happening). If you want a reliable test, use:

# a = bool(0)
# b = bool(0)
# a is b

Note that this still fails to prove anything since bool is a subclass
of int and CPython caches small integers:

# a = 42
# b = 42
# a is b


Re: PyWart: PEP8: A cauldron of inconsistencies.

2011-07-30 Thread
On 28 juil, 00:34, rantingrick wrote:

 In Python4000 i'm making it a syntax error to
 include ANY blank lines in a func/meth body.

Hopefully this is not going to happen.

(snip remaining stupidities).

Re: Trying to learn about metaclasses

2011-07-30 Thread
On 25 juil, 17:36, Steven W. Orr wrote:
 I have been doing a lot of reading. I'm starting to get it. I think it's
 really cool as well as dangerous,

Dangerous ??? Why so ? Is there anything dangerous in a constructor
or an initialiser ??? A metaclass is just a class, and a class is just
an object.

Re: Use self.vars in class.method(parameters, self.vars)

2011-07-22 Thread
On Jul 22, 1:12 pm, caccolangrifata wrote:

Totally OT but others already answered the question...

 class foo(object):

class names should start with an uppercase letter:

class Foo(object):

         __init__(self, len = 9):

1/ you want to add a def statement before __init__
2/ the argument name ('len') will shadow the builtin 'len' function
within this function's scope.

                 self.__myvar = len

There are very few reasons to invoke the __name_mangling mechanism.
Canonically, implementation attributes (ie: not part of the API) are
written with a *single* leading underscore. Also and FWIW, there's no
need to hide public attributes and add dummy accessors in Python
since you can turn a plain attribute into a computed one latter
without breaking client code, so only use _implementation attributes
if you really mean implementation.

         def foo2(self, len = self_myvar):
                 while i  len:

Most of the time, this is spelled:

for x in somesquence:

Note that range() can provide the required sequence.

 I want to use optional parameter, so i can use
 myfoo = foo() or myfoo = foo(20)
 and also
 foo.foo2(20) or foo.foo2()

Note that default values for function params are only computed once,
when the def statement is evaluated. This is a famous gotcha,
specially if you use some mutable object as default value...

Also, since neither the class nor - a fortiori - the instance exist
when the def statement is evaluated, there's no way to make reference
to the instance at this time.


Re: PEP 8 and extraneous whitespace

2011-07-21 Thread
On 21 juil, 20:46, Andrew Berg wrote:
 Hash: RIPEMD160

 On 2011.07.21 01:32 PM, Thomas Jollans wrote: So, the PEP says: do not align 
 operators. End of story.

 I'm pretty sure that colons, commas and equals signs are not operators.

1/ you can consider the equal sign ('=') is the binding operator.

2/ since {'key':'val'} is equivalent to dict(key=val), you can
consider colons as a binding operator here

3/ since it's the comma - not the parens - that makes a tuple, ie t =
1, 2 is equivalent to t = (1,2), you can also consider commas as an
operator here ;)

FWIW: I'm pretty anal when it comes to code formatting and coding
conventions (rationale : don't make me think), and I do agree with
pep8: consistent spacing between tokens is much more readable than
aligned stuff. And it's way less painfull to maintain...


Re: Please critique my script

2011-07-15 Thread
On Jul 15, 8:36 am, Chris Angelico wrote:
 This can alternatively be done with map():

 sortlist = map(lambda x,y: x+y, npalist, nxxlist)

 (It would have been a lot cleaner if Python exposed its operators as

from operator import add


Re: list(), tuple() should not place at Built-in functions in documentation

2011-07-15 Thread
On Jul 15, 4:58 am, Inside wrote:
 Hey guy,thx for you feedback first.

 But I can't follow your opinion.Why?because of the list  tuple are placed at 
 built-in function,so before I type 'list' unintentionally on the pyshell and 
 it show me type 'list', I never know that the name 'list' is a type,I 
 used to consider it's a function to produce 'list' type.

 so,after I figure out this matter,I have to change all my code assert 
 isinstance(someobj, (type([]), type((0,  to assert isinstance(someobj, 
 (list, tuple)),that's not a funny job.

Are you sure you need such assertions in your code ?

Re: list(), tuple() should not place at Built-in functions in documentation

2011-07-15 Thread
On Jul 15, 9:27 am, wrote:
 On Jul 15, 4:58 am, Inside wrote:

  Hey guy,thx for you feedback first.

  But I can't follow your opinion.Why?because of the list  tuple are placed 
  at built-in function,so before I type 'list' unintentionally on the pyshell 
  and it show me type 'list', I never know that the name 'list' is a 
  type,I used to consider it's a function to produce 'list' type.

  so,after I figure out this matter,I have to change all my code assert 
  isinstance(someobj, (type([]), type((0,  to assert 
  isinstance(someobj, (list, tuple)),that's not a funny job.

 Are you sure you need such assertions in your code ?

Sorry, Ben already mentionned this. Need more coffee obviously :-/

Re: None versus MISSING sentinel -- request for design feedback

2011-07-15 Thread
On Jul 15, 8:08 am, Chris Angelico wrote:

 Agreed that float('nan') and  and spam are all bad values for
 Missings. Possibly  should come out as 0

In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

As far as I'm concerned, I'd expect this to raise a TypeError...


Re: Possible File iteration bug

2011-07-15 Thread
On Jul 14, 9:46 pm, Billy Mays wrote:
 I noticed that if a file is being continuously written to, the file
 generator does not notice it:

 def getLines(f):
      lines = []
      for line in f:
      return lines

what's wrong with file.readlines() ?

Re: None versus MISSING sentinel -- request for design feedback

2011-07-15 Thread
On Jul 15, 7:28 am, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:

 I'm designing an API for some lightweight calculator-like statistics
 functions, such as mean, standard deviation, etc., and I want to support
 missing values. Missing values should be just ignored. E.g.:


 Against None: it's too easy to mistakenly add None to a data set by mistake,
 because functions return None by default.


 In favour of a dedicated MISSING singleton: it's obvious from context. It's
 not a lot of work to implement compared to using None. Hard to accidentally
 include it by mistake. If None does creep into the data by accident, you
 get a nice explicit exception.

 Against MISSING: users may expect to be able to choose their own sentinel by
 assigning to MISSING. I don't want to support that.

What about allowing users to specificy their own sentinel in the
simplest pythonic way:

MISSING = object()

def mean(values, missing=MISSING):
your code here

Or, if you want to make it easier to specify the sentinel once for the
whole API:

MISSING = object()

class Calc(object):
def __init__(self, missing=MISSING):
self._missing = missing
def mean(self, values):
# your code here

# default:
_calc = Calc()
mean = _calc.mean
# etc...

My 2 cents...

Re: None versus MISSING sentinel -- request for design feedback

2011-07-15 Thread
On Jul 15, 9:44 am, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 On 15Jul2011 15:28, Steven D'Aprano 
 | Against MISSING: users may expect to be able to choose their own sentinel by
 | assigning to MISSING. I don't want to support that.

 Well, we don't have readonly values to play with :-(
 Personally I'd do what I did above: give it a private name like
 _MISSING so that people should expect to have inside (and unsupported,
 unguarenteed) knowledge if they fiddle with it.

I think the point is to allow users to explicitely use MISSING in
their data sets, so it does have to be public. But anyway: ALL_UPPER
names are supposed to be treated as constants, so the warranty void
if messed with still apply.

Re: None versus MISSING sentinel -- request for design feedback

2011-07-15 Thread
On Jul 15, 10:28 am, Teemu Likonen wrote:

 How about accepting anything but ignoring all non-numbers?

Totally unpythonic. Better to be explicit about what you expect and
crash as loudly as possible when you get anything unexpected.

Re: Python Wizard, with apologies to The Who

2011-07-13 Thread
On Jul 12, 6:40 pm, John Keisling wrote:
 After too much time coding Python scripts and reading Mark Lutz's
 Python books, I was inspired to write the following lyrics.

Brillant. This deserves to become a cpython easter egg along with
import this or from __future__ import braces.

Re: How to write a file generator

2011-07-12 Thread
On Jul 12, 4:46 pm, Billy Mays wrote:
 I want to make a generator that will return lines from the tail of
 /var/log/syslog if there are any

Err... I must have missed something, but python files are their own

Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 15:52:39)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
pythonrc start
pythonrc done
 f = open(/var/log/syslog)
 for line in f:
... print line
(snip unintersting syslog stuff))

, but my function is reopening the file
 each call:

How do you know, and how do you call your function ?

 def getLines():
      with open('/var/log/syslog', 'rb') as f:
          while True:
              line = f.readline()
              if line:
                  yield line
                  raise StopIteration

 I know the problem lies with the StopIteration, but I'm not sure how to
 tell the caller that there are no more lines for now.

If you want the generator to wait until new content is available, just
remove the raise part - but you'll have a blocking call... Else, I
don't see what behaviour you are expecting exactly.


Re: Wgy isn't there a good RAD Gui tool fo python

2011-07-11 Thread
On Jul 11, 2:42 am, Adam Tauno Williams

 But Open Source land is simply too fragmented.  There are too many
 database bindings [and RAD requires something like an ORM (think
 SQLalchemy)] and far too many GUI toolkits [Qt, Gtk, wx, and the list
 goes on and on].

 Nothing can muster the gravity required to bring a quality RAD tool into

Why too many ? Natural selection is a GoodThing.

Python is known as the language with more web frameworks than
keywords, and this doesn't prevent some of these frameworks to be 1/
pretty good and 2/ becoming de facto standards.

 I also suspect - seeing some of the articles that float across the
 FLOSS-o-sphere mentioning RAD - that many Open Source developers have
 never had the pleasure [yes, it is a pleasure] of using a professional
 RAD tool.

This is slightly arrogant. Did you occur to you that quite a few OSS
developers may have at least as much experience as you do with these
kind of tools and just happen to actually prefer the unix way of doing
things ?


Re: Project-wide variable...

2011-06-23 Thread
On Jun 23, 4:42 pm, Peter Otten wrote:
  However I end up doing it in every submodule, so it seems a little
  redundant. I wish I could load the variable in the parent program and
  have it be available in all submodules. Am I missing something?

 You can modify the builtin namespace:
 But I don't think it's a good idea.

Even posting about it is already a bad idea IMHO. There are good
reasons this isn't documented.

@OP: yes, explicit imports are boring... until you have to debug and
maintain the code, and then you start to LOVE them.

Re: Using django ORM from web browser and from command line apps

2011-06-22 Thread
On Jun 22, 2:21 am, News123 wrote:
 Out of curiousity: Do you know whether the imports would be executed for
 each potential command as soon as I call or only
 'on demand'?

Why would you care ? Just importing the module shouldn't have any side

Re: What's the best way to write this base class?

2011-06-18 Thread
On 18 juin, 06:17, John Salerno wrote:

 Note: I have in mind that when a specific subclass (Warrior, Wizard,
 etc.) is created, the only argument that will ever be passed to the
 __init__ method is the name. The other variables will never be
 explicitly passed, but will be set during initialization.

__init__ is actually supposed to be the initialization phase, but well

 class Character:

If you using Python 2.x, make this:

class Character(object):

     def __init__(self, name, base_health=50, base_resource=10): = name = base_health
         self.resource = base_resource

If neither base_health nor base_resource are supposed to be passed in,
why make them arguments at all:

class Character(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name = 50
self.resource = 10

 class Character:

     base_health = 50
     base_resource = 10

     def __init__(self, name): = name = base_health
         self.resource = base_resource

Did you at least tried this one ? Hint: it won't work.


 class Character:

     def __init__(self, name): = name = BASE_HEALTH
         self.resource = BASE_RESOURCE

This is probably what I'd do.

Re: What's the best way to write this base class?

2011-06-18 Thread
On 18 juin, 13:24, Tim Chase wrote:
 On 06/18/2011 05:55 AM, wrote:

  On 18 juin, 06:17, John  wrote:
  class Character:

       base_health = 50
       base_resource = 10

       def __init__(self, name):
  = name
  = base_health
           self.resource = base_resource

  Did you at least tried this one ? Hint: it won't work.

 If you want it, you can use = Character.base_health

 Though I'd treat them as semi-constants and capitalize them like
 your 3rd case:

    class Character(object):
      BASE_HEALTH = 50
      def __init__(...):
        ... = Character.BASE_HEALTH

If you go that way, then using polymorphic dispatch might (or not,
depending on the game's rules g) be a good idea:

class Character(object):
def __init__(self, name):
... = type(self).BASE_HEALTH

This would allow different Character subclasses to have different
BASE_HEALTH etc..., defaulting to the base class values.


Re: How to avoid () when writing a decorator accepting optional arguments?

2011-06-17 Thread
On Jun 11, 10:28 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:

 Since there is no way to distinguish the two cases by the arguments,

def deprecated(func=None, replacement=None):
if replacement:
   # handle the case where a replacement has been given
elif func:
   # handle the case where no replacement has been given
   raise ValueErrorOrSomethingLikeThis()

def some_func(args):
# code here

def another_func(args):
# code here

My 2 cents...

Re: How to avoid () when writing a decorator accepting optional arguments?

2011-06-17 Thread
On Jun 17, 3:53 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:

 That works, but I would be concerned about forgetting to specify the
 argument by keyword

(snip funny side effect description)

  Also, as in my suggestion, it doesn't seem
 like a big improvement to have to type out replacement= when you
 need the replacement function just to avoid typing () when you

I wholefully agree with you on both points. FWIW, it was just for the
sake of being technically correct which, as everyone should know, is
the best kind of correct), not about being practically helpful in
anyway g


Re: Python for Web

2011-06-15 Thread
On Jun 15, 9:50 am, sidRo wrote:
 Is Python only for server side?

Is it a theoretical question or a practical one ?-)

More seriously: except for the old proof-of-concept Grail browser, no
known browser uses Python as a client-side scripting language.

Re: BadValueError: Property title is required

2011-05-31 Thread
On May 31, 10:32 am, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 1:21 AM, michal.bulla wrote:

  I'm trying to create simple method to create category. I set the model

  class Category(db.Model):
   title = db.StringProperty(required=True)
   clashes_count = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)

 snip some obviously Django-using code

Not obviously Django at all.

  The problem is that I'm getting an error BadValueError: Property title
  is required. Can you help me with that ? Thanks

 Try asking on the Django mailing 

Arf ! I just told the guy he was on the wrong group when he
(re?)posted this on django-users.


Re: Bring out yer dead Bring out yer dead

2011-03-30 Thread
On 30 mar, 09:12, harrismh777 wrote:
       (___)     \--- ( 3.2 )

 Cartman: Bring out yer dead,..  bring out yer dead...

 Devlpr:         Here' one...  (Python27)

 Cartman: ... nine pence!

 Python27:               I'm not dead!

 Cartman: What?

 Devlpr: Nothing, here's your nine pence.

 Python27:               I'm not dead!

 Cartman: There, he says he's not dead...

 Devlpr: yes he is

 Python27:               I'm not!

 Cartman: He isn't?

 Devlpr: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill...

 Python27:               I'm getting better!

 Devlpr: no yer not, you'll be stone dead in a moment...

 Cartman: I can't take 'em like that, its against regulations!

 Python27:               I don't want to go on the cart!

 Devlpr: Oh, don't be such a baby...

 Cartman: I can't take him.

 Python27:               I feel fine!

 Devlpr: oh, do us a favor, 'ey?

 Cartman: I can't.

 Devlpr: ah, can you hang around for a couple of minutes,
         it won't take long?

 Cartman: I've got to get to Robinson's, they've lost nine today.

 Devlpr: Well, when's your next round then?

 Cartman: Thursday.

 Python27:               I think I'll go for a walk !

 Devlpr: You're not fooling anyone ya know...(!)

 Devlpr: Look, isn't there anything you can do?

 Python27:               I feel happy!  I feel happy!    :)

 Cartman: Club( Python27 ).__whack__

 Devlpr: Oh thank you very much !

 Cartman: Not at all,

 Devlpr: see ya Thursday?!

 Cartman: Right.

         Horse(virtual).__clomping__     {Guido?}

 Devlpr: who's that then...

 Cartman: I don't know.

 Devlpr: ... must be a king!

 Cartman: Why?

 Devlpr: ... hasn't got shitul-over'em.

       (___)     \--- ( 3.2 )

+1 QOTW - but this will make for the longuest QOTW ever g

Re: Converting an array of string to array of float

2011-03-25 Thread
On 25 mar, 16:19, joy99 wrote:
 Dear Group,

 I got a question which might be possible but I am not getting how to
 do it.

 If I have a list, named,

 Now each element in the array holds the string property if I want to
 convert them to float, how would I do it?

 Extracting the values with for and appending to a blank list it would
 not solve the problem. If appended to a blank list, it would not
 change the property.

 If any one of the learned members can kindly suggest any solution?

 print source
['0.0', '1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0', '6.0', '7.0', '8.0', '9.0']
 source[:] = map(float, source)
 print source
[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]

Note the source[:] =  part - it modifies the list in place.


Re: Redundant importing of modules

2010-12-21 Thread
On 21 déc, 03:03, Steve Holden wrote:
 On 12/20/2010 8:36 PM, Jshgwave wrote:
  When writing a function that uses a module such as NumPy, it is tempting
  to include the statement import numpy or import numpy as np in the
  definition of the function, in case the  function is used in a script
  that hasn't already imported NumPy.

(answering the OP - post didn't show off here on

This is actually totally useless. The global namespace of a function
is the namespace of the module in which it has been defined, not the
namespace of the module where the function is called.


Re: string identity and comparison

2010-12-16 Thread
On 16 déc, 12:55, Jean-Michel Pichavant

 I'd like to illutrate the fact that comparing strings using identity is,
 most of the time, a bad idea. However I'm searching a short example of
 code that yields 2 differents object for the same string content.


 Anyone has that kind of code ?

2 points:

1- an id is only valid for the lifetime of a given object - when the
object has been collected, the id can be reused for another object.

2- in CPython, strings that would be valid Python identifiers are
interned. Try using a string that would not be a valid Python

Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41)
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 id(Not a valid python identifier)
 id(Not a valid python identifier)
 s1 = Not a valid python identifier
 s2 = Not a valid python identifier
 s1 is s2
 s1 == s2


Re: string identity and comparison

2010-12-16 Thread
On 16 déc, 15:52, Jean-Michel Pichavant
wrote: wrote:
  On 16 d c, 12:55, Jean-Michel Pichavant


  Anyone has that kind of code ?

  2 points:

  1- an id is only valid for the lifetime of a given object - when the
  object has been collected, the id can be reused for another object.

 that's exactly what happened in my example, the 2 'foo' are not the same
 object actually, the fact that the 2 successive id() calls return the
 same value is implementation specific.
 Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't realize in the first place.

been here, done that :-/


Re: string identity and comparison

2010-12-16 Thread
On 16 déc, 15:53, Jean-Michel Pichavant
 Mel wrote:
  Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:


  I'd like to illutrate the fact that comparing strings using identity is,
  most of the time, a bad idea. However I'm searching a short example of
  code that yields 2 differents object for the same string content.


  Anyone has that kind of code ?

  Currently, CPython interns strings that look like identifiers.  Any strings
  that don't look like identifiers are on their own:

  mwil...@tecumseth:~/sandbox/candlekit/stringlight-1$ python
  Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:09:56)
  [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

  a = 'x(3)'







 thanks to all who replied.

 It looks like there are some differences between python 2.5  2.6, I
 tested all the possibilities I've been given in this thread and did not
 always get the same result.

Which FWIW is one more reason to avoid identity testing on strings -
too much implementation specific stuff happening here.


Re: while True or while 1

2010-12-15 Thread
On 14 déc, 21:38, Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
 I almost used:

     True = to be or not to be # that is the question



Re: Objects and validation

2010-12-13 Thread
On 12 déc, 15:28, wrote:
 I have a routine in Python which is extracting information from a
 website. This information is read and inserted into objects.

 I currently have all the validations and checks implemented in the
 routines which are reading the HTML and creating the objects. It is
 however also possible to move all the validations into the class itself.
 What is considered the best practice for this: validation in the
 functions which read the information and creates the objects or in the
 class itself?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Part of the work
really belongs to the layer that accepts data from the outside world,
part of it belong to the 'model' object itself. In any case, the
'model' object shouldn't have to worry about data conversion etc -
like, if one of the attribute is supposed to be a datetime, it's the
client code's responsability to provide a proper datetime object, not
a string that may (or not) be the textual representation of a date and


Re: v = vte.Terminal() AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Terminal'

2010-12-07 Thread
On 7 déc, 12:05, Steve wrote:

 I try to run a terminal emulation using Python+Gtk+Vte. Before develop
 my own sources, i'm testing some examples like this 

 But when i try to run, i get this message error;

     v = vte.Terminal()
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Terminal'

Before any other thing, make sure the vte module you imported is the
expected one. Edit your script that way:

# import vte
import vte
error = gtk.MessageDialog (None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL,
'You need to install python bindings for libvte')
sys.exit (1)
print using wte module : %s % vte

and check the module path this prints to your stdout.


Re: How can I define class methods outside of the class?

2010-12-02 Thread
On 2 déc, 06:36, Jeremy wrote:
 I have some methods that I need (would like) to define outside of the
 class.  I know this can be done by defining the function and then
 setting it equal to some member

assignement or binding might be the terms you were looking for
here ;)

Also in Python we talk about attributes, not members

 of an instance of the class.

What you describe here will not define class methods, nor even
instance methods FWIW - it will only make the function an attribute of
the instance, but won't turn the function into a method (IOW: the
function won't get the instance as first argument).

Also and while we're at it, a Python classmethod is something
special - it's a method that can be called on either an instance or
the class itself, and takes the class - not the instance - as first

 because of the complexity of what I'm doing (I have to set many
 functions as class methods) I would rather not do this.  Can someone
 show me how to do this?  Is it even possible?

To no do this ? Yes, certainly g

More seriously: if your problem is to dynamically add a bunch of
methods to an existing *class*, it's quite easy - just import the
class and assign your functions to it, ie:

from otherlib import OtherClass

def foo(self):
   print % self = foo

And voila, The foo method is now available to all (even already
existing) instances of OtherClass.

If this doesn't answer your question, please provide more context.

  Can decorators be used

What for ?


Re: How can I define class methods outside of the class?

2010-12-02 Thread
On 2 déc, 15:45, Jeremy wrote:
 On Dec 1, 10:47 pm, James Mills wrote:

  On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Jeremy wrote:
   I have some methods that I need (would like) to define outside of the
   class.  I know this can be done by defining the function and then
   setting it equal to some member of an instance of the class.  But,
   because of the complexity of what I'm doing (I have to set many
   functions as class methods) I would rather not do this.  Can someone
   show me how to do this?  Is it even possible?  Can decorators be used

  Do you mean something like this ?

  def foo(cls):
      print I am the foo classmethod on %r % cls

  class Foo(object):
      pass = foo


 Thanks, James.  That is almost exactly what I want.  However, I want to avoid 
 doing = foo

 Is this going to be possible?  

def patch(cls):
   def _patch(func):
   setattr(cls, func.__name__, func)
   return func
   return _patch

class Foo(object): pass

def bar(self):
print self

f = Foo()

 I'm trying to understand how decorators
 are used.  Are they really necessary in this example?

In the above example, the classmethod type was used as a decorator to
turn the function into, well, a classmethod (read my other answer in
this thread if you don't know what a classmethod is).


Re: strange TypeError exception in function compiled from a string

2010-12-01 Thread
On 1 déc, 14:48, nelson wrote:
 Hi all,
   I have this function, defined in a string and ecetuted through ad
 exec call

 def cell1(d):

     print x

     import y
     return y.add(y.add(self.adf0(x),self.adf0(x)),self.adf0(x))

 d is a dict of this kind {'x':2}

 I receive the following exception, that i find very strange...

   File string, line 7, in cell1
 TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable

 I have tested all the function al line 7, and none of them raise any
 Have anyone some suggestion on how to solve this?

Not without the minimal executable code reproducing your error.

Re: Python recursively __getattribute__

2010-11-23 Thread
On 22 nov, 21:44, Roman Dolgiy wrote:

 I need to support a lot of legacy code, with THC4k's approach I'll
 have to modify project's existing code to use obj.attr1.val instead of
 obj.attr1 but this is not suitable.

You should probably re-read THC4k's answer. His code works just fine

# the proxy maps attribute access to another object
class GetattrProxy(object):
def __init__(self, proxied, prefix=None):
self.proxied = proxied
self.prefix = prefix

def __getattr__(self, key):
attr = (key if self.prefix is None else self.prefix + '__' +
# if the proxied object has the attr return it
return getattr(self.proxied, attr)
except AttributeError:
# else just return another proxy
return GetattrProxy(self.proxied, attr)

# the thing you want to wrap
class Target(object):
attr1__attr2__attr3 = 5
attr2 = attr2

t = Target()
proxy = GetattrProxy(t)

print proxy.attr1.attr2.attr3 : '%s' % proxy.attr1.attr2.attr3
print proxy.attr2 : '%s' % proxy.attr2


Re: Descriptors and decorators

2010-10-26 Thread
On 25 oct, 17:18, Joost Molenaar wrote:
 Thanks, Bruno.
 Your python-wiki page and walk-through for the Decorator code make it
 clear. I now finally understand that methods are in fact ordinary
 functions at the time the class is created, and that the descriptor
 protocol turns them into bound or unbound methods when they're
 accessed as attributes:
 Cheers! Now I will try to wrap my brain around metaclasses and coroutines. ;-)

Metaclasses are nothing special, really. Python classes are plain
objects and you can as well instanciate a class directly - the class
statement being mostly syntactic sugar:

def func(obj, x):
obj.x = x

NewClass = type(NewClass, (object,), {'__init__':func, 'foo':lambda
z: z.x + 2})

So in the end, a metaclass is just another plain class, that is used
to instanciate class objects.


Re: init inside def

2010-10-25 Thread
On 25 oct, 12:05, targetsmart wrote:
 today I just came across a python code snippet where __init__ was
 defined inside a function..
 I am not able to understand the reason why

 The code snippet was similar like

 def func1(a,b):
   def __init__():
   def func2(a,b):
     if a == b:
       return True
       return False
   return False

 So far I have seen __init__ only used inside class definitions not
 inside any function, could somebody tell me how __init__ can be useful
 inside a function definition..?

__init__ as an inner function name has no special meaning. And in the
above snippet it happens to to be totally useless since it's not
neither called nor returned nor used in any way. In fact, since func2
is not used neither (and totally braindead FWIW), the above snippet is
functionally equivalent to:

def func1(a, b):
return False

Perhaps the real snippet would make more sense ?


Re: Descriptors and decorators

2010-10-25 Thread
On 25 oct, 14:15, Joost Molenaar wrote:
 WebOb contains this little nugget of code that allows you to define a
 decorator that works on both methods and functions:

 class Decorator(object):
     def __init__(self, func):
         self.func = func
     def __get__(self, object, type=None):
         if type is None:
             return self
         newfunc = self.func.__get__(object, type)
         return self.__class__(newfunc)

 I'm still not sure what Decorator.__get__ does, or at least I'm not
 sure enough to be able to explain it well.

 Logically, the method C.m is unbound at the time the class is defined

At the time the class is defined - that is (usually) when the
class statement's body is executed -, 'm' is a plain function. Note
that by that time, class 'C' doesn't even exist, so there's no way you
could have a 'C.m' method ;)

So, your decorator is applied to a function, and wraps it into a
Decorator object. Or more exactly, the function is defined, then the
Decorator class is called so a new Decorator object is instanciated
with the function as argument, and finally this Decorator instance is
rebound to the name under which the function was formely known. All
this happenning _before_ class C even exists, so when the class object
is created, it has an attribute by the name of the decorated function
which is in fact a Decorator instance.

Now this instance is itself a descriptor, so when C.m or o.m are
looked up, the descriptor protocol is fired and Descriptor.__get__ is
called. If called without at least a 'type' argument, it just returns
itself, so it works as an ordinary function. Else it calls the
function's own descriptor implementation to get a bound or unbound
method, and returns a new instance of the decorator with the method as


Re: Why flat is better than nested?

2010-10-25 Thread
On 25 oct, 15:34, Alex Willmer wrote:
 On Oct 25, 11:07 am, kj wrote:

  In The Zen of Python, one of the maxims is flat is better than
  nested?  Why?  Can anyone give me a concrete example that illustrates
  this point?

 I take this as a reference to the layout of the Python standard
 library and other packages i.e. it's better to have a module hierarchy
 of depth 1 or 2 and many top level items, than a depth of 5+ and only
 a few top level items.


This also applies to inheritance hierarchies (which tend to be rather
flat in Python compared to most mainstreams OOPLs), as well as nested
classes etc.


Re: subclass constructor problem

2010-10-06 Thread
On 5 oct, 17:52, (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 Btw, you are a bit on the overprotective side. The convention for
 marking attributes (methods or objects alike) private


I find that thinking in terms of interface / implementation instead
of public / private really helps focusing on what's important here.

 is by prefixing
 them with a *single* underscore.

And FWIW, the usual idiom is to avoid dummy accessor and use plain
attributes until you have a need for a computed one - in which case
you use a descriptor (either the builtin 'property' or custom
descriptor). Python is not Java.


Re: if the else short form

2010-10-01 Thread
On 30 sep, 19:22, Andreas Waldenburger use...@geekmail.invalid
 On Thu, 30 Sep 2010 03:42:29 -0700 (PDT) wrote:
  On 29 sep, 19:20, Seebs wrote:
   On 2010-09-29, Tracubik wrote:
button = gtk.Button((False,, True,)[fill==True])

   Oh, what a nasty idiom.

  Well, it's not very different from dict-based dispatch , which is the
  core of OO polymorphic dispatch in quite a few dynamic OOPLs.

  Anyway, it's a common Python idiom and one that's not specially hard
  to grasp so I don't see any legibility problem here.

 But it does violate the explicit is better than implicit tenet, don't
 you think?

Why so ? The doc clearly states that booleans are integers with True
== 1 and False == 0, so there's nothing implicit here.


Re: namespace hacking question

2010-10-01 Thread
On 1 oct, 14:12, Fuzzyman wrote:
 On Sep 30, 6:07 pm, kj wrote:

  This is a recurrent situation: I want to initialize a whole bunch
  of local variables in a uniform way, but after initialization, I
  need to do different things with the various variables.

  What I end up doing is using a dict:

  d = dict()
  for v in ('spam', 'ham', 'eggs'):
      d[v] = init(v)


  This is fine, but I'd like to get rid of the tedium of typing all
  those extra d['...']s.

  I.e., what I would *like* to do is something closer to this:

  d = locals()
  for v in ('spam', 'ham', 'eggs'):
      d[v] = init(v)


  ...but this results in errors like NameError: global name 'spam' is
  not defined.

  But the problem is deeper than the fact that the error above would
  suggest, because even this fails:

  spam = ham = eggs = None
  d = locals()
  for v in ('spam', 'ham', 'eggs'):
      d[v] = init(v)

  foo(spam) # calls foo(None)
  bar(ham)  # calls bar(None)
  baz(eggs) # calls baz(None)

  In other words, setting the value of locals()['x'] does not set
  the value of the local variable x.

  I also tried a hack using eval:

  for v in ('spam', 'ham', 'eggs'):
      eval %s = init('%s') % (v, v)

  but the = sign in the eval string resulted in a SyntaxError:
  invalid syntax.

  Is there any way to use a loop to set a whole bunch of local
  variables (and later refer to these variables by their individual

 One way:

 import sys
 module = sys.modules[__name__]

 for entry in ('spam', 'eggs', 'ham'):
     setattr(module, entry, 'some value')

Only works on globals - which you can already set using globals()


Re: if the else short form

2010-09-30 Thread
On 29 sep, 19:20, Seebs wrote:
 On 2010-09-29, Tracubik wrote:
  button = gtk.Button((False,, True,)[fill==True])

 Oh, what a nasty idiom.

Well, it's not very different from dict-based dispatch , which is the
core of OO polymorphic dispatch in quite a few dynamic OOPLs.

Anyway, it's a common Python idiom and one that's not specially hard
to grasp so I don't see any legibility problem here.

Re: namespace hacking question

2010-09-30 Thread
On 30 sep, 19:07, kj wrote:
 This is a recurrent situation: I want to initialize a whole bunch
 of local variables in a uniform way, but after initialization, I
 need to do different things with the various variables.

 What I end up doing is using a dict:

 d = dict()
 for v in ('spam', 'ham', 'eggs'):
     d[v] = init(v)


 This is fine, but I'd like to get rid of the tedium of typing all
 those extra d['...']s.

 I.e., what I would *like* to do is something closer to this:

 d = locals()
 for v in ('spam', 'ham', 'eggs'):
     d[v] = init(v)


 ...but this results in errors like NameError: global name 'spam' is
 not defined.

 But the problem is deeper than the fact that the error above would
 suggest, because even this fails:

 spam = ham = eggs = None
 d = locals()
 for v in ('spam', 'ham', 'eggs'):
     d[v] = init(v)

The local namespace is not implemented as a dict - locals() only
returns a dict representation of it, so updating this dict has no
effect on the local namespace. This is documented FWIW.

 I also tried a hack using eval:

 for v in ('spam', 'ham', 'eggs'):
     eval %s = init('%s') % (v, v)

 but the = sign in the eval string resulted in a SyntaxError:
 invalid syntax.

eval only accepts expressions. You'd need exec here - but that's a bit


Re: list problem...

2010-09-29 Thread
On 29 sep, 14:17, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 20:11:51 +0100, Rog wrote:
  On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 11:59:08 -0700, geremy condra wrote:

  On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Rog wrote:
  Hi all,
  Have been grappling with a list problem for hours... a = [2, 3, 4,
  b = [4, 8, 2, 6,.]
  Basicly I am trying to place a[0], b[0] in a seperate list IF a[2] and
  b[2] is present.
  I have tried sets, zip etc with no success. I am tackling Euler
  projects with Python 3.1, with minimal knowledge, and having to tackle
  the language as I progress. Enjoyable frustration  :)

  I'm not clear on what your actual problem is, could you restate it?

  It sounds like you want to copy the ith element out of a and b into
  some other list- call it c- when the (i+2)th element meets some
  condition. What's the condition?

  Geremy Condra

  The condition is that the i-th element is inverted, but not equal. eg
  4,2 - 2,4 , 34,5 - 5,34 etc.
  Hope that is clearer.

 Clear as mud.

 Perhaps you should given an example. Given input

 a = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
 b = [4, 8, 2, 6, 10, 42]

 what output are you expecting,

AFAICT, the OP expects [2, 4] in this case, but it's not clear what
he'd expect for let's say:

a = [2, 3, 21, 4, 5, 6, 7]
b = [4, 8, 22, 2, 6, 10, 42]

(the 'reversed' pair is at i+3, not i+2)


a = [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
b = [3, 4, 8, 2, 6, 10, 42]

(the first pair is at pos 1, not 0)


a = [2, 3, 4, 8, 6, 7]
b = [4, 8, 2, 3, 10, 42]

(there's a second 'non-reversed/reversed' match at positions resp. 1 


Re: if the else short form

2010-09-29 Thread
On 29 sep, 13:38, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
 Tracubik writes:

  button = gtk.Button((False,, True,)[fill==True])


 BTW adding ==True to a boolean value is redundant and can even break
 for logically true values that don't compare equal to True (such as the
 number 10 or the string foo).

Note that if fill is actually an int outside the (0, 1) domain, it
will break too. The correct test would be:

 (False,, True,)[bool(fill)])

 ['a', 'b'][bool(10)]
 ['a', 'b'][bool('')]
 ['a', 'b'][bool(yes)]
 ['a', 'b'][bool([])]
 ['a', 'b'][bool([42, 24])]
 ['a', 'b'][bool(None)]


Re: Learning inheritance

2010-09-18 Thread
On 18 sep, 17:25, Niklasro wrote:
 How can I make the visibility of a variable across many methods or
 files? To avoid repeating the same line eg     url =
 os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] if os.environ.get('HTTP_HOST') else

First learn to use Python correctly:

url = os.environ.get(HTTP_HOST, os.environ[SERVER_NAME])

= dict.get(key, default=None)

Also and FWIW, neither HTTP_HOST not SERVER_NAME are really urls...

 I repeat for many methods. So declaring it
 to a super class and inheriting it is my plan. Do you agree or propose

Not enough background to answer.

Re: palindrome iteration

2010-08-29 Thread
On 27 août, 18:20, Mark Lawrence wrote:
 On 27/08/2010 15:43, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

  Dave Angel a écrit :

  or (untested)
  def is_palindrom(s):
  s = s.lower()
  return s == s[::-1]

  Right, go on, make me feel a bit more stupid :-/
  Who's next ?

 It could be worse, try responding to issue 9702. :)

lol ! Nice one, indeed.

Re: palindrome iteration

2010-08-29 Thread
On 27 août, 20:05, Jussi Piitulainen  def
     return ( s ==  or
              ( s[0] == s[-1] and
                palindromep(s[1:-1]) ) )

I-can-write-lisp-in-any-language-p !-)

Re: palindrome iteration

2010-08-29 Thread
On 29 août, 06:39, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
   I'm not entirely sure what the use-case for swapcase is.

 Obviously it's for correcting things that were typed
 in with tHE cAPS lOCK kEY oN bY mISTAKE. :-)

+1 QOTW !-)

Re: Newsgroup for beginners

2009-11-24 Thread
On 20 nov, 20:42, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Aahz wrote:
  In article hdt6tb$,
  Grant Edwards  inva...@invalid.invalid wrote:

 You've really got to try pretty hard to create one.  But if you
 want to, here's how to do it:

 1) Start by complaining that your program doesn't work because
    of a bug in Python.


  Post of the month!

 I'll second that!  I really needed a good laugh.  Many thanks!

So I'll thrice it - FWIW it indeed made it's way to the weekly python
(thanks the python-url team), but deserves much more than that. I was
so hilarious my son came out of it's room and even tried to read the
post by himself - I just wasn't able to calm down and explain him what
this was about.

Grant, if we ever meet, remind me to pay you a couple beers. Cheers !