Re: generate list of partially accumulated values

2007-09-16 Thread buffi
On Sep 16, 11:56 am, cesco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have the following list:
 l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
 and I'd like to obtain a list like the following:
 l_partial_sum = [1, 3, 6, 10] (that is [1, 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3+4])

 Is there a simple way to accomplish this?

 I came up with the following solution but it seems a bit too
 elaborated for the task:
 l_partial_sum = [reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, sub_l) for sub_l in [l[:i+1]
 for i in range(len(l))]]

 Any help will be appreciated.


 l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
 [sum(l[:x+1]) for x in xrange(len(l))]
[1, 3, 6, 10]

- Björn Kempén


Re: generate list of partially accumulated values

2007-09-16 Thread buffi
Uh... that turned out weird.

Anyways, here goes again

l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
[sum(l[:x+1]) for x in xrange(len(l))]


Python statements not forcing whitespace is messy?

2007-09-15 Thread buffi
Am I the only one that thinks that python statements should force
whitespace before and after them?

Right now this is not enforced and for an example these statements are


...and so on.

I know that writing code like this really shouldn't be done but
wouldn't it be a good idea to enforce the use of whitespace around

(I wrote a short blog post about this here
but thought I would post here as well to see what other developers
- Björn Kempén


Re: Python statements not forcing whitespace is messy?

2007-09-15 Thread buffi
On Sep 15, 10:11 pm, J. Cliff Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 buffi wrote:
  Am I the only one that thinks that python statements should force
  whitespace before and after them?

  Right now this is not enforced and for an example these statements are


  ...and so on.

 On the other hand, this is just as bad:

 [ ( y ) for ( x , y ) in [ ( foo , 2 ) , ( bar , 4 ) ] if foo in (
 x ) ]

 And I'd hate to have to remember all of the rules for what can go
 together and what can't, especially when it comes time to debug.  No.
 I don't think it should be forced, but maybe put it in PEP8 or PEP3008.

 Also, the only thing I find thoroughly disagreeable in all of that
 mess, is the run-ins involving  characters.  The rest are at least
 clear at a glance what belongs where.

 Also, would you require the following?

 my_function (swallow='European')

 Because that is just an awful use of whitespace.


I believe that having whitespace around the builtin statements, and
having whitespace around everything is pretty different.

There would be no downside whatsoever to enforcing this, except for
backwards incompatibility (which is a rather huge downside but well...
py3k is gonna break everything anyways). There obviously shouldnt be
any limit to the maximum amount of whitespace used around statements
(due to formatting and so on), but allowing stuff like printhello is
just horrible.

- Björn Kempén


Re: how could change backcolor of console?

2007-09-15 Thread buffi
On Sep 15, 3:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi,everyone: I am a c programmer,and want using Python instead of C
 I  can  change backcolor using  C,like this:


 How can I do in Python?

 Best regards

 点 击 此 处!免 费 试 玩 07 年 最 受 期 待 的 游 戏 大 作 !

textbackground() is not part of the C programming language but rather
a part of an rather old module for msdos.

If you want terminal colors in python you can use the curses module
but I doubt that it will work in windows.


Re: problems using pythom tempfile module

2007-09-15 Thread buffi
On Sep 15, 11:11 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello everyone,

 I'm trying to test the tempfile module with the following script,
 which basically creates a temporary file, fills the file with some
 test data and prints it.

 import tempfile

 t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()

 Unfortunately, the print statement gives me an empty string. Can
 somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong ?

 regards Samir

Do a before you do the read to rewind the file and then it
should work.


Re: Python statements not forcing whitespace is messy?

2007-09-15 Thread buffi
On Sep 15, 11:49 pm, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 buffi wrote:
  On Sep 15, 10:11 pm, J. Cliff Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  buffi wrote:
  Am I the only one that thinks that python statements should force
  whitespace before and after them?
  Right now this is not enforced and for an example these statements are
  ...and so on.
  On the other hand, this is just as bad:

  [ ( y ) for ( x , y ) in [ ( foo , 2 ) , ( bar , 4 ) ] if foo in (
  x ) ]

  And I'd hate to have to remember all of the rules for what can go
  together and what can't, especially when it comes time to debug.  No.
  I don't think it should be forced, but maybe put it in PEP8 or PEP3008.

  Also, the only thing I find thoroughly disagreeable in all of that
  mess, is the run-ins involving  characters.  The rest are at least
  clear at a glance what belongs where.

  Also, would you require the following?

  my_function (swallow='European')

  Because that is just an awful use of whitespace.


  I believe that having whitespace around the builtin statements, and
  having whitespace around everything is pretty different.

  There would be no downside whatsoever to enforcing this, except for
  backwards incompatibility (which is a rather huge downside but well...
  py3k is gonna break everything anyways). There obviously shouldnt be
  any limit to the maximum amount of whitespace used around statements
  (due to formatting and so on), but allowing stuff like printhello is
  just horrible.

 If you don't like it then don't write it. I've been reading this group
 on and off for about ten years and I believe your email is the first to
 point out that this is possible. Clearly it isn't something that happens
 a lot, and I don't know why you have a bug up your ass about it, as the
 Americans say.

 The Python philosophy is to be permissive, and to expect individual
 users to write readable Python. Since they obviously do (one message in
 ten years providing a counter-example) I think you are wasting your time
 and energy on this.

 Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC/Ltd
 Skype: holdenweb

 Sorry, the dog ate my .sigline

I actually found out about this myself while grading student labs. I
myself didn't even know that you could write statements like this
until then, but since some students does it that means that there
should be other people out there as well that does it.

And I can't say that I agree about The Python philosophy being
permissive, and to expect individual users to write readable Python.
Python enforces proper indentation which I think is a great idea since
I'm used to reading horribly indented code by others. I would love to
see this extended to enforce proper whitespacing for statements.

There should be one-and preferably only one-obvious way to do it. is
a phrase that is usually considered pythonic, and I think that it
should also apply a bit when it comes to coding conventions.

- Björn Kempén


Re: Needless copying in iterations?

2007-09-15 Thread buffi
On Sep 15, 11:58 pm, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 I was staring at a segment of code that looked like this today:

 for something in stuff[x:y]:

 and was wondering if the compiler really made a copy of the slice from
 stuff as the code seems to suggest, or does it find some way to produce
 an iterator without the need to make a copy (if stuff is a built-in
 sequence type)? Or would it be more efficient to do the more clumsy (in
 my opinion):

 for i in xrange(x, y):


itertools.islice does what you want

import itertools
for something in itertools.islice(stuff, x, y):


Re: Needless copying in iterations?

2007-09-15 Thread buffi
On Sep 16, 12:20 am, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 buffi wrote:
  On Sep 15, 11:58 pm, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello all,

  I was staring at a segment of code that looked like this today:

  for something in stuff[x:y]:

  and was wondering if the compiler really made a copy of the slice from
  stuff as the code seems to suggest, or does it find some way to produce
  an iterator without the need to make a copy (if stuff is a built-in
  sequence type)? Or would it be more efficient to do the more clumsy (in
  my opinion):

  for i in xrange(x, y):


  itertools.islice does what you want

  import itertools
  for something in itertools.islice(stuff, x, y):

 Thanks buffi!

 So I guess the interpreter does no optimization in the latter?


No, as far as I know it makes a new list out of the slice when you do
it like
for something in stuff[x:y]

- Björn Kempén


Re: Needless copying in iterations?

2007-09-15 Thread buffi
On Sep 16, 12:25 am, Calvin Spealman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a case where its up to the type involved. For example,
 xrange() slices the way you want but range() does not.

Coul you explain this?
As far as I know you can't slice a xrange

- Björn Kempén


Re: problems using pythom tempfile module

2007-09-15 Thread buffi
Pretend that you have a number that is always pointing somewhere in
your temporary file.
It starts a 0.
If you then write lalalala (8 characters) it will point after these
at position 8, so that you can write more stuff after your previous
text later by calling write.

The read method reads all the data from the current position of the
pointer to the end of the file. If you simply call it after writing,
you wont get anything since you are already at the end of the file.
Therefore you rewind the pointer back to the start by calling seek
which takes the position in the file to go to... returns you to the start of the file to read all of
its data

- Björn Kempén


Re: Scaling pictures

2006-12-28 Thread buffi
Kajsa Anka wrote:
 I would like some advice, I'm going to build a small app that will, among
 other things, scale images so that they can be published on a web site. I've
 never done any image processing in python before so I would like to ask what
 is the best way of doing this, I will not do anything else than scaling the

 I found the Python Imaging Library but before I dive into that I would like
 to know if there is a better way of doing this.

I prefer using imagemagick whenever I have to do anything related to

Resizing an image would be something like this

import os

filename = picture.png
outputfile = picture_resized.png
new_size = 100x100
os.system(convert %s -resize %s %s % (filename, new_size, outputfile))


Re: Persistent variables in python

2006-12-27 Thread buffi
 There is a problem that this trick only works for functions and not for
 methods as it assumes that there is a global name through which you can
 access the function.

I didn't really see any issue with this since methods can store the
persistant data from the method inside the class containing it :)



Re: can't instantiate following inner class

2006-12-27 Thread buffi
Pyenos wrote:
 class One:
 Two() #can't instantiate
 class Two:
 Three() #can't instantiate
 class Three:pass

Python parses code from top to bottom.
Since it first tries to read the class One and finds the class Two
inside it, it throws an error since it is not defined yet.

Reverse the order and it will work (like this:)

class Three:pass
class Two:
class One:

Of course this makes no sense whatsoever as the poster above me wrote.
The reason that you can use classes in the order the second poster
wrote is because of init not being called until you make an instance of
that class, and by then all classes are loaded.

/buffi (


Persistent variables in python

2006-12-26 Thread buffi
Found out a quite fun way to store persistent variables in functions in

def doStuff():
#Will throw exception if not set

#Insert stuff to do each time the function is called here
print Function call!

  except AttributeError:
doStuff.timesUsed = 0 # set up the variable

#Put other stuff to call the first
#time the function is called here
print First call!

doStuff() #recursive call. Will not throw exception now

Some output testing this:

First call!
Function call!
Function call!
Function call!
Function call!

Is this concidered bad coding practice since I guess persistent
variables in functions are not meant to be?

/buffi (


Re: Persistent variables in python

2006-12-26 Thread buffi
 I don't think so, since Python proudly says that functions are
 first-class objects.
 CherryPy does a similar thing to mark a method as exposed.

 But perhaps I'd write the code this way to avoid an unneeded and
 risky recursive call:

 def doStuff(some, arguments, may, *be, **required):
  doStuff.timesUsed += 1
  except AttributeError:
  doStuff.timesUsed = 1
  # ... special case for first call ...
  # ...common code...

True, the recursivity is not needed there I guess :)

It just feels so ugly to use try/except to enable the variable but I've
found it useful at least once.

/buffi (
