Re: include a file in a python program

2010-09-07 Thread bussiere maillist
Thanks all for your response i will try out this week, you have give
me sufficient hint.
Thanks again.

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Niklasro(.appspot)  wrote:
> On Sep 5, 10:57 pm, bussiere bussiere  wrote:
>> i've got a python.txt that contain python and it must stay as it (python.txt)
>> how can i include it in my program ?
>> import python.txt doesn't work
>> is there a way :
>> a) to make an include("python.txt")
>> b) tell him to treat .txt as .py file that i can make an import python ?
>> i'am using python3
>> Regards
>> Bussiere
>> fan of torchwood
>> Google Fan boy
> You can do it with tkinter to also enable GUI.
> --

python and a 2 gigs Usb Stick (pure pythonic stick)

2007-12-07 Thread bussiere maillist
i've received for my birthday two usb key, and i had the idea to make
the 2GB one a special python usb key.
So far i've put on it :
Movable Python
My Python directory
Iron Python
Instant django

the file installation for :
Python , iron python , jython , PIL , Pygame , Pywin32

The pdf in a doc_programmation :
dive into python , programmting python

What else should i add in this key in your opinion ?

Regards and thanks

speech recognition linux and python

2007-01-13 Thread bussiere maillist
just for my hobby,
i'am looking in a way to try voice recongnition on linux with python
but with google i didn't find anything probant.

By the way does someones can give me some tips or url to digg in this
way particulary ?

Is there anyway to use python for voice recognition on linux ?
If yes with what ?

"speech recognition linux and python"

Re: deprecated python 2.5

2006-09-12 Thread bussiere maillist

On 9/12/06, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> bussiere maillist wrote:
> > DeprecationWarning: struct integer overflow masking is deprecated
> >   return struct.pack('>H', ~value)
> >  i didn't understand if someone have some explanation
> > and what uses instead.
> the value doesn't fit in 16 bits.  try masking off the extra bits on the
> way in:
>  struct.pack("
> --

deprecated python 2.5

2006-09-12 Thread bussiere maillist
DeprecationWarning: struct integer overflow masking is deprecated
  return struct.pack('>H', ~value)
 i didn't understand if someone have some explanation
and what uses instead.

convert a long string in binary

2006-08-20 Thread bussiere maillist
i've got a very long string
and i wanted to convert it in binary

string = """Monty Python, or The Pythons, is the collective name of
the creators of Monty Python's Flying Circus, a British television
comedy sketch show that first aired on the BBC on October 5, 1969. A
total of 45 episodes were made over four series. However, the Python
phenomenon was much greater, spawning stage tours, a musical, four
films, numerous albums, and several books, as well as launching the
members to individual stardom.

The television series, broadcast by the BBC from 1969 to 1974, was
conceived, written and performed by Graham Chapman, John Cleese
(1969-1973), Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Michael Palin.
Loosely structured as a sketch show, but with a highly innovative
stream-of-consciousness approach (aided by Terry Gilliam's
animations), it pushed the boundaries of what was then considered
acceptable, both in terms of style and content.

string = binary(string)
print string
// 01010101010101

i 'am searching for something like the binary function (taht doesn't
exist) to convert my string directly in binary.


making pseudo random number with spam ad convert text to binary

2006-07-29 Thread bussiere maillist
here is a little project to make a more or less good pseudo random generator by using spam :'s almost quite finished but i've got a last problem i didn't manage to convert text to binary :
hazard = binascii.a2b_qp(attachment) + binascii.a2b_qp(body) + binascii.a2b_qp(addr) + binascii.a2b_qp(sujet)    print  binascii.b2a_qp(hazard)it still print me ascii charactersregardsBussiere


very strange bug coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, int found

2006-06-21 Thread bussiere maillist
i truly didn't understand this error :Traceback (most recent call last):  File "D:\Programmation\FrancePaquet\", line 77, in ?    cabtri = "zz" + chiffrescabtri + clefcTypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, int found
>>> if someone could help me i will be glad, this program worked yesterday.RegardsBussierehere is my program :import fileinput,stringdef calculclef(nombre):    nombre2 = int(nombre)*10
    nombre = str(nombre2)    taille = len(nombre)    compteur = 0    nombrepair = 0    nombreimpair = 0    compteur = taille - 2    while compteur != -1:    print 'nombre :'    print nombre[compteur] + '\n'
    if  compteur%2 :    nombrepair = nombrepair + int(nombre[compteur])    print 'suite pair %d' % nombrepair    else:    nombreimpair = nombreimpair + int(nombre[compteur])
    print 'suite impair %d' % nombreimpair    print    compteur = compteur - 1    print nombreimpair    print nombrepair    clef = nombrepair*3+nombreimpair    clef  = 10-(clef%10)
    if clef == 10:    clef = 0    return clefcompteclient = "8150"souscompteclient = "03"codeaffranc = "080"partielibre = "142391"print("LES CODES POSTAUX DOIVENT ETRE A LA FIN DU FICHIER CSV ! \n")
fichA=raw_input("Entrez le nom du fichier d'entree : ")print ("\n")fichC=raw_input("Entrez le nom du fichier de sortie : ")print ("\n")debutplage = raw_input("Entrez le numero du debut de plage : ")
print ("\n")finplage = raw_input("Entrez le numero de fin de plage : ")print ("\n")   nbredeplage = int(debutplage) - int(finplage)fiA=open(fichA,"r")
fiC=open(fichC,"w")print calculclef(debutplage)compteur = 0debutplagewhile 1:    fileencoding = "latin1"    ligneA=fiA.readline()    ligneA = ligneA.decode(fileencoding)
    if ligneA == "":    break     if ligneA != "":    stramettre = ligneA    if compteur != 0:    taille = len(ligneA)    codepostal = ligneA[taille-5] + ligneA[taille-4] + ligneA[taille-3] + ligneA[taille-2]+ ligneA[taille-1]
    print codepostal    clefb = calculclef(debutplage)    clefb = str(clefb)    print clefb    num = str(debutplage)    cabsuivis = "8w"+ num + clefb 
    stramettre = stramettre  + ";*" + cabsuivis + "*"    chiffrescabtri =  clefb + codepostal + compteclient + souscompteclient + codeaffranc + partielibre    clefc = calculclef(chiffrescabtri)
    cabtri = "zz" + chiffrescabtri + clefc    stramettre = stramettre  + ";*" + cabtri + "*"            fiC.write(stramettre)    compteur += 1
        print compteur, "\n"print "FINIT"fiA.close()fiC.close()

gadfly error gadfly instance has no attribute 'execute'

2006-06-02 Thread bussiere maillist
here is the error i've get :Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Programmation\pitney\", line 13, in ?
    connection.execute('create table personne(nom varchar)')
AttributeError: gadfly instance has no attribute 'execute'i'am under windows and i still haven't found the errorhere is my code :import csv,gadfly,fileinput,glob, string, sys, os,unicodedata
print "que voulez vous faire ?\n"fichA=raw_input("Entrez le nom du fichier a importer : ")cr = csv.reader(open(fichA),delimiter=";")connection = gadfly.gadfly()connection.startup
('pitney','D:\Programmation\pitney\')cursor = connection.cursor()connection.execute('create table personne(nom varchar)')cursor.execute("insert into personne(nom) values('bussiere')")connection.commit
()cursor.execute('select * from personne')print cursor.fetchall()compteur = 0for row in  cr:    print row[0],row[1]compteur += 1print "Dead Parrot"regards Bussiere


python and QRcode ?

2006-05-23 Thread bussiere maillist
i'am looking for some module and programs in ptyhon for making qrcode (special kind of barcode)But i only found documentation and programs in japanese.Does it exist program and documentation for python in qrcode in english ?