[no subject]

2006-04-27 Thread carlosperezs

Hallo !!!
I am new in Python and my doubts are basics.I would like to a window appears
when press a button. This window would have only an advise. Therefore it would
be a simple window. I don't know which window to choose.

Thank you.


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URL: https://correoweb.uvigo.es


Doubt with wx.ListCtrl

2006-04-28 Thread carlosperezs
I have programmed this code:

# self ist a panel
self.partListCtrlMarks = wx.ListCtrl(self.panel, -1, style = wx.LC_REPORT)
vs.Add(self.partListCtrlMarks, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4)

self.partListCtrlMarks.InsertColumn(0, "Name")
self.partListCtrlMarks.InsertColumn(1, "Note")

self.partListCtrlMarks.SetColumnWidth(1, 80)

later I have this...

idx = self.partListCtrlMarks.GetItemCount()
self.partListCtrlMarks.InsertStringItem(idx, "Can embestido")
self.partListCtrlMarks.SetStringItem(idx, 1, "De como a cabra smbiste o can")

With self.partListCtrl.GetItemText(idx) I get only "Can embestido" which is in
first column. My doubt is: How can I get the second column text "De como a
cabra smbiste o can".


Servicio de acceso ó correo electrónico vía web da Universidade de Vigo
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URL: https://correoweb.uvigo.es


List Ctrl

2006-05-08 Thread carlosperezs

Hello together !!

I have programmed a List Control and I introduced information in several rows.
What I want to do is, modify this information when i select a row and press a
There two options:
- when i do this, a window appears and asks me to introduce the information.
- or in the selected row , the last information is removed and lets me to

Thank you 


Servicio de acceso ó correo electrónico vía web da Universidade de Vigo
Servicio de acceso al correo electrónico vía web de la Universidad de Vigo

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Universidade de Vigo [ http://www.uvigo.es ]

URL: https://correoweb.uvigo.es



2006-05-10 Thread carlosperezs

I have problems with this method.

I have programmed this wx.Listctrl:

self.ListCtrlMarks = wx.ListCtrl(self.panel, -1, style = wx.LC_REPORT)

vs.Add(self.ListCtrlMarks, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4)

self.ListCtrlMarks.InsertColumn(0, "Name")
self.ListCtrlMarks.InsertColumn(1, "Note")
self.ListCtrlMarks.InsertColumn(2, "Film")
self.ListCtrlMarks.InsertColumn(3, "Init")
self.ListCtrlMarks.InsertColumn(4, "End")
self.ListCtrlMarks.SetColumnWidth(1, 80)
self.ListCtrlMarks.SetColumnWidth(2, 80)
self.ListCtrlMarks.SetColumnWidth(3, 40)
self.ListCtrlMarks.SetColumnWidth(4, 40)

later i introduced values in each column.
What i want to programm is :
 - when i select the row and i press a button called "Change Name"
  i wanto to can edit the Name and introduce the new value.

I tried it with:(the next code lines are in the function that is
called when the buttton "Change Name" is pressed.)

  # I get the row selected index


I thought that so it would work. But does not work.
Don't let me to edit new Name Value

Thank you 


Servicio de acceso ó correo electrónico vía web da Universidade de Vigo
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Universidade de Vigo [ http://www.uvigo.es ]

URL: https://correoweb.uvigo.es


Doubt with wx.CallAfter

2006-05-22 Thread carlosperezs

Hello together::

I have programmed this fuction:

def OnNewMovie(self, event):
""" Local user receives a new movie event from a user"""

#self.log.debug( "Got OnNewMovie, " + `event`)
if event.data[0] == self.pubId:
fDep.write("New movie equal\n")
#self.log.debug( "Returning, it's my movie")
# This lets two users connect at the same time
if self.vInitSession == False:
   self.vInitSession = True


#self.log.debug( "Doing remote load event id = " + `event.data[0]` + ",
myid=" + `self.pubId`)
self.vInitSession = False

This function is a handler that is executed when a event occurs. At the end is
wx.CallAfter call.  
Imagine that two events occur simultaneously. This function takes one  event. 
After executing ax.CallAfter call would tke the second event. Then , my doubt
would be, would be there 2 threads simultanously executing: one belongs to
self.sm.RemoteLoadMovie and the another one belongs to the handler for the
second event?

Thank you. As you can see i do not know exactly how wx.CallAfter works.


Servicio de acceso ó correo electrónico vía web da Universidade de Vigo
Servicio de acceso al correo electrónico vía web de la Universidad de Vigo

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URL: https://correoweb.uvigo.es


Menu's problem

2006-05-22 Thread carlosperezs

Hello together :

I have programmed that: a listCtrl with binding functions.

self.ListCtrlMarks = wx.ListCtrl(self.panel, -1, style = wx.LC_REPORT)

self.ListCtrlMarks.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightDown)
self.ListCtrlMarks.Bind(wx.EVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnRightClick)
self.ListCtrlMarks.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightClick)

The respectives handler are:

def OnRightDown(self, event):
self.x = event.GetX()
self.y = event.GetY()

item, flags = self.ListCtrlMarks.HitTest((self.x, self.y))
fDep.write("Item :"+str(item)+"  "+str(self.x)+"  "+str(self.y)+"\n")

if flags & wx.LIST_HITTEST_ONITEM:


def OnRightClick(self, event):
""" The mouse right button has been pressed into a mark"""

fDep.write("Despois \n")
# only do this part the first time so the events are only bound once
if not hasattr(self, "popupID1"):
self.popupID1 = wx.NewId()
self.popupID2 = wx.NewId()
self.popupID3 = wx.NewId()
self.popupID4 = wx.NewId()

self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupOne, id=self.popupID1)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupTwo, id=self.popupID2)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupThree, id=self.popupID3)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupFour, id=self.popupID4)

# make a menu
menu = wx.Menu()
# add some items
menu.Append(self.popupID1, "Edit (Name and Note)")
menu.Append(self.popupID2, "Init")
menu.Append(self.popupID3, "End")
menu.Append(self.popupID4, "Delete")

# Popup the menu.  If an item is selected then its handler
# will be called before PopupMenu returns.
self.PopupMenu(menu, (self.x, self.y))

the problem i have is thaht menu do not popup at the mouse cursor position.
I do not know what goes wrong?

Thank you


Servicio de acceso ó correo electrónico vía web da Universidade de Vigo
Servicio de acceso al correo electrónico vía web de la Universidad de Vigo

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Universidade de Vigo [ http://www.uvigo.es ]

URL: https://correoweb.uvigo.es


[no subject]

2006-05-25 Thread carlosperezs

hello together !!!

I would like to know if it is available the com component for
wmeditor in python language?
This program is called windows media file editor, lets users to create marks 
into a movie and belongs to installation packet of windows encoder.

thank you


Servicio de acceso ó correo electrónico vía web da Universidade de Vigo
Servicio de acceso al correo electrónico vía web de la Universidad de Vigo

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URL: https://correoweb.uvigo.es
