Re: why there is no pythonscript insine web browsers?

2007-11-13 Thread cyberco
  That is, why not just have a Python interpreter and some safe subset
  of the Python standard library run with the browser? I mean, aside

 It's not just the library (at a start you'd need to strip out
 modules os, popen, and subprocess), but you'd also need to block out
 exec, eval() (and by extension, input() ) from the interpreter core.
 Might need to do nasty things to the low-level import mechanism

I'm not sure how many modules you need at all. Just being able to use
Python's syntax to control the webpage and parts of the browser would
be a huge win in my eyes.



Re: Eclipse Plugins

2007-10-26 Thread cyberco
 PyDev is open source, and the developer is pretty responsive, so if you
 could describe what is missing there is a good chance it would get
 implemented. I even fixed two bugs myself, my first ever real Java

   Heikki Toivonen

I can second that. I'm a happy PyDev user myself for any Python module
that is more than 100 lines long. The nice things is that it has a lot
of the same keybindings as the Eclipse Java editor has (duplicating
lines/blocks, organising imports, indent/dedent, etc). In cases where
PyDev needs a patch the main developer is always there to help you



Re: pydev code completion problem

2007-10-14 Thread cyberco
Confirmed (with exactly the same software).

Please discuss this issue at the PyDev discussion forum:



Re: PyS60

2007-09-26 Thread cyberco
I have used PyS60 quite a lot a while ago, but what is it you exactly
wanted to know?
One thing I can tell you is that it's a pity that it only runs on
Series 60 phones and that the security restrictions of third edition
devices severely limited the options for developers.



Re: building a GUI

2007-09-24 Thread cyberco
Try BoaConstructor and the wxPython library, both are wonderfull. If
you don't mind using Java Swing, and there are good reasons for that,
go for jython. It simplifies the java swingcode so much you don't have
to use a graphical GUI builder anymore :)


Re: uninstall python2.5 on debian

2007-09-21 Thread cyberco
On Sep 18, 9:03 am, dimitri pater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 both python2.3 and python2.5 are installed on my Debian webserver. For
 some reason, I would like to uninstall Python2.5 which was installed
 from source (make install) and keep 2.3.
 I have tried make uninstall and searched the web, but that did not help me.
 I guess rm -Rf python2.5 is not a wise thing to do.


 You can't have everything. Where would you put it? -- Steven Wright

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but in /usr/bin/
there is a symbolic link named 'python' that points to a python
version in the same directory. I had the same issue and just
redirected the pointer (deleted the old one and created an new one
with the same name that pointed to the python version I wanted to use
when invoking 'python'). Having said that, the other python version is
still installed...(which was no problem at all in my case).


Re: The best platform and editor for Python

2007-07-01 Thread cyberco
There is one tool you won't be able to live without: iPython (no, it's
not an Apple product, but it would be worth waiting in line for 3 days


Re: PIL: reading bytes from Image

2007-03-11 Thread cyberco

I've tried the StringIO option as follows:

img ='/some/path/img.jpg')
file = StringIO, StringIO(), 'JPEG')


But it gives me:


exceptions.TypeError Traceback (most
recent call last)

C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\PIL\ in save(self, fp, format,
   1304 try:
- 1305 save_handler(self, fp, filename)
   1306 finally:
   1307 # do what we can to clean up

C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\PIL\ in _save(im, fp,
407 )
-- 409 ImageFile._save(im, fp, [(jpeg, (0,0)+im.size, 0,
411 def _save_cjpeg(im, fp, filename):

C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\PIL\ in _save(im, fp, tile)
464 bufsize = max(MAXBLOCK, im.size[0] * 4) # see RawEncode.c
465 try:
-- 466 fh = fp.fileno()
467 fp.flush()
468 except AttributeError:

TypeError: descriptor 'fileno' of 'file' object needs an argument

It looks similar to the code in Sparklines except for the fact that
the latter creates an Image from scratch.


 Saving the image, in a
 format your client understands, to a file like object like
 StringIO.StringIO is an easy path to take.

 Sparklines shows this in action:



PIL: reading bytes from Image

2007-03-10 Thread cyberco
I'm using to send an image to the client. This works

print open(path, rb).read()

but this doesn't:

img =
print img.getdata()


print img.load()

How do I get the bytes of the Image object? 'getdata()' seemed the
way, but unfortunately...


Re: Tip: 'Open IPython here' in Windows context menu

2007-02-27 Thread cyberco
Great! That really helps me, thanks.


Re: wxPython: non-GUI thread launching new frame? Delegates?

2007-02-21 Thread cyberco
Oh boyI must have hit an all time programmers-low with this
That was plain stupid.

 You don't need the lambda - you can use:

 wx.CallAfter(parent.OnRequest, param)


wxPython: non-GUI thread launching new frame? Delegates?

2007-02-20 Thread cyberco
In my wxPython app a non-GUI thread (that reads info from the network)
tries to open a frame to show the new info. This results in my app
hanging (which is not too surprising). Coming from a C# environment I
wonder if there is some sort of delegate mechanism in wxPython to do
this sort of thing.



Re: wxPython: non-GUI thread launching new frame? Delegates?

2007-02-20 Thread cyberco
Ah! Great tip, thanks!
Now instead of calling:


I call:

wx.CallAfter(lambda x: parent.onRequest(x), param)

Way cool.

 This is rather out of date. wxPython provides a wx.CallAfter function,
 which will call the passed callable on the next spin through the event
 loop. It's essentially a wrapper around the custom event mechanism
 described above.



Re: New Pythin user looking foe some good examples to study

2007-02-13 Thread cyberco


Re: Best Free and Open Source Python IDE

2007-02-08 Thread cyberco
Go for BOA if you're going to use wxPython, whose python text editor
is excellent as well.


Re: Python cheatsheets

2007-02-06 Thread cyberco
 If you have a good color printer, try 

That is a very usefull document to use besides Richard Gruets quick
ref. The only disadvantage is that it's a PDF document, pity there's
no HTML version.



Re: nokia pys60 contacts + calendar

2007-02-03 Thread cyberco
You can most likely find an answer on Nokia's Python forum:

And if there's no answer there you should post the question there :)


Re: The Python Papers: Submit your Quotes

2007-01-11 Thread cyberco
Like silence in music, whitespace is where Python Power shows

The odd thing is that Python results in what I call YoYo-code. After
writing some code I always discover a shorter, more elegant and more
readable way of doing the same thing in Python. The same happens after
adding more functionality. This goes on indefinitely, resulting in a
piece of code whose length YoYo's over time

Python's power is that it is fitted for both simple and complex tasks.
You're not bothered with the restrictions that are only relevant when
building complex systems if you just want to do something simple -
Berco Beute

Jack of all trades, master as well

- Berco Beute


Re: Progress Box or Bar in Windows

2006-12-31 Thread cyberco
Go for wxPython, it'll fulfill all your GUI needs. Handsdown the best
GUI toolkit I ever ran into. It can't get much simpler than:


And there are tons of readymade dialogs and progressbars in the
library. Check out the under the wxPython installation dir to
see demos (and source) of the enormous list of controls.


Re: Scaling pictures

2006-12-30 Thread cyberco
cyberco wrote:
 PIL is certainly a fine option, but I noticed that the scaled images
 (scaled with the ANTIALIAS filter) are not as good as you can get with,
 say, Photoshop. Maybe I'm just expecting too much, but I wish I could
 choose a higher quality rescaling algorithm. PIL still rocks though.

Sorry, I should have checked the facts a little better: you can set the
quality of the compression when saving:

img ='old.jpg')
img.thumbnail((640,480), Image.ANTIALIAS)'new.jpg', quality=95)

Now PIL is definitely the way to go. :)


Re: Scaling pictures

2006-12-29 Thread cyberco
PIL is certainly a fine option, but I noticed that the scaled images
(scaled with the ANTIALIAS filter) are not as good as you can get with,
say, Photoshop. Maybe I'm just expecting too much, but I wish I could
choose a higher quality rescaling algorithm. PIL still rocks though.

On Dec 28, 2:32 pm, Ravi Teja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kajsa Anka wrote:
  I would like some advice, I'm going to build a small app that will, among
  other things, scale images so that they can be published on a web site. I've
  never done any image processing in python before so I would like to ask what
  is the best way of doing this, I will not do anything else than scaling the

  I found the Python Imaging Library but before I dive into that I would like
  to know if there is a better way of doing this.Yes. Python Imaging Library 
  (PIL) is the preferred Python way to do
 this. The example is right in the 

 from PIL import Image
 import glob, os

 size = 128, 128

 for infile in glob.glob(*.jpg):
 file, ext = os.path.splitext(infile)
 im =
 im.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) + .thumbnail, JPEG)


Re: Is python for me?

2006-11-22 Thread cyberco
One resource you should always keep at hand is this extremely useful
Quick Reference:

Study it carefully, there is a lot in there that can teach you about
how Python works. Fire up IPython as well and start hacking!



ElementTree: namespace declaration in each element?

2006-11-19 Thread cyberco
The (excellent) ElementLibrary ads namespaces to each element when
writing the tree back to a file.
Say I do:

tree = ET.parse('playlist.xml')
snip: adding/removing elements

with the following XML:

playlist version=1 xmlns=;
titleKick off!/title

Writing the tree out after adding/removing elements results in:

ns0:playlist version=1 xmlns:ns0=;
ns0:titleKick off!/ns0:title


Unfortunately the client that needs to consume this XML can't handle
the 'ns0:' part of each tag. Is there a way to output XML similar to
the input?


Re: ElementTree: namespace declaration in each element?

2006-11-19 Thread cyberco
 written by a it's the bytes, not the data guy, obviously ;-)

hehehe...I figured it was. Wonder 'who' it was... ;)

 the standard serializer in 1.2 doesn't support default namespaces, so
 the quickest way to do this is to loop over all tags (use getiterator),
 strip off the {}; prefix, add an xmlns attribute
 to the root (if necessary), and write it out.

OK, that's what I was already doing. Thanks.
Will the standard serializer in 1.3 support default namespaces?


edit text in a file and save it again

2006-11-19 Thread cyberco
I must be overlooking something here... I'm trying to edit a line in a
text file. I thought this was easy with fileinput, but all examples do
not write the line back to the file but simply 'print' it. I want to
open the file, edit the line and save it again. Is fileinput the right
module for that?


Which date will it be 'over x days'?

2006-09-18 Thread cyberco
I must be overlooking something since I can't find a simple way to
calculate which date it will be over, say, 9 days. I checked the
datetime, time and calendar modules, but none of them seem to have a
function to calculate the time offset.


OT: Search for python in Norway

2006-05-31 Thread cyberco
Although the climate wouldn't make you think so, but searching for
python is hot in Norway:

I wonder what the explanation could be.

Btw: Java seems to be all the rage in India :)


Re: python about mobile game?

2006-05-01 Thread cyberco


Re: mod_python + apache + winxp = nogo

2006-04-09 Thread cyberco
Thanks Jim, I indeed did not look in the mailinglist archive (you have
to subscribe for that and Google didn't cache it yet).

The problem was indeed the missing .DLL's. After adding them to my
'PATH' variable apache was at least able to start. Unfortunately things
still don't work. When I try to load a .py file I get the error:

[Sun Apr 09 14:03:46 2006] [error] make_obcallback: could not import
[Sun Apr 09 14:03:46 2006] [error] python_handler: no interpreter
callback found.
[Sun Apr 09 14:03:46 2006] [error] [client]
python_handler: Can't get/create interpreter., referer:

This seems more like a bug in mod_python. Any suggestions?


Re: mod_python + apache + winxp = nogo

2006-04-09 Thread cyberco
Hi Jim,

Thanks, I'll sign up for the mailinglist, but to finish the story here:

- I only have one version of Python installed
- From the Python interpreter I can import the mod_python module just
- At starup the Apache log states:
[Sun Apr 09 22:16:38 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.55 (Win32)
mod_python/3.2.5b Python/2.4.2 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sun Apr 09 22:16:38 2006] [notice] mod_python: Creating 8 session
mutexes based on 0 max processes and 250 max threads.



Re: mod_python + apache + winxp = nogo

2006-04-09 Thread cyberco


mod_python + apache + winxp = nogo

2006-04-07 Thread cyberco
And I thought this would be trivial...getting mod_python to run within
apache on windows XP.

mod_python 3.2.8
apache 2.0.55

After adding:
LoadModule python_module modules/

to apache's httpd.conf, apache refuses to start, saying:
cannot load c:/path/ into server: the specified module
could not be found

'' is in the modules folder under apache, though.

I've searched everywhere, but could not find a solution. Anybody here
that has been successful in getting this combo to work?


Import in a separate thread

2006-02-25 Thread cyberco
I want to import a long list of modules in a separate thread to speed
things up. How can I make the modules imported in that separate thread
accessible outside the method?

import os

# import rest in a separate thread
def importRest():
import audio
import socket

# audio.somemethod()  would fail here


Re: Import in a separate thread

2006-02-25 Thread cyberco
Well, it is for the python implementation for Nokia Series 60 phones,
and loading lots of modules in such constrained environments can
certainly slow things down. The splashscreen idea is what I want to do,
but that requires the loading to continue in a background thread.
