Re: using names before they're defined

2006-07-27 Thread davehowey

  Hiya, you might be interested in this alternative config parsing

 Yes, I know it. But I don't like it. Either a simple ini file do the
 trick, or I need a full blown app-specific DSL - which can be as simple
 as a Python file with dicts, lists, etc !-)

What do you mean? I don't really understand. I had a blast with
configobj and seems to be ok - quite straightfoward for the type of ini
file I'm using. configparser prob the same... it's kind of 'much over
muchness' as they say



Re: using names before they're defined

2006-07-26 Thread davehowey
  do you mean 'configparser'?


  Does it generate objects from the config file automatically?

 It generates a representation of the config file as a Python object
 composed of sections and options. The documentation should get you started.

Hiya, you might be interested in this alternative config parsing

seems to offer a bit more than configparser



extender method

2006-07-26 Thread davehowey
'Learning Python' by Lutz and Ascher (excellent book by the way)
explains that a subclass can call its superclass constructor as

class Super:
   def method(self):
   # do stuff

class Extender(Super):
   def method(self):
   Super.method(self)   # call the method in super
   # do more stuff - additional stuff here

I'm trying to use this for a superclass called 'component' in the
constructor. I have different types of component (let's say for
arguments sake resistor, capacitor etc). When I instantiate a new
resistor, say, I want the constructor to call the constructor within
the component superclass, and then add some resistor-specific stuff.

Now, this is fine using the above code. Where I'm struggling is with
argument passing. The following, for example, doesn't seem to work:

class Super:
   def __init__(self, **kargs): = kargs

class Extender(Super):
   def __init__(self, **kargs):
   Super.__init__(self, kargs)   # call the constructor method in Super
   # do additional extender-specific stuff here

What am I doing wrong? I get:
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
WARNING: Failure executing file:



Re: using names before they're defined

2006-07-24 Thread davehowey
  First case is a little shorter but then you have to use a parser for it

 There's one builtin.

do you mean 'configparser'? I'm just trying to figure out how this
works. Does it generate objects from the config file automatically?



Re: using names before they're defined

2006-07-21 Thread davehowey

 Also, I gave the example using Python code as 'config' format, but any
 structured enough text format could do, ie JSON, XML, or even ini-like:

 # schema.ini
 objects = turbine1, frobnicator2


yes, I like the idea of using .ini type file format or XML, very much.
There are parser available which will automatically building python
objects from this, won't they (like configparser)? I'll have to get
reading over the weekend...

 def get_class_by_name(name):
   return globals()[name]

 QD way to retrieve the class object (Python's classes are themselves
 objects) known by it's name (as a string).

ok, so it actually returns the class object itself.
One thing that confuses me is that objects have a name ( but
object instances also have a name (e.g. myspecialturbine = turbine(...)
 how do I discover the name 'myspecialturbine' ?). And object
instances have a class name too ('turbine'). Aaargh, too many names!
what if just want to know what the name of the instance is (in this
case 'myspecialturbine'?)

Right. I'll have a go at pulling all this together over the weekend
hopefully. Hurrah! Thanks for all the help, to everyone.


Re: using names before they're defined

2006-07-20 Thread davehowey

thanks for your mail.

 In Digital electronics we have what are called netlists, (and also
 component lists)

yes, years back I did a 3rd year project on a 'logic simulator' which
used the kind of thing you are talking about. I think spice does as
well. Fortunately my problem is a little simpler, phew. [by the way, as
an aside, check out modelia/dymola for some really powerful simulation
stuff - it uses powerful symoblic algebra
algorithms to derive system equations and the solve them numerically]

 With a bit more effort you can create component and link factories
 that will name instances with the variable they are assigned to
 without having to put that information in twice.

sorry - could you explain a bit more? sounds interesting and also
brings me onto another question that has been bugging me, which is, if
I want to create components (as object instances) at run time (rather
than through a python code imported in), how do I do this? i.e. if I
hardcoded something like
turbine1 = turbine(...)
then python knows that turbine1 is a turbine. but if I had say some
kind of user interface and I want to create turbine1 (or suchlike) on
the fly, how do I actually do that? how do I create objects after run



Re: using names before they're defined

2006-07-20 Thread davehowey

Could you just talk me through this... is it:

 schema = {'turbine1': {'class': 'Turbine',
'upstream' : ('frobnicator2',),
'downstream' : () # nothing,
   'frobnicator2' : {'class' : 'Frobnicator',
 'upstream' : (),
 'downstream' : ('frobnicator2',),

ok, so schema is a dictionary of different components, defining what
class they are and what they're connected to.

 def get_class_by_name(name):
   return globals()[name]

what does this function do exactly?

 def chain_from_schema(schema):
   objects = {}   # so objects is our list of objects ?
   for name, desc in schema:   # can you step through a dictionary like this?
  klass =  get_class_by_name(desc['class'])   # does this create an object 
 called klass?
  objects[name] = klass()

sorry for being dim..


using names before they're defined

2006-07-19 Thread davehowey
I have a problem. I'm writing a simulation program with a number of
mechanical components represented as objects. When I create instances
of objects, I need to reference (link) each object to the objects
upstream and downstream of it, i.e.

supply = supply()
compressor = compressor(downstream=combustor, upstream=supply)
combuster = combuster(downstream=turbine, upstream=compressor)

the problem with this is that I reference 'combustor' before is it
created. If I swap the 2nd and 3rd lines I get the same problem
(compressor is referenced before creation).

aargh!!! any ideas on getting around this?



Re: using names before they're defined

2006-07-19 Thread davehowey
Iain, thanks - very helpful.

Really I'm trying to write a simulation program that goes through a
number of objects that are linked to one another and does calculations
at each object. The calculations might be backwards or fowards (i.e.
starting at the supply or demand ends of the system and then working
through the objects). And also, I might have multiple objects linked to
a single object (upstream or downstream) - e.g. compressor -- multiple
combusters - turbine

I like your idea of using something like a setStreams method to
establish the linking. The streams do reflect each other, although
having many-to-one and vice versa will complicate that. I have not
quite got my head around having multiple links. In C++ I would be
thinking about something like a linked-list but I'm not sure that's the
right approach here.



Re: using names before they're defined

2006-07-19 Thread davehowey

Thanks. An issue is that I need to be able to link multiple objects to
a single object etc.
Say for example using the previous wording, I might have compressor -
multiple combustors - turbine

this complicates things slightly.

my current thought is to do a two stage initialisation

1. create the objects
compressor = compressor()
combuster1 = combuster()
combuster2 = combuster()


2. link them = [combuster1, combuster2]) = compressor)

h I need to give it some more though, particularly how I solve all
the linked objects (which is the point)



Re: using names before they're defined

2006-07-19 Thread davehowey
 Even if you need to do something during attachment of components it is
 more Pythonic to use properties. So you will write a method in your
 class name something like _set_up(self,upstream_obj) an  _get_up(self).
  And then at the end of your class put up=property(_get_up, _set_up).
 You can still use the compr.up=... format.

sorry, I don't quite follow. what are properties?

 Also, you might want to re-think your OO design. It seem that all of
 your components do a lot of things in common already. For one they all
 are connected to other components like themselves, they also propably
 will have method to do some computing, perhaps send or receive stuff
 from other components, or they all will implement somekind of an event
 model. In that case you could create a generic component class and
 sublass the specific implementations from it.

yes, I already do this - I have a component class and then the other
components inherit from it.

