Re: How to test if an object IS another object?

2005-06-12 Thread eloff777
Sorry about removing my message, I posted with the wrong google
account, I don't really want my email where those irritating spam bots
can find it.

The most obvious way (as usual ?):

if obj1 is obj2:
  // your code here

I immediately thought of is, and tested it in the console, but it
didn't work quite like I expected:

foo = 3
bar = 3
zoo = foo
foo is zoo
foo is bar
zoo is bar

clearly foo and bar have the same value but they are different objects
aren't they? Yet applying the is operator yields True.



Re: How to test if an object IS another object?

2005-06-12 Thread eloff777
Fascinating. With small strings, it uses the same object, and with
small numbers like 3. With 300 they were different objects (why,
shouldn't they both be ints still?)

Mutable objects functioned differently as you suggested:

foo = []
bar = []
foo == bar
foo is bar

Tuples (which are immutable) also appear to be reused

foo = ()
bar = ()
foo is bar

Thanks for your help, I know how to solve the problem now.
